

963 Uppsatser om Freedom of expression - Sida 18 av 65

Behovet av normalisering av avvikande ungdomar: en kvalitativ studie om eftervård

The society has always tried to get rid of those who do not "fit in". They doesn't follow the normal behaviour and rules and have to be "dismissed". The community has developed different kinds of institutional care for individuals with dysfunctional behaviour. Those institutions are mental hospitals and prisons. Many of these institutions put the individuals in an extreme situation since they loses their independence and freedom.

Öppna och slutna frågor i en jämförande studie : En studie i hur arbete med öppna/slutna frågor påverkar elevers förmåga till perspektivbyte i tid och rum.

Vi har i vår forskning belyst hur elever upplever arbetet med öppna respektive slutna frågor. Vi har framförallt tittat på hur arbetet med öppna och slutna frågor haft för inverkan på elevers möjligheter till perspektivbyte i tid och rum. Öppna frågor har i vår forskning varit lika med hög frihetsgrad medan slutna frågor är lika med låg eller ingen frihetsgrad. Vi har i vår forskning jämfört resultatet av en essäuppgift från två grupper med elever från årskurs 6. Dessa två grupper har innan uppgiften vägletts i temat ?En resa till Kina? i var sin experimentlektion.

De sociala medierna och rättssystemet

 The main purpose is to investigate the main fea-tures of the discourse in the social medias about the legal view on cimes and criminals.                                                The special questions that are investigated are:1)    What specific features characterize the discourse in the social medias?2)    What are the legal restrictions for the freedom of speech on the Internet?3)    What attitudes can you find among lawyers towards the discourse in the social medias?4)    Are there grounds for presuming that the discourse in the social medias can effect the judgement in a special case?         .

Upphovsrättens sammanställningsskydd och sui generis-skyddet för databaser. En adekvat skyddsnivå på bekostnad av informationsfriheten?

Collections, compilations and databases currently stand under a solid intellectual property protection in Sweden. This legal protection is partly a product of the old Nordic ?catalogue-rule? seen in the former 49 § of the Swedish copyright act (upphovsrättslagen) but was further extended by the implementation of the EU directive on the legal protection of databases 96/9/EG and the new sui generis-right. Since major values are represented digitally combined with the fact that Internet serves as the main provider for information a strong legal protection for databases must be carefully crafted. When crafting this kind of legal protection the right to freedom of information is balanced against the database producers? interests of property protection as well as social and public interests such as increased innovation.

Förekomst av Chlamydia/Chlamydophila spp hos gris med och utan konjunktivit.

ABSTRACTChlamydia and Chlamydophila are species of a family of bacteria (Chlamydiaceae) that cause a range of diseases, including conjunctivitis, in a variety of animals including pigs and humans. Some species cause zoonotic disease. This study examined the occurrence of Chlamydiaceae in samples taken from the lower eyelid conjunctiva in pigs with and without conjunctivitis. The study was initiated based on a herd investigation aimed to examine the experienced increase of conjunctivitis in some finisher herds. This study was conducted as a case-control study, by collecting samples from 62 case pigs (16-26 weeks old) and an equal number of controls, from three herds in Uppland, Sweden.

Immunohistochemical detection of thymidine kinase 1 in canine mammary tumors and lymphomas

The dog has often served as a model animal for humans in scientific studies. This is due to the fact that dogs are susceptible to a wide range of diseases which also affect humans. One example is cancer, a condition that affects dogs as well as owners. Neoplastic diseases account for 18-23 % of all deaths in dogs (Bonnet et al., 2005 and Jagielski et al., 2002). Mammary tumor, or tumor of the breast, is the most common tumor form in intact dogs and women (Im et al., 2013). Mammary tumors originate in the udder, and are classified according to their histological characteristics.

Frihet eller jämlikhet?

Existerar det en spänning mellan frihet och jämlikhet som omöjliggör att båda värdena kan realiseras fullt ut i ett samhälle? Kan ett samhälle vara fritt och jämlikt samtidigt eller måste ett av dessa värden ?offras? för att det andra ska kunna förverkligas? I denna artikel driver jag tesen att de är förenliga förutsatt att de tolkas på ett adekvat sätt....

Provinssnickarens poesi

I have studied and worked with various joints and interpreted twenty-six of them to small models. I then placed these into a template so that I could record the properties and their expressions.The protocol show what the joint looks like, and what its strengths and weaknesses are. Moreover, they are translated into a freer text, a poem, that describes what I think and feel about the joint.Based on the protocols, I have selected a number of joints which I then interpret into furniture. I have chosen to move forward in slightly different ways with different joints. Sometimes it is the expression of the joint that has given birth to a new idea, it may be the poem itself that led me on to a form, combinations of joints and that I found interesting, and so on.My interpretations are then further translated into new poems that describe what I see and what I feel when I assemble and disassemble each piece of furniture..

Camp Vamp - Att ljussätta en dansföreställning med skiftande förutsättningar

I work on a lighting design for a dance performance to be on tour. A lighting design adapted for three different conditions was made: - One comprehensive where I allow myself a great deal of creative freedom, adapted for the stages with major technical conditions. - One smaller version for stages with less equipment and with less time for preparation on site. - One design for very simple conditions. I also examine the specific differences between typical theatrical lighting design and typical dance lighting design, and the best way to prepare for the hands-on stage design phase..

ELVEEL - grafisk identitet till klädmärke

In my project I have collaborated with Linda Larson, who is the creator behind the fashion brand Elveel. The goal was to produce an identity and a graphic profile for Elveel. The aim was that the graphic profile would act as an extension of the clothes aesthetics. I wanted to explore if I by different folding and cutting techniques, in tags and packaging, could reflect the details of the clothes expression. But also how different design elements can reflect the story behind the clothes.

Luova. En föränderlig sittmöbel för det offentliga rummet

The aim of this project was to design a furniture that raises thoughts and curiosity about how to relate to people you share furniture with. Luova, a changing piece of furniture for public spaces is a bench where the user can choose the degree of social interaction. Furniture for public spaces has a diverse audience ranging from children to adults. Some come alone, others in group. Some are sitting down for a short time while others stay for longer.

Gränserna mellan ornamentik och improvisation är flytande

The catchphrase this project has been; the boundaries between ornamentation and improvisation are fluid.My aim was to focus on my work process, giving me the space and time so develop my design further regarding shape, color and combination of different styles in patterns.This is an explorative project where patterns were created without a predetermined product of which the patterns would be applied. In a later stage the character of the pattern determined which product that would be most suitable for application.It resulted in a collection of patterns for wallpaper and clothing. The motives are foxes, geometrical shapes and squares from a notebook. These motives form an ornamental expression in the patterns with the purpose of embellishment and therefore increase the emotional value of the product..

När ska vuxna delta i barnens lek? : En jämförelse mellan verksamma fritidspedagoger och forskningslitteraturen

This study aims was to examine if working recreation instructors and the technical literature have the same or different outlook on when the grown ups should attend in children?s play, and what it is that separate them. The work method has been qualitative interviews. The number of interviewed recreation instructors is four. The study shows that the working recreation instructors that I have interviewed consider that it´s important to protect children´s freedom in there play without the grown up´s interference.

Kartläggning av stallbyggnader och djurhållningssystem inom mjölkproduktion ur salmonellasynpunkt

Promoters are genetic elements that facilitate the transcription of a gene and they have been found in front of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes in different organ-isms, e.g. the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. A similar element, DUSE, has been found in front of ncRNAs in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum and a part of this project has been to analyze the function of this putative promoter element through cloning and expression studies. A construct to analyze the func-tion of DUSE was successfully designed and introduced into D. discoideum but full expression studies were not finished because of shortage of time.

Kuling - en digital bilderbok

In what way do pictures allow for freedom of interpretation and thoughts rather thanunderstanding reality in a high paced medium? Children today are exposed more thanever to images trough various media. Children?s culture in the digital world has, troughgames and apps, become more cross-generational than literature. Unfortunately, there aremany digital books that loose the story, as the creator gets lost in technology and/or ineducation and morals.

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