

463 Uppsatser om Functioning - Sida 3 av 31

Erkännande och verkställighet av utländska domar : Kommer det komma en tid för full implementering av principen om ömsesidigt förtroende?

The economical and judicial cooperation that EU constitutes results in that there is an increasing amount of international disputes arising. These international disputes in turn result in questions concerning private international law. The principle of mutual trust is not only an important principle in the entire judicial cooperation but especially important in the area of private international law. The principle means that the member states have to trust each other and the different legal systems. The aim of the principle is to ensure a well Functioning internal market that is permeated by free circulation and freedom of establishment.

Omvårdnadsdokumentationens betydelse & utveckling - med fokus på VIPS & ICF

Sjuksköterskan är dokumentationsskyldig enligt ett flertal lagar och förordningar. Dessa ger oss ramar men inga enhetliga riktlinjer och verktyg för hur strukturen för omvårdnadsdokumentationen ska se ut. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att granska hur den vetenskapliga litteraturen beskriver omvårdnadsdokumentationen utifrån VIPS-modellen och ICF som tillämpbar inom omvårdnadsdomänen. Metoden som användes var litteraturstudie där sammanlagt 18 st. vetenskapliga artiklar granskades.

Ett samarbete om samarbete

The following is an explorative work on various forms of collaboration. The core of our exploration revolves around the idea of co-operation as a tool for examination, a collective working method, the input/output within creative practices as well as a phenomena in its own right? It is however not ?simply? about collaboration, but rather places as much focus on a highly personal search for new working methods, new approaches towards research and on the development of our relationship to graphic design. From beginning to end, the entire project has become a work whereby the term ?we? has been more important than ?me? ? a well-Functioning project with a common purpose: a collaboration, between us..

Bristen på arrendemark som hinder för expansion av lantbruksföretag : arrendelagstiftningens och gårdsstödets påverkan på den svenska arrendemarknaden

Improved profitability, a reasonable yearly income or the possibility to have employees are all incentives for expansion. A prerequisite for farm businesses to expand is for land to be made available, either to buy or to rent. In Sweden, 43 % of the total arable land is leasehold land, which implies that a Functioning leasehold market is of great importance for the Swedish agriculture. Several factors can affect the supply of leasehold land, for instance the leasehold legislation and the Single Payment Scheme. The fact that the leasehold legislation is compulsory, in protection of the leaseholder, might keep land owners from leasing their land out.

Utvärdering av akupunktur som behandling vid ryggömhet hos häst : en pilotstudie

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in China. Written documents concerning veterinary acupuncture has been found dated around 650 B.C. Acupuncture has gained greater acceptance in the western world the last decades and many countries have established their own veterinary acupuncture organizations. Many studies report good results after acupuncture treatment and back pain in horses is considered a good indication for acupuncture treatment. In studies published, the results are subjectively evaluated. To get a qualitative, scientific evaluation of acupuncture treatment, objective measurements, control groups and statistical analysis are needed. This pilot study presents a case where acupuncture has been used for treatment in a horse that was diagnosed with back pain.

Mening ? minne:glömska : En läsning av Birgitta Trotzigs Dykungens dotter

Dag Wellander: Meaning ? memory: oblivion. A reading of Birgitta Trotzig?s The mud kings daughter. Master of Arts paper.

Svenskt venture capital och dess lönsamhet - i ett internationellt perspektiv

In this thesis, the Swedish venture capital market and its profitability is analyzed. Venture capital is defined as capital that is invested in the early stages of a company's life cycle, in the two investment stages seed/start-up and expansion.A common view is that the profitability of Swedish venture capital has not been, is not and will probably not become high either. With this in mind, we try to answer to the following questions in this thesis:? What has the profitability of Swedish venture capital actually been historically?? Which reasons could be found in order to explain the historical returns for Swedish venture capital, and which factors has been identified in international comparative studies between venture capital markets?In order to answer these questions, data showing historical returns for the Swedish, European and American venture capital market has been gathered, an extensive literature study has been performed, and three interviews with participants from the Swedish venture capital market has been conducted.We conclude that the historical returns of Swedish venture capital is in line with the general view that they have been low. We also see a trend where Swedish venture capital funds that are not specialized in one investment stage generate lower returns than more specialized funds.

Kundutredning av deltagande företag i IndustriForums Lean krAft utbildning 2005-2006

This essay is an enquiry about how companies as participated in a Lean pro¬duction education use this education. The essay describes also how one works with the implementation of Lean production and how they believe that they will work. The enquiry tries to create an advisory material for other companies that are in the beginning of implementing their own Lean production systems. There these companies? gets a picture of how other companies have done during their try to create a Functioning Lean production system.

Teorier om socialt liv på offentliga platser : med applicering på Selma Lagerlöfstorg

The undergraduate thesis "Theories on Social Life in Public Places - Applied to Selma Lagerlöf's Torg" consists of two parts: the first part presents theories concerning social life in public places; the second part presents a program for developing Selma Lagerlöf's Torg (a center in a suburb to Gothenburg) into a well-Functioning social environment, i.e. a place where the social life has positive consequences on its participants and on society..

Självstyrande grupper -En organisationslösning för effektivitetsmaximering

The aim of this paper is to investigate to what degree the groups in our inquiry work independently. It is a qualitative research, which points to a well?Functioning unit, that by definition is not self-governing, but has many traits of self- government. We have reached to the conclusion, that complete self?government does not have to be the best solution, if you want both quality and efficiency.

Att komma ut till ingenting : Informationspraktiker hos frigivna interner

In this two-years masters thesis the information practices of former interns are examined in relation to a possible lack of certain kinds of information in the prison environment. The essay is positioned in the research field of information practices which means its looking at all kinds of information, formal and informal. Since the essay is in the field of information practices it means the focus lies in how information is taught whithin contexts and groups. Information is not looked at solely as an individual process but is seen as a collective experience.The method of the essay is that of the qualitative research interview. Besides taking an interest in information practices i investigate whether access of information in prisons could be improved and whether the library organisations could be a part of those improvements.The result of my research shows that information in the prison coming from the correctional institution is not perceived as well Functioning.

Aktivitens betydelse för åldersrelaterad kognitiv försämring

The current paper compares the relations between different measures of activity and some common neuropsychological tests. One-hundred and fifty five healthy elderly, aged 55 - 85, living in Sweden were included. Gender-specific patterns were found for both activities and correlations between activities and cognitive measures. The main findings suggest that activities are associated with cognitive speed in men, whereas, for women, active and passive activities correlate, positively and negatively accordingly, with education. In comparison, complex models of activity outperform simpler ones and theory-driven measures just barely outperform intuitive models..

En nutida analys av reseguidehemsidor

In this research our goal is to conclude the aspects of interactivity which can prove to be important during the creation of a website. The focus in this essay is websites Functioning as travelingguides, because we live in a time of traveling, experiance and learning. How can an analyzing method of websites be shaped? What can an analyze of interactivity on current travelingguides provide for recommendations by the creation of interactive travelingguides? The analyzingmethod is based on three shapingmethods and a poll that was answered by both national and international people. The analyze gave us quite clear results, if you follow the basics of Use Case, Personas, Usability and design, the website will have a bigger chanse of attracting people than if it doesn't..

Implementering av Klassifikation av funktionstillstånd, funktionshinder och hälsa (ICF) inom kommunal äldre- och handikappomsorg : en deskriptiv studie av åtta kommuners införande och användande av ICF

Abstract:Syfte: Att beskriva hur kommunernas äldre- och handikappomsorg infört och använder sig av ICF.Metod: Semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer med representanter för åtta svenska kommuner. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys,Resultat: Resultatet redovisas under två teman. Ett tema handlar om hur kommuner infört ICF i kommunernas äldre- och handikappomsorg, med kategorierna införande i journalstruktur och införande av tankemodell. Ett tema handlar om hur kommunerna använder ICF i kommunernas äldre- och handikappomsorg. Kategorierna under det temat är användning i journalstruktur, användning av tankemodell och problem och utvecklingsbehov. Två olika typer av införande och användningssätt av ICF inom kommunernas äldre- och handikappomsorg framkom i studien.

Herrelösa katter i Skåne : problem och hantering

The large number of surrendered and feral cats is a big animal welfare problem all over the world. Populations of feral cats arise through a large number of unwanted cats which can lead to surrender of these, through cats allowed to roam free outside which can lead to the owner losing these and through the reproduction that occurs amongst these surrendered or lost cats. One aim of this study is to give an account of this problem. It is however difficult to draw general conclusions about these populations of cats since studies all over the world has been carried out on different types of populations, during different conditions and different periods of time. The welfare of many of these cats is presumably low because they are exposed to risks as disease, starvation, climate, traffic, other animals and humans.

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