

463 Uppsatser om Functioning - Sida 2 av 31

Spelmarknadens utveckling och relation till spelproblemen i Sverige 1999-2009 med fokus på män i åldern 18-24 år

The share of problem gamblers increased for men between 18-24 years old during the period 1999-2009, while the share were steady or decreased for other classes of population. This study examines the relation between this development of problem gambling and the Swedish gambling market. The factors that are studied are the Functioning of the market with a focus on the new Internet market for gambling, the games and the underlying risk factors in those, the marketing and other factors outside the gambling market. First a large literature review was made to map the development as detailed as possible. After that a qualitative analysis of the content in television commercials was done to see if they were made for the problem group.

Va?gen till ett va?rdeskapande HR : En kvalitativ studie av personalarbete i en offentlig organisation

The field of work and employment is constantly undergoing changes. In order to help organizations to adjust to new conditions, different models for organizing have been developed. Many of these models are spread worldwide, due to the need for organizations to meet demands of flexibility and efficiency. In this study, a small number of models, which contains solutions of how to organize work in Human Resources, have been selected. The author and scientist Dave Ulrich, who has had a large influence on the development of the work in Human Resources, originally founded these models.The aim of this study was to examine how these models were Functioning, in reference to the different departments of Human Resources labor within the township of Uppsala.

Barriers to Provide Cross Border Services/Case Study Nordea

There is an increase of financial integration, which can be seen in recent mergers of banks, financial institutions etc. in the European Union especially in the Nordic countries. However there are some weaknesses in providing consumers cross border services in the sector of banking, such as cross border bank account transfer of payments. The existing transaction costs do not encourage cross border services. Nevertheless a customer of a global or European bank can anticipate to be treated the same way in all of its branch offices inside the EU countries.

Franska dotterbolags etableringar på den svenska marknaden.

Today?s globalisation has opened up borders between countries as can especially be seen with the opening of the European Union. This has increased possibilities of communication and transportation, which has provided companies with greater expansion opportunities throughout the world. However, difficulties may occur when companies choose to establish abroad, for instance when French companies establish in Sweden through subsidiaries, the lack of knowledge and understanding, when it comes to the business culture, customs, and values within the host country, as well as the culture and the structure within the company, may contribute to misunderstandings and inability to work in an amalgamated manner. These barriers are a cause of unsuccessful penetration within foreign markets.

Metodutveckling för planering och genomförande av dikesrensning med moderna metoder

?Development of methods for the planning and implementation of ditch clearing with modern methods?, is a long title for an exam work but that is what this report describes. In Sweden, we have a limited area available, and with the present development with increasing market oil prices, and enormous forces on the renewable energy sources, we need every hectare possible to protect the output of the forests. So with this in mind, many people are now considering how to increase the production of the forests that are already available. A part of production increases is to manage the existing forests, and not to allow this area to go to cultivation or become marshland. We manage our forests in a way that benefits the environment, and we consider that our working practice over the years has shown us to be correct and well Functioning. A part of our way of producing forests is to ensure that we have Functioning drainage systems in the forest holdings which we administer. The responsible at Holmen Skog requested a good method to make inventories of the drainage systems of Holmen forests. This Degree Project is about ways to identify and implement drainage systems with modern methods. It deals with authorities regulations, and how they operate in different counties.

Preflight utvärdering

PDF-files are to become a native file format in all prepress supplier workflows during 2006. This will give an opportunity to automate and develop a more stream lined prepress workflow. It is desirable to secure digital files by preflight the files early in the process. The objective with this project is therefore to find software that can automate parts of the preflight process and also to build up a well-Functioning preflight workflow for preflighting both PDF-files and native files.Meetings have been held with preflight suppliers to find a solution for how to automate parts of the preflight in the prepress workflow. Seven preflight software companies demonstrated the possibilities with their products and four of these were chosen for continuing working with.

Socialdemokraternas kursändring i Mellanösternpolitiken : a case study on the functioning of political parties

This is a case study on the Functioning of political parties and the aim was to explain ?how? and ?why? the Swedish social democratic party changed their policies in the Middle East politics. I wanted to explain this process of change by using Angelo Panebianco?s framework for the analysis of political parties. Angelo Panebianco´s hypothesis is that all parties must be viewed as organizations to understand their functions.

Mödrar till flickor med Asperger syndrom/högfungerande autism: En jämförelse mellan stressorer och samhällets stöd i Sverige och Spanien

The main purpose of the thesis was to investigate if mothers of girls with Asperger syndrome/high-Functioning autism experienced the same stressors regardless of society and culture or in which way the stressors might differ.A special purpose of the thesis was to investigate if the society by different types of support could relieve stress and eliminate or reduce stressors.The method of the thesis was to interview three mothers in Sweden and three in Spain, who all had a daughter, 10 - 15 years old, with Asperger syndrome or high-Functioning autism.The result shows that mothers in both countries experienced equal level of stress, though the Swedish mothers got more support from the society. However, the stressors differed. For the Spanish mothers the main stressor was the girls´ problems at school. The main stressor for the Swedish mothers was how to find time to fulfil their different roles, e.g. mother, wife, housewife, professional, friend.

Alla pusselbitar behövs : En fallstudie om interprofessionellt teamarbete i äldreomsorgen

When the population is getting older, the need for complex care and nursing interventions in elderly care increases. To create a holistic view of the elder and their life situation, interprofessional team collaboration is often desirable and necessary. Teamwork is often described in positive terms, but previous research has shown that this work method is complicated and requires constant reflection and development. The purpose of this study was to investigate how elderly care teamwork is formed in the interaction between representatives of different professionals. To accomplish this purpose, we have studied how the team members define a well-Functioning teamwork and difficulties, and how consensus is achieved in the team.

Man måste fråga sig, vad är normalt och vad är inte normalt?: en kvalitativ studie angående yrkesverksamma tankar kring Aspergers syndrom, dess förhållande till högfungerande autism, diagnostisering och prognos

What compelled me to write this essay was the ongoing debate about DAMP/ADHD between mainly Eva Kärfve and Christopher Gillberg. The purpose of the essay was to ascertain whether there was a similar debate about Asperger Syndrome. My focus was on the causes of the syndrome, how Asperger Syndrome relates to high-Functioning autism, how the causes of the syndrome are portrayed by the practitioners to those who have been diagnosed with it and their next of kin, how they view the prognosis of individuals with Asperger Syndrome and their thoughts about the method of diagnosis. To gather the material I have used semi-structured interview guides and qualitative interviews. Five interviews were carried out with six practitioners.

Samverkan mellan bibliotek och öppenvård: En fallstudie av biblioterapi i Norrköping

The aim of this bachelor-thesis is to study how the City Library in Norrköping, in collaboration with the outpatient centre, Gränden, has assisted people with substance abuse problems through a bibliotherapeutic reading circle known as, Människor mellan raderna (People between the lines). My theoretical framework is based upon Ruth M. Tews and Berth Danermark?s theories. Tew states that in order to create a well-Functioning team consisting of various professional competences, each individual needs to possess certain character traits including the ability to contribute with their unique competence and an openness to receive and absorb the other participants? contributions.

Pedagogens inverkan på elevgruppens beteende i klassrummet

 My goal with this essay was to find out what makes certain teachers more successful than others to hold good and well Functioning classes. This is important because this in turn affects the learning of the students. I wanted to find out what factors people within the world of research have pointed out as important aspects when creating a good teaching situation, with focus laying on the teacher?s behaviour in the classroom. In my investigation I have used qualitative research, observing two upper secondary school classes, for a total of nine lessons during a two-week period. In my observations I wanted to see if the class as a whole was behaving differently when interacting with different teachers.

Extern- och internrekrytering till ledningsgrupper

Having the right executive group is vital for the success of a company. The complex context, in which the company operates, makes it difficult to create a well Functioning and high performing group. This study aims to investigate how the executive group should be composed in terms of externally and internally recruited people, in order to take full advantage of the positive aspects associated with each one. Furthermore, we will discuss why and when a company chooses to recruit people to the executive group either externally or internally..

Kommunikation och samordning : En studie av internkommunikationen inom Region Värmland

This paper deals with the subject internal communication. We received this assignment from Region Värmland, an organization formed jointly by the 16 municipalities in the county of Värmland, to take responsibility for regional development, growth issues, culture and adult education in Värmland. The organization consists of a number of geographically dispersed units with specialized working areas. In this type of organization, there are high demands on internal communication as a tool to coordinate the organization?s different units and integrate their work, in order to reach the common goals.

Pilotstudie för utformning av modell att uvärdera utrustning

Swedish Trotting association was formed in 1925. They are the ones who design the regulations concerning what is permissible and not permissible for the horse, driver and trainer, when they have a license at a Swedish racing track. The Veterinary department of Swedish Trotting association decides in consultation with representatives from veterinaries around the country what is allowed and not allowed, based proven experience, combined with the availability of scientific data and Veterinary Department's own assessment. After stricter regulations for good animal welfare from the Swedish government, Swedish Trotting association is going to work out a workable model for how new equipment can be tested in the future to see how the equipment affects the horse. In the future, all equipment will be objectively tested before approved. The purpose of this work was to develop a well-Functioning model for this. The research-question for this work is: Is this study design a well-Functioning model of how the equipment should be tested in the future? The equipment used for designing this model was bitless bridle with a bit.

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