

73 Uppsatser om Frontline bureaucrats - Sida 2 av 5

Konsten att åsidosätta betraktarens misstro : En studie i befrämjandet av spelupplevelsen under den grafiska expandering i detaljnivå som gjordes inför marknadsförandet av spelet Frontline Nation

Arbetet innefattar en studie baserad på det grafiska verk som slutfördes på Colossai Studios 2007 som var ett förstadie till en kommande filmsekvens som skulle användas inför marknadsföringen av spelet Frontline Nation. Genom den expandering i detaljnivå som genomfördes mot spelets fotorealistiska stil studeras grafikens relation till spelupplevelsen utifrån begreppet the suspension of disbelief. Inom ett teoretiskt ramverk av spel- , design- och mediestudier analyseras verket och dess skapandeprocess för att slutligen mynna ut i en diskussion om hur expanderingen kan utföras med hänsyn tagen till en potentiell betraktares suspension of disbelief. Analysen leder slutligen fram till ett antal angreppssätt där kontentan är att vi kan underlätta betraktarens suspension of disbelief genom medvetna val att hålla grafiken trogen till verkligheten, fotografiska konventioner, förstärkande referenspunkter samt en sanningspräglad helhet. Angreppssätten kan med fördel användas inför framtida grafiska expanderingar mot en fotorealistisk stil där spelupplevelsen beaktas eller som språngbräde till framtida forskning..

ADDICTION SEVERITY INDEX I PRAKTIKEN : - Om missbrukshandläggares erfarenheter av att använda ASI-intervjun

The purpose of this study was to understand how social workers experienced working with Addiction Severity Index (ASI) in relation to the goal set by the National Board of Health and Welfare. The method is spread nationwide and therefore it is of great importance to examine how the social workers themselves experience the demands and the resources surrounding ASI. We choose to do a qualitative study interviewing eight social workers at six different occasions. The result was analyzed using Max Weber?s ideal type bureaucracy and Michael Lipsky?s thesis on street-level bureaucrats.

En implementeringsstudie om samhällsorientering i Sverige : Preliminära erfarenheter från tre län

The aim of this essay is to investigate the implementation of The Social Orientation inSweden. The Social Orientation is a part of the new, one year old, establishment law and isaimed at all newly arrived refugees and immigrants. The aim of the law is to help establish allnew arrivals into the Swedish society by providing knowledge about life in Sweden. Theeducational program is at least sixty hours long and covers: the public authorities in Sweden,laws and regulations, work and education, healthcare, children and family issues in a person?smother tongue.In order to achieve my aim I have chosen two questions: How has the law been implementedin Swedens three counties: Stockholm, Sörmland and Uppsala? What conditions are there fora successful implementation?In order to answer these questions I have used the traditional, ?street-level bureaucrats? andnetwork perspectives and issues for my study of implementation.

Vem sätter betyg - Läraren eller Skolverket? : Elever och lärares syn på implementeringen av kursplanen för Samhällskunskap A i gymnasieskolan.

Our study examining how well the guidelines, from Skolverket (School Department), aboutgrades in the course "Samhällskunskap A" are implemented in the Swedish Upper SecondarySchool. The study focus on both teachers and students. To discover which knowledge the bothgroups have, we have used two different methods. The students have answered a survey,which was based on the phrases from the course plan "Samhällskunskap A" about grades. Thesurvey wanted to see how well the students could match the correct phrases with the gradesteps (the Swedish school uses three grade steps).

Försäkringskassans roll i den arbetslivsinriktade rehabiliteringen : Ett handläggarperspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to describe and analyse the tension/conflict between external demands and actual conditions, as experienced (and told in interviews) by employees at two social insurance offices in Scania, concerning their roles in the process of working life rehabilitation. The theoretical starting point is the theory of street-level bureaucrats, as defined by Lipsky. The comprehension among the employees were that working life rehabilitation services are approved less today compared to a few years ago. The discretion, i.e. the position to choose among competing alternatives; about what to do, how to do it etc., characteristic of street-level bureaucrats, according to the employees is less prominent, as the routines of handling cases and decision making are regulated.

Någon måste göra något! Institutionsplacering: en konkret och för-givet-tagen åtgärd för att hantera ungdomar med beteendeproblem

The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the phenomenon that there are so many young people placed in institutions in Sweden despite the valuable knowledge regarding the problems and risks of doing so. The questions that follow in the essay were what guided the social workers to choose institutional placement for youngsters. It went on to also ask if this knowledge could contribute to an increased understanding of why there were so many young people placed in institutions despite the criticism from scientists. To accomplish the goal of the essay, former science in the subject was reported and six social workers within social services were interviewed. The material of the interviews was analyzed with help from the theory of human service organizations, street-level bureaucrats work situation and the new institutionalism.The result of the investigation showed that the social workers choices to place young people in institutions is guided by specific work and organizational factors connected with a belief in the helping function of the surroundings.

Att integrera ett barnperspektiv: en kvalitativ studie om barnperspektivets status i handläggning av ekonomiskt bistånd

The main purpose of this study was that, in the light of theories of how street level bureaucrats may affect the implementation of political decisions, examine and analyze the social workers interpretations of the child perspective's impact on the handling of social assistance, and what opportunities and/or limitations they feel that the organizational preconditions means for the application. The survey had a qualitative research approach and consisted of eight thematic interviews with a total of ten respondents operating in five different municipalities. Eight of the respondents were social workers dealing directly with social assitance and two had managerial positions. The results of the interviews were then analyzed with the help of an actor-structure approach to implementation and Michael Lipskys theory of street-level bureaucrats and their role as policy makers. The results of the survey showed that the respondents had relatively similar views on the child perspectives implications for work with social assistance.

Handlingsutrymme : En kvalitativ studie - ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv, gällande insatser för barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom

How does a social welfare officer know when a parent with mental illness or behavioral symptoms is harmful to the children? As a social you are confronted with different ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The social welfare officers have to follow their own authorities, laws, guidelines and regulations while at the same time do everything to satisfy their clients? needs. This inconsistency can sometimes be difficult to handle.

Han och hon möter vi och dom ? den universella välfärdspolitikens akilleshäl : En studie av kön och ras i svensk förvaltning

Gender politics in Sweden is considered unique because gender policies (jämställdhet) are integrated into national politics and politicised both in the public and the private sphere. The Swedish case is therefore considered a role model by many feminist scholars.This view has been criticised by both post modern feminists and public administration scholars. Critics imply that the increased immigration and more heterogeneous population have led to a new challenge for state institutions. The Swedish model, with its universal welfare solutions, lacks the ability to recognise differences within groups. Universal solutions that treat everyone the same is no longer the most just way to treat people.The growing use of goal orientation in Swedish public administration has increased the civil servants discretion in the implementation process, and thereby the space for differentiated treatment.

Den multifasetterade innovationsprocessen som framgångsfaktor i ett innovativt företag : Ett undersökande case i Serendipityformen

This is a graduation project in Innovation Management, which seeks to enlighten new theories within the major subject ? the multi?faceted innovation process.The reader is hereby invited to an insight in the more complex perspectives of these types of theories than what has previously been explained in simplified ways.We have conducted research on a company within the cleantech market; Cellkraft AB. The company develops and produces fuel cells amongst other products, which have emerged during their research and development in the fuel cell technology. Cellkraft works in a high?tech frontline market where innovation is key.

Ska pyramiderna rivas?: en studie om mikromakt

It has been demonstrated in this study how people working in frontline jobs in service organizations are exercising ?micro power?. The use of ?micro power? is defined as ?to in ones professional role, without objectively defensible reasons, impose sanctions on a customer?. The interviewees are explaining their use of ?micro power? with mood, working conditions, and customers? behavior.

ITP - Market Entry Strategy

Forces of innovation alter the course of many industries. Currently there is a restructuring of the Swedish energy sector due to deregulation. This in combination with advanced technologies generates an innovative and a highly changeable environment. The result is differentiation of services and products. New actors are emerging and corporations grow larger.

"Man kommer inte särskilt långt om man sitter på sin lilla ö" : En studie om samverkan kring ungdomsarbetslöshet

The aim of this study was to examine the view that officials involved in youth unemployment have on the significance of collaboration between organizations working with unemployed youth. The study was based on nine qualitative interviews with officials from PES offices and from municipalities such as job coaches. The results were analyzed based on qualitative content analysis. The analysis led to two different themes: conditions and the individual. In the analysis two different theories were used, new institutionalism and Lipsky's theory about street-level bureaucrats.

Nätmobbning - en ny fråga : En studie om skolkuratorers kunskap och arbete med nätmobbning

The purpose of this study is to understand school counselors knowledge and work with cyber bullying among students. Our study is based on the result from eight qualitative semi-structured interviews. These interviews were conducted with school counselors working at elementary and high school in the state of Kronoberg, Sweden. Our theoretical base is human services organizations, street level bureaucrats and acting space. Our study shows that school counselors have adopted cyber bullying in various ways which has an impact on their knowledge and systematical work regarding this question.

Behov och riktlinjer : En kvalitativ studie om biståndsbedömning av äldres hemtjänstinsatser

The purpose of this study was to look into the work of care organizers for elderly care, in three municipalities in southern Sweden, and how they use the law and local guidelines to evaluate the need for home care. The intention was to determine if presence of relatives makes a difference in the needs assessment and if the care organizers practice harmonize with the guidelines. To do this, we did a qualitative study alongside with analyzing each of the local guidelines. By interviewing five care organizers, we were able to see their side of elderly care and how they combine the law and local guidelines in their daily work with elderly care. Our main themes are, in short, the law and local guidelines, the view of care organizing and needs and also closeness to relatives.

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