

7051 Uppsatser om Forest development - Sida 2 av 471

Skogsägarenas inställning till markberedning i västra Värmland

According to a press release from the Swedish forest agency in May 2014, western Värmland has the worst regenerations of forest result in the whole of Sweden. The scarification frequency is low in the area. AB Hilmer Andersson want´s to know if the private forest owners want to scarify more than is done today. Good regeneration is important for private forest owners so they can have a long term forest management and economics of their forests. This academic study is done as an opinion poll. The purpose of the study is to see how big the interest of scarification among the private forest owner is.

Enkätundersökning till medlemmar i Västra Värmland och Dals Skogsägareförening

On behalf has a questionnaire been conducted with the aim to find out the members opinion regarding the management of the association. The survey showed that association has a strong position locally and that the forest owners generally are satisfied with the management and the competence among the forest super visors. The main opinion is that the association can improve the communication with the forest owners before as well as after the sale of forest products..

Enkätundersöking om vad privata skogsägare vill se på en skoglig aktörs hemsida

This degree projects made on behalf of AB Karl Hedin to find out what private forest estate owners would like to have on a forestry-related website. The reason for finding out what estate owners think of the forest websites is to meet needs of the forest owners who are customers of AB Karl Hedin. Marketing and use of the Internet for information search for products and services are two key concepts in this study. To be able to perform the study, a telephone survey was made to find out what estate owners want and what they are missing on a forest site. The survey can be summarized at following conclusion: The marketing of AB Karl Hedin website must be stronger The forest owners want more information on forest business, prices and forestry services.

Enskilda skogsägares mål på avdelningsnivå ? en kvalitativ studie

Half of Sweden's productive forest land is owned by individual forest owners. Research studies show that forest owners have more objectives with their forest than a high net present value, and that the suggestions of the forest management plans doesn?t always correspond to the forest owners? objectives. Through a qualitative study we conducted a discussion about objectives at stand level with the aim of making a more specific formulation of the forest owners? objectives. We asked about the forest owners' objectives at stand level, what forest management they conduct in order to achieve the objectives and how this management affects the net present value of the property. Based on the results of the interviews, we analyzed what kind of factors decide where the objectives place themselves in the landscape and if the objectives at stand level are consistent with the overall objectives for the property. Many forest owners questioned the idea of talking about objectives at stand level, and they didn?t always have their objectives clearly defined.

Markägares val av skogspartner :

Derome Skog AB is a purchase company whose main task is to provide Derome Timber's sawmills in Halland with timber raw material. Because of the very hard competition in the roundwood market it is important to know what kind of purchase offers are required in order to buy a valuable product from forest owners.This study aims to elucidate the crucial factors when private forest owners choose to harvest and sell their forest. As base for this study, a questionnaire has been performed with private forest owners. The result of the study shows that it is not particularly often that the timber price is the crucial factor why the forest owners choose to harvest and sell the forest products; i.e. timber, pulpwood as well as energy assortments.

Lågstadieelevers tankar om skogen : Närmiljöns och skolans betydelse

AbstractThe subject of this paper is children?s thoughts and feelings about the forest and on the importance of the schools for their students? thoughts. The aim of this paper is to find out if there are any attitude differences towards the forest in schools in the city and in the countryside. To fulfil this purpose the work has been divided into two questions,1 Do children have different thoughts about the forest, depending on where they live?2 Does the school affect their students? thoughts about the forest?Two schools with different locations in the country have been visited.

Kinas intåg på skogsvarumarknaden : idag och i framtiden

Because of the large economic growth in China there are many companies who have economic interests in the Chinese market. Also in the forest market companies have started to invest in China and the interest for the market is growing. The question is how the Chinese forest market will develop in the years to come? How will China?s entry on the market of forest products affect the global forest market? The purposes of this study are to describe production, consumption and trade of forest products, and China?s possible competitive advantage in the forest industry. The purpose of this study is also to describe how China?s entry on the forest market affects the world market of forest products.

Bioenergy from the forest ? a source of conflict between forestry and nature conservation? : an analysis of key actor?s positions in Sweden

Bioenergy from the forest has been heavily debated in Sweden for several decades due to the interest of society to decrease dependence upon fossil fuels and limit the effects of climate change. The actual use of bioenergy from the forest has shifted over the years but increased during the last decades. Private actors within forest and nature conservation sectors play an important role for the development of bioenergy from the forest as well as for the debate and the implementation of political goals. Forestry in Sweden is characterised by ?freedom under responsibility? for private actors and the perspective of governance is valuable for studying actors and discourses.

Argument för prissättning av skogsfastigheter

The world economy of today is in an extensive financial crisis which has lead to the fact that people seek well placed investments and securing of capital, something that by many people can be found in forest investment. The price of forest estates has increased with 90 % during the last 5 years and marketing polls indicate a positive belief in the future among forest owners. The development of timber prices has not increased to the same extent as the forest property prices which implies that the property price not only reflect the yield value from the forest but also that the lumber value does not have such a meaningful role in the pricing of forest properties as proven earlier. This fact means that forest owners either invest their capital in forest in a speculative point of view or that the purchasers of forest properties invests in non monetary benefits that lacks a direct yield value. The purpose with this degree thesis is to increase the understanding of the pricing of forest properties with focus on the above mentioned fact.

Biologisk mångfald och skogsproduktion : -en målkonflikt i skogen?

The purpose of this work, has been to examine how different actors in the Swedish eco movement and the Swedish forest industry looks at Sweden?s forest policy statement, which claims that environmental goals and production goals should be equal in Swedish forestry. By assembling focusgroups with participants from the Swedish eco movement and the Swedish forest industry, we look at if these participants consider the Swedish forest policy goals equal or not. Conflicts do occur between the two forest policy goals, but also between those and others of Sweden?s environmental goals.

Generationsskiften inom skogsbruk och deras konsekvenser för naturvården

The attitudes towards nature conservation in forestry are based on the individual forest owner. The theme of the interviews is the opinion on nature conservation in forestry. The purpose of this study is to identify if there is any difference in attitude to nature conservation in forestry according to the age of the forest owner. The study discusses different factors that affect the private forest owners consideration of nature conservation and give an insight in different generations attitude to nature conservation. Other topics that are discussed is if future change of generation will change the consideration of nature conservation in Swedish forestry and what is needed to enhance the interest in nature conservation among forest owners.This study is the result of interviews with a number of forest owners in the county of Uppsala, Sweden.

Privata skogsägares attityder och anpassningar till klimatförändringar : En fallstudie i Kronobergs län

Conditions for Swedish forestry are expected to change in the future due to the climate. Among other things, increased production is expected in a warmer climate, mainly because of a longer growing season. With the changing climate risk of damage by such as insects, fungi and storms are expected to increase. Hence, it is of highest importance for private forest owners to spread these risks in the way they cultivate their forest. In this study a qualitative method was used to examine ten private forest owners with forest properties within Kronoberg county, Sweden in their attitudes and actions to prepare in terms of climate change and if they have been affected by the climate change debate in their forest decisions.

Skogens produktionsvärden och dess betydelse för Sveriges ekonomi

The forest is characterized by many different values such as those related to forest productivity which are of a big importance for Swedish economy. History has proved that forest resources had helped the country in the transition from the agricultural to the industrial society. Today Swedish forest industry is among the strongest in Europe and significantly contributing to the Swedish export. The industry provides many direct and indirect job opportunities and is one of the biggest employers in the industry sector. It is also worth to notice that the forest can also generate an additional income for the owners, even if the forestry isn?t their primary income source.

En enkätstudie av privata småskogsbrukares inställning till skogsbrukets certifiering

Moelven Skog AB is currently working actively to increase the number of certified forest owners in private small-scale forestry. This study was conducted in collaboration with Moelven Skog AB and seeks to learn why private small scale forest owners not yet have certified their forestry and what should be done to increase the number of certified forest owners. The study was conducted through a questionnaire study. The result of the study shows that information needs of forest certification to private small scale forest owners is great. Many non-certified forest owners have not even heard of either PEFC or FSC. The majority of respondents also have no education in forestry.

Hur styr gruppcertifikatägarnas strategier vilka skogsägare som blir del av FSC-cerfifikaten?

This study investigates the relationship strategies the group Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification holder has with the forest owners. The (FSC) standard enables an organization to manage a group of forest management units under a single certificate, a process referred to as group certification. Some certificate holders want a close relationship with the forest owner before they are offered to become part of their certificate. Other certificate holders have less strict demands on a close relationship with the forest owner before they are offered to become part of their certificate. The study shows that it is in many ways desirable to have a close relationship between forest owner and group certification holder..

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