

4521 Uppsatser om Future City - Sida 60 av 302

Rekreationsanpassade skogsskötselplaner för friluftsområdena Mellsta och Skräddarbacken i Borlänge :

This Master thesis is performed at the request of the forest company Mellanskog and the local municipality of Borlänge in Sweden and aims to establish recreational adjusted forest management plan for the areas of Mellsta and Skräddarbacken in Borlänge. In all types of urban forestry it is very important that the management plan are accepted by the general public. To make sure that also these plans of future measures, pass in the public, interview studies have been performed in which the public wishes and interests have been examined and applied in the management plan. To make sure that future measures in the forest may be accepted by the public when the forest harvester enters the woods, it is very important that a well functional work of information has been made. The people living close by the forest shall have been informed a couple of weeks before the time of measures and it must also be good information available that explains what is to be done and why.

Mellanlitteratur på bibliotek och i recensioner

This thesis investigates the reception of middle literature novels among critics in Swedish newspapers and at Swedish libraries. Works by three authors were chosen as representatives for middle literature: Helen Fielding, Nick Hornby and Tony Parsons. The investigation is based on interviews with librarians at the Gothenburg City Library, the total purchased number of books at public libraries in Sweden and analysis of Swedish newspaper reviews. The result is compared with theories by literary sociologists as Jofrid Karner Smidt, Janice Radway, Erland Munch-Petersen and Staffan Bergsten among others. It was found out that literary scientists and critics had a different way of looking at middle literature.

Ovisshetens flytt. - En kvalitativ studie baserad på ensamkommande flyktingbarns berättelser

This study is about children that have been forced to flee to another country, due to conflict, poverty or natural disasters, without their families. They are known as unaccompanied refugee children. The aim of the study is to, by focusing on individual children's feelings and experiences of being forced to flee create greater knowledge and understanding of what is hidden behind some of the statistic of migration.To answer the aim of the study, I used the following research questions: How is a child affected by being forced to leave home and to flee to a foreign country? How does an unaccompanied refugee child perceive the exodus? How do the unaccompanied refugee children handle their situation during the flight and at arrival in Sweden?The study is based on a qualitative method and consists in semi-structured interviews with five unaccompanied refugee children aged 17 to 21. The theoretical framework is based on three theoretical concepts; refugee crisis, identity and coping.The study results show that these children are a very vulnerable group, who were forced to be exposed to several losses and traumas.

Dynamisk investeringsstrategi på den svenska aktiemarknaden

The purpose of this paper is to investigate if a dynamic investment strategy on the Swedish asset market can accomplish better returns then a static investment strategy. The dynamic investment strategy is created by incorporating business cycle predictors and firm-level variables to predict future stock returns. The predictive regression is calculated wih 60 months of observation (1999 01-2005 12) and is then used to estimate future returns for 23 months in the period 2004 01 -2005 11. The structure of the regression, with linear functions of ? and ?, goes back to Shanken (1990) and Avramov and Chordia (2005) has had success with the variables chosen.

Dragare, täckningsgrader och önskelådor : systematisering och råd för grönplanearbete

We came in contact with the project "Grönplan Danderyd" that aims to create a green structure plan for a municipality of Stockholm called Danderyds kommun. Our thesis is a part of this project and makes it's contribution through the gathering and systematization of the knowledge of the functions of an urban green structure. It also makes a contribution through suggesting how this knowledge can be applied during the construction of an urban green structure plan. We found that "Stadens parker och natur", published by the Swedish National board of Housing, Building and Planning, was a recurrent source of information in the green structure plans that we studied. We saw a need of complementary additions and updates to the rather old report and found literature that adds the developments of the last decade. First of all we have chosen to make themes based on the functions of a green structure that were presented by 'Stadens parker och natur'. The themes we suggest that a greenplanning document manage are: Recreation, Pedagogies and Heath, Biological Diversity, Green structure in the History of Building Cities, Cultural Identity, the Health of the City, Biological Technology in the Municipality and Use and the Users. We found good examples of how to handle these themes in documents that handle greenstructure planning from the municipalities of Göteborg, Strängnäs, Eskilstuna, Malmö, Lund, Västerås and Uppsala.

Kungsängsverket : ett reningsverk omvandlas till park

Today, there are few industries left in our cities. Industrial areas thatare located in urban settings close to water or city centers are oftenreplaced by housing. In my thesis I want to explore how such industrialsite located in an urban setting can be transformed into anindustrial park where the industrial structures are saved. By approachingthis type of environment in a positive manner, I wish tohighlight the potential aesthetic and functional value in the existingindustrial structure. Through the transformation and design of anexisting industrial site I will convey the previous use and history ofthe place.The wastewater treatment plant, Kungsängsverket, is located in thedistrict of Kungsängen in the southern part of Uppsala.

Betydelsen av särskilda undervisningsgrupper : tio elevers upplevelser

The purpose of this study is to gain additional knowledge and a greater understanding of pupils experiences of joining a special teaching group.  The study focuses on pupils with special needs and the ambition has been to get a student perspective of how they perceive their education with special support. In addition, the study is concerned with how pupils perceive their special support and whether this has any relevance to their learning, development and future goals.This study is based on Urie Bronfenbrenners theory The ecology of human development. The theoretical perspective highlights the interaction between the pupils and the school environment, which is important for development and learning. The study is based on a qualitative research method in the form of interviews.

En studie i visuell sponsorkommunikation med fotboll som arena : Vilken typ av sponsorkommunikation är passande vid matchvärdskap och finns det utrymme för nytänkande?

Time changes, so also in sport. The small venues become larger and more modernized. As stadiums grows, so also does sponsorship and its popularity, around them. Is it enough as a sponsor only to expose yourself these days, or does the new times require more creativity to stand out from all the media?This work is done for Stadium AB in Norrköping, and treats questions such as; what type of sposnorcummunication that is proper to use around the soccer stadium, and if it is possible for new ideas in the future when Stadium is hosting a game? To answer these questions theory has been read about sponsorship and data has been gathered through qualitative interviewswith soccer clubs and sponsorship consultants.The work result shows that there are some general rules that the company should follow tosucceess when hosting a game.

Sverige i New York : -

Many companies choose to position themselves in New York. The city is one of the main cities when it comes to advertising. The competition is strong and for new companies, it is hard to survive on the market.In our thesis we have investigated how Swedish people, who open new advertising agencies in New York, should market themselves to be successful on the market in New York.To gain as much information as possible about this subject, we traveled to New York and interviewed three advertising agencies, who were started by Swedes, and also the Consulate General of Sweden, and Swedish Trade Council.Our investigation resulted in that the best way to be successful on the American market is to differentiate your work from what the market has to offer. By doing this potential customers may find your work interesting and thereby chose to work with your company..

Är det lönsamt att ta hänsyn till temperatursvängningar? : En fallstudie om prognostisering på Karlstads Energi

Being able to predict the future had been an invaluable competitive advantage for any corporation. Forecasting is a vital part of any business, hence a good forecast allows enterprises to invest in a beneficial way. However, there are several ways to prepare forecasts and the forecast methodology can vary. An industry that is dependent on forecasts is the energy industry. By predicting consumers' energy consumption, Swedish energy companies can hedge on the Nordic power market Nord Pool.

Mötesplatser i små tätorter : funktion och gestaltning

This bachelor thesis in Landscape Architecture is about the planning and design of public spaces in small towns in Sweden. My opinion is that the small towns often are overlooked and my determination is to see if that is right. The purpose with this thesis in Landscape Architecture, with focus on a durable society is to find the central public places in small towns and evaluate their function. This thesis has a focus on good design of central public spaces, designed for the inhabitants of the small towns. A small town, which is the focus of this thesis, is defined to have 200-2000 inhabitants. The small towns, which often are built around industries or the railway, have since the nineteen seventies a problem with people leaving them for the cities in the urbanization. Currently there is also the opposite trend with people moving out from the cities, but to live on the country side, not in the small towns.

Cone. En armatur som bärs upp av sin egen ljuskägla.

Inspired by how to sketch a light cone from a flashlight in a comic I wanted to create an armature carried only by its own light cone. To manage this challenge I sketched in an architectural and sculptural way, where I chose to ignore the function of the lamp as long as possible.As a result I developed an armature with a stunning shape, with an illusion that it was carried by its own light cone. It could be hanged on a wall, placed on a table, pushed against a ceiling or standing on the floor.Depending of its size the light cone from the light source lightens up the surface and draws attention to the otherwise forgotten wallpaper or the undisposed statue in the darkness of the city..

Hot och risker med dricksvattenförsörjning : Förutsättningari tid och rum för bevarande av Sundsvalls och Timrås dricksvattenförsörjning

This study describes what impact activity within Wifstas, Matfors,Grönstas and Nolbys water protection areas have on the quality of the drinkingwater. It considers the use of the area, environmentally dangerous activitiesin the past and present, the geology?s part, what harm hydroelectric power damsmay cause if they break and how climate change might affect the area in thefuture. It also takes into consideration activities outside the waterprotection areas which might have a suspected impact on the water quality. Theresults of the study are that pollution from infrastructure such as roads, orwastewater from treatment plants may cause occasional contamination of thedrinking water, foremost due to flooding.

En grundläggande modell för att beskriva stadens ljudbild med utgångspunkt i dess rytm

The purpose of this essay is to state a fundamental model which can describe the sounds of the city, emphasizing on its rhythm. The essay is based on a theoretical study that deals with essential elements to describe a soundscape. The theories presented are founded on R. Murray Schafer's theses about soundscapes, Bert De Coensels theses about rhythmical sound patterns and Ambjörn Hugardts view on rhythm. The model that is presented stresses the importance of a multidisciplinary perspective when one attempts to understand and describe a soundscape.

Hantering av risk i en Leveraged Buyout-miljö: Ägarförändringsklausulen, ett nytt fenomen?

The change of control clause is nowadays a well used covenant in the Eurobond market, with the aims to protect bondholders in case of a leveraged buyout. This thesis intend to evaluate whether the change of control clause is a new phenomenon in the Eurobond market today and to estimate what have been the driven force for the popularity of it. The thesis found that the change of control clause already existed before and thus it is not a new phenomenon. Several factors where found though to explain the extended use of the clause today. Starting in 2005 the LBO activity increased rapidly, exposing almost every company to the risk of LBO.

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