

2294 Uppsatser om Freedom with responsibility - Sida 63 av 153

CSR : Drivkrafter och konsekvenser

Idag räcker det inte med att ett företag genererar vinst och har överlägsna produkter, nu tas även ansvarstagande och företagets värderingar in i bedömningen.Detta är en fallstudie på Stadium AB med frågeställningen: Vilka är de primära drivkrafterna bakom Stadium AB:s CSR arbete idag och vad blir konsekvenserna av CSR arbetet ur ett varumärkesstärkande perspektiv?Syftet var att få mer förståelse för begreppet CSR och drivkrafterna bakom. Detta gör vi genom att med en kvantitativ metod studera hur Stadium AB arbetar med CSR.Efter jämförelser mellan empiri och teori framkom att Stadium AB:s primära drivkrafter är företagets anställda och kunder. Konsekvenserna av detta är bland annat att ägarna, de anställda och kunderna får en enhetlig bild av vad företaget står för, något som är mycket viktigt och i förlängningen stärker företagets varumärke..

Kinematisk och dynamisk modellering av den haptiska enheten TAU i sex frihetsgrader

The thesis presents an optimally designed kinematic structure for a new 6-DOF haptic devicebased on TAU configuration. The configuration of the TAU-2 proposed by Suleman Khan andKjell Andersson [1] was modified and its mobility was verified by using Grübler criterion tohave a 6 DOF. Analytical kinematic models for the inverse and forward kinematics weredeveloped for the haptic TAU configuration to determine a set of optimal design parameters.Kinematic performance indices such as volume of the workspace, kinematic isotropy and payload index, were defined based on the singular values of the Jacobian matrix. The Jacobianmatrix was scaled to homogenize the physical units. The Jacobian matrix dependent on theposition and orientation of the end-effector gives local isotropy and pay load index, so globaldesign indices were defined, which represent the performance of the mechanism in the wholeworkspace.

Användaren & LinkedIn, ett nischat socialt medium : Professionellt nätverk, digital identitet och tillit

During recent years, the labor market has changed. Social media currently plays a larger role within recruitment for both job seekers and employers, while company policies and routines addressing background checks become less strict. The result of these changes are higher demands upon social media users to censure their online image. This study focuses on LinkedIn, which is a website intended to provide users with tools for career development. The study is aimed at user interaction with LinkedIn and how this interaction can influence career development.

?? man får vara lite uppfinnare på något sätt? - Om referenssamtalets problem och hinder med fokus på kommunikationssvårigheter

The purpose of this thesis is to study how some librarians working at a public library experience problems that can occur at the reference interview, slightly focusing on communication difficulties. Therefore I interviewed three librarians working at the reference desk on a daily basis. I chose to limit the study to public libraries and to the south of Sweden. My main question is: what difficulties can a librarian encounter during a reference interview and what can he/she do to treat these? In support of my main question I have three subordinated questions:What reasons can there be to a librarian not understanding a user?s information need?What methods are useful for a librarian to enhance the condition of the reference interview? What attitudes and qualities can be of use for the librarian at a difficult reference interview?For the collection of empirical data I chose to use semi-structured interviews.

Språkbad - en insats för framtiden? : En jämförande analys mellan språkbadselever och enspråkiga elever

This thesis is based on thirteen qualitative interviews with civil servants and politicians. The purpose of the study is to research these informants? attitudes towards integration and their reflections about immigrants? lower chances in an ethnically segregated housing and labour market. The theoretical frame of references is based on social constructionism and focuses on including and excluding power structures. The empirical material provides both structural and cultural explanations to immigrants? problems as regards inclusion in Swedish society.

Invandrarkvinnor i Borlänge och Gemensamma Krafters betydelse för kvinnorna

To end up as an immigrant in an unknown country and to try to participate in the majority society means both psychological and physical difficulties where their whole life is changing. Gemensamma Krafter is a prevention changing work in a housing area in Borlänge. It works among other things as a meeting place for people from different cultures. The aim with this study was to describe and to get increased understanding for the lives of a number of immigrant women who lives in Borlänge/Sweden and which importance ?Gemensamma Krafter? has had for them.

"Någonstans måste man ju dra en gräns, ska man leva eller hålla på och jobba ihjäl sig" : Arbetsgruppens normer och balans mellan arbete och privatliv

This essay studies how advertisements in various anti-smoking campaigns can influence and persuade by using anti-logos as counter-arguments to the tobacco industry's logos. In contrast to tobacco advertising arguments such as freedom (logos), pleasure (pathos) and trademark (ethos) the anti-smoking campaigns create anti-logos arguments with various connotations such as repulsive pictures and sexual implications to influence groups of people not to start smoking or to quit smoking.Advertisement of tobacco does not exist nowadays due to legal restrictions in the western world; however several decades of myths created in the consumer consciousness still exist. Thus one can speak of a tobacco advertising ideology that exists and the various anti-smoking campaigns trying to change that ideology.The purpose of anti-smoking campaigns is to conduct a kategoria of myth that tobacco advertisement has created over the years. Anti smoking organizations do this by creating a new ideology to affect consumer?s attitude toward smoking and the tobacco myth with an anti-myth.

US Army mot Bagdad : en fallstudie om hur manöverteori blev manöverkrigföring i Irak

Under operation Iraq Freedom uppvisades i media en bild av en snabb och tempofylldframryckning mot Bagdad. Denna bild kontrasterade mot den som normalt förknippas med USArmy och dess krigföring. Skulle denna bild kunna vara med verkligheten överrensstämmande?Har nya tankegångar och doktriner fått ett sådant genomslag att US Army anammatmanöverkrigföringens elementa och faktiskt nyttjar det, även på taktisk nivå? Har teori såledesblivit praktik?Syftet med denna uppsats är följaktligen att verifiera eller falsifiera en hypotes, utgående i frånatt amerikanska enheter ur US Army anammat manöverteorins nyckelbegrepp och numeraanvänder sig av manöverkrigföring på taktisk nivå och således lyckats implementera en ny teori ipraktiken. Detta har gjorts genom att genomföra en fallstudie av den tredje amerikanskainfanteridivisionen (mek) och dess agerande vid olika händelser från dess att framryckningenstartar i Kuwait den 20 mars och intill Bagdad faller den 9 april.Analysen visar att divisionens agerande under dessa studerade händelseförlopp i hög gradpräglades av manöverkrigföring och att förbandet följde gällande doktrin vilken i sin tur byggerpå hörnstenarna i manöverteorin.

Frihet - Vår tids Politiska filosofi? : En idéanalys av den internationella debatten om Chávez socialistiska politik

AbstractEssay in political science, C-level, by Julia Leonsson, spring semester 2007Tutor: Susan MartonFreedom ? The political philosophy of our time?An analysis of the ideas of the international debate aboutChávez socialistic politicSince more than 2000 years there has been an ongoing discussion about whether state interference is a good thing or not. Most international organisations on the international political arena are today founded on neoliberal values, and it has developed in to the hegemonic ideology of the world. The socialistic politics of the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez is thereby a somewhat unusual strategy. The purpose of this essay is to examine to what extent the international debate about Chávez socialistic politic can be understood through a neoliberal perspective.

Processorienterad arkivredovisning : Ny arkivredovisningsmodell tilla?mpad i fem svenska la?rosa?ten

The investigation analyzed the implementation and application of the Swedish National Archives' new Process-Oriented Archives Description Model to activities of the hierarchical, function-oriented and decentralized university organizations.The basic reason why a new archive description has evolved is because documents are becoming more and more digital. It requires a new interpretation of how evidence is secured for their reliability and authenticity, and a new way of looking at provenance, for the purpose of describing and searching electronic documents. The new archive description model's logical structure is based on business processes.The relationship between the new archive description and a function-oriented organization's activities can be seen from the different outlooks of processes between archive activities and activities of the organization. It is also reflected in the modification that all universities have made ??of the new archive description model to be more flexible and pragmatic to fit a function-oriented organization.The relationship between provenance and process-oriented archive description is mainly the link between documents and business processes that produce them.

CSR & Etik: En tillämpning av normativ etik på CSR i praktiken

The neo-classical conception of the market place does not provide a framework to account for ethical or moral action. As a result, the neo-classical model is unable to explain the impact of ethical and moral issues on business sustainability present in the modern economy. To address this limitation, this thesis investigates whether theories of ethics can help explain the motivations and actions of stakeholders within the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In addition, the thesis explores whether theories of ethics are presented differently within aspects of the stakeholder model. Semi - structured interviews were conducted with various stakeholders within the CSR sector, including a NGO, a commercial firm and a CSR consultancy firm.

Strävan efter en hållbar, säker och rättvis värld : En fallstudie på ASICS om CSR, Varumärke och Varumärkeslojalitet

Problemställningar:Hur arbetar sportföretag med Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?Hur är CSR-arbetet hos ett sportföretag sammankopplat med deras varumärke och varumärkeslojalitet?Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att få en djupare förståelse om hur ett av de största sportföretagen, som tillverkar sportutrustning och kläder, arbetar med CSR samt hur de förhåller sig till fenomenet. Vi vill även undersöka hur ett sportföretags CSR-arbete är sammankopplat med företagets varumärke och varumärkeslojalitet. Vi vill vidare undersöka om ramen för teorin kan jämföras med hur sportföretag arbetar med CSR i verkligheten.Teoretisk referensram: I detta kapitel presenteras den existerande teorierna kring begreppen Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sportföretag och CSR samt varumärke och varumärkeslojalitet. Detta kapitel har väsentlig betydelse da? det ligger till grund för studien och hjälper oss att ge klarhet inom ämnet.Metod: Fallstudien har genomförts med en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod och en deduktiv ansatts.

The importance of relationship for self-care capacity among young people with diabetes mellitus type 1 : Based on external factors in Orems model of self-care.

In Sweden approximately a half per cent of the population have diabetes mellitus type 1. Self-care responsibility is a part of the treatment. Orem?s self-care theory has been used as theoretical framework. The purpose was to describe what it means to be young and have diabetes mellitus type 1.

?Det är att göra en god gärning utan att tänka på att det är en god gärning? ? Nalle Puh : En studie av försäkringsbranschens CSR-kommunikation.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how Swedish insurance companies communicate corporal social responsibility (CSR). We used two methods for approaching the purpose. At first we approached a quantitative content analysis to investigate in which ways the companies communicated on their websites. In the second part of the study we used qualitative textual analysis to study two companies sustainable reports. The theoretical framework of the study is based on theories of CSR and how to communicate it.

Omedveten tankeverksamhet och beslutsfattande ?en användarmanual : En studie i det omedvetnas beskaffenhet.

The investigation aims to clarify to what extent non-conscious thought has efficacy in e.g. decision making and also examine some aspects of the question whether decisions are caused by free will. This will be conducted through an analysis of new research pertaining to neuroscience, economics, the combination of the two within neuroeconomics; evolutionary theory and especially the new theory of Unconscious thought (Nordgren & Dijksterhuis 2006) which will enjoy special scrutiny due to its recentness in the scientific field. A decision strategy ought to put high-level conscious cognition to use where it's most effective and this is on a different level than the canonized one. Meta decision making is decision making pertaining to which decisions ought to be made consciously.

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