

1277 Uppsatser om Forest stewardship council - Sida 32 av 86

Psykisk ohälsa hos barn : Hemmets resurser i förebyggande syfte

During the later part of the 20th century the amount of children and adolescents in Sweden who reported psychosomatic illness have greatly increased. The main reason is estimated to relate to weak resources in school and school healthcare. Increased resources do not always have to encompass investments for school and school healthcare. Other resources play an important part as well. A child?s domestic situation serves as one of those resources where fundamental knowledge and values are set.

Mekaniskt snytbaggeskydd

Insecticides will be removed from Swedish forestry, at present insecticides are used to treat our seedlings to avoid them from being attacked by pine weevils. With the forthcoming ban on insecticides alternative protective measures will have to be tested. Holmen Forest Ltd has aimed to find an alternative and have developed a mechanic pine weevils protection accessory as well as a new concept on planting pipes. Studies have been conducted on the behalf of Holmen Forest Ltd to see how planting with the newly developed mechanical protectors and plant pipe stands up against the conventional methods used today. The study was conducted over a three week period. Three factors were compared regarding planting quality including i) pressure around the plant, ii) the depth the plant ended up in, iii) plant angle. Mechanical plant pipes were used in the study, and where tested like a one-handed and a two-handed pipe. The study concludes that further development is needed for the mechanic plant protector to live up to the speed and quality of conventional methods.

Projektering av vindkraftspark i Juddhult, Småland

The aim with this study was to collect fundamental information, and to plan, a windpower farm in Juddhult , Småland in southern Sweden. The goal is to collect the bestavailable projecting planning support. The pieces of this projecting planning supportthat will be presented is; Environmental Consequence Description (MKB), productioncalculations, comparisons between different plant types, economic calculations, evaluatethe economy and give some farm design suggestions. The imagined wind farm will belocated in forest environment and which may cause a number of new problems. Specialinterest that will be affected, where special consideration because of the forestenvironmental is requested is, hunting, wetlands, ancient monuments and windturbulence.

Stubblyftningens initiala effekt på emissioner av växthusgaser från en granmark i Småland :

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from human activities fossil fuels will have to be replaced with renewable energy alternatives, such as bioenergy. Sweden has a great potential to produce bioenergy derived from forest products and there is currently a great interest within Sweden in using stumps for bioenergy production. However, the environmental consequences of the method need to be investigated before stump removal can be performed on a large scale. Swedish forest soils contain large carbon pools and a different land use may change conditions so that soils that presently act as sinks of carbon could potentially turn into sources of carbon release instead. This study investigates the initial effects of stump harvesting on the emissions of three greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The emissions were measured from the soil surface in a Norway spruce forest located in the southern part of Sweden.

Framtagning av en sängcykel för sjukvården

This bachelor?s degree thesis was conducted in mechanical engineering at Halmstad University during spring semester 2010 in close collaboration with the company Gremo AB, located in Ätran, Sweden. Gremo AB produces, developes and sales forest machines in both Sweden and on the international market.Gremo AB belongs to one of the market leaders in forest industry, especially with their forwarder. In order to become a market leader even with their harvester, the company decided to change the harvester to have a swivel and a leveling driver cabin.The aim with this bachelor?s degree thesis was to develop a design concept for the harvester driver cabin, which Gremo AB can apply on the new harvester.

Markanvändning och ekosystemtjänster i en gradient från borealt till alpint landskap ? Vilhelmina Model Forest

Begreppet ekosystemtjänster kan användas för att tydliggöra värdet av landskapets funktioner och därmed underlätta kommunikation mellan markanvändare då olika intressen konkurrerar. Emellertid finns det få studier som inkluderar en kvantitativ eller kvalitativ värdering av ekosystemtjänster på landskapsnivå. I detta arbete har markanvändning och ekosystemtjänster studerats i ett landskapsperspektiv, med Vilhelmina Model Forest (VMF) som studieområde. Den övergripande frågan i VMF är hur rennäring kan kombineras med andra markanvändningsintressen, huvudsakligen skogsbruk. Syftet med studien var att göra en kvantitativ värdering av markanvändningsintressen och ekosystemtjänster.

Skötsel av ekholmar och eftersatta ekbestånd på låga boniteter : en fallstudie

This case study is made on assignment of Södra, region Öst, as a part of a campaign promoting more active management of the oak forests in the region. Hardwood trees of good quality, especially oak, has a high value due to that the sawn material is highly estimated by the market. It is important that the Swedish oak forests are managed in a proper way in order to meet the future demand. Södra has therefore decided to increase the focus on oak in the Kalmar region and they would like to find out if continues cover forestry (CCF) under certain conditions can be an appropriate management model. The motive is to make use of the existing oak forests more efficient, not just considering well managed forests but also the more neglected oak forests, on poorer soils. Thus, the objective for this study is to examine if CCF is appropriate method in the three stand types; broadleaved mixtures oak forest, oak islet, and oak/spruce forest. Existing management models were surveyed in the literature.

Modell för ett integrerat skärgårdsskogsbruk : en fallstudie på Kallsö

The forests in the unique archipelago of the Baltic Sea is housing many and high values. For the resident population, which has a central role in sustaining a living archipelago, the forest can contribute to the outcome. The forest also contributes to turn the archipelago into one of Sweden?s most attractive recreational areas. Furthermore, these forests exhibit very high environmental values, and they are an element in the traditional cultural landscape.

Sällskapet örtagårdens vänners trädgård i Vadstena : aktuellt växtinnehåll i historisk belysning och med sikt framåt.

Dead wood is important for many species. The amount of coarse dead wood (diameter >10 cm) is much lower in managed forest than in unmanaged forests. Stumps constitute the largest proportion of the volume of coarse dead wood in managed forests. Since stump harvest for biofuel may increase, the amount of dead wood will decrease even more, which may threaten biodiversity. The first aim of this study was to compare the amounts of fine woody debris (FWD, .

Hur publicera efter policyn? Ett antal seniora forskares förhållningssätt till open access efter Vetenskapsrådets open access-policy.

Since the 1990?s Open Access has developed into an alternative model for scientific publication. Today an increasing political interest in promoting Open Access is commonly channeled through the implementation of policies by research funders. However, in the scientific community the uptake and acceptance of the model has been of notably different character.This Master?s thesis examines the understanding of and attitudes towards open access among eight senior Swedish researchers and how these have been affected by the implementation of the Swedish Research Council?s Open Access-policy as implemented in 2010.

Nyckelbiotoper - urskogsrester eller kulturprodukter? : beståndshistorik i tolv nyckelbiotoper i Lycksele kommun

Since 1993 the Swedish Forestry Administration conducts a nation-wide inventory of wood-land key habitats covering all forest land in Sweden. The inventory aims at mapping and describing habitats where redlisted species occur or can be expected to occur. According to the inventory stand history is crucial to the presence of red-listed species. However, the current knowledge of stand history in woodland key habitats is very limited. The purpose of this work is to describe stand history in woodland key habitats, i.e. fire history, human activities - mainly cuttings - and structural changes.

Jämförande livscykelinventering

This bachelor?s degree thesis was conducted in mechanical engineering at Halmstad University during spring semester 2010 in close collaboration with the company Gremo AB, located in Ätran, Sweden. Gremo AB produces, developes and sales forest machines in both Sweden and on the international market.Gremo AB belongs to one of the market leaders in forest industry, especially with their forwarder. In order to become a market leader even with their harvester, the company decided to change the harvester to have a swivel and a leveling driver cabin.The aim with this bachelor?s degree thesis was to develop a design concept for the harvester driver cabin, which Gremo AB can apply on the new harvester.

Förändringar i revisionsarbetet av kapitalförvaltningsbolag : En studie i hur revisionen av kapitalförvaltningsbolag har ändrats sedan den ekonomiska krisen 2008

Title:Changes in the auditing work of asset management companies.Advisor:Bengt BengtssonExaminer:Stig SörlingAuthors: Mattias Skog & Andrea CyganikPurpose:The purpose is to examine how the work of auditing asset management companies has changed since the crisis 2008.Methodology:The study is based on an adductive approach using a quantitative method.Theoretical framework:The theoretical framework includes previous studies and literature concerning the auditing business, the financial crisis, principal agent theory and stewardship theory.Empirical findings:The empirical material is based on answers from 22 auditors in 6 different auditing firms, and it was conducted by sending them a survey.Conclusion:The study showed that the major changes were changes in laws and regulations controlling the auditing business. New guidelines and laws were set to try and improve the quality of the auditing business while trying to restore stained reputation. New regulations were also set to increase the control the government have of inspecting the business through finansinspektionen..

Mångbruksplan Äspinge 2:2

This plan of multiple-use is made on the private owned forestproperty Äspinge 2:2 in the middle of Skåne. The term ?multiple-use? came to Sweden in the beginning of the twentieth century and has slowly grown until about 30 years ago when the laws of nature conservation and sustainability was written into the forest law. The so called ecoturism got more and more popular and people began to seek space and silence in difference to the life in the highly populated areas. This also encouraged foreign tourists to come to Sweden. Mostly danish, german, and dutch people.

Commercial thinning and its potential for contribution to the timber supply in British Columbia?s Interior forests : a look at Finnish and Swedish forest practices and their applicability in British Columbia?s Interior forests

Thinning is the partial removal of trees in a forest stand prior to final harvest. The term can be divided in pre-commercial thinning where little if any volume is removed from the stand and commercial thinning where removals are intended to provide a positive economic result. From a silvicultural point of view, the goal of thinning is to enhance future crop tree quality by removing low-quality stems and providing sufficient space for the accelerated development of retained ones (Huuskonen & Hynynen, 2006). The goals of this study was to see if commercial thinning could positively affect the short and medium term timber supply (MTTS) in the Interior regions of British Columbia (BC), and whether or not Scandinavian forestry practices could be adopted in the BC context. The mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) has created significant forest planning problems in BC. The annual allowable cut (AAC) was raised to capture beetle-killed timber while still merchantable.

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