97 Uppsatser om Formula one - Sida 2 av 7
Beräkning och loggning av bränsleförbrukning samt implementering av MOST
Huvudmålet med examensarbetet var att konstruera en utrustning för mätning
samt loggning av dieselförbrukning på en buss. Det fanns dessutom en önskan
att ett MOST-nätverk skulle konstrueras. Detta skulle användas på 2005 år
Formula SAE-bil vid Luleå tekniska Universitet.
Olika metoder diskuterades och arbetet resulterade i en prototyp som mäter
och loggar både bränsleförbrukning och körsträcka på Luleå Lokaltrafiks
bussar. Även ett mindre MOST-nätverk upprättades men med ett icke
tillfredställande resultat.
Beräkning och loggning av bränsleförbrukning samt implementering av MOST
Huvudmålet med examensarbetet var att konstruera en utrustning för mätning samt loggning av dieselförbrukning på en buss. Det fanns dessutom en önskan att ett MOST-nätverk skulle konstrueras. Detta skulle användas på 2005 år Formula SAE-bil vid Luleå tekniska Universitet. Olika metoder diskuterades och arbetet resulterade i en prototyp som mäter och loggar både bränsleförbrukning och körsträcka på Luleå Lokaltrafiks bussar. Även ett mindre MOST-nätverk upprättades men med ett icke tillfredställande resultat..
Fågel fisk eller mittemellan?
The project is a thesis which intends to strengthen the form language and increase the user friendliness of an International Moth. This is a single handed dinghy with only one sail. It sails on two hydrofoils and receives a very high speed compared to its size, and are therefore often referred to as ?the Formula one on water ?. The result is a new concept where the aerodynamic forces have been used to stabilize the boat and relieve the hydrofoils.
Is Home State Taxation a step forward for SMEs? An SME?s ability for growth and integration in the EU after the HST tax reform
Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) within the European Union are currently facing many challenges one being access to financing due to high risk and probability of default, another being cross-border taxation issues with double taxation and information asymmetry. Since the aim within the EU is to be the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world with sustainable economic growth and social cohesion it is essential that the EU operates as a single market. Despite this need, harmonization continues to be far from achieved in the area of direct taxation which also affects the integration and growth opportunities for SMEs. In the Agenda for Entrepreneurship, the Home State Taxation regime, which is based on formula apportionment, has been proposed by the Commission as one option in order to mutually recognize the different Member States? taxation systems to facilitate cross-border activities and reduce ?red-tape?.
Betydelsen av förändringar i DuPont-komponenterna för framtida operativ lönsamhet
The DuPont formula is one of the most well known and basic tools used for financial statement analysis and is highly useful for understanding firms strategies and operating environment. Previous studies on American listed companies have also shown that analysis of the changes in the DuPont components is useful in forecasting contexts. In this thesis we test whether disaggregating the change in return on net operating assets provides incremental information about future performance for Swedish listed and not listed companies. We find that the change in asset turnover is a leading indicator of increased profitability for both listed and private companies, regardless of size. We also find evidence that the usefulness of the disaggregation for understanding future performance is greater in capital intense industries and lesser in service industries..
Aspekter på flyttkostnader, fastighetsbildning och fastighetstorlekar :
This master thesis has three purposes. The first purpose is to give a theoretical background of how to divide up forest estates and to study how the legal system for these matters works.
A literature study has been carried out to give the background and a theoretical model has been made for analysing the law cases. The first purpose also partly touched the decision process in dividing up forest estates from point of view of the law of land parcelling (FBL), point of view.
The second purpose is to examine effects of a change of production requirements in 3 cap.7 § FBL as regards dividing up forest estates of private forest owners.
Att offentliggöra döden. Vad påverkar utformningen av dödsannonser?
Since long time ago people have announced in one way or another when one of the membersof their family had died. In the old times ?oral? messages were used, e.g. people went to theirneighbors and told them what had happened. In church the priest announced the death of amember of the parish from the pulpit.When newspapers came into use at the end of 1800 and announcements became customary,this eventually turned out to be the ?proper? way in Sweden for announcing death.
Betong - Förvånansvärt lättflytande!
Concrete is a very common construction material. It´s characteristics are strength, durability and formablility. Superplasticizer is a common admixture, which changes the properties of concrete.
Today (spring 2007) there are no certian mathematical methods to calculate the required percentage of this admixture needed to give the necessary set slump flow in the overall concrete recipe.
Concrete batching companies must therefor experiment with different amount of superplasticizer in order to meet the specified slump and strength.
The purpose og this report is to investigate if any mathematical relation can be established between the amount of superplasticizer used and the slump flow achieved.
After carrying out some practical experiments using four different superplasticizers a direct relationship can be establish between the percentage of admixture used and the slump/flowability achieved. Unfortunatly at present due to the numerous variables, the calculation of mathematical formula can not be achieved..
Diskontinuerliga Galerkinmetoder för initialvärdesproblem och prissättning av optioner
Efficient numerical methods for option pricing is an active field of research. This project has the goal to examine possible ways to improve an established method of numerical pricing. The method is based on an adaptive finite difference method in price and uses the backwards differentiation formula of order 2, BDF2, in time. The project will focus on improvements to the time integration through implementation of discontinuous Galerkin methods, dG. Empirical convergence and accuracy results are obtained for equidistant dG-methods up to order 3 and performance is compared to BDF2.
Indexering av skönlitteratur ? en konsistensundersökning
The aim of this master thesis was to measure the terminological consistency when indexing fiction. The study included ten participants, five librarians and five patrons who indexed two novels in three steps. Besides calculating the terminological consistency a typified index based on the term frequency was created.Subject heading list Att indexera skönlitteratur was used as a controlled vocabulary and to calculate the consistency the asymmetrical formula was used.The result showed that the study produced relatively high consistency values compared to other studies. The subject heading list increased the consistency value for all of the participants, for the patrons the increase was substantial. The librarians produced higher consistency values compared to the patrons in almost every step and they had in percentage lower amount of terms used only once..
Askans inverkan på beläggningstendensen i ett biobränsleeldat kraftvärmeverk och växtplatsens påverkan på askegenskaperna :
This report was written by Sofia Ericson and describes the degree thesis with the title: ?Connections between the growing site of bio fuel, the chemical composition of bio fuel ash and the deposit growth in a bio fuel fired boiler.? The purpose of this degree thesis was to avoid melted deposit growth in the bio fuel fired boiler at ENA Kraft in Enköping.
Potassium and sodium are known to lower the melting point of bio fuel ashes and are therefore not wanted in the trees in higher amounts than necessary for the growth. Silicon is also known to be important for the deposit growth but it is not possible to say in general if higher or lower contents of silicon is better. The relation between silicon and other chemical substances is more important than the total amount of silicon.
Elevernas upplevelser av ungdomscentrum
The Individual Program (within the continuation school) in Sweden is the third largest. Its purpose is that the students, who for some reason haven?t been able to be admitted to a National Program, shall get the chance to improve their possibilities to attend one. The difficulties the students, who are admitted to the Individual Program are carriers of, have a wide range. The purpose of the Individual Program is that no one should be excluded from any continuation school.
The Learned Hand Formula vs. Bonus Pater Familias : En undersökning av culpabedömningens subjektiva del
Av tradition har frågan om en person varit vårdslös eller inte avgjorts genom att personens beteende jämförts med en Bonus Pater Familias (BPF) d.v.s. en fiktiv ?normalt aktsam person? på det aktuella området. Modellen betraktas numera i princip som utmönstrad och culpabedömningen anses istället ta sin utgångpunkt i aktsamhetsnormer uttryckta i lag, föreskrifter, praxis och sedvana (där BPF används som tankemodell). Om inte ovanstående ger svar görs en fri bedömning som utgår från The Learned Hand Formula (LHF) där hänsyn tas till risken för skada, den eventuella skadans storlek och skadevållarens möjligheter till att förekomma skadan.
Upplevda sväljningssvårigheter vid cancer i struphuvud och nedre svalg : En studie baserad på patientrapportering efter cancerbehandling med inriktning på livskvalitet och logopedens insatser
Cancer i huvud- och halsregionen och dess behandling har setts leda till sva?righeter att sva?lja hos cirka 40 % av patienterna. Sva?ljningssva?righeterna har visats vara sva?rast vid larynx- och hypofarynxcancer. Sva?ljningssva?righeter pa?verkar livskvaliteten negativt enligt flera studier.
EBH - Easy Battery Handling
The project Easy Battery Handling - EBH has been carried out in our auspicial and completedfor Devantini Corporation, a development company in Halmstad with its main concern inenvironmental friendly innovations.EBH has solved one of many technical challenges in one of Devantini corporation?s largerprojects. This main project involves the development of an electric powered formula racingcar. The part of this car that involved EBH was the battery handling to guarantee safe andquick battery exchanges during pit-stops.The solution became an entire battery module, hanging on the side of the car on two spearspointing out from the car. The batteries are exchanged by a specially designed trolley that isinserted under the battery module.