

1277 Uppsatser om Forest stewardship council - Sida 12 av 86

Hur kopplad är asp till tidigare jordbruksmark? : en studie av aspförekomst och tidigare markanvändning i fem län i Mellansverige

Aspen (Populus tremula) is a tree that is important for biodiversity. It is a pioneer tree that is favored by much light. It is possible that aspens that regenerated on agricultural land have a different importance for biodiversity than aspens that regenerated in forests, since their conditions have been different. By studying how the land use have changed you can see how many of today?s aspens regeneretad on agricultural land.

Träddelsuttag eller massavedsuttag i förstagallring?

The purpose of this study is to compare the economic differences between withdraw of forest fuel and withdraw of pulpwood in first thinning, to see which method gives the maximum profitability (income - cost). Another purpose is to investigate the economic impact of the thicket cleaning. The study compares four different methods: i) pulpwood output with thicket cleaning, ii) pulpwood output without thicket cleaning, iii) forest fuel output with thicket cleaning and iv) forest fuel output without thicket cleaning. The study was conducted in a 30-years old stand, dominated by spruce, outside Harg in Uppland. The method that generated the best economic net income was pulpwood without thicket cleaning. It generated a positive net of 1,383 SEK per hectare. Forest fuel output without thicket cleaning also generated a positive net in 720 kronor per hectare.

Implementering av FSC-certifiering av mindre enskilda markägares skogsbruk

Efterfrågan på miljövänligt producerade produkter har ökat allt mer under senar e år. Det har bl.a. lett till att system för miljömärkning och miljöstyrning av skogsbruk har utvecklats. Det finns i dag tre system som kan vara aktuella för skogsbruk i Sverige : ? Certifiering enligt Forest stewardship council, FSC.

Marknadsundersökning om markägarens val av skogspartner

The driving forces from the forest owners point-of-view was studied on a market where several buyers attend to procure round-wood. It was concluded that forest owners prefer personal contacts to other means of communication, but that it is essential that the initial contact is a personal letter on paper. Furthermore, although price is always important, long standing relations is asked for. The buying companies need skillful experienced buyers that can provide more than just quick closures of deals..

Skattningar i gallringsskog med hjälp av flygburen laserskanning : beräkningar med massaslutenhet

This master?s thesis is a remote sensing study of an area-based method used to detect forest in need of thinning by use of laser data and field samples. Only pine-dominated forest has been included in the study and height limits were set to match empirical restrictions. The study area was in the municipality of Älvsbyn (Latitude 65° 40´ N, Longitude 21° 00´ E), in northern Sweden.The Swedish authority Lantmäteriet is currently laser scanning most parts of Sweden, providing new opportunities and applications. The primary aim of the national laser scanning is to create a new elevation model, useful in consequence analysis of climate changes.

Skogsskötsel för att främja sociala och estetiska värden i ett friluftsområde i Trollhättans Stad

Over 80% of Sweden's population lives in urban areas, and half of the country's forest visits will thus be in urban woodlands. Social values ??- how the individual experiences the forest, and the impact of the forest visits on individual health and well-being, are pointing to the importance of managing the urban woodlands.When there comes to the cultivation of the urban woodlands there are usually many opinions to consider.This study aims to investigate the various opinions on the use and forestry in an urban recreation area in ??the City of Trollhättan. The study addresses both general and in four cases specific suggestions on management methods.Data was obtained from both quantitative and qualitative study through survey, interviews and discussions with the users of the recreation area.Trollhättan's goal with the recreation area is to make it accessible to local residents. The users are mainly influenced by the accessibility therefore clearings and thinnings are appreciated.

Belöningssystem - Intervjuer med stora svenska onoterade aktiebolag

Problemformulering: Vad påverkar utformningen av belöningssystem i stora onoterade svenska aktiebolag till individer med chefsbefattningar?Syfte: Att ta reda på vad som påverkar utformningen av belöningssystem i stora onoterade svenska aktiebolag till personer som innehar chefsbefattningar. Genom att studera hur dessa bolag utformar sina belöningssystem vill vi föra en diskussion kring hur de använder sig av belöningar i praktiken. Genom att åstadkomma detta har vi som förhoppning att kunna bidra med nya observationer till belöningssystemdebatten.Metod: Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ undersökning med induktiv ansats, där vi genomfört sex stycken intervjuer med svenska stora onoterade aktiebolag.Teoretisk Referensram: Till följd av vår induktiva ansats bygger teorin på den empiri vi fått tillgång genom våra respondenter.Slutsats: Agentteorin parallellt med Stewardship teorin tillämpas dock utan dessas exakta teoretiska design. Företagen erbjuder marknadsmässiga löner, utöver de påverkar marknaden dem inte.

Utilization of different habitatsin Colobus angolensis palliatus in the forests of Diani Beach, Kenya

The Angolan black and white colobus monkey (Colobus angolensis palliatus) is an arboreal primate that inhabits coastal forest fragments on the south cost of Kenya and is consequently vulnerable to forest fragmentations. The study was carried out in March and April 2011 in Diani Beach in Kenya where two of the largest populations of the species are distributed. This study is a pilot study to test methods for a Master?s thesis. The aim was to investigate any variations in use of two habitats of C.a.

Köparnas nöjdhet med sin fastighetsmäklare

The purpose with this exam project has been to explore how satisfied the buyers of forest land have been with their real estate broker through the transfer process. The respondents had the opportunity to rate a number of different questions around the current acquisition. A questionnaire with 19 acquisition-related questions was sent to 134 people. People who since 2008-01-01 until today, have acted as a buyer of forest land. 80 responses were achieved and the result shows that the majority of buyers have a high gathered satisfaction..

Bättre åtkomst till avverkningstrakter med anpassat marktryck från avverkningsmaskinerna

The global climate-change means increasing mean-temperature and higher precipitation in Sweden, which leads to shorter periods of frozen ground in the forest. At the same time the harvesting machines are getting bigger and more powerful. The forest industry aim at an even wood flow, and the ground damage has to be as low as possible. The two biggest causes for ground-damage is the bearing capacity of the forest ground and the ground-pressure of the harvesting machines. The aim of this study was to find out some rules for the machine choice considering ground pressure, when harvesting on ground with low bearing capacity.A field study, using a Valmet 890.3 forwarder, was carried out where different ground pressures and their effect on the ground were tested on two different types of ground.Additionally, an inventory of damaged harvesting grounds was made.

Samband mellan laserdata och fältdata

To make it easier for forestry planning the forest owners needs data which describe characteristics of the forest. Such data you usually get from some type of inventory. A relatively new technology which probably is getting more important in the future, is laser scanning because of lower costs. But because the laser technology is relatively new you need to compare it with conventional inventory technologies to get better understanding of the possibilities the laser technology gives. This work intends to estimate field measured characteristics of the forest from laser data with help of regression analysis and then see which of the field measured properties that best could be estimated and which laser variables that gave the best results. This study shows that heights has the best estimates, but biomass, diameter and volume also gives good estimates.

Lövskogsmålen i FSC-certifierat skogsbruk : tolkning, uppföljning och skötseldirektiv

Den mest eftertraktade råvaran i svenska skogar är barrvirke och detta har sedan länge varit vägledande för skogsbrukets planering och skötsel. Brandskydd, ökat betestryck och skötsel för barrträd har missgynnat lövträden. Eftersom lövskogar i den boreala zonen tillhör ett av de artrikaste ekosystem är kontinuerlig förekomst av lövträd och lövdominerade bestånd viktigt för den biologiska mångfalden. Den standard skogsägare certifierade enligt FSC (Forest stewardship council) har att följa innehåller två lövindikatorer, 6.3.8. och 6.3.9..

Utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande : En studie om hur en militär intervention kunde godkännas av FN

This study in political science examines the UN adopted resolution 1970 (2011) andresolution 1973 (2011) on the basis of foreign policy decision-making. The study aims toexplain how the UN principle of Responsibility to Protect came to be legitimized for the firsttime by the UN Security Council in the Libya conflict in 2011. By a poliheuristic perspectivethe study attempt to explain Russia and China?s acting in the voting of resolution 1970 andresolution 1973. The background to the conflict in Libya 2011 is presented in the study aswell as the Security Council?s actions during the conflict, from the beginning of the conflictuntil the adoption of resolution 1973.

Ifrågavarande kronopark skall benämnas Skatan : en skogshistorisk analys av Ekoparken Skatan

People have utilised and influenced the boreal forest for many centuries. Prior to the industrial revolution during the 19th century, however, human use primarily only had a low impact on the forest. When the timberfrontier swept over the country, the Swedish forests came to change for ever. The study site for this thesis is situated in the northern part of the county of Västerbotten, Sweden, and has previously been a National forest. Today the area is an ecopark and the land is owned by the forest company Sveaskog.

Realisering av en modulär skogsmaskin - En skalmodell

Wood for commercial use is harvested from forests using forest machines like harvesters which folds, branches and cuts trees and forwarders which transports logs to a landing area for further transport to a processing facility. Future forest machines have to be much gentler to the machine operators and forest soil than today's machines. Hence new machine solutions must be developed and tested. A practical way is to develop a physical scale model which can be used as a test-bed to incorporate different types of solutions for suspensions, cabin damping, tires and tracks, crane and overall architecture. The aim of this project was to develop such a 1:5 scale model of a forest machine, named as ?Skogbil.A scaling strategy was employed to arrive at important scale dimensions and specifications ofSkogbil which would be comparable to the full scale model.

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