690 Uppsatser om Functional grammar - Sida 42 av 46
Miljöval för byggnadsmaterial : Med häktet i Helsingborg som referensobjekt
Today's climate and environmental issues have now been up for discussion for quite long. Various environmental measures have been taken, but it is not always certain that those measures actually are for the better because of the complexity of our environment. Therefore, studies of whole life cycles are very important even if they are time and resource intensive.Real estate accounts for 15% of global carbon emissions, but also affects our environment in many other aspects. In Sweden this number is even higher. About 30 % of its carbon dioxide emissions originates from building sector and changes are therefore of great importance.
Kartläggning av en fastighets miljöpåverkan : Livscykelanalys av flerfamiljsfastigheten "Teodoliten"
Today's climate and environmental issues have now been up for discussion for quite long. Various environmental measures have been taken, but it is not always certain that those measures actually are for the better because of the complexity of our environment. Therefore, studies of whole life cycles are very important even if they are time and resource intensive.Real estate accounts for 15% of global carbon emissions, but also affects our environment in many other aspects. In Sweden this number is even higher. About 30 % of its carbon dioxide emissions originates from building sector and changes are therefore of great importance.
Spåret mot parken : en gränsöverskridande stig mellan torg och park i Norra Sorgenfri
My thesis is a combination of theory and practice, where theory is meant to create a context and a background for my interpretation proposal. I wanted to ?access? the ideas that are always in the background of the reasoning which underlies both planning in a larger scale, and the design of a place. I wanted to make a ?work of ideas.? In the process of shaping the proposal, I wanted to be deleted from the site itself.
Fallstudie av innergårdar och entréplan vid Televerket i Farsta : dokumentation, värdering och framtida utveckling
There are few legally protected gardens in Sweden, and those that are protected are mainly from the 17th and 18th centuries. All time periods have the same value and more modern gardens therefore needs to be protected. Evaluating parks is, however, complicated since it do not exist any methods.
One environment from the 1960?s that has not been protected is Televerket in Farsta, Stockholm. The facility has been classified as worthy of preservation by Stockholm City Museum and has received the Kasper Salin Prize.
Grundvattenmodellering i Badelundaåsen
Over an extended period of time there have been plans to establish a shared facility in Lennheden to extract groundwater from the Badelunda esker to provide drinking water for the cities of Borlänge and Falun. The city of Falun is dissatisfied with the quality of its drinking water and the city of Borlänge is concerned about the risk of contamination of its existing groundwater supply at its current location. To provide a basis for a decision on this issue, the company Midvatten AB has been commissioned to perform hydrogeological investigations in the area of Lennheden.The purpose of this thesis is to design a functional groundwater model of the area between Lennheden, place of planned extraction, and Övre Tjärna, place of existing extraction, to get a better understanding of the groundwater situation in the area. A groundwater model enables simulations of different scenarios in risk assessment and contaminant transport. The aim of the thesis is that the model can be used as an aid in Midvatten?s investigations in Lennheden and that it also can be used in future projects in the area.The model has been made in Processing Modflow 5.3 and encompasses an area of 19,5 × 11 km along the Badelunda esker and the river Dalälven between Djurmo and Frostbrunnsdalen.
Informationshantering med kravsättning i 3D-baserade arbetsflöden
Produktframtagningsindustrin utsätts för snabba förändringar vilket medför att kraven från kunder, konkurrenter och lagkrav ökar. Företag inom produktframtagning måste därför ständigt förbättra sina metoder och processer för att fortsätta konkurrera och leverera kvalitativa produkter och tjänster. Samtidigt ska de nya metoderna vara lättarbetade, lättförståeliga och effektiva, med fokus på att minska fel, slöseri och resurser som inte skapar värde för slutkunden. Ett samordnat flöde med tvärfunktionella processer är därför önskvärt för att på ett lönsamt sätt uppnå satta mål.Med detta i åtanke fanns en uppdragsbeskrivning på Scania för att följa upp artikelritningens funktion och användning. Examensarbetet har undersökt vilka möjligheter som finns med att använda 3D-modellen som informationsbärare för att på sikt kunna ersätta artikelritningen.
Små skogliga vattendrag i Värmland - Generell beskrivning, förekomst av traktorspår samt spårens inverkan på bottenfaunan :
Modern forestry requires a high degree of machine traffic for clear felling and scarification operations. The machines most frequently used are big and the traffic often results in tracks on the forest ground. There are many small streams running through a forest, in connection to logging operations, machines might cross these frequently. These crossings could result in the erosion of fine particulate inorganic matter, which ends up in the stream. The aim of this thesis was to give a general description of small forest streams of order-one in the county of Värmland and to determine the frequency of machine tracks in small streams.
Systematiskt förbättringsarbete : En fallstudie vid Parker Hannifin Corporation, QCDEurope, Tema Ingenjörsfirman AB
Background and aim: Organizations must be able to manage change in order to survive in today?s competitive society. To continue to develop and reach better results is fundamental. Case Company Parker Hannifin Corporation, Quick Coupling Division Europe, Tema Ingenjörsfirman AB, Skövde has an ambition to have an organization that manage changes and continuously improve its performance. That is the reason why this examination work arises.
Design och konstruktion av kaross till ögonstyrt arkadspel
Tobii Technology AB is a global leading company in eye tracking. The technology is a part of acomputer screen called an eye tracker. It enables computers to follow eye movement whichfurther make it possible to control the computer by only using your eyes.The mission was to develop an arcade game for eye controlled games that Tobii can use in theirmarketing or as a tool when doing researches about the interest in the technology amongst gamecompanies. The product realization involved designing an innovative, functional and futuristiccase which gathered the existing hardware and software to build the final prototype. In order toattract users it was important to focus on the visual expressions.Initially, the project started off with an information retrieval which contained interviews, fieldstudies, tests and literature studies.
Påverkan av probiotika på kariesbildande bakterier in vivo
Cavities used to be a very common problem but over time humans have learned to take care of their teeth. However, there are still many who have problems. This problem is due to microorganisms and in particular the various streptococci and lactobacilli producing acids which loosens up the enamel on teeth. These bacteria can be found at various places in the mouth and saliva. Besides being a discomfort it can be a major problems and the damaged tooth needs to be removed or make a dental filling.
The aim of the study was to see how intake of probiotic tablets containing Lactobacillus reuteri PTA ATCC 5289 and Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 affects the levels of oral Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli over a three-week period.
Nya vägar i en föränderlig tid En fallstudie av ett folkbiblioteks bemötande av idén om utkontraktering av urvals- och inköpsfunktionen
Abstract: In this Master's thesis our aim is to study the situation and process regarding the decision to use outsourcing of the media acquisition function in a Swedish public library. By using New institutional theory, focusing on ways of organising and values in the organisation we are able to analyse this phenomenon. Skot-Hansens theory about three different culture political argumentation schemes, humanistic, sociological and instrumental (or market oriented), gives us the opportunity to place statements and facts into a functional theoretical context. The market oriented scheme is further clarified with the concept of New Public Management. The role of values in the institution, regarding aims and goals is stressed.
Psykologiska mekanismer och miljöperspektivet : sambandet mellan attityder och beteendeintentioner inför samhällets miljöpåverkan
Syftet med studien var att pröva vilka psykologiska mekanismer som påverkar sambandet mellan attityder och beteendeintentioner inför miljöpåverkan hos individer i konsumtionssamhället. Hypotesen var att det finns ett miljömedvetande hos människan, men att det är en skillnad mellan attityd och beteendeintention. Även emotioner inför miljöpåverkan hos deltagarna undersöktes, för att fördjupa studien. Undersökningen har gjorts kvantitativt via en webbaserad enkät, genom utskick via Facebook till vuxna individer i Sverige mellan 18-65 år (N=49). Svarsprocenten var 46 procent.
Spin-off-fallstudier på Saab, Volvo Aero och Ericsson Microwave
Sweden is one of five nations in the world manufacturing fighter aircrafts. Highly advanced technology is needed in order to develop a fighter aircraft. When developing advanced technology, new applications, other than those initially intended occur, spin-off. Some of Sweden?s largest companies are spin-offs from the fighter aircraft industry.
Utformning av bullerskydd för timmeravlastning till tåg
This report presents a thesis project conducted by two students at Mälardalens högskola. The project covers 15 points in industrial design and was conducted during April to June 2014. The principal of the thesis works at Plastic Produkter. The assignment was to develop equipment for an effective way to dose, mix silicon, fill a special designed plastic bag and then seal it. The bag is then formed into a breast model.When a customer for various reasons decides to do a breast augmentation or a breast reconstruction, there may be doubt or uncertainty about the result.
För ett automatiserat återskapande av inbyggdasystems funktionella arkitektur från källkod ochprodukt data
?För ett automatiserat återskapande av inbyggda systems funktionella arkitektur från källkod ochprodukt data?Den ökade komplexiteten i inbyggda system inom fordonsindustrin tillsammans med de striktaresäkerhetsrestriktionerna som infördes av ISO26262 standarden, kräver bättre kunskap ochkännedom om produktarkitekturen. Men, för befintliga produkter som inte var utvecklade enligt enväldefinierad arkitekturmodell, så måste en modell återhämtas.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att automatisera återhämtningen av funktionella arkitekturenför fordons inbyggda system, vilket är ett krav för många av ISO26262 aktiviteter. Dettaexamensarbete föreslår och beskriver två modeller för det inbyggda systemet i ett fordon, och visardess användning för att bland annat generera användarvänliga vyer. Återhämtningen av modellernasker genom att tolka den inbyggda C-koden och bearbeta fordonets data såsom inblandadestyrenheter, deras adresser och CAN buss detaljerna.Två modeller har föreslagits för att fånga den återskapade informationen om inbyggda systemet iett fordon: en produktmodell för inbyggda system och en mjukvaruarkitektur modell för deninbyggda mjukvaran.