2294 Uppsatser om Freedom with responsibility - Sida 35 av 153
Hur kan företag bidra till ett ökat djurskydd? ? implementering av djurskydd i företags CSR-arbete
Millions of animals are annually affected by human activities; in the food industry, zoos and animal shows, clothes and shoes production, furniture and pharmaceutical industry, research, as well as pet and sports animal industry. Companies working with Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, have become more common and within this area there are great possibilities for companies to work with animal welfare.
In this study five companies were interviewed and 27 companies participated in a survey regarding CSR and animal welfare. The aim of this study was to investigate opinion and approach among companies towards implementing animal welfare as a part of their work with CSR. Furthermore the aim of the study was to investigate how companies may implement animal welfare.
The result showed that the vast majority of the companies participating in the study works with CSR and the main part of the companies also answered that they have implemented animal welfare. The way of working with animal welfare varied among the participants; e.g.
Charterturismens sociala effekter på lokalbefolkningen : Svenska charterresenärers medvetenhet om de sociala konsekvenser som drabbar lokalbefolkningen på olika turistdestinationer.
In this essay we have been trying to get an understanding of what Swedish charter tourists cares for when they are going on vacation. The Tourism industry is a major field with a lot of winners, but it also comes with consequences. The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how aware the Swedish charter tourists is of these consequences. We would also like to get a perception of how the tourists themselves believe that their presence effects the locals at the destinations they are visiting (if they assume that they are). There are several different types of consequences that can appear in the context of tourism, but we have decided to focus on one kind.
Etiskt ansvarstagande : Med avstamp i de gap som kan uppstå mellan ett företags uppförandekod och en underleverantörs arbetssätt
Kurs: A?mnesfo?rdjupande arbete i logistik och ekonomistyrning, 2FE02E, 2FE20E Fo?rfattare: Therese Jakobsen och Matilda Magnussen Handledare: Petra Andersson Titel: Etiskt ansvarstagande ? Med avstamp i de gap som kan uppsta? mellan ett fo?retags uppfo?randekod och en underleveranto?rs arbetssa?ttBakgrund: I dagens samha?lle kra?vs det att fo?retag tar ett sto?rre etiskt ansvar och verkar fo?r en ha?llbar utveckling. Det ansvarsfulla fo?retaget a?r ett uttryck fo?r det fo?retag som aktivt arbetar med Corporate Social Responsibility. Ett verktyg i arbetet med det a?r att utveckla en uppfo?randekod, a?ven kallat Code of Conduct som dikterar riktlinjer och normer fo?retagets verksamhet ska genomsyras av.
PLASTHANTERINGEN I SVERIGE En kvalitativ studie om storstadskommunernas plasthantering utifr?n EU:s Plastdirektiv (EU) 2019/904
The aim of this essay is to examine the handling of plastic waste on a local level in the three
municipalities of Gothenburg, Malm? and Stockholm. This is achieved with the help of
guidance within the theory of Multi-level Governance. By applying the EU directive
2019/904, about disposable plastic, and examining the global plastic problem, the efforts to
promote sustainable use, and recycling of plastic, is analyzed. The method involves a
qualitative content analysis, where the 2022 waste plans of the three municipalities, ?Sveriges
handlingsplan f?r plast? by the Government Office, and the 2019/904 EU directive constitutes
the base of the study.
Ofrivilliga graviditeter - tjejens respektive killens ansvar: en studie av synen på ofrivilliga graviditeter bland personal på ungdomsmottagningen.
The aim of this study was to investigate and gain a deeper understanding of how the staff at the youth clinic approaches, and might influence, participation and responsibility as regards the girl and boy respectively in the process that follows when an unplanned pregnancy has been verified. Qualitative interviews were carried out with staff at five youth clinics in Skåne. All staff did routinely work with girls and boys that were involved in an unplanned pregnancy. The theoretical starting point of the study was a gender perspective involving feministic gender theory and masculinity theory. The main questions were: How does the staff at the youth clinic view the responsibility distribution between the girl and the boy involved in an unplanned pregnancy, and how does the staff explain this distribution? Are there any guidelines to how the boy and girl should be approached, and in this way ensuring that they both feel involved in the unplanned pregnancy and its consequences? How does the youth clinic staff view and discuss a gender perspective in relation to their work? The result of the study showed that at four of the clinics a difference was evident in the staffs´ views as regards participation and responsibility in the unplanned pregnancy of the boy and girl respectively.
'Frihet' som argumentativt medel i Moderaternas politiska diskurs : en studie av ordets retorisering
Uppsatsen undersöker retoriseringen av begreppet 'frihet' i svensk politik med analysfokus på Moderaternas politiska diskurs 1956-2014. Genom att synliggöra eventuella förändringar i frihetsbegreppets representationer syftar uppsatsen till att belysa hur begrepp kan fyllas med olika innebörder och visa hur de på detta sätt kan bli persuasiva som bärare av olika ideologiska föreställningar ? dvs. hur till synes neutrala ord blir politiskt laddade, och med vilka medel det kan ske..
Corporate Social Responsibility : En innehållsanalys av global gruvindustri
Datum: 2007-05-31Problem: Vilka skillnader och likheter förekommer det i rapporteringen av Corporate Social Responsibility mellan olika världsdelar?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att via en innehållsanalys av ett urval av företag inom gruvindustrin, skapa en förståelse för vilka huvudfrågor som företag väljer att inkludera i sin CSR-rapportering på de olika världsdelarna: Afrika, Asien, Europa, Oceanien och Nord- och Sydamerika. I undersökningen önskar vi urskilja de skillnader och likheter som förekommer i CSR-rapportens utformning beroende på dess ursprung.Metod: Med ett positivistiskt angreppssätt och en abduktiv forskningsansats har vi gått in i vår forskning. Utifrån en semikvantitativ innehållsanalys har vi studerat 30 olika gruvföretags CSR-rapporter i sex världsdelar. I studien har vi innehaft ett redovisarperspektiv där vi med objektiva ögon granskat rapporterna.Resultat/slutsatser: De slutsatser som vi dragit i denna studie är att det förekommer både skillnader och likheter mellan de olika världsdelarnas utformning av CSR-rapporter inom gruvindustrin.
För mycket lycka : om lyckan och det politiska hos Simone de Beauvoir och Sara Ahmed
Happiness is often considered our ultimate goal in life. This essay explores the political im- plications of this view, through the critique of happiness found in the works of Simone de Beauvoir and Sara Ahmed. Ahmed and Beauvoir consider happiness to be harmful as a po- litical goal, since it tends to diminish dimensions of power and conflict in favor of harmony, and is not compatible with a political philosophy based on freedom or liberation. Happiness is often confused with the ethical Good, but this essay argues that happiness does not ne- cessarily entail good things. Indeed, happiness can be used to justify oppression and unjust political systems..
Socionomen som ämbetsman - demokratins väktare?
In this essay we have examined how social workers experience their positions as a public authority person in a society of democracy. As a public officer you have to follow rules and obey the law, which can be difficult if they don't agree with your personal opinion and values. In social work you work with people in a vulnerable situation and it may become extremely demanding to stand between the directions of established public administration and your own opinions. We have interviewed ten social workers working in social childcare division and analysed how they experience their situation at work. Our starting point is the critical theory of professor Lennart Lundquist about how democracy works in Swedish administrations.
Responsible sourcing and transparency in the home textile industry : the case of cotton
CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, has become increasingly important in a globalised world where the responsibilities of companies and governments are somewhat blurry. The textile industry is an industry where long supply chains and raw material production in developing countries are factors adding to the complexity and difficulties of solving ethical issues. Cotton production faces many environmental, social and financial challenges in the value chain. Therefore this case study takes a closer look at five Nordic home textile companies, Ikea, Hemtex, S Group, Moko and Finlayson, and how these companies choose their cotton related CSR tools and communicate their work on this area. These companies are of various sizes and therefore the resources for CSR work are also different, as well as the perceived values for working with CSR.
"Det är lättare att lyfta på luren om det finns en specifik person att ringa till" : En kvalitativ studie om handläggare och förskollärares syn på samverkan när barn far illa eller riskerar att fara illa
The aim of this study is to examine how social workers and pree-school teachers resonate about their experiences of cooperation with each other, in relation to maltreated children and the duty to report. Several studies show that there is a difference between how many children that is suspected of maltreatment and how many that are reported to social service. In Sweden, pre-school staff are obliged to notify the suspicion of child abuse according to 14: 1 SoL, but previous research indicates that the obligation to declare is not used to the extent that it should. One reason for the low notification rate is the interaction between preschool and the social services shortcomings.Therefore, we believe it is relevant to examine how the cooperation really looks like between the organizations, when the child is being abused or at risk of suffering. The results of the study are based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with four preschool teachers and four administrators.
Resan mot hållbar el : En fallstudie av hur två företag arbetar internt med CSR i elbranschen.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur två företag inom energibranschen arbetar och kommunicerar Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) internt. Vi har i vår studie undersökt, genom dels intervjuer och dels annat material, hur två kommunalt ägda energiföretag arbetar med CSR, samt undersökt varför de arbetar som de gör. Vidare undersöks hur dessa företag kommunicerar CSR inom företaget och om det finns några skillnader och likheter i sättet att arbeta med CSR-frågor.Tidigare forskning indikerar att arbetet med CSR ser likartat ut för företag inom samma bransch. Vårt resultat pekar dock på att så inte alltid är fallet. Anledningarna till att det kan se olika ut är flera.
Varning! Effekter av varningar i printreklam.: Effekter av varningar i printreklam
The purpose of warning labels used by governments is to decrease consumption. In Sweden, the mandatory warning labels are designed according to statutory guidelines, and not according to research on attention-grabbing graphic elements. This results in a belief that the attention toward the warning labels is poor. An extensive experiment underlies this study, which has the purpose of providing insights to the effects that warnings, warning design, and warning content has on attention, attitudes and behavior in print ads. The study shows that, even though the standard design and content has lost much of its potential to communicate the warning, it gains more attention compared to a warning label with new design and content.
En effektivare källsortering för bättre materialutnyttjande - en behovsanalys
The waste fractions offered to households in Sweden differ depending on where you live. The responsibility for the waste are grounded by the Swedish law where the municipality are responsible for the collection of household waste and FTI are responsible for collecting all packages and papers that the households sorts out. A new waste regulation is under consideration where the responsibility for the household waste may change. The bulky waste from households is collected at recycling centers where the households leave it in different containers for different fractions. These recycling centers are formed different and the fractions offered in them also differ depending on in what municipality they are located.
Modellering av dagvettenavrinning - Mousetrap
This paper deals with the use of Internet at Swedish public libraries. The author asks whether public libraries should or should not limit access to information available on the Internet. Starting from the American discussion, concerning Internet at public libraries, the author shows the Swedish attitudes. The paper demonstrates that many Swedish public libraries have adopted rules forbidding retrieval of certain kinds of information, such as hard-core pornography and racist propaganda. The persons in charge of such actions claim that public libraries should provide high-quality educational literature and should not spread mass-produced, provocative information.