3737 Uppsatser om Food experiences - Sida 21 av 250
Daglig dokumentation för säker livsmedelshantering - En pilotstudie för miljöförvaltningen
Som en pilotstudie för Göteborgs miljöförvaltning har vi undersökt ett förenklat sätt att do-kumentera egenkontrollens kritiska styrpunkter enligt HACCP (?Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point?) -principerna för säkrare livsmedelshantering utifrån lagstiftningen som trädde i kraft 2006. Det sätt vi har studerat utgår ifrån Food Standard Agency, Englands motsvarig-het till Livsmedelsverket, sätt att dokumentera i handlingen ?Safe food better business?.I undersökningen lämnades blanketter ut till fyra offentliga måltidsverksamheter i två av Gö-teborgs stadsdelsnämnder. Dessa blanketter har sedan fyllts i av berörd personal under två veckor i samband med att de har använt sitt befintliga egenkontrollprogram för säkrare livs-medelshantering.
Den svenska generalstaben som lärande organisation : kunskapsutvecklingen avseende strid om befästa ställningar under första världskriget
The intention of this essay is to study the Swedish General Staff as a learning organisation during the period of 1914-1918 based on the theoretical work developed by the philosopher Bertil Rolf. Previous international research on the Prussian/German General Staff has shown that it is considered to be the first learning organisation in history. The Swedish General Staff was based on the German General Staff model and the focus of this study is to compare the development the tactics in Germany and Sweden regarding defence and attack in trench warfare. The questions are: How were the possibilities for gathering and analysing informa-tion affected by the war? Which conclusions were made for trench warfare in Swedish conditions? What experiences from the war and exercises in Swedish army were implemented in manuals and training?The conclusion of the study is that the Swedish General Staff was functioning as a learning organisation during the WWI through the ability to follow the international development, mainly in the Central Powers, and by modifying the experiences to the prevailing Swedish strategic and tactical conditions.
Hypokondri : Upplevelser och behandlingsmetoder
Background: Hypochondriasis is associated with marked impairments in physical and psychological functioning, work performance and increased health care utilization. The prevalence among medical outpatients is estimated to be between 4,2 % and 6,3 %. Notwithstanding there is deficient research in this area. Until recently no specific treatment has been clearly demonstrated to be effective. Objective: The aim was to investigate experiences of what it is like to live with hypochondriasis, but also to examine different treatment options.
Återföring av växtnäringsämnen från avloppsvatten till åkermark : en bedömning av intresset för nya näringsrika produkter
Sewage sludge contains plant nutrients and has earlier been utilised as fertilizer to cropland. Unfortunately not only plant nutrients but also heavy metals, pathogens and organic contaminants tend to accumulate in sludge. The suitability to use sewage sludge in agriculture has therefore been subject to several discussions over the years. The Swedish food industry does no longer accept sludge as fertiliser for Swedish producers.
In 1999 the Swedish parliament accepted several objectives for environmental protection. In order to prevent environmental pollution and further exploitation of the earth crust, one of these objectives confirm that phosphorous from sewage shall be recirculated to arable land.
Tre bibliotekariers uppfattningar om serier
This bachelor´s thesis wants to look closer at librarians´ experiences of comics, manga and graphic novels. In order to bring these experiences forward qualitative interviews and the method of phenomenography was used. The material was then examend againstna theory of previous research, revealing that the problems librarians in Sweden face with these media are largely the same as the problems faced by librarians in other parts of the world. It also became clear that the participating librarians held a positive attitude to the presence of comics, manga and graphic novles in their libraries..
?Känner du dig välkommen?? ? En undersökning om användares upplevelser och åsikter av miljön och servicen i Högskolebiblioteket i Halmstad
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the experiences and views some users have of the library environment and services of the University Library of Halmstad. The main question to be answered in this thesis is what importance the users attribute to the library environment and services while pursuing their most recent library errand. To answer this question a study of relevant literature on the subjects of library environment, library services and user-surveys in other academic libraries was carried out and a questionnaire was distributed to 22 respondents in the process of visiting the University of Halmstad Library. The literature background and the results of the conducted study were interpreted and discussed and led to the following conclusions: 3 respondents encounters with the library environment and its services were negative in part and thus their experiences and views were relevant to the completion of their library errands. The other respondents? encounters confirmed their overall positive earlier experiences and views of the library environment and its services, but had no real concrete significance for the completion of their library errands..
Improvement in agricultural production in a rural area of Cambodia between 2004 and 2011 - with an emphasis on small scale cattle production
Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia with a tropical monsoon climate and distinctive wet and dry seasons. Poverty is a widespread problem in Cambodia and 30 percent of the population were classified as poor in 2009. About 80 percent of the populations live in rural areas where poverty is an even greater problem. In agriculture, rice cultivation is dominating and the crop is cultivated on 85 percent of the arable land. Livestock keeping is also a traditional part of Cambodian agriculture.
Individers upplevelser av ofrivillig barnlöshet i samband med utredning och behandling : En litteraturstudie
Background: One in ten couples suffers from some form of involuntary childlessness or infertility in Sweden. Involuntary childlessness or infertility is when an individual or a couple has a desire for a child but are unable to conceive on their own. To suffer from involuntary childlessness can be a mental strain that can result in a personal crisis, where the existential issues become central and contested. Regardless of the reason for their changed life world is because of involuntary childlessness or infertility, it is always important for the nurse to have an understanding of individual?s life-changing world and experiences. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe men and women experiences of involuntary childlessness during investigation and treatment.Method: Selected method was a literature review. The study was based on articles from systematic and unsystematic searches in databases and analyzed from the chosen method.Results: Four main themes emerged from the analysis, 'The changing life-world', 'The mental strain', 'Perceptions of relationships and social life' and 'experiences related to treatment'.Conclusion: Being involuntarily childless and infertile create a mental, physical and social stress. Clinically, this means a responsibility to offer a personalized support. For the nurse it is important to have an understanding of individual life-world and how the involuntary childlessness affects them. .
Bibliotekariens yrkesidentitet och biblioteket som upplevelsecentrum
The aim of this Bachelor?s thesis is to investigate the public librarian?s professional identity and its relation to the public library as an experience centre. The development of the library as an experience centre raises questions about how public librarians understand their professional identity, and about their motives for working with activities like workshops and qigong, activities that have no significant connection with the librarian?s traditional tasks. The data was collected via semi-structured interviews exploring the perspectives and points of view of four public librarians.
Improving peri-urban home gardens in Hyderabad, India
Insufficient intake of vegetables is a reason for micronutrient deficiencies and malnutrition in developing countries. With urbanization, globalization and a growing world population it is of major importance to secure sufficient food supply for the world?s population. Part of the solution to increased food security among the world?s poor could be the introduction of vegetable home gardens, plots for small scale vegetable production which can provide households with sufficient vegetables as well as serve as an extra income source.
The study Improving peri-urban home gardens aims at examining the existence of vegetable home gardens in the peri-urban areas of Hyderabad, India.
Barns upplevelser av att bevittna våld i hemmet : En litteraturöversikt
Background:It is estimated that one in ten children witness domestic violence. It is of importance that children grow up in a safe environment. When they grow up with domestic violence they can lose very important skills which can be hard to gain back. Children respond to domestic violence in different ways depending on their age. Aim: The aim of this study was to enlighten children's experiences of domestic violence in their home.
Health added-value food : the Swedish retail market
Diet and lifestyle are closely interrelated and believed to have a significant influence on four major public diseases - cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension and obesity, but also affects functional deficiencies like gluten- and lactose intolerance. Health added-value foods are thought to reduce health-related risks or delay the onset of these major diseases. Therefore, interest among scientists, researchers and the public in general has been growing remarkably over the last decade regarding these special foods.
The Swedish market seems to be a good target for health added-values food. However, as there are many risks and cost factors involved for companies to enter the market or invest in R&D, it is important to take a step back and analyze the current market situation.
Utveckling av substratmixen vid Mosseruds biogasanläggning : Substratkartläggning och rötningsförsök i laboratorieskala
The world?s growing need for energy together with a desire to ward off the worst consequences of global climate change has resulted in a never seen desire to invest resources in renewable energy sources. Biogas production through anaerobic digestion is one of those growing energy sources. In Sweden there are over two hundred plants that uses this biological process to break down organic substances while producing carbon dioxide and the energy-rich gas methane.This master?s thesis has focused on development of the mixture of different organic substances that is treated at a specific plant, namely Mosserud biogas plant.
Att drabbas av och leva med stroke : en studie av självbiografier
Stroke is a widespread disease in Sweden. Nurses play a central part for those who suffer from a stroke irrespective of where in the care chain they meet. To be able to meet the patients? need of care the nurse must understand his/her lifeworld. Each and every patient is unique and the experience of being struck by a stroke depends on personality and life situation.
Ekologisk aspekt som mervärde : En studie om långsiktig överlevnad för ekologiskt nischade livsmedelsföretag
Background: With the increased globalization food prices went down for a while, only to skyrocket to new levels. Prices of organic food, which already were more expensive than conventional, are now even more expensive. The current financial crisis results in reduced consumption which creates a threat to the smaller grocery stores. Globalization and the increased competition have had a negative impact on the environment but at the same time the desire to solve these issues has increased appreciably. The environmental aspect has been given higher priority by the individual, which led to a wider range of organic products and dramatically increased the number of stores selling organic products, leading to a greater competition among the stores selling organic food. Problem definition: What factors are important for organic retail business long term survival?Purpose: Trough case studies analyze and evaluate the organic niche retail companies? strategies of marketing.Methods: This study is based on both qualitative and quantitative research methods.