

190 Uppsatser om Foster - Sida 2 av 13

Ge oss ett strukturerat men flexibelt stöd! En kvalitativ undersökning om familjehemsföräldrars upplevelser av stöd: sett ur ett utvecklingsekologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to examine how the Foster parent's need of support is provided. The study was built upon a qualitative method with interviews with ten Foster parents. More specifically, its aim was too find out how the Foster parents themselves looked upon how their need of support, and from whom the support was provided. According to the law, it is the social services obligation to provide the Foster parents with all the support they could need. The picture the media sends out is different from what it should be because according to them, the social services fall short in the follow-up and also the support of the contact with the Foster parents.

"Som syskon, fast ändå inte" : En studie av familjehemsföräldrars egna barns erfarenheter

The aim of this study was to provide an understanding of the situation of an often forgotten group in Foster care, the carers? own children. Our main focus was to explore this group?s experience of Foster care, their experience of participating in caring for the Foster children and their possible need of support and help. Our chosen method was qualitative interviews with six adult children of Foster carers, two men and four women.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med barn som har neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder. : "Det är som en berg- och dalbana, det går upp och ner hela tiden"

The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how former Foster children experienced Foster care which have been filled with maltreatment and neglect and how this has influenced their adult life when it comes to health, education and relationships. We also wanted to study how the former Foster children coped with their placement. Furthermore we wanted to study whether there has been any turningpoints during their growth. Finally we wanted to describe how the former Foster children experienced the authorities control. To make the purpose of this study complete we chose to use qualitative interviews with six former Foster children as our research method.

Ingen riktig feminist : Om bilders betydelse för bloggar och bloggare

The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe through a quantitative study the extent of support received by Foster families, their opinion of the support and any areas that might need improvement. The Foster families receive Foster care support through a private agency. We concentrated on the following areas of support; education, health, contact with the children?s biological relatives and behavioral difficulties. These four areas have, in previous research, shown to be problematic for Foster children.

"Som syskon, fast ändå inte" : En studie av familjehemsföräldrars egna barns erfarenheter

The aim of this study has been to create an understanding for the situation of an often forgotten group in Foster care, the carers? own children. Our main focus has been the experience this group has of Foster care, their experience of participation in caring for the Foster children and their possible need of support and help. Our chosen method has been qualitative interviews with six adult children of Foster carers, two men and four women. The theory used in this study has been Sense of Coherence.Our interviewees gave mainly a positive description of being part of a Foster family even though they could give examples of difficult situation and of loss.

Uppmärksammas fosterföräldrarnas egna barn vid en familjehemsutredning?

The purpose of this essay was to look into whether any attention is paid to the biological children in Foster families when the investigation about Foster home is made. I did some qualitative interviews with six Foster home-investigators, working in five different municipalities. Some of the main questions have been: Do the investigator meet the biological children during an investigation? Are the children´s opinions taken into consideration? Is the suitability of a Foster home judged even from the biological children´s perspective?It was shown that it could happen that a Foster home was not approved, if it for some reasons should be a negative experience for the biological children, if a Foster child would be placed in their home. All the six persons in my interviews thought that it is important to take the biological children´s opinions into consideration, and that the family is not suitable to be a Foster home if not all of the family members have a positive attitude.

Överväganden vid val familjehem : En kvalitativ studie av fammiljehemssekreterare.

This essay is about what considerations Foster home secretary may face in their profession and how they use themselves as a tool. We were interested in the family home secretaries as a profession and we found that this area is relatively unexplored. The essay is based on semi-structured interviews with ten family home secretaries from seven different municipalities. To interpret our results, we used Mead's theory of "Mind, Self and Society". Our paper shows that family secretaries are faced with a variety of considerations in the selection of Foster homes.

Relationen mellan familjehem & biologiska föräldrar: En (o)komplicerad relation?     Synen på familjehemmens kontakt med barnets biologiska föräldrar, samt det stöd som ges från familjehemssekreterare i denna kontakt.

With this research we aim to examine Foster parents and social workers perceptions about the relationship between Foster parents and the Foster child?s biological parents and their perceptions about the support to the Foster parents in the contact with the child?s biological parents. The research will provide a deeper understanding of the actors? perceptions and explain possible differences in their opinions. This study has a qualitative approach and contains eight semi-structured interviews with Foster parents and social workers in a smaller town in the south of Sweden.

Hur påverkas ens uppväxt och vuxenliv av att man växt upp i ett familjehem? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie där fyra vuxna tidigare familjehemsplacerade reflekterar över de erfarenheter och upplevelser placeringen medfört

The purpose of this study was to give a picture of how some adults, who earlier was placed in Foster homecare, experience that their childhood have affected them during their life. I also wanted to see how the relationship to the biological family has been and developed during the placement. The study has also purposed to receive a deeper knowledge of how it could be to grow up in Foster care. To make the purpose of this study complete I chose to use qualitative interviews as a research method. Four adults who earlier were placed in Foster homecare have participated in this study.

Barn i familjehem: vilka faktorer bidrar till en välfungerande placering?

The purpose of this study has been to investigate which factors are important with Foster home placing, to achieve a positive result for the child. The questions that we have focused on is the importance of the child's earlier experiences and relations, the Foster homes attitude and approach, the social service organization and the cooperation between these concerned parties. We have also looked at the importance that the relation between the biological family, the child and the Foster home can have. This study has been carried out using qualitative interviews with several Foster homes, social welfare secretaries and a researcher in the area. We have also chosen to separate the Foster homes on the basis of two Foster homes only accepting teenagers while other accepting younger children.The theoretical concepts we have chosen to use are connected to attachment theory and the ecology of human development point of view.

"Alldeles utmärkt" eller "tungt som fan"? : En studie av fosterfamiljers egna barns syn på sin situation sett ut ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to examine, from a gender perspective, how biological children in Foster families experience the situation of living with Foster siblings. The material consists of ten interviews. We searched answers to the questions:1. In what way have the biological childrens relations to parents, biological siblings and Foster siblings changed through the placement?2.

FosterhemsvårdMed fokus på metoder vid utredning av nya familjehem, metoder vid handledning/stöd samt kunskap till blivande familjehem

This is a study of Foster homes. The focus is at the methods, used at Foster homes evaluations and at guidance/support the Foster homes are offered.En questionnaire is made in Skåne, on this theme.Except that, it contains a fairly lot of useful information for families who are interested in becoming Foster home.The questionnaire is made among public and private participants who evaluates new Foster homes and places children (under 18 years) in Skåne.Because of the low answer frequency, we can?t generalize the result of the questionnaire. But the result we have obtained indicates that Kälvestens evaluation method is used frequently.In the subject of support/guidance we can?t see any specific methods used.

Familjehemmens biologiska barn : Berättelser om att växa upp med fostersyskon

Children, who grow up in families, where their parents have decided to take care of a Foster child on a commission of the social welfare services, are not often given the possibility to tell about their experience of having Foster siblings, in research and other studies. The aim of this study was to give biological children, in these families, a chance to tell their narratives of growing up with Foster siblings, creating opportunities for families, who might have plans to take care of Foster children in the future. They can get a picture of how it could be for the family´s own children. The biological children got the opportunity to tell their narrative stories including the relationships in their families and how they were looking forward into their own future and family life. The used theory takes part in systemic thinking, looking at the family as an organization and how identities are created in relationships and in communication.

Lyckade Familjehemsplaceringar : är SoL lika med en solig placering och LVU bara en lång väg ut?

Focusing of what´s best for the child has been a keyword in social work for a long time. That seems obvious for many people, but sometimes it lacks in the care of the children and the child may be taken in to care. The purpose was to find circumstances of success that can contribute to a successful placement of the child according to social workers and Foster families. In which way does the cooperation between social worker, Foster family and the origin family affect the placement? The study is based upon a qualitative method in form of interviews intending to get the respondents own knowledge and experience of Foster care.

Familjehemsföräldrars erfarenheter av Paired Reading med placerade barn : Lästräning utifrån nytta och nöje

The academic underachievement of looked after children is well known. By involving Foster carers in a Paired Reading intervention a Swedish project tried to address this issue, replicating a successful British trial. The aim of my thesis was to study the variations in the Foster carers? experiences of this literacy intervention. Reading reports from 100 children were collected and qualitative interviews with 15 Foster parents were analyzed using concepts from motivational psychology.

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