

623 Uppsatser om Functional Subgrouping - Sida 14 av 42

Social fildelning på arbetsplatsen : Traditionell och social fildelning

This paper describes how files and information can be shared in organisations and workplaces. We studied and compared the traditional file sharing in Microsoft Active Directory and the Social file sharing that comes with Microsoft SharePoint Sites. We used qualitative studies based on interviews with system administrators, management and by our own observations to acquire the necessary data. Using independent research, we were able to analyze the data and show the general difference between the traditional and the social file sharing systems. Social file sharing enables the user to easily store and share files in a flexible online environment.

Blogg i förskolan : Hur förskollärare anser att en blogg kan användas för att dokumentera veksamheten och främja föräldrasamverkan

This Bachelor thesis examines the possibility of replacing an outdated, analog video recording system to a digital counterpart. It is key that the video and audio signals remain synchronized, generator locked and time stamped. It is up to nine different video sources and a number of audio sources to be recorded and treated in such a manner which enables synchronized playback. The  different video sources do not always follow a universal standard, and differ from format as well as resolution. This thesis aims to compare a number of state of the art commercial of the shelf solutions with proprietary hardware.

Utveckling av modellbaserad reglering i kommersiella styrsystem

In industrial control systems PID-control remains the prevalent strategy, also for processes that would benefit from model based control. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether model based control can be readily implemented in an industrial control system. To this end a simulated surge tank with a simulated industrial control system is studied. For evaluation two scenarios with specified objectives are selected.Following a review of LQR and versions of MPC, Predictive Functional Control (PFC) is considered the most suitable for implementation. PFC is a form of MPC developed with industrial applications in mind and therefore has several advantages for implementation in an industrial control system.

Varumärkessamarbeten mellan LVM och EVM vid kategoriutvidgningar: En Fungerande Strategi?

This thesis examines the possible beneficial effects of a temporary cooperation between a national brand and a private brand. The main hypothesis suggests that if a national brand wants to make a category extension to a remote product category, it should be able to decrease its risk by affiliating itself with a private brand. The national brand should through such a brand alliance be able to borrow some of the flexible characteristics that a private brand possesses to increase its associations with the new category. The survey consisted of 800 questionnaires with different cooperations between a private brand (ICA) and two national brands (Tropicana and Bravo). These were handed out to students in the universities of Stockholm.

Oljeavskiljare för biltvätt : Från idé till prototyp

This thesis describes the developmentof a device called "Oil Separator"which is used for washing vehicles andparticularly car washing. The devicedeveloped for Mr. Car Bilvård AB inUppsala, the company's work involvespassenger transport and courierservices. The company needs anexternal device that meets theenvironmental standards to wash theirown cars in the premises without theneed to modify or reconstruct on thepremises ground as the premises is ona leased contract.Work began with a preliminary study onthe literatures that describes boththe function and structure ofdesigning the device. A few interviewswith other car wash companies had beenimplemented, and some measurements.After collection of the necessaryinformation the specifications ofcustomer requirement was presented .With these requirements a fewconcepts was generated and weighedusing the Pugh matrix for conceptsselection for further development.The final concept was furtherdeveloped and a design has beenpresented.

Dans och rörelsehinder : En studie kring mental utveckling

Ett rörelsehinder inskränker inte bara det funktionshindrade barnets fysiska möjligheter utan kan verka handikappande även på social nivå. Dans är ett ämne i skolan där man interagerar och får möjlighet att samarbeta och utvecklas socialt. Frågeställningen som denna uppsats undersöker lyder: Vilken betydelse kan dans i skolan ha för rörelsehindrade elevers mentala utveckling?Frågan besvaras dels av berörd litteratur, dels av intervjurespondenter.Det framgår att dans, som fokuserar på den funktionella kroppen, har förmåga att få de rörelsehindrade ungdomarna att se vad de har möjlighet att åstadkomma i stället för att lägga fokus på funktionsnedsättningen. Det framkommer också att de kan dansa med icke-rörelsehindrade elever och ta del av den sociala gemenskapen samt att inlärningsförmågan och kunskapsnivån höjs.

Dans och rörelsehinder : En studie kring mental utveckling

Ett rörelsehinder inskränker inte bara det funktionshindrade barnets fysiska möjligheter utan kan verka handikappande även på social nivå. Dans är ett ämne i skolan där man interagerar och får möjlighet att samarbeta och utvecklas socialt. Frågeställningen som denna uppsats undersöker lyder: Vilken betydelse kan dans i skolan ha för rörelsehindrade elevers mentala utveckling?Frågan besvaras dels av berörd litteratur, dels av intervjurespondenter.Det framgår att dans, som fokuserar på den funktionella kroppen, har förmåga att få de rörelsehindrade ungdomarna att se vad de har möjlighet att åstadkomma i stället för att lägga fokus på funktionsnedsättningen. Det framkommer också att de kan dansa med icke-rörelsehindrade elever och ta del av den sociala gemenskapen samt att inlärningsförmågan och kunskapsnivån höjs.

Delaktighetens och inflytandets förutsättningar : En rättssociologisk studie om barnperspektiv i LSS

This is a sociological jurisprudence study which focuses on "child perspective" in Law of Support and Service with Certain Functional Impairments, LSS. The purpose of the study was to clarify the meaning of child perspective in LSS and analyze it in relation to practice. The study was conducted with mixed strategies combining qualitative and jurisprudential methods. Both LSS and Law of Social Welfare, SoL, were studied. Social workers from dirrerent muncipalities in Sweden were interwiewed.

Funktionshindrades situation vid anställningsförfarandet

Arbetsmarknaden är idag ansträngd. Faktorer såsom effektivisering av organisationer, skepsis mot att nyanställa samt hög arbetslöshet medför att konkurrensen om arbetena har ökat. Därtill är sjukskrivningstalet högt. Långvarig sjukskrivning kan medföra mänskligt lidande bland annat på grund av att individen kan uppleva känslor av utanförskap samt otrygghet som ett resultat av att denne går miste om den gemenskap som vanligtvis återfinns på arbetsplatsen. Hög sjukfrånvaro genererar samtidigt höga kostnader för den statliga kassan.

Emotionsreglering och stämningsläge som faktorer för högt och lågt risktagande i beslutsprocessen

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the ways in which emotion regulation and mood affects risk taking when it comes to decision making competence. Emotion regulation is an essential part of the attachment process, the development of an autonomous self and functional stress coping systems. Research indicates that there is a relation between a distorted emotion regulation and some psychological disorders like depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders and borderline (or instable emotional personality disorder). There is a definite need to analyze the relation between emotion regulation and decision making competence since it is relatively unexplored. A digital questionnaire was distributed amongst the participants.

Development of new food products with components active against Helicobacter pylori - with purpose to improve gastric health in humans

Gastric and intestinal disorders are common and costly human health problems worldwide. Helicobacter pylori are a gram-negative, pathogen bacteria and the most common cause of duodenal and gastric ulcer in the stomach the intestinal mucosa. Prolonged infection and colonization can lead to chronic gastritis and stomach cancer. H. pylori are present in the gastric and intestinal mucosa of half of the world population and a relation between infection and low socioeconomic status has been shown.

FRAM i främmande farvatten : En funktionell resonans analys på högfartsnavigering i maritim miljö

This is a study that was conducted during a three day exercise of the Swedish Armed Forces called ?Amfibieförbandet?, which is shortened as AMF, in Gothenburg. During the exercise three scientists followed the crew on the boats and this is one of the studies that became the result of the observation made during the exercise. The boats that was used during the three days were the boat called ?Stridsbåt 90H? by the Swedish armed forces.

Interaktionskvalitet - hur mäts det?

Den tekniska utvecklingen har lett till att massiva mängder av information sänds, i höga hastigheter. Detta flöde måste vi lära oss att hantera. För att maximera nyttan av de nya teknikerna och undkomma de problem som detta enorma informationsflöde bär med sig, bör interaktionskvalitet studeras. Vi måste anpassa gränssnitt efter användaren eftersom denne inte har möjlighet att anpassa sig till, och sortera i för stora informationsmängder. Vi måste utveckla system som gör människan mer effektiv vid användande av gränssnitt. För att anpassa gränssnitten efter användarens behov och begränsningar krävs kunskaper om den mänskliga kognitionen.

Att göra analoga objekt digitala : En kvalitativ studie om digitaliseringsprocessen i ett bibliotek

Contemporary libraries face challenges in transforming their organization to meet the digitalized society. To develop the process of digitization of literature is a natural way for libraries to go when they already have more visitors online than physically. Since the demand for digital material is so sought after, we feel challenged to address the challenges of the Internet as an emerging functional medium for distributing knowledge. These developments will be able to significantly modify the nature of literature as well as the existing system of quality assurance. In this study, we explored and analyzed a digitization project at a research library.

Can the small-scale cooperatives in Serbiabe successful organic producers?

This thesis is part of the evaluation of a development project in Serbia, where cooperativeshave been formed in order to make the members support themselves trough organic farming.The purpose of the paper has been to find out if the goal of making the current members andpotential new members able to support themselves on what the cooperatives produce, hasbeen reached. The goal is to be considered as partly fulfilled; according to the last annualreport from Odraz, ?the registered cooperatives have become fully functional and stable andthey have started making some modest profit.???the majority of the beneficiaries think thatthey are self-reliant??. In order to find out what is required in order to fulfil the establishedgoal entirely, (for example there are no reports of that new members have been recruited, andthe fact that most, not all, current members of the cooperatives (the beneficiaries) say thatthey are supplied from what the cooperatives produce), I have tried to identify the conditionswhich the cooperatives operate under. The basis of the paper consists of a literature review,interviews with the directors of the cooperatives, a questionnaire dealing with the businessenvironment and various external sources in Serbia..

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