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Personalens bedömning av tillämpningen av ett återhämtningsperspektiv inom vården

AbstractThe purpose was to investigate whether a recovery perspective, viewed from a psychosocial approach is applied in municipal / private and county related care and rehabilitation. A recovery perspective means that the attending staff ensures that the clients are viewed as holistic individuals, where all aspects of life are considered to ensure adequate care and rehabilitation. A questionnaire was answered by staff in psychiatry, social psychiatry and addiction treatment from different areas of the municipal / private and county related sector.The results show no difference in application of a recovery perspective between these two types of organizations. However, there is a slight tendency (non-significant) to lower-rated general individual competencies for municipal / private. There is also a strong tendency (non-significant) to a general difference between the aspects of the implemented recovery perspective, where the tendency is that the respondents as a whole estimate that the organization to a greater degree creates good conditions for a recovery perspective compared to the degree they are actually working on that basis.

Förskolebarns möten med biologiämnet i naturmiljö : En observationsstudie med fokus på barnens perspektiv

Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på hur mycket biologi man kan få in i verksamheten genom att uppmärksamma när ämnet naturligt visar sig hos barnen under utomhusvistelse, i deras egna lekar, upptäckter och utforskande. Bakgrunden till min undersökning är att den svenska förskolan sägs befinna sig i en brytningstid, med större fokus på ämneskunskaper och att läroplanen samtidigt poängterar vikten av att ta tillvara barns perspektiv, frågor och idéer. För att få svar har jag gjort observationer på två olika förskolor/avdelningar. Även enkäter har skickats till de medverkande pedagogerna. Resultatet av mina observationer visar att barnen ofta uppmärksammar olika djur och växter och andra områden inom ämnet biologi när de vistas ute i naturen.

Den långa vägen till biblioteket : En studie om förskolors läsvanor och användning av biblioteket i ett mångkulturellt område

The purpose of this study has been to examine reading habits and the use of the library by pre­school teachers in a mainly multicultural community, and also explore to what extent activities in the local library are aimed at preschoolers.The study used a sociocultural approach based on Vygotsky?s theories of learning and development and Söderbergh?s theory of early childhood language development, and was carried out during the summer 2009. The methodology used was both quantitative and qualitative, with a combination of questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were sent out to each section of the municipal pre­schools within the catchments area of the local public library in a multicultural suburb of Uppsala. Three short interviews were carried out with staff at the local and main library branches, as well as library staff at the County Council.The results show that, although preschool teachers find reading important in their work, many teachers read spontaneously and/or sporadically.

Genusstrukturer i den moderna bilderboken: En feministisk kvantitativ innehållsanalys av bilderböcker utgivna år 2000

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine how gender patterns are described in the modern picture book. Focus is on the description of men and women and their emotions and living conditions. Do the descriptions follow stereotypes in the form of binary opposites strong/weak, active/passive etc. in which one component of the pair, often associated with masculinity, is privileged or are there examples of breach of normative gender? The analysis is based upon forty of 149 picture books that are presented in a children's book catalogue published by The Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs Statens kulturråd, in the year of 2000.

Investeringskalkyl för en ny såglinje : en rapport om investeringskalkylering

This report presents an investment calculation based on an assumed initial investment of a new saw line to an existing sawmill. In order to get as close to reality as possible, we have received data material from northern forest owners who recently made an initial investment in their sawmill in Kåge. In order to calculate and evaluate investments are several different methods, but we, we have chosen to use the discounted cash flow method. The method sums up with the help of a fixed cost of capital together with any future costs and revenues, thereby giving a present value of the investment. We also do a sensitivity analysis to examine how selected factors affect the investment research they change. The study is carried out to a fictitious investment, and therefore the result should not only be studied as a result of the figures. The purpose of this study was that with the help of an investment calculation studying the profitability of a hypothetical investment, and by means of a sensitivity analysis to study the sensitivity of investment to changes. The result demonstrates that the calculations according to the present value method requires a lot of information of the prospective investment.

Befrielseteologin i Latinamerika och Afrika. Om Gustavo Gutierrez och Jean-Marc Elas teologi

I have chosen to investigate the relationship between Latin American- and African Liberation Theologies. My purpose is to analyze, understand and compare the similarities and differencesbetween the two. The bulk of the study addresses two Liberationists, Gustavo Gutiérrez from Latin America and Jean-Marc Ela from Africa, both of whom are considered by many to be the most important theologians on their continents. This is done with the aim of deepeningthe knowledge of other theologies which have also influenced present day theological thinking.The questions I pose concern Liberation Theology in general, its background and its history. I will journey through Latin American and African church history in order to understand the contexts in which these two theologies have arisen.

UNIDROIT Principles, PECL och DCFR i svensk rättspraxis

International Contract Law presently offers three sets of principles: the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (the UNIDROIT Principles), the Principles of European Contract Law (the PECL) and the Draft Common Frame of Reference (the DCFR). These sets of principles contain general principles which are intended to serve as model rules. The three sets of principles have been published, but they have not been adopted. The UNIDROIT Principles and the PECL are not meant to be adopted either. There are different opinions as to whether the sets of principles can be considered to be a source of legal status at all.The sets of principles have been referred to in Swedish law.

Ekjättars framtid : en fallstudie av gammelekar idag och i framtiden vid olika skötsel- och restaureringsscenarier i Hjulstaområdet, Enköpings kommun

This Master's thesis work was done at SLU, Uppsala, Sweden in cooperation with Upplandsstiftelsen and Uppsala County Council. The studied area is pointed out as an area for EU´s LIFE project, NATURA 2000, concerning the Scarabid beetle Osmoderma eremita. The studied area lies in an agricultural landscape rich on deciduous trees, about 15 km south of Enköping in the County of Uppland. The species is dependent on large, old, hollow trees, which are exposed to sunlight, usually oak trees in this area. I studied the area in detail concerning large old trees (>70cm ø), middle-aged oak trees and young oak trees.

Akustiskt åtgärdsprojekt av en rockmusikklubb där live-musik spelas. Vad kan en audionom bidra med?

Introduction: The number of hearing impairments in Sweden is increasing. The largest increase is seen in ages 25-44. There are reasons to believe that these impairments are noise induced. Leisure time noise is not controlled in the same manner that industrial noise is. An ongoing conflict between city council officials and rock club owners, musicians and music event organizers about sound levels at smaller live music clubs exceeding the national sound level restrictions created the need for an acoustic intervention project.

Ordinerad fysisk aktivitet : En studie av avdelningschefers uppfattningar vidDivision Närsjukvård i Västmanland

Den fysiska aktiviteten minskar bland befolkningen. En mer stillasittande livsstil bidrar till övervikt och fetma som i sin tur kan orsaka livsstilsrelaterade sjukdomar. I arbetet för att öka den fysiska aktiviteten i befolkningen har fysisk aktivitet på recept utvecklats som metod inom sjukvården. I Landstinget Västmanland tillämpas denna arbetsmetod under begreppet Ordinerad Fysisk Aktivitet (OFA). På uppdrag av Landstinget Västmanland genomfördes denna studie.

Hotell- Stockholms skärgård

The hotel is located on Skatholmen in the archipelago of Stockholm, Värmdö county. The hotel building has an open structure characterized by hospitality and the nature outside. The rooms have stunning views of the island landscape and lush forest. With biodiversity and valuable nature in mind, the building has been designed with a structure that should not be too intrusive in the surrounding landscape. The building is meant to blend into the dark silhouette of the island and to give a light footprint on the topography of the landscape.The use of well-chosen materials and similar design, both in plan and facade, creates a consistent building despite the building's somewhat playful expression.

Skånska trähägnader : en studie i konstruktion och historisk utbredning

The Scanian woodfences has been determined by two mainly elements: Scania's composition of tree species, with a large element of deciduous forest, and the local building tradition which has more in common with the European continent than the Swedish tradition. By examining responses from ethnological question lists deriving from the first half of the 1900s, combined with literature studies, I have been able to deepen and broaden the knowledge behind the various fencing design. In addition I ?ve constructed maps which could illustrate their historical geographic distribution.I have come to the conclusion that there was three main types of woodfences that was most common until the barbed wire was introduced in the early 1900s and later on replaced the elderly woodfences. Common for the three main types is that the base material was made out of Juniperus communis, this largely because of its durability against rot.

?Wie waren die Tempi??: Ett försök till ett ?historiskt informerat? framförande av Ludwig van Beethovens op. 57, första satsen, i avseende på hans vilja rörande tempoaspekter

An attempt were made to record the 1st movement of Beethoven?s Op. 57, with the objective of performing it as close to Beethoven?s will as possible, in the tradition of the ?historically informed performance? movement.The result of evaluating source material rendered a list of the most relevant material for this study, and hopefully that might prove useful for other studies with similar objective concering HIP and composer-intention based ?autenticity?.However, Beethoven?s will was only vaguely captured in the limited source material accounted for in this study, rendering it moderate-to-small reliability. It?s probably possible to achieve a higher degree of goal achievement, given more time and through the utilization of music psychology to further extrapolate the detailed parameters of Beethoven?s presumed extramusical will.The recording made was not to my satisfaction and has strengthened my view that the interpreter should take council from the collected knowledge of scholarly sources but must ultimately remain free in whether and how to utilize that knowledge.Lastly, I?ve measured the bpm in the resulting recording with a error margin of ±0,02 s.

Lärares och kulturarbetares syn på kultur, estetik och kunskap

The National Arts Council[1] has made an evaluation on obstacles and success factors for the interaction between culture and school. In the evaluation report they concluded that teachers and cultural workers have different views on culture and knowledge which creates confusion in their interaction. Thus I became interested to investigate teachers and cultural workers views on culture, aesthetics, and the knowledge that they think the students / children / young people should get from culture and aesthetics. This work is based on qualitative interviews with four teachers and four cultural workers. I compare their views with each other and link it to different research perspectives on culture and aesthetics in school to get an understanding of the similarities and differences in their approach, and what implications it can have in the school?s learning processes. In this work, from a didactic point of view, I found that when the teachers and cultural workers are talking about culture, the why-perspective differs.

Förekommer kränkande behandling? : En kvalitativ studie av förskolebarn och pedagoger.

The following paper is about degrading treatment in preschools and the essay discuss degrading treatment according to the Swedish school law, in preschools and the chosen focus for this study is three to four year old children. The aim is to see whether or not preschool children proceed with degrading treatment towards other children and if preschool teachers believe that children this young have the ability to do so. The questions for this study are: Can children proceed with degrading treatment towards each other? Which conflicts evolve through children?s interactions? Can children in pre-schools have a degrading behavior? To answer these questions participant observation at two preschools and interviews with four preschool teachers were chosen as method. The perspective of this paper is based on the view on children as actors, which is used to acknowledge and enhance the possibilities of letting the children?s own voices be heard.

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