690 Uppsatser om Functional grammar - Sida 5 av 46
Kvalitetsupplevelse och Motivation vid konsumtion av en Functional Food
Abstract Denna uppsats behandlar frågeställningar kring konsumenters motivation och kvalitetsupplevelse i samband med köp och konsumtion av Functional Food. Vi har genomgående i uppsatsen haft ett konsument- och ett producentperspektiv för att kunna identifiera skillnader som kan föreligga mellan dessa två. På så sätt utröner vi om konsumentens kvalitetsupplevelse stämmer överens med de mervärden som producenten vill förmedla. Vi har även kartlagt vilka faktorer som motiverar konsumenter till köp av en Functional Food. Till vår hjälp i den empiriska del som grundar sig på kvalitativa djupintervjuer med ladderingteknik har vi haft tillgång till ProViva Active.
Växtanvändning i krävande miljöer : en studie i sydvästra skåne
Vegetation is a much appreciated element in our outdoor environment that has many advantages as well for the climate as for people?s health. However in some types of environments vegetation may be problematic. Especially in urban areas with limited space, solid surfaces, pollutions, and warm and dry climate. In these environments vegetations may have difficulty surviving and moreover it may have a negative impact on the environment around it.
Bakgrundskontroller i svenskt näringsliv - En studie av kontrollförfarandet vid rekrytering till ledningsgrupper
Changes in the labour market combined with an increased media coverage of managers, have resulted in the rise of a new human due diligence industry. The use of background checks has lately become increasingly popular on the Swedish market and many companies use it as an evaluation tool when recruiting. This study investigates differences in the background screening procedure for recruitment to executive management positions and lower level positions. It also aims to answer why background checks are conducted, using a cultural and a functional perspective. The report takes an abductive approach and data has primarily been gathered through a survey directed to large Swedish companies.
Estimation of heterosis and performance of crossbred Swedish dairy cows
The heterosis effect and breed group effect of crossbreds between Swedish Holstein (SH) and Swedish Red (SRB) was estimated in this study. Observations on cows born between 1990 and 2012 were used to estimate the heterosis effect and breed group effect for several traits included in the Nordic breeding goals: production, fertility, udder health, calving performance, survival and other diseases.
Breeding within the Holstein dairy breed has earlier been focused on increased milk production and conformation. This, combined with an intensive use of individual animals, has resulted in a radical increase of milk yield in the Holstein dairy cow population all over the world. However, this breeding strategy has resulted in increased inbreeding and several functional traits have impaired.
Handel med utsläppsrätter inom EU - Möjlighet eller papperstiger
This study in Environmental Science examines the amendment of the EU-Directive on. Greenhouse gas emission allowance trading. The Directive is to be considered as a tool for fulfilling the obligations that the Union and its member countries have taken on through the 1997 Kyoto agreement together with the protocols proposed at that time. The flexible mechanisms of the protocol are intended as instruments for limiting the climatic changes arising from anthropogenic sources, emission allowance trading being one of these mechanisms. The results presented here consist primarily of an analysis of interviews with various experts in the field of emission control concerning the possibilities and problems attending the process of implementation.
Funktionell testning av webbplatser : En fallstudie
Websites are often developed by small businesses, organizations or individuals which may lead to that the testing gets left behind; the focus is on getting a finished product that can be deployed as quickly and as cheaply as possible.Functional testing is important also for websites and a variety of aids exist. With the right tools and methods the development work is facilitated, and it leads to products with fewer faults.This report shows in the form of a case study how an appropriate tool for functional testing can be selected and how it can be used within development of a website. An analysis of the tools available is reported and JSystem is selected as the most appropriate for this case.It turned out that JSystem could not be used fully as intended in terms of deployment, but a well-functioning alternative solution was developed.A number of test cases were created without any unsolvable problems and JSystem performed well. In JSystem test cases in Java are created in Java, which gives a high flexibility..
Nyttjande av korsningar i mjölkproduktionen
Farmers? main reason for crossbreeding dairy cows is that they have seen a decline in functional traits, especially in the Holstein breed. Throughout crossbreeding, the farmers can combine functional and production traits of different dairy breeds and utilize the heterosis effects which emerge when two or more breeds are crossed. Results from different studies with Holstein crossed with Jersey, Brown Swiss, Normande and Scandinavian Red have shown that the crosses had higher fertility, longer productive life, had fewer stillborn calves and had easier calvings than purebred Holstein. The Holstein crosses have shown very good results and sometimes even better than the purebred Holstein for fat production, which gave higher amount of energy corrected milk (ECM) and higher income for the farmers.
Functional Foods-når hälsobudskapet ut?
Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att ge en ökad förståelse för hur hälsobudskapet kankommuniceras på förpackningar och i marknadsföring för att underlätta att budskapet når ut till konsumenterna. Vi har använt oss av en deduktiv ansats för att ta fram antagande om hur functional foodsföretag effektivt ska kommunicera sitt hälsobudskap. Dessa antaganden har vi sedantestat med kvalitativa empiriska undersökningar. Våra intervjuer presenteras i ett empirikapitel som sedan analyseras. I teoriavsnittet har vi använt oss av flera modeller och teorier varav två varit av stor vikt.
Tvåspråkiga barn berättar på ryska och svenska : En explorativ studie om narrativ förmåga hos 6- till 7 åringar
I dagens mångkulturella samhälle är det många barn som talar två eller flera språk. Det är viktigt att kunna bemöta flerspråkiga barn och ge dem rätt språkligt stöd vid behov. Denna studie baseras på MAINs testmaterial som är utformat inom ramarna för COST projekt IS0804 för bedömning av barns narrativa förmåga och använder berättelser till bildserier som ett sätt att samla in barns narrativer. Syftet med studien är att beskriva narrativ förmåga hos tvåspråkiga rysk-svensktalande barn och bidra med referensdata till ovannämnda projekt. Deltagarna var tio simultant tvåspråkiga rysk-svensktalade barn mellan 6:8 och 7:10 samt tre successivt tvåspråkiga barn.
"Det finns en ram, men inom ramen är det ganska fritt" : En kvalitativ studie om genrepedagogik
The purpose with my essay was to investigate how genre pedagogy works in a practical manor? I wanted to reach a deeper understanding for the genre pedagogy and to find out if it fits all students. To investigate this issue I have asked following questions:What is genre pedagogy?How do teachers work with different genres in the genre pedagogy?For whom is the genre pedagogy?Is the critic right that Frøydis Hertzberg is proposing about the genre pedagogy formalism? I have been using qualitative methods, to gather my empirical data. I have been using two unstructured interviews and one unsystematically observation, in a third grade class in a school south of Stockholm, with 30% second language students.
Kto-to, vyidya iz doma, popadet pod mashinu : om översättningen av gerundier i rysk skönlitteratur till svenska.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how gerunds in Russian literature are translated into Swedish, and to discuss how this is described in different grammar publications and articles.Syftet med denna uppsats är att se hur ryska gerundier översätts till svenska i skönlitteratur, och att diskutera hur detta beskrivs i olika grammatikor och artiklar..
Livskvalitet 2-7 år efter allogen stamcellstransplantation
This is an empirical cross-sectional study with the aim to examine the patient?s comprehension about their quality of life within two to seven years after their stem-cell transplantation with reference to physical, social, emotional, psychological and functional wellbeing and to investigate if the patient groups have disease specific problems. Differences in quality of life between men and women and also between allogeneic and stem cell transplantation with an unrelated donor (URD) were studied. The measurement Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) and the bone marrow transplant subscale (BMT) is a 49 item, valid and reliable measure that was used. The questionnaire was answered by 43 of 47 patients (91%).There is a significant difference between men and women in physical, social and functional wellbeing.
Gymnasievalet - en marknadsinriktad kamp om eleverna? : En kritisk diskursanalys av fyra gymnasieskolors webbtexter
Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur gymnasieskolors webbtexter kan förstås i förhållande till diskurs. För att undersöka detta utgår jag från Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys och den systemisk-funktionella grammatiken (SFG). Jag undersöker fyra webbtexter som beskriver fyra olika gymnasieskolor ? två privata och två kommunala skolor.Uppsatsens ansats är språkvetenskaplig. Stor vikt läggs därför vid den systemisk-funktionella grammatiken.
En trädgård, en boksamling och det väl valda ordet : genrepedagogik för skriftspråksutveckling hos framgångsrika respektive mindre framgångsrika skriftspråkare i gymnasiet
This is a qualitative analysis that, based on systemic functional linguistics, or SFL, and genre theory, has aimed to study the genre pedagogical implications on written language as they occur in narrative stories and expositions whilst the model is introduced. Systemic functional linguistics is a linguistic theory that views the organisation of language as functional options for meaning; language is a set of resources to channel meaning through realisation. Genre theory elucidates the pragmatic and educational uses of SFL in the categorizing of language in configurations of meanings as they are set and understood in different cultures. The purpose of the survey is to do so with focus on successful and less successful writers by attempting to answer two primal issues:How is development of written language in reference to the introduction of the genre pedagogical model visible in the studied texts?How does genre pedagogical teaching influence successful and less successful writers as visible in their writing with a certain purpose?To answer these issues the survey is based on narratives and expositions written by high school students who have been divided into two groups according to the purpose of the survey. One text in each genre has been written by the students before and after lessons based on the genre pedagogical learning wheel explaining the relevant genres.
Barns berättande och återberättande : En jämförande studie mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkiga barn i Sverige
I dagens globaliserade samhälle blir det allt vanligare att barn växer upp med fler än ettspråk i sin omgivning. Det kräver en ökad kunskap om flerspråkighet och vad somsärskiljer flerspråkiga barn från enspråkiga barn. Då de mätinstrument som idaganvänds i Sverige för att utröna om ett barn har en språkstörning endast är utformade förenspråkiga barn riskerar flerspråkiga barn att över- eller underdiagnostiseras. För attråda bot på den problematik som uppkommit i samband med diagnostisering avflerspråkiga barn och språkstörning har ett europeiskt forskningsnätverk bildats, kallatCOST Action IS0804. Syftet med nätverket är att kartlägga SLI (specific languageimpairment) hos flerspråkiga barn genom att koordinera forskning inom lingvistisk ochkognitiv förmåga över ett stort antal länder.