

1186 Uppsatser om Formativ examination - Sida 33 av 80

"Gör man sitt bästa så ska man klara ett E" : En studie av åtta lärares arbetssätt kring bedömning och betygsättning i ämnet idrott och hälsa

Bedömning och betygsättning är ett ständigt diskuterat ämne inom lärarkåren och det finns inga tydliga svar på hur arbetet med det ska gå till. Syftet med denna studie var att, genom kvalitativa intervjuer, undersöka hur åtta lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa arbetar med bedömning och betygsättning. Syftet uppnås med tre olika frågeställningar som rör lärarnas uppfattningar kring bedömning och betygsättning, bedömningar som ligger till grund för betygen samt vad som påverkar lärarnas bedömningar. Metoden som används i studien var av kvalitativ art och genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer.Den insamlade empirin analyserades med studiens utvalda teoretiska utgångspunkter som rör läroplansteori, ramfaktorteori och praxisgemenskapsteori (community of practice). Resultatet som framkom i studien var att lärarna upplevde en stor tolkningsfrihet när det kommer till läroplanen och hur undervisningen planerades.

Utveckling och utförande av frekvensstudie vid Rapid Granulator AB

The object of this examination project is to produce a method of work sampling at Rapid Granulator AB. The aim is to perform the method at the company and evaluate if it is executable. The study is delimited to the basic construction of the 45-series in the assembly hall.Preparations to produce the method of the work sampling resulted in definitions of activities, a form and a product tree. Several days were spent studying the assembling to learn and understand the entirety.The work sampling result showed a large amount of no value adding time that was used in the assembling. Some of the activities could be reduced and we observed some problems during the assembly process.

Musikens roll i förskolan : Musikens roll i förskolan ur fyra pedagogers perspektiv

With this empirical essay I want to research how and why pedagogues use music in their preschool activities. Music is important to me and in relation to the new educational plan I have cautions about that the esthetic subjects may be less prioritized than before. The purpose with my study is to find out preschool pedagogues perspective in learning and evolving children?s educational matters through music. I base my literature theories in this study on Vygotskij and Fröbels theoretical perspectives.

Lärares och elevers syn på elevens lärande vid individuella

Syftet med vårt arbete var att undersöka elevers och lärares uppfattningar om betydelsen av den individuella utvecklingsplanen vad gäller elevens lärande. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ metod, vi intervjuade fyra lärare verksamma i årskurs fem, samt två elever i lärarnas respektive klass. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ intervjumetod då det är människors uppfattningar som vi är ute efter i vår undersökning. Från resultaten i vår studie drar slutsatsen att lärare och elever anser att de individuella utvecklingsplanerna är av betydelse för elevens lärande. Det som lärarna och eleverna i undersökningen nämnt vara av betydelse för elevens lärande är att de under det individuella utvecklingssamtalet får insikt i hur eleven förhåller sig till de uppsatta målen i styrdokumenten, samt vilka mål de ska sträva mot.

Animal Assisted Therapy : ett team i behandling och terapi av barn och unga

The main purpose of this examination paper has been to do a review of recent scientific and evaluated studies performed on children 0-15 years of age, treated with an animal as an assistant to the therapist/professional. The key term is Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). Our focus has been to describe in what fields these kinds of studies have been performed, what the results are and how effective they have been. As a supplement to our study we have performed 8 short telephone interviews with professionals in the same field of occupation corresponding to the studies we have summarized. Our results concerning the studies show that there has been a positive outcome in the treatment of children and adolescents and AAT.

Lärare - därför förkunnare : En undersökning av kristendomslärarinnan Astri Heimers morgonböner och hennes roll som morgonbönsförrättare 1938-1954

Unlike previous research, this thesis considers the possibility of regarding the morning prayers in Swedish schools as preaching, rather than teaching. 28 morning prayers, delivered in the church of S:t Johannes in the city of Malmö during 1939-1954 by the religious teacher Astri Heimer (1889-1986), constitutes the material for analysis. The purpose of this thesis is to examine if Heimer's morning prayers may be regarded as preaching, and to discuss the significance of this, in particular considering her role as leader of morning prayers.The examination is conducted in three steps. The first step investigates how morning prayers in general ought to be understood - as teaching or preaching? This is done by describing and comparing the literary genres of religious teaching and preaching, looking into the rules and principles which define the field of application.

När läraren blir elev : En kvalitativ studie av argumenterande texter skrivna av lärare

The present study aims to examine how teachers write polemical articles. This genre often occurs in national standardized tests in Swedish schools. The study seeks to analyze argumentative structures in the articles. It also categorizes assessment notes written by the teachers in response to each others? articles, by interpreting response texts.    The examination shows that there is uncertainty among the teachers about how to create structures in argumentative text types.

Inskolning i förskolan

Detta examensarbete undersöker hur lärare och elever använder sig av formativ bedömning i skrivprocessen för att bearbeta och förbättra elevtexter. Utgångspunkten för detta arbete har varit att ta reda på hur elever tar till sig den formativa bedömningen i den fortsatta skrivprocessen och på vilka grunder lärare gör sina val av kommentarer i den formativa bedömningen. I undersökningen har jag följt fem elever i årskurs 6 och deras lärare under fem dagar för att främst se hur de arbetar i skrivprocessens sista fas där bearbetningen av texten sker. Jag har observerat lärarens och elevernas arbete i skrivprocessen samt intervjuat läraren och de fem eleverna. Elevtexterna använder jag som konkret exempel på vilka kommentarer läraren ger till eleverna och vilket fokus hon lägger i sin bedömning samt hur eleverna bearbetar sina texter utifrån kommentarerna.

IT-konsultens konsultationsprocess

How does IT-consultants reason in their consulting process regarding the development of a clients IT-based internal recruitment system? The purpose with this paper is to investigate how an IT-consultant is reasoning in a consulting process and investigate whether consultants are using established models and methods in their work. We have chosen to work with a qualitative examination to attain our purpose. In our work gathering the empirical facts we have been working with a case study, an observation and a simulation exercise. The combination of these has made it possible to carry out the paper and produce the most correct data possible.

Att stärka elevers självkänsla på lågstadiet

This paper is an examination of how you as pedagogue can strengthen students self-esteem. I have acknowledge that there are possibilities to do this by the art of dancing. I want to with this paper to give a deeper understanding that shows of how you as a pedagogue can strengthen students self-esteem by using dance at junior level. To answer this question I have used this questions:- Can dance strengthen students self-esteem by the art of dancing and if that is so how can this be done?- What pedagogical attitude can be to an advantage when the goal is to strengthen students self-esteem.I have chosen to use ten qualitative interviews which brings up my questions at hand.

Entreprenöriell matematik : På John Bauergymnasiet i Västerås

Enterprise learning is a pedagogic concept that implies that the students, in correlation with development of theoretical, subject specific knowledge, also develops enterprise competences that will be useful in their everyday life and on the labour market. Enterprise learning has grown over the last ten years, as well in school practicing as within research. In the mathematics subject, a strong educational tradition has delayed the introduction of enterprise learning. At the examined school, enterprise mathematics has been introduced during the spring term of 2010. This examination focuses on which of the enterprise competences that are developed and how they are developed.

Termografisk undersökning med samtidig analys av rektaltemperatur, hjärtfrekvens, psykiska reaktioner och specifika blodparametrar av häst som behandlats med vibrationsboxen Vitafloor :

A number of studies in human medicine has documented positive effects of whole body vibration treatment in humans. The Vitafloor system, witch is based on treatment of horses with vibration, has the purpose to be used in training of healthy horses and as rehabilitation for horses with injuries in their musculosceletal system. The purpose of this study was to analyse what happens with a clinically healthy horse during treatment with Vitafloor. The methods used is mainly thermography before and after treatment, but also blood samples, measurement of rectal temperature, heart rate, clinical examination and observation of psychic reactions has been done. Statistic significant changes in skin temperature in hoofs and fetlocks of front legs has been observed after treatment with Vitafloor. Analyzing of the blood samples showed a tendency for decrease in Kalium, and two of the horses had changes in CK. No negative effect has been observed with the treatment of horses with Vitafloor, and the horses seems to like the treatment. .

Ätstörningsspecifik reflektiv funktion : samband med affektmedvetenhet, självskattad anknytningsstil och ätstörningssymtom

Syftet var att utvärdera en ny intervju, SRF-ED, Symptomspecific Reflective Functioning - Eating Disorders. Intervjun blev validerad i förhållande till ätstörningssymtom, anknytningsstil och affektmedvetenhet. Sammanlagt deltog 22 personer, 21 kvinnor och en man. De intervjuades med SRF-ED samt ACI-S/O (Affect Consciousness Interview ? Self/Others) och fyllde i självskattningsformulären ENR kortform (Erfarenheter i Nära Relationer) och EDE-Q version 6,0 (Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire).

En proteomisk utvärdering av olika metoder för att samla uterussekret hos sto :

This study was performed in order to evaluate if the method of collecting uterine secretion by the tampon-method is representative for use in studies of uterine secretions in mares. Uterine secretion collected by tampon in six mares was compared with secretion collected by aspiration, regarded to be a native sample, at the Institution of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SLU, Uppsala. Proteinanalysis was made at the Department of Farmaceutic Bioscience, toxicological unit, Uppsala University. Cytological smears and ultrasonography was used to assess if the tampon had caused an inflammatoric reaction that could influence the protein content of the samples. The results suggest that the tampon and aspirat method do not differ when it comes to proteinconcentration, but the distribution of proteins differ between these different collection methods. This difference could not likely be explained by means of proteins due to an inflammatory reaction from the tampon, since neither the cytological nor the ultrasonographical examination gave any indications of inflammation.

Göteborgs gåtfulla madonna - Maria med Jesusbarnet och Johannes Döparen på Göteborgs konstmuseum. Ikonografi, tolkning och stilanalys

This essay presents an examination of some aspects of an anonymous Italian fifteenth centurypainting, the Madonna in Adoration of the Christ Child with the Young John the Baptist, in theGothenborg Art Museum. My first aim is to understand its symbolic and religious content, and theother is to make an attempt at an attribution, or at least put the work in a likely environment,temporally and geographically. To the first end I analyse the image using Panofsky?s three stagemethod, and then make an iterpretation using the ?period eye? concept of Baxandall, especially froma religious viewpoit. Secondly, I try to define the style of the work mainly by analysing selectedparameters from a large number of fifteenth century Italian pictures found in the photo archive ofthe Federico Zeri Foundation website on the internet.

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