

1186 Uppsatser om Formativ examination - Sida 57 av 80

Validering av smärtformulär för katt

The objective of this study was to assess validity and reliability for five different owner-completed instruments evaluated to assess chronic musculoskeletal pain in cats. All of the instruments were questionnaires, three asking about behavioral changes, one about the degree of pain and one about quality of life. One of the instruments was written originally in Swedish, the other four instruments were translated into Swedish before use. Data available were records from 57 cats with no signs of pain and 11 cats with different pain-related diagnoses. The diagnoses were ensured by clinical examination including palpation and manipulation of joints, gait testing on a force-plate and X-ray scans. Instrument 1 was completed by 57 pain-free and 11 pain-affected cats.

Internal Market Harmonisation and Trade Implications for Non-EU Companies

After the formation of the European Union internal market in 1992, member state specific obstacles and barriers were largely removed. This was especially the case in harmonised industries where standardisation and technical regulation have led to legal certainty. Despite this, a large range of trade regulation continues to remain distortional to trade, in addition to the ongoing tariffs and subsidies. The key trade regulations relate to a number of areas involving technical regulations such as production labelling and the protection of intellectual property rights. Whilst policy makers claim justification based around the need to correct market failure in delivering desired outcomes, the question is whether these regulations are appropriate responses to market failures or if they have simply been imposed in an attempt to protect domestic markets.

Drama : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om drama som arbetssätt inom skolan och fritidshem

Denna studie belyser hur pedagoger och annan personal inom skolan och fritidshem använder sig av drama som arbetsverktyg. Teoriöversikten innefattar hur dramapedagogiken uppstått, hur olika forskare ser på drama och skolverkets läroplan (2011).Studiens resultat visar att de intervjuade informanterna använder sig av drama på olika sätt. Däribland i inlärningssituationer, konfliktlösningssituationer och att för att stärka elevernas självkänsla och samarbetsförmåga. Informanterna lyfter fram både ämnesintegration, temaarbeten och olika teaterföreställningar som arbetssätt i studien.Studiens resultat visar även vad informanterna anser att drama som arbetssätt leder till. Det som framkom var att de ansåg att eleverna fick en direktkunskap vid användandet av drama, eleverna fick en bättre förståelse för varandra vid konflikter och att drama passar för både svag och starkpresterade elever.

?Ju mer man vet desto mer kan man bestämma? ? En undersökning av behov, sökning och användning av information vid beslutsfattande i kommunala nämnder.

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine some information aspects of decision-making in Swedish municipal committees. Which are the information needs and how do they emerge? How is the needed information sought and received and which are the sources? How do the members of the committees use information when making decisions? To answer these questions qualitative interviews were conducted with four politicians (two chairpersons representing the political majority and two vice-chairpersons representing the opposition) and three officials in a municipality with a population of about 50 000. The politicians were interviewed in capacity of decision-makers, whereas the officials from the local administration are of interest through their decision-supportive role, which includes providing of reports and other information. The examination indicates that even if the conditions to some extent differ between the committees, the administration is highly influential: Notions and proposals about action may come from inhabitants, organizations, politicians etc., but are handled by the administration, which often is the problem formulating actor, through which the informational needs nearly always are canalized.

Språkförmågor hos barn som deltar i läsfrämjande aktivitet

In a school for children from 6-9 years in a small town in the southeast of Sweden, is areading activity program in progress since 8 years. The original purpose of this program wasto enhance the student?s reading interest. All of the students read at least one book a week andthen they review the book in front of the class.The purpose of the present study was to examine vocabulary, word retrieving, narrative skillsand grammatical abilities in children in this school. The objectives were to investigate if thechosen language abilities in these children were different compared to normative data andearlier studies in children at comparable ages.

Automatic Trimmerhead

Automatic trimmerhead is an examination project for making an automatic trimmerhead for grass trimmers with the user and functionality in focus. Our perception is that a happy user is a user who can pick up his or her trimmer, use it and put it back to its place when the job is done. It should not be necessary to interrupt work and perform maintenance on the machine just to make it work as promised.The project has been made in collaboration with the company Husqvarna, which is one of the biggest actors dealing with garden machinery on the market. Together we determined the project goal, ?To invent, construct and test a brand new concept for how an automatic trimmerhead can look and function?.At this day there are several different automatic trimmerheads on the market, both semi and fully automatic.

Google digitaliserar bibliotekssamlingar En analys av hur biblioteksvärlden reagerar på Google Book Search

The wide spread of the Internet and new information technologies in recent years has come to effect how libraries manage and disseminate information. Search engines like Google are widely used by people who often find the information retrieval systems of libraries to be too complicated. In 2004 Google announced plans to digitise five major library collections. Organisations representing the publishing industry and authors have since then filed lawsuits against Google claiming that Googles scanning of library books infringe the rights holders copyright. Due to Googles potential impact on libraries this thesis aims to examine how Googles digitisation project, Google Book Search, has been received in the library community.

Tala är silver, tiga är guld : Om målsägande flickors utrymme och möjlighet till fritt berättande i förhör om misstänkta sexuella brott. En jämförelsestudie av förhörsledares språk ur ett genusperspektiv.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the interrogation transcripts of interviews with girls between the age of 11 and 16 who are alleged victims of sexual crimes. The examination is done from a gender perspective, by comparing six interrogations by male interrogators and eight interrogations by female interrogators. The study has used linguistic indicators relating to the interrogation methodological guidelines, in order to highlight how the interrogators give girls the opportunity and space to share their experience of the alleged sexual offense. Text material is categorized based on themes and analyzed in detail to find any gender-specific patterns of hearing leaders and if the girls are given space and opportunity for a free storytelling. The results show that in several themes, differences between the male and the female interrogators can be discerned.

Yrkesidentitet och yrkeskultur i det Arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet : en intervjustudie med sex handledare för elever på Barn- och fritidsprogrammet.

The purpose of this examination was to find how supervisors interpreted the termsvocational identity and vocational culture, found in the diploma goals in workplace-based learning at the Child- and Recreation Programme. To reach the purpose, I formulated questions that I answered through a qualitative study. I made six interviews with pre-school teachers who had been supervisors for students at the Child- and Recreation Programme. The informants answered the same questions and the answers were recorded. The result of the study showed that the supervisors made a fairly consistent interpretation of the terms.

Vita vingar och röda bär -en folkloreinspirerad mönsterkollektion

The aim of this examination project was to work with the processof making a pattern collection for fabrics. The collectionshould consist of at least three patterns with report measurementssuitable for screen print. I wanted the pattern collectionto be a simple, mystic and colourful collection with a folklorespirit like the popular rural life I experienced during my childhood.The purpose of the project was that I during the working processwould deepen my estethic background to enforce my personalgraphic expression ability and evolve as a pattern designer.I wanted to try to mix my personal view of domestic graphicexpression with another language that I gained in recent years.This I wanted to do in order to find the tools that could helpme clarify and develop my pattern signature.A few of the questions that I had about this project were if thelong scetching phase that I planned would help or damage theproject.I also thought it would be interesting to experiment with coloursin this project. I wanted to see how far I dared to go inmatter of colours as well as how the patterns would be visuallyexperienced if I for example reduced one colour or replaced itwith the opposite colour.I thought it was inspiring to work with traditional techniqueswith the colours. It was only positive that part of the patternstory telling was developed in an unpredicted direction duringthe scetching phase.

Screening av dysfagi på äldreboenden i Linköpings kommun

Changes in swallowing function are common in elderly and chronically ill individuals. Therefore it is important to be aware of these changes and their prevalence. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of dysphagia in nursing homes in the municipality of Linköping, and to correlate dysphagia with variables that can be a cause or a consequence of dysphagia. These variables were gender, age, MMT-result, dentition, weight loss, medical diagnose or number of medications. The intention was also to examine the additional information regarding dysphagia supplied by pulse oximetry.Sixty nursing home residents aged 74-101 years were chosen to participate in the study.

Jag tänkte gå, men livet kom emellan: om sex kvinnors val att inte delta i mammografiscreening

The aim of this study was to identify possible reasons for non-attendance related to mammographic screening. Using qualitative methods, sex women underwent a semi-structured interview on the following themes: social background, medical history, mammographic screening, invitation, and final decision.Social background was described using the "life-form theory". The concepts of illness, disease, and sickness were used in order to investigate medical conditions and their impact. The process of non-attendance was studied using a model by Zovko, balancing different needs affecting decisions and final action.According to their decision, and final action, women were defined as "participants", "passive non-attenders" or "active non-attenders". Most women belonged to the life-form "paid work" and had children.

Genus : En studie inriktad på lärarnas medvetenhet med avseende på genus i ämnet idrott och hälsa.

The aim ofthis study was to examine how economic growth affects the level of democracy inauthoritarian states. Some of these states have experienced high economicgrowth. However, one can discuss how it affects the country?s democratization-process.For that reason this study was needed to contribute to a clarification of howeconomic growth can affect authoritarian rule and democratization. This wasdone through an examination of the development in China.

Politiska nätverk och Nord Stream : En möjlighet att vara med och påverka

AbstractPaper in political science, C-level, by Lars A Roos, spring semester 2007. Tutor: Susan Marton. ?Policy networks and Nord Stream.?The purpose of this paper is to examine how the government and interest groups have been working together to commonly prevent the building of a gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea. To do this, a comprehensive question how does the government and the involved interest groups work together in policy networks? has been broken down to three more specific questions: (1) Can the cooperation between the government and the interest groups be placed within the frame of a issue network or a policy community? (2) Has the cooperation between the government and the interest groups contributed to new tools for the government to prevent the gas pipeline? (3) If the answer is yes to the second question then, which are these new tools?My examination is a case study of the policy network that exists around the Swedish actors in the case of the Baltic Sea gas pipeline.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy vid bariatrisk kirurgi - Långtidsuppföljning efter 2 år

Under de senaste åren har fetma ökat, 14% beräknas lida av fetma i dagens svenska samhälle. Många har gjort ett flertal viktminskningsförsök utan bestående resultat. Bariatrisk kirurgi är det som enligt forskning ger bäst viktminskningsresultat. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) har tidigare visat sig vara effektiv i jämförelse med treatment as usual. Den här studien utforskar graden av terapeutstöd av ACT-baserad internetbehandling efter bariatrisk kirurgi vid en två-årsuppföljning.

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