3582 Uppsatser om Future Financing - Sida 20 av 239
Granföryngring på tallmark, hur ofta förekommer det? :
This survey was made during the summer of 2004 and the spring of 2005, on commission
from the National Board of Forestry.
The aim of this report was to investigate how often Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst), is planted on poor Scotch pine (Pinus Silvestries) sites and if it affects the yield of Norway spruce? In order to investigate this, data from 29 stands witch had a lower site index than T24 was collected. The investigated stands were situated in the southern-eastern Sweden. In 20 plots in each stand, the highest tree, age, number of seedlings, site index and tree species per stand were measured.
Kommunikationen av ett internationellt varumärke -En studie om IKEA
The transformation within the swedish infrastructure has been a slow process from thebeginning of time. For almost a decade, the traditional form of contracting regardingbuildings and foremost infrastructure has evolved contracting involving the owner to definethe outcome of the product, regardless involvement from the supposed contractor. As forthe swedish market, the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) have been the primary choice ofcontracting. Although changes have been made over time regarding contracting formswithin the road administration, the railway sector has not improved or justified changesregarding choice of contracting, they have conducted same contracting relationshipsbetween them and the contractor.This bachelor thesis, conducted at the Swedish railway administration with supervision ofprofessor Kristian Widén at Lunds University, explores the forces behind the new era ofcontracting within the railway administration. This bachelor thesis focuses mainly oncontracting regarding design-build-operate-main (DBOM), the new contracting formulabetween the owner and the contractor.
HUR KAN VI REDUCERA DEN INTERNA ÖVERGÖDNINGEN SAMT REGLERA ALGBLOMNINGAR FRÅN ATT NÅ EGENTLIGAÖSTERSJÖNS KUSTZON ?? : En vision om att återfå en balans i Östersjön genom att skörda algöverskott och använda biomassan som en framtida råvara.
The Baltic Sea is one of the world?s most polluted seas. Increased discharge of nutrients due to greater populations of people, together with a slow water exchange, creates great stress on the sea. Too much nutrients leads to increased growth of algae and causes problem in the ecosystem. Even if we reduce nutrient discharge the problem still exist in the ocean. When algae dies and sinks, more nutritional substances is produced called "internal eutrophication". This phenomenon will grow in the future due to a warmer climate and the problem is spreading towards the coastal zone, which is an important site for fish recreation. By removing the abundance of algae, the nutritional and toxic substances are reduced and the algae biomass can be a future resource for biofuel production..
Hinder och drivkrafter för ett medlemskap i en bilpool
This study focuses on carpooling and how carpools can be better integrated into today's society. The purpose of the study is to investigate what affects the motorist?s decisions to become a member of a carpool. The study will highlight the barriers and drivers of membership in a carpool. It is important for the future to change the attitude of motorists and get more motorists to choose more sustainable modes, as is the concept of carpooling is a good solution.The study is based on a qualitative approach with six respondents from the Eskilstuna municipality.
Kapitalstruktur i svenska aktiebolag : En studie om påvisade faktorers egentliga påverkan på kapitalstruktur
In order for companies to be competetive on the market, there?s a need of capital. If a company is in a need of capital to make major investments and isn?t able to prioritize internal funding, the priority will be external financing with safe securities; loans. How companies should prioritize the allocation between equity and debt, which together form value, leads us to the subject of capital structure.
Anpassning och optimering av checkprogram för AW139
Presently Sjöfartsverket do their maintenance according to a standard program, which means that every maintenance task will be done when the task limit occurs. This leads to a very long downtime for the aircraft in some occasions and very short downtime in others. The goal with this work is to reach a higher regularity of the aircraft operation. To reach a higher regularity for the operational needs, this work will present a hypothetic better maintenance concept for Swedish Maritime Administration. The concept is based on equalized maintenance structure, which means that every maintenance occasions are meant to take the same time to perform.
Varför går företag i konkurs? : Företagsledares förklaringar ur ett meningsskapandeperspektiv
This paper is about sensemaking. By using sensemaking we have derived bankruptcy factors from business leaders? own statements about their bankruptcies. The focus in this paper is to ensure how business leaders create meaning about the bankruptcies, which is also our research question.To make the study feasible, we used a method that corresponds well to the purpose of our work. The collection of data started with collecting a number of newspaper articles with direct quotes from business leaders.
Föräldrars upplevelser då barnet har ADHD liknande symtombild
The aim of this essay is to examine how parents to children with large undiagnosed behaviour problems experience the parent role and the support they can obtain in their role as parents.To get a deeper description of the parent?s situation a qualitative method is used for the study. The interview carried out through a personal meeting and a question schedule with opened questions where used.The answers of the interview show that parents experience lot of problems. The children don?t get the support in school that the parent think they need because the child don?t have diagnose.
"Tänk så bodde man kvar hela livet" : Tankar kring eget boende hos ungdomar i gymnasiesärskolan
The last 1½ decade young people with intellectual disabilities have been a part of my life. My now 13 year old son and several pupils I have taught as a teacher in the compulsory school. Their future and what will affect their lives has always been interesting to me. How do I affect them, why do I do the things I do and think the way I think? This study springs out of that curiosity.
Folkbiblioteket och postmoderniteten en hermeneutisk studie av debatten om folkbiblioteket i DIK Forum 1998-2002
The main issue of this master is to investigate what influence the phenomenon of postmodernity has on the Swedish public library. Is it possible to talk about the Swedish public library as postmodern, and if so, is it expressed by a postmodern discourse? The concept of postmodernity is defined as an open and inclusive value system where all kind of opinions and preferences take place. According to a postmodern point of view there is no such thing as an objective or general truth. A postmodern ideology does not talk about reality but about realities.
Stora Enso : Vägen till ett lyckat hållbarhetsarbete
There is an ongoing reorganization within media industries today as they adapt to new and changing demands - the environment is changing fast and the organizations with it. The development of new technology is contributing to new forms of media distribution in the present media industry. The structure of media organizations is getting flatter and the co-workers are getting a new and bigger role. All this is bringing new challenges for the leaders of the organization. Caught in the middle of these new structures is the middle manager who now is facing different demands from all sides.
Från blogginlägg till nyhet : ???????En kvantitativ studie om hur journalister använder sociala nätverk för att hitta nyheter
The aim of our study was to examine how Swedish journalists use the three social networks Facebook, Twitter and blogs to find news. We wanted to study which group of journalists that were using these networks most frequently and why. We also wanted to find out which of the three networks they use the most.We made a questionnaire which we sent out by e-mail to 400 Swedish journalists. 215 of them participated in our study.We analyzed the results of the responses from the questionnaire and discussed patterns and relations between them.The study establishes that the majority of the respondents believe that the networks are very useful and effective in their work.Our results show that out of the three social networks the journalists who participated in our study prefer to use blogs as sources in their line of work, as they are full of information from individuals and contain unique facts and stories.Alongside the results we discussed how social networks might be used in the future of journalism. Most of the respondents are aware of the possibility that they may need to increase the usage of them eventually, and that they will be an important part of the journalistic work process in the future. .
Lagring av kyla i bergrum : Undersökning av ett nedlagt oljebergrum
This thesis considers the use of an oldrock cavern as thermal energy storage.With a large system of differentchillers a model was created to find anappropriate future system. There aremainly two trajectories to take. Eitheran installation of chillers needs to bemade or the rock cavern can be used tomeet the future demand of districtcooling in Solna, Sweden. Additionallythis thesis investigates the possibleuse of different techniques to utilizethe phase change energy of water.Simulation shows that it?s possible toutilize the phase-change energy of afluid; however it?s not economicallyfeasible due to the thermodynamiceffects on the Carnot cycle.
SPELA MERA : ?vidareutveckling av design och funktion på Interaktiva VideoTerminaler
This Master of Science thesis is conducted at the faculty Integrated Product Development at theRoyal Institute of Technology and in cooperation with EssNet Interactive AB, both situated inStockholm. In the report the final results and the road to get there is described as well as thedesign process and how the process is used to obtain the goal of this thesis.The author of this thesis has developed the design and the function of an interactive videoterminal (IVT) and by using semantics created an encouraging gaming design. The projectspurpose was to change the anonymous withheld shape and produce an experience of gamingmachine that has been absent. The work was aimed to answer the question: How does oneproceed to develop the IVT and by using semantics creating an understanding of gamingmachine?In general the author wants to show that small changes, with the help of design and its signals,can completely change the overall picture of a product.
Dokumentationsprocessen. En dokumentering av föremål på Smålands Nation
This essay aims to report on the process of our documentation of art objects in the care of Smålands nation in Uppsala as a part of our education in museology and cultural heritage studies. The nation has a long history and our documentation shows many valuable objects reflecting this. The care of these objects is substandard and in great need of change. Our work process has involved photography and research about each object, the information has then been registered in our catalogue. The documentation has, besides the catalogue, generated a plan for future management and storage of the collection.