

73 Uppsatser om Frontline bureaucrats - Sida 5 av 5

Idén om en värdegrund inom äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie om hur enhetschefer och omsorgspersonal uppfattar en ny lag om värdegrund och dess implementering.

This study discloses home-care organizations in one municipality in Sweden and five units work with implementing the social services legislated value base for elderly people. The aim of this study is to gain an understanding of personnel and managers perception of the value base and its implementation in the practical work with the elderly. A qualitative method has been used to analyze the questions raised by the aim of this study. The empirical data was retrieved by semi-structured interviews with managers and their personnel in homecare service The empirical data was analyzed on the basis of the neo-institutional theory, Michael Lipsky?s theory concerning street-level bureaucrats and previous research regarding implementation of social policy and the practical home-care work.

Barnets bästa : En studie av socialsekreterares tolkningar av barnets bästa och barnperspektivet i vårdnadsutredningar.

In Sweden the divorce rates has increased during the latter part of the 20th century. For many children it?s everyday life growing up with parents no longer living together. The Parental Code states that "The child's best interests must be central to any decision in custody, residence and access." But what does the child?s best interest really mean and how do we investigate it? We decided to investigate its meaning by interviewing social workers regarding their interpretations of the child's best interests from a family law perspective.

Ökad digitalisering inom bankvärlden : En studie om kundlojalitet

AbstractThe banking industry has during later years gone through several technological changes (Svenska Bankföreningen 2014). These big changes have led to several advantages seen both from a customer ? and corporate point of view. Advantages in easier usage, increased availability and more competition have made the banks more cost effective at the same time as the customer is being offered better prices. Even though the advantages seem to weigh over the disadvantages there are still those who thinks that things where ?better in the past?.

Ett vårdinformationssystem i vårdens frontlinje : En fallstudie om Cambio Cosmic på en vårdcentral i Landstinget Kronoberg

In healthcare there is a rapid development towards introducing and implementing a wide range of information technology (IT) to aim for higher quality and more effective care. A common health information system (Cambio Cosmic) has been implemented in Landstinget Kronoberg. Clinical microsystems are the frontline units where staff and pa-tient meet. When the conditions in the microsystems are changed, it is interesting to de-scribe and analyse the consequences.The purpose of this study is to describe how health care staff uses a health information sys-tem and how they experience its functionality in their patient work. Initially, a literature re-view about the use of health information system was undertaken, followed by a qualitative case study based on interviews about how healthcare staff describes their reality.

Missnöjeshantering i banker : En fallstudie av Sala Sparbank

Titel:                        Missnöjeshantering i banker - En fallstudie av Sala SparbankSeminariedatum:    19 januari, 2012Institution:              Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling, Mälardalens  HögskolaNivå:                        Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hpFörfattare:              Odhiambo Opee och Charlotte SkinnarHandledare:            Carl G ThunmanNyckelord:              Klagomål, banker, missnöje, Word-of-Mouth, Sala SparbankSyfte:                       Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva missnöjeshantering hos Sala Sparbank. Uppsatsen undersöker hur studieobjektets missnöjeshantering överensstämmer med en egenutvecklad modell för missnöjeshantering. Resultatet av uppsatsen förväntas utmynna i en reviderad modell för missnöjeshantering samt att utreda om Sala Sparbank kan förbättra sin missnöjeshantering.Metod:                     En egen modell utvecklades utifrån den teori som samlats genom litteratursökning i artiklar, böcker och olika internetsidor. Modellen och teorin låg sedan till grund för de tre fokusgruppintervjuer som genomfördes. Resultatet bearbetades genom ?klipp och klistra? metoden och analyserades sedan utifrån modellen.

Den individanpassade äldreomsorgen? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om biståndshandläggares metoder vid behovsbedömningen

AbstractTitle:                                                                                                                  The individual elder care?Author:                                                                                                              Dennis JonssonSupervisor:                                                                                                        Kerstin GynnerstedtExaminator:                                                                                                       Course:                                                                                                             2SA46E,  Programme for social workDate:                                                                                                                 20100526Key words:                                                                                                       public assistance, need assessments                                                                                                                                                              methods, individual public help serviceSummaryThe purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the practices of needs assessment, and put them in relation to municipal policies and the autonomy of the elderly. Development managers are characterized as grassroots bureaucrats, then they are officers who are in the organization, but also has a direct contact with the elderly applicants for municipal assistance. I wanted to explore how these policies relate to the older people's autonomy and their implications for officer assistance in their daily work. As a theoretical starting point I have used out of a närbyråkratiskt perspective, and a negotiation perspective.

Det är lite gambling, man kan aldrig veta hur det blir i slutändan : Socialsekreterares erfarenhet av bedömning av en viss insats för barn och ungdomar

Social workers in this study describes various experiences of the assessments of interventions for children and adolescents. Social workers experience of the many different situations where an assessment of best effort must be made on the basis of BBIC, which is the Social Services investigation records. To make this assessment, the Social workers need social assistance and support of their colleagues and manager. Knowledge mixed with experience is also an important part when it comes to being professional and not let emotions control that could otherwise be happened when the social worker meets and builds relationships with clients. Social workers are also those who will decide which achievement the client needs from the needs.

Reformen som ingen trodde på.

I media förekommer det idag ett stort utbud av olika hälsobudskap och många gånger kan detvara svårt att bedöma sanningshalten i budskapen. Hälsobudskapen kan även skapa förvirringoch stress hos människor och framförallt ungdomar anses vara en mer sårbar och utsatt grupp(Sandberg, 2005). Enligt kursplanen för hem- och konsumentkunskap ska budskap i mediavara en del av undervisningen. Bland annat ska undervisningen behandla budskapenspåverkan på människor och hur de kan bemötas på ett reflekterat sätt (Skolverket, 2011d). Idenna kvalitativa studie har vårt syfte därför varit att belysa hem- ochkonsumentkunskaplärares uppfattningar om hälsa och hälsobudskap i media och dess plats iundervisningen i hem- och konsumentkunskap i årskurs 7-9.

Varför gör de inte vad de ska? Hur det kommer sig att ett infört arbetssätt på Försäkringskassan inte tillämpas så som avsetts

The aim of the present paper was to see why a recommended course of action is not always followed in the way it is supposed to. The paper deals with a new method (SFA-metoden) used by The Social Insurance Agency in working with sick-listed people. Aspects that are elaborated on are local effects of the method at its introduction, case managers work conditions, and control of the implementation of the method. Two different methods of investigation have been employed. On the one hand, previous reports on the method have been analysed, and, on the other hand, two focus groups interviews, one consisting of case managers´ working with the method, and one constituted by their supervisors have been carried out.The results have been analysed in accordance with, on the one hand, the theory of street level bureaucrats and, on the other hand, certain concepts applied in the new institutionalism.

"När kommunen ska träda in" : En kvalitativ studie om biståndshandläggares implementering av anhörigstödet i socialpsykiatrin

The purpose of this study is to understand how street-level bureaucrats, working with clients with mental illness, are implementing their statutory obligation of support for family carers who are caring for or supporting relatives with mental illness. The study are based on vignettes and qualitative interviews with social workers in three different municipalities in southern Sweden. The questions of this study are:? How do the social workers communicate their statutory obligation of support to family carers?? How do the social workers distinguish the family carers?? How do the social workers distinguish the family carers who are in need of support? Metod: Vignettes and qualitative interviews has been used as methods to gather empirical data.Theory: Theories of street-level bureaucracy has been used as theory in the analyses of the empirical material.Results: The result of this study concludes that the social workers, in lack of policy introduction, communicate their obligation to support family carers within their discretion. The result shows that the majority of the municipalities do not have formalized support for family carers supporting relatives with mental illness. The study also concludes that the social workers have different understandings of which family carer who is a carer in need of support.

Lgr11 ?  Vägen till en modern skola? : En undersökning om lärares uppfattningar i samband med införandet av lgr11

The investigation has taken starting point in the Swedish school history by a look back at the last three curricula and its rating system in order to see the differences and similarities between them. Furthermore, the focus was on the implementation of lgr11 and how it has worked out both on the national and local levels, with the help of, among other things Imsens "five faces of the curriculum" and Lipsky theories of grassroots bureaucrats. The aim of the study was to investigate teachers' perceptions of differences in teaching and assessment in grades 7-9, during the changeover from Lpo94 both on lgr11.The questions developed for this purpose was: How do teachers say that their teaching changed in conjunction with curriculum change? Has there been a refocusing about the concept of knowledge in the curriculum shift, and if so, how?How the assessment and grading did change with the curriculum change?Data collection has been made using a quantitative survey with qualitative elements. The survey consisted of 10 questions that everyone faces the transition to lgr11.

Att förstå och vilja - men inte kunna.

Vi står idag inför stora utmaningar eftersom vår miljöpåverkan resulterat i en rad miljöproblem. För att få bukt med dessa måste vi hitta alternativa sätt att göra saker på. Vi måste konsumera mindre globalt och mer lokalt. Traditionell Ekologisk Kunskap(TEK), som är ett begrepp för praktisk, erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap om djur, växter och natur, kan kanske bidra till lösningar på problemen. Innan vårt jordbruk blev beroende av fossila bränslen arbetade långt fler än idag inom jordbruket och det fanns en stor kunskap om hur naturen fungerade och hur man skulle bruka den på bästa sätt.

Framtidens aktiehandel - Strategier för virtuella marknadsplatser

SammanfattningAvregleringen av den finansiella marknaden har skapat förutsättningar för alternativa marknadsplatser. Företag kan i dag välja att notera sig på icke traditionella börser som inte är knutna till en fysisk handelsplats. För att skapa förtroende och långsiktighet för dessa virtuella marknadsplatser krävs det att vikt läggs vid relationen till kunderna. En del i detta är att ta hänsyn till de faktorer som potentiella kunder värderar i valet av marknadsplats. I dag väljer företag att notera sig på O-listan före någon av NGMs listor och väljer man NGMs lista är det enbart för att kraven där har varit lägre.

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