

34841 Uppsatser om Form study - Sida 7 av 2323

My purpose with this paper related to my questions was to find out how professionals preeschool teachers working on multilingualism. I also wanted to get answers on how pedagogues in the preeschool may promote multilingual children´s language development, the factors that promote multilingual children´s language development and the role parents have in the language development of multilingual children. I chose to do my study in the form of interviews with professional preeschool teachers and interviewees described including the need for more knowledge of pedagogues around multilingualism. My result based on theoretichal background and the study is that pedagogues should let the children´s all languages esemble together. A factor influencing the multilingual children´s language development is ambient attitudes to multilingualism.

Varför lönearbeta? : En studie om två individers erfarenheter och värderingar kring arbetslivet

The aim of this study is to describe how two wage-earners experience and value their work. I chose a descriptive reserch approach and I conducted a qualitative study in the form of two interviews. I have applied two well-known theories from the field of social psychology ? the individualisation and Sence Of Coherence (SOC) ? to enhance my arguments and to improve my comprehension in the subjekt. The study reveals that my informants feel good and get motivated as wage-earners. By waged labor they feel securcity, meaningfullness, confirmation and belonging, which makes salaried work high valued.

Förändringar är till det bättre... eller? : En intervjustudie om kommunikationsförändringar på ett teknikkonsultföretag -ur ett ledarperspektiv

To lead is to communicate, a main part of the leadership. 80 % of leaders working tasks involve communication of some kind. The ambition of this study is to analyze how four leaders of an international technique consulting company experience and handle community and technical development during their professional courses. The leaders have a various experience of leadership which adds depth and width to this study. To perform the study qualitative method has been used in the form of personal interviews.The result indicates that change is not always beneficial in every aspect of communication.

Föräldrars behov och önskemål av föräldrastöd : en enkätundersökning i Landskrona kommun

The aim of the work was to gather information on parents' reflections on their own need for parental support in their role as parents. Where a need was expressed we investigated what form of support was desired and who should provided it. We also wished to find out if there were any differences or similarities in the needs and wishes expressed by the parents.The questions posed were: Did the parents feel that they needed support in their roles as parents? If so, what sort of support did they want? Who should provide this support? What differences or similarities were expressed in the parents needs and wishes for support?A questionnaire study was carried out within Landskrona. The results showed that a majority of parents expressed a limited need for some form of support in their parental role.

Kontorsanställdas psykiska välmående i relation till deras fysiska aktivitetsnivå

Background: There have been doping usage as far back as as ancient Greece and around the early 1900s started the doping we have today. In 2008 it was 22,000 men aged 15-54 years old who had any kind of experience with doping in Sweden. The problem of doping use are all over the world and to overcome this problem, we need to work across borders.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is any connection between the use of supplements and attitude to doping. The study is based on the questions: is there any connection between the use of supplements and positive attitude to doping? is there any connection between the use of supplements/doping substances and high training frequency? and is there different use of supplement/doping substances between girls and boys?Method: A survey in form of a cross-sectional study and a waiting room survey was conducted with 63 respondents of whom 57,1% were women.

Lekens betydelse för barn i förskola : En studie om pedagogers syn på lek och lärande

This study is mostly based on previous research, which includes Sub-national actor?s attitudes and regional action towards the European Union. The purpose of the study is to investigate if four Swedish municipalities in Värmland operate internationally towards the European Union and deepen an understanding of their actions. The main research question is: - How can we increase our understanding of municipal action against the European Union? The research questions of this study are answered through qualitative method and semi-structured interviews were conducted.

Kreditbedömningen av mikroföretag : Kreditbedömningens faktorer och påföljden av den slopade revisionsplikten

Introduction: 1 November 2010  came the amendment about the audit requirement into force. The amendment concerned only micro-enterprises. The most common form offinancing for micro-enterprises are bank loans, therefore the banks play a major role in the business and wellness of micro-enterprises.Purpose: Purpose of this paper is to examine if the credit assessment has been affected by the removal of the audit requirement for micro-enterprises.Method: This study will be conducted by a qualitative study in the form of interviews. Five interviews were conducted, with four respondents from the large banks and    one respondent from Almi Företagspartner.Conclusion: All respondents agreed that the audit is seen as a mark of quality, some lenders will continue to request it from the micro-enterprise while other lenders look at other factors such as ownership, relationship or business concept..

Hur formas tonårstjejers attityder till sex och samlevnad? : sexualundervisning, media, familj och vänner

The purpose of this essay was to increase the knowledge of and understanding about how teenage girls form their attiutdes towards sexuality and relations. The focus has been on discussing the research-question from four factors of influence chosen by the writers; sexual education, media, friends and family. Our intention with the study was also to take part of the teenagegirls´thoughts, attitudes and opinions in the matter, which is to keep the discussion on a structural level. The study is based on qualitativ interviews, in so called focusgroups, with all toghether eight girls in the ages 14-15 years, students in the ninth grade. The study has a postmodern feministic approach combined with a fenomenological and hermeneutic position.

CIRKUS I GRUNDSKOLA OCH GRUNDSÄRSKOLA - samspel, omgivningsfaktorer och relevanta krav i en träningssituation

This study looked at two groups of adolescents aged 12-17 years who had participated in circus training. One group had some form of disability while the other had none. The study was carried out as a qualitative study with observations, interviews and a questionnaire used as methods of gathering data. A small part of the study was quantitative and an observation chart was used. The purpose was to examine the importance of teamwork, environmental factors and the necessary requirements during a learning situation.

Dubbeltydig form : Djurliknande avbildningar i metall under järnåldern

This study concerns a selection of prehistoric metal objects of animalistic design, published at the internet site of the Swedish Statens Historiska Museum. It seeks to give an impression of the design elements used, and to find likely models for the motifs among live animals. The method used is a qualitative hermenuetic comparative study of objects, where the distinct significant design elements are being identified and interpretated. Several significant design elements are identified, and some are interpretated as representing certain animals. The amalgamation of differentiating design elements in some objects however, leads to interpretations of compound animal motifs, where some motifs are considered ambiguous and some are rendered uninterpretated.

Kompetensutveckling genom learning study i matematik : Vilka kunskaper utvecklar de deltagande pedagogerna?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka kunskaper en grupp pedagoger utvecklat, genom att delta i learning study i matematik. Svenska elevers kunskaper i matematik har blivit sämre. För att vända trenden har regeringen utlyst projektbidrag för att förändra undervisningen och förbättra resultaten. I uppsatsen studeras hur ett projekt i form av learning study, kan bidra till en skol- och specialpedagogisk utveckling i matematik. Utifrån användandet av fokusgrupper, parintervju och enskilda intervjuer studeras pedagogernas uppfattningar av learning study i matematik.Resultatet av uppsatsen visar att pedagogernas kunskaper består av redskap, bland annat i form av vikten av att fokusera det som lektionen handlar om.

Kommunikationsstöd för cancerpatienter. Upplevelse, trygghet och säkerhet

Telephone counselling has been around for more than forty years and remains a widely accepted communication support, both in the primary care and the outpa-tient departments of our hospitals. In many cases, this form of communication might be the only way in which the patient will have contact with the health ser-vices, primarily the nurse. In this study, the authors have chosen the word com-munication support as a generic name for the various technology tools, which are already present or in the future, might be an important link between the patient and the nurse. The aim of this study was to examine which communication sup-port that is available and patients´ perceptions of those and the patients´ percep-tions. Our patients can sometimes be affected by their illness, which means that their perception might be influenced and the advices or the prescriptions given by telephone will not be correctly perceived.

Gemenskap och utanförskap i bemanningsbranschen : En studie om inhyrda arbetstagares psykosociala arbetsmiljö.

The aim of this study is to examine the legal regulation regarding the psychosocial work environment for temporary agency workers. Furthermore, the aim of the study is to examine how temporary agency workers perceive their psychosocial work environment, and possible consequences of such perception. The methodology of the study consists of practical legal method and qualitative method in the form of interviews.The results show that the psychosocial work environment for temporary agency workers is regulated at both the EU legal level by Directive as well as at national level in Arbetsmiljölagen and regulations issued by Arbetsmiljöverket. The study finds that health and safety responsibility for temporary agency workers is shared between the agency and the client company. The result of the study indicates that there are shortcomings in the introduction and training of temporary agency workers, which can contribute to an unsatisfactory work environment.

Samarbete i nätverk : En studie om hur främjande av samarbete realiseras i ett orkestrerande affärsnätverk

The network with its virtual business structure challenge the established vertical business structure. Part of the network theory that has developed focuses on relationships that forms B2Bnetworks. One way to create a B2B-network is for independent businesses to form a organization promoting co-operation. For co-operation to be successful it requires well thought-out actions, but a lack of how these actions are implemented have been noticed. This study explores how encouragement of co-operation can be done practically.

Internationellt erkännande : En studie utifrån Syd Sudan och Somalilands självständighetssökande

The intention of this study is to investigate why some regions, which choose to secede from their parent country, are internationally recognized and others are not. The case studies of this study are South Sudan and Somaliland. South Sudan is as of now the world?s newest state, and Somaliland is a break-away state that is considered a part of Somalia by the International community. There are conditions that have to be fulfilled, before existing nations recognize the break-away state, such as an agreement between the seceded state and the parent country, which was the case for South Sudan and Sudan.

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