2294 Uppsatser om Freedom with responsibility - Sida 56 av 153
Hur bokskogslagen blev till ? konflikter och lösningar 1964-1974
During the early Middle Ages beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) spread out over large parts of southern Sweden. They had a crucial role in human survival for hundreds of years. For various reasons, the beech forest area has decreased since the 1600s. Spruce planted on former beech forest land was the primary reason for the decline during the second half of the 1900s, which made many worried about the future of the beech forests and led to a beech forest act in 1974. This study describes the background to the beech forest act based on parliamentary official documents.
Bak-och matformar ur ett kundperspektiv
Många bakverk och maträtter har någon slags form eller förpackning runt om sig. De här formarna kan vara tillverkade av olika material och det här konkurrerar i dagsläget med varandra. Syftet är att ge läsaren en djupare förståelse för vilka attribut som är viktiga för konsumenten samt vilken roll samhällsansvaret spelar för konsument och producent. En kvantitativ metod i form utav en enkätundersökning kommer att användas.Teorierna Corporate social responsibility, produktutveckling och produktdesign kommer att användas. Utifrån enkätundersökningar kommer empirin att samlas in. Attribut som täthet, stabilitet, lossningsförmåga och miljö är viktiga för konsumenten.
"Mer bio än bibliotek" : Klassifikation och medieuppställning i det senmoderna samhället
This case study examines the new media presentation system in Alby public library. The aim is to explore if the contemporary Zeitgeist, wich according to the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, could be described as liquid modernity, has affected how the system was formed. The purpose is to find out how that would affect users and staff of public libaries of the contemporary. Interviews were conducted with the library staff, and plans and documents concerning the media presentation system was examined.The empirical part of this thesis starts with a study of the process that resulted in the new presentation system while the second part examines the system as such. I discovered that both the media presentation system, and the process which preceded it, contained aspects that could be traced to liquid modernity.
Identitet och identitetsstilar : Sambandet mellan kön, utbildning och identitetsbildning på gymnasiet
Abstract Title: Coaching Leadership - A win-win situation? Level: Final assignment for Master Degree in Business Administration Author: Helena Gustafsson Supervisor: Pär Vilhelmson Date: 2012 ? mars Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how companies use the coaching leadership and how the employees perceive to have a manager who uses this way to lead. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study in which interviews was an important feature. The information I gathered is the basis for analysis and final discussion. The material has been collected through personal interviews with two managers and then I send questions to the employees by e-mail that they responded. This is to get such an interesting empirical data as possible.
Hantering av elektronik komponenter under Last Time Buy
The purpose of this thesis project was to study how different companies are working with LastTime Buy and through that study propose improved ways of working with this for Scania CVAB. The project aimed at studying the work processes from three different perspectives:decision models, quality aspects and liability aspects between companies.To study this, qualitative interviews with one or several representatives from differentcompanies that are affected by or involved in Last Time Buy were used. Representatives wereselected partly from Original Equipment Manufacturers, suppliers, component manufacturersand companies offering third part solutions for Last Time Buy. The companies also reflecteddifferent industries. The interviews aimed to create an understanding for the methods used atthe different companies but also the ways of thinking and the knowledge behind the choice ofthese working methods.The analysis shows that the Original Equipment Manufacturers used very similar decisionmodels for Last Time Buy, but that external factors or the company strategy made them reachdifferent results.
BETYDELSEN AV LEDARSKAP OCH GRÄNSLÖSHET FÖR KREATIVITET : En studie av reklambyråer och kulturskolor
SammanfattningStudien undersökte hur ledarskap och gränslöshet i arbetsförhållanden påverkade kreativiteten på fem svenska reklambyråer respektive fem svenska kulturskolor. Deltagarna angav i vilken utsträckning 61 påståenden stämde med deras upplevelse av gränslöshet rörande arbetet respektive sin chefs ledarbeteenden. Ledarbeteenden togs upp som, baserat på tidigare forskning, gynnar kreativitet. Arbetsplatsens kreativitet självskattades. Två frågor med öppna svar belyste faktorer som påverkat kreativiteten positivt respektive negativt.
Den ojämlika kommunikationen ? regel eller undantag? En studie av några elevers uppfattningar om kommunikation och interaktion med lärare
In a classroom it is important that interaction between a teacher and a student works or else the communication between them will be lost or come to harm. In the interaction between teacher and student it is important that both of them respect each other, take the necessary responsibility and cooperate. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the students per-ceive the communication in the classroom with their teachers and how the interaction be-tween teachers and students affects the communication. We have made interviewed with stu-dent in high school concerning their opinion of how interaction and communication work be-tween teachers and students. Our method is qualitative and we used open-ended questions.
" I det stora hela vet jag att det handlar om att ha kul på dagis..." - En jämförande studie av pedagogers syfte och föräldrars förväntningar av utvecklingssamtal i förskolan.
The Swedish state and educational system are secular, so to say they do not depend on the former protestant state church anymore. Many people in Sweden are also secular. Even so, in school teachers meet students with a religious faith. The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers without a religious belonging experience the encounter with religious students. The method used was semistructured interviews with five teachers in a upper secondary school in a multicultural suburb of Stockholm.
Den svenska arbetarrörelsens utmaningar och visioner - En undersökning av synen på kollektivet i LO- Tidningen 1991-2005
In this essay I have studied the Swedish Working Class whose part of LO.Ideological texts in LO- Magazines is used to quote texts by collective orindividual terms. Method and theory material show high level of solidarity andequality while theory shows higher level of individualism and autonomy. Myresearch is closer to Boréus than Blocks. Politics taking under the 1980: s apowerful right turns holding a steady course through my material.The question in the essay is: What vision on the collective shows in theLO- Magazine in a time during individualization? Answer to this question is thatthe collective unofficially through LO: s: staff on central level tries to showstrength and unity with terms like solidarity and equality between the sexes.
Stress i socialt arbete : - en risk för utbrändhet?
The purpose of this study was to investigate how social workers who worked with financial assistance perceived their work situation and the impact work-related stress had on their health and quality of work. Further, the study intended to find out if they felt that they received support from their employer that could prevent stress-related sick leave. The following two research questions were to be answered: In what way does work-related stress affect social workers? health and job quality according to their own experience? What kind of support and help experienced social workers were available within their organization? To receive answers to the questions semi-structured interviews with five social workers were conducted, analyzed and interpreted. The results showed that when social workers have a heavy case burden, high stress and a risk of deteriorated job quality occurred.
Rock och roll : En studie av musikens roll i identitetsskapandet
The purpose of this thesis was to study the functions that music have in relation to the formation of identity, and research how this fits into the music subject in the school environment in Sweden. My questions were; (1) what role does music has in the formation of identity? (2) how does gender stereotyped musical identities take form? (3) what is the problems or risks with music education in relation to formation of identity? (4) how does the curriculum for the Swedish school relate to the functions that music have in relation to the formation of identity? I have done an analysis on three writers who focuses on theories about music in relation to the development of identity, to give perspective to the individual?s music reality. The first one is the Swedish musicology professor Börje Stålhammar, the second one is the Norwegian music therapist and professor Even Ruud, and the third one is the Brittish music senior master Nicola Dibben. I have compare their thoughts and found a great unanimity in many aspects.
IKEA Foods hållbarhetsarbete -om och hur CSR-aktiviteter kan skapa kundvärde inom IKEA Food
Denna fallstudie tar upp enskilda kvinnors upplevelser i samband med mediala diskurser och identitet utifrån deras position som tidigare utsatta för direkt patriarkalt våld. Vissa diskursiva begrepp diskuteras, exempelvis ?offer?. Centralt för respondenterna är att inte identifiera sig med dessa termer. Våldserfarenheterna har påverkat samtliga respondenter och det präglar hur de förhåller sig till diskursiva termer.
Kommunikation av CSR i den externa rapporteringen : en internationell jämförelse
Företags ansvar i samhället - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - har varit föremål för diskussion sedan 1900-talets början. Företags samhällsansvar har sedan dess kommit att bli ett välkänt begrepp bland företagare världen över. Skillnader i ekonomiska, politiska, sociala och kulturella system påverkar däremot i vilken utsträckning företagen kommunicerar samhällsansvar i olika länder. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning företag kommunicerar CSR i den externa rapporteringen i Brasilien, Frankrike, Indien, Spanien och Sverige.Studien undersöker i vilken utsträckning de fem största företagen i undersökningsländerna kommunicerar CSR i sina årsredovisningar och hållbarhetsrapporter. Metoden som används är textanalys där förekomsten av tretton begrepp relaterade till CSR räknas.Undersökningen analyseras utifrån Freemans (1984) intressentmodell och Carrolls (1991) pyramid för företags samhällsansvar samt sekundärdata som beskriver de undersökta länderna.Studiens resultat visade att alla undersökta företag hade någon typ av kommunikation kring samhällsansvar men i olika utsträckning.
Fräschare och friskare kontra främmande och farligt - Om normalitet och funktionshinder i demokratiskt deltagande
Participation is central to the concept of democracy. The role of the civic participation varies with different types of democracy, but a fundamental requirement is that the participation is free and equal. In spite of this, there are significant differences between possibilities to democratic participation in Sweden today.This essay seeks to understand how disability, historically and still today, is constructed as a social deviation from normality, and is constructed to Otherness.One way to regard freedom and equality is to examine the personal autonomy, the legth to wich a person decides her/his roles and activities in abcence of external limitations. Personal autonomy is theoretically central in deliberative and strong democracy, but should reasonobly be a demand for the fundamental definition of democracy.The explanation to why the lack of personal autonomy is accepted, is that the construction of Otherness results in that the persons are categorized and are given simplified characteristics, and are thereby not accepted as equivalent people.In the inteviews conducted, seven politicians contribute both whiteness, pathological discourses regarding disability and ideas of normality through discussing democracy, participation and disability. Simultaniously, they express interest and an awareness on the majority's power and symbolic violence on the minority..
Goodwill. IFRS3 & IAS36 - ?Big Bang? utifrån en revisors utgångspunkt.
The study aims to illustrate how women victims of male violence in intimate relationships are treated during the legal process and with professional perspective describe what women?s experiences considered to be in the legal process. The study also aims to draw attention to the interventions for abused women during the legal process.The results are based on interviews with professionals in the justice system, and on observations in the courtroom. Overall our results show that abused women are in need of a great quantity of help and support before, during and after the negotiation. The legal process is very stressful for the women.