

963 Uppsatser om Freedom of expression - Sida 30 av 65

Jag är rädd! : Patienters rädsla inom omvårdnaden.

Alla omvårdnadssituationer kan skapa rädsla och hur stark rädslan uppfattas och hur den uttrycks, är individuellt och beror på patienternas tidigare upplevelser och erfarenheter genom livet. Arbetet genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 13 vetenskapliga artiklar utgjorde grunden för resultatet.Studiens syfte var att belysa vad rädsla kan vara inom omvårdnad. Patienterna kunde uppleva flera olika slags rädslor som exempelvis rädsla för sjukdomslidande och död, rädsla för sjukdom och behandling eller rädsla för att bli misstrodd eller bli beroende av andra. Stöd och information sågs av patienterna som viktigt för att minska rädsla och känna trygghet, men lika viktigt var små gester som att få ett glas vatten, ett vänligt leende eller beröring. Sjuksköterskor har en viktig uppgift att fånga upp patienters rädsla och med information kunna lindra den.

Redesign av Vagabonds guideboksserieThe travelguides of Vagabond - Redesign

Todays travel trends go towards independence and self planning. If you need advice or help when performing your trip, there are several different series of guidebooks on the market and one of these series comes from the travel magazine Vagabond. This degree project concerns the redesigning of the travelguides of Vagabond, or to be precise: their cityguide over Istanbul. The purpose of the new design is to assure the resemblance between the guidebook and the magazine, as wanted by the Art Director of Vagabond Angelica Zander.Prior to the redesigning process preliminary studies that make up the fundamental ideas were made. Three other big titles of guidebooks on the market were analyzed, and in addition a great deal of focus ? considering the final purpose ? was put on the concept of magazine design.

"Jag vill att du tittar jag vill att du ser att jag aldrig mer ler" : En uppsats om självskadebeteende

The purpose of this thesis has been to investigaste the phenomenon of self-harm. To investigate this phenomenon, I interviewed three experts in Malmö and then compared the result with previous research on self-harm behaviour.The questions I wanted to answer were the following: How common is self-harm behaviour and how does it, according to experts, manifest itself among young men in Malmö? What can we learn from previous research about the causes of self-harm? Are there any correlations between the statements made by experts and previous research?My conclusion is that self-harm behaviour first and foremost is a mean of expression, a way of dealing with feelings that the self- harmer cannot deal with in any other way. People who suffer from self-harm behaviour often seem to have difficulties both in expressing and understanding their own feelings. Furthermore, they have often experienced abuse, abandonment, or other childhood traumas.

Skötsamhetens makt - Den moraliska sensibilitetens struktur och maktgörandets beståndsdelar: Hur kan dygderna fördjupa förståelsen kring empowermentprocesser?

This essay shows how the concept of virtue can deepen our understanding considering processes of empowerment. A virtue is understood as a trait of character, manifested in habitual action, that it is good for person a to have. Virtues are interpreted as socially constructed. Empowerment is presented as a process toward self-confidence and self-determination where recourses and freedom propels the development toward power for the individual, the household and the community. Why does the concept of virtue deepen our understanding? It is argued that our theoretical perceptive of empowerment needs to better encompass values, norms and practise.

Nyliberala idéer : En analys av Skattebetalarnas förening

AbstractWriters: Karl-Johan Arnér, studentMentor: Karl LoxboInstitution: Social studies 91-120p at the institution of human and social studies at the university of Kalmar.Title: Taxpayers Association ? An analyse during 1975-2007Background: The organisation was founded 1921 and has today over 100 000 members. They are critical to a large welferestate and work intensive to decrease the taxes in Sweden. They have a paper for the members and the study explores the message in this paper. The purpose is to se if the message is an express for the neoliberal ideology.Question formulation:? In which ways have the Taxpayers association expressed neoliberal ideas during 1975-2007?? Does the organisation have the same opinions 1975-2007?Results: The organisation writes mostly about taxes.

Bangenerering för industrirobot med 6 frihetsgrader

This thesis studies path generation for industrial robots of six degrees of freedom. A path is defined by connection of simple geometrical objects like arcs and straight lines. About each point at which the objects connect, a region, henceforth called a zone, is defined in which deviation from the defined path is permitted. The zone allows the robot to follow the path at a constant speed, but the acceleration needed may vary. Some means of calculating the zone path as to make the acceleration continuous will be presented.

Ett kulturlandskap : Kivik Art Centre - konsthall, ateljébostäder och friluftsteater vid Lilla Stenshuvud

The ambition with this piece of work, a collaborative project between a landscape architecture student and an architecture student, is to design a centre for art and culture at Lilla Stenshuvud near Kivik in Skåne in the south of Sweden. Though the project draws upon existing plans for an institution like this on the site, it has been independently developed and can thus be regarded as a project sufficient in itself. During the work-in-progress a proposal has been shaped which considers the existing landscape and emphasizes its characteristics. Great effort has been invested in the centre?s location, and thereafter the work has focused on finding an expression for the art centre that connects to the specific character of the surroundings in this part of Skåne.

Indianen och kalla kriget : Audiovisuella representationer av kalla kriget 1965-1986

The similarity between the Russian and the Indian, in a Cold War context, may be ambiguous considering the ethnic-social variables and the period in time from where the Indians relate. However, by analyzing these, as well as other, characters in the exhibition of movies, we could learn something about the ideology of the time from which the movies derive.This study examines ideology and movies in the Cold War era and concludes that the Indian, for example, may be representing the values of the common public enemy, originating from the Cold War ideology. The movies examined, regardless of influence of distinct Cold War themes or lack of such themes, carry attributes that give evidence of typical Cold War ideology. The fear of communism and common enemies connected to a Cold War context, the thought of America as the land of the free ? with the horizon in the ending of the movies as metaphoric to freedom ? and the moral rhetoric that connects to the American thought of a duty as a global savior, are all signs of the Cold War ideology.Even though the messages are somewhat clearer and more distinct in the movies with Cold War motifs, the fact that ideology is projected through other movies as well should be considered essential for the continuing study of movies as cultural artefacts..

?Så snart som möjligt? ? En jämförande studie av Open Access-policyer i Skandinavien

Open access (OA) is a publishing model aimed at increasingthe access to academic research results. The object of thisstudy was to contrast nine colleges and four fundingorganizations in Scandinavia with mandatory OA-policies,and to study how they put OA into practice.Inspired by the Open Access Spectrum (OAS), a tool used toappreciate the OA of academic journals, the aim was tograde the policy documents of the colleges using the OASmodel.The study also compares how the colleges implementtheir OA-policies as well as how, and if, the demands fromthe funding organizations are reflected in the policies of thecolleges.The findings show that the OAS is not a tool designed forgreen OA and that all the information needed for the scale tofunction was not found in the policy documents we studied.A selection of the colleges has some demands in theirpolicies, although most of them allow exceptions to be madefrom the mandatory policy. This is shown to be mainly aquestion of academic freedom, and copyright, or rather thanthe degree to which the scientist and the publisher can cometo an agreement on allowing the information to be accessiblethrough OA.The study proposes that the way to change this may be toincrease the demands on OA in the policies, and that the bestsolution might be in stipulations within the employmentcontracts between the individual colleges and scientist..

Det sitter i väggarna! ? organisationskultur på två folkbibliotek med annorlunda driftsform

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to study the organisational culture of two public libraries managed differently. One of the libraries in my study is run by the local bookstore and the other is run by a staff co-operative. My aim is to elucidate characteristic features in the culture of these two public library organisations. The questions I posed are which types of organisation culture can be identified in the two given examples and what the factors are that may be of importance for these cultures.

Offentlig konst och offentlig makt

The main purpose of the culture is to serve people and represent the people's social will and freedom. Culture does not exist in a vacuum but shaped and framed by political and artistic structures that are not neutral, and this is why the artwork itself cannot be an independent business. The public function of art can be understood as a defense of the ideals of democracy. But today, when political power is often replaced by hegemony, the role of art and functions are changing. How these changes reflect to the identity, reality and truth of society? What political functions are fulfilled when art becomes ?public?? The issue of democracy is linked question of people?s power in a democratic society where power is legitimized in social space.

"När vi väljer, så ska det vara för vår sons skull" : En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar till barn och ungdomar med funktionshinder gör sina val av insatser enligt LSS

The purpose of this essay is to study how parents of children with disabilities young people make their choice of support and service LSS. The study takes its lead from questions designed to determine which interventions parents use for their children. What parents think about today's choice and if satisfactory, or if they have other wishes. It is also about how parents experience the freedom of choice and participation in the selection of interventions. Furthermore how the parent discuss the topic of choice from childhood and parental perspective.

Identitet, modernitet och Twitter : Hur sociala är egentligen sociala medier?

Social media on the internet allows both public and private actors to communicate with each other. The aim of this qualitative study is to explore the relationship between the public and the private in social media on the internet, specifically with emphasis on the identities which are shaped in this relationship. The social media explored in this study is the micro blog Twitter. Data was collected from the pages of three public and private actors on Twitter, specifically with concern to their interaction with public and/or private actors. The data was analysed with support in sociological theories on modernity, identity, self-identity, socialisation and Erving Goffman's theories on everyday expression.

Frihet under ansvar eller sann och opåverkad kunskap ? Trovärdighet hos källor och hur den bedöms av två användargrupper.

This essay is investigating what type of sources we trust, depending on how the information in these sources is created and provided. To exemplify, the sources Wikipedia and Nationalencyklopedin (the Swedish National Encyclopedia) were used, each one representing different approaches. The first is a representation of the collective intelligence, where anyone can contribute with their knowledge to the public ? freedom under responsibility. The latter represents peer-reviewed knowledge, desirable enough to have people paying for it? true and unaffected.Based on theories of source criticism, collective intelligence, expertise and the different generations of digital natives and digital immigrants, two focus groups were conducted and analysed.

The road to recovery : En fallstudie om Arla Foods krishantering i Mellanöstern

The aim of this thesis is to expand the understanding of 16th century Flemish art by approaching paintings by artists Pieter Aertsen (1508-1575), Joachim Beuckelaer (1533-1574) and Pieter Bruegel (c. 1525-1569) from a different perspective. This is done by extending the discourse of art history, into a discourse of literary history and primarily 16th century novels by authors such as François Rabelais and Miguel de Cervantes. The paintings are studied in relation to these 16th century novels, by comparison and as a testament of this specific time period. A widening contextualization is also constructed in which a connection to the expression of the carnivals ambivalent form, as well as the notion of lower classes is explored.

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