7835 Uppsatser om First-time fathers - Sida 18 av 523
Betydelsen av ämnet idrott och hälsa för att aktivera ungdomar på fritiden: en förebyggande åtgärd mot ohälsa
A large problem in our society is the diseases that inactivity brings to the population. The lifestyle you have in adolescence is often the same that you have in adulthood. Because of this, prevention should start in youth. The aim of this study was to investigate the experience that youths have of physical education and it?s influence in their spare-time activities.
Rekonstruktion av mimesis : Ett försök att tänka begreppet mimesis utifrån Paul Ricoeur och inifrån Martin Heidegger
This essay tries to investigate the possibility to reconstruct the concept of mimesis in Martin Heidegger?s hermeneutical phenomenology in Sein und Zeit. Paul Ricoeur?s interpretation of the concept of mimesis in Aristotle?s Poetics, develops a new temporal understanding of the mimetic activity, which Ricoeur in his work Time and Narrative, claims to have the possibility to overcome the aporias in the phenomenology of time. With this criticism as the background context for the present study, seeks this essay to pick up Ricoeur?s new conception of mimesis, and use that in a comparative philosophical reflection on the basic concepts in Heidegger?s Sein und Zeit.
TOMO Hugglink
Tomo Hugglink (TOMO Skog) is an innovation for harvest and transport of biofuels. The system consists of a truck, a chipping unit and crane mounted on a link and a wood chip trailer. The system works in such a way that the chipping unit is disconnected and placed on the site and wood chips are loaded directly into the wood chip trailer.The aim of this study was:- To examine the performance of the TOMO Hugglink system under different conditions such as the size, placement and quality of the pile.- To calculate the cost per raw ton for two vehicle combinations at different transport distances and to examine the effect of a reduction in set-up time and an increase in load weight.- To identify possible improvements with the TOMO Hugglink system.A time study was conducted within the thesis work to make it possible to determine production and time consumption. In the subsequent economic analysis the cost per tone at different transport distances was calculated for two different lorry concepts. Furthermore the effect of a reduction in set-up time and an increase in load weight was calculated.Under current conditions the utilization of the chipper is low and only 29 % of the total system time is occupied by chipping.
En godnattsaga för demokratin? En undersökning av ett läsfrämjande projekt i facklig regi
The purpose of this master thesis is to show how a chosen actor in form of the Swedish union organization IF Metall (the Swedish union for metal- and industrial workers) works with pro-reading activities. The project being scrutinized is the Read to me dad-project which aims at fathers who are not used to reading activities within the LO-group (the Swedish Trade Union Confederation). The methods used are interviews and literary studies. The theoretical background of my discussion is based on three education ideals. The neo-humanist ideal emphasizes the personal improvement through literature.
?Att sätta barnen före sig själv?? : En argumentationsanalys på Tingsrättens avgöranden i mål om vårdnad
The aim of this study was to examine the District Court´s argumentations about the children´s best interests in rulings regarding custody of children, and to analyse the argumentation from a gender perspective. Rulings from the District Court from 2012 have been the basis for this study and a qualitative method has been used, argumentations analysis. The study shows that cooperative problems between the parents are the main reason why the District Court finds joint custody to be excluded. There are also argumentation regarding parent´s ability to ensure the children?s safety.
Friidrottsungdomars fysiska kapacitet över tid : En retrospektiv studie av intagningstesterna vid friidrottsgymnasiet i Växjö mellan åren 1982 ? 2009
Background: Today when leisure time is spent, spontaneous sports activities decrease, due to a more comfortable way of living and physical capacity among non active adolescents decreases. There for it´s interesting to see how the physical capacity level has changed over time among young people participating in organized leisure time sports.Studies around the world show that young people standing outside organized sport activities have tended to decrease their physical activity levels over the last few decades. Less leisure time is spent doing physical activity and sometimes gets put into context with increased time spent behind the computer or inactivity.Design: A retrospective study of the test results on physical capacity between 1982 and 2009 for students applying to Växjö track and field high school. A total of 635 students (15 years old) have done 11 physical tests during the years. Five of these tests, with enough participants (at least 100) and documentation over at least 10 years, were used in this study.Results: This study shows that young track and field athletes have maintained the same physical capacity from 1982 to 2009.
Pysselgumma eller pedagogiskt ansvarig för barns sociala utveckling? : En kvalitativ studie om hur en grupp fritidspedagoger och fritidspersonal ser på sitt yrke ur ett status,makt och rollperspektiv
The aim for this paper is to investigate how a limited number of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their vocational competence, which kind of power the persons in the essay experience to have in their workplace and which kind of status they experience that they have in comparison with other occupational groups in their schools. The final aim of the paper is to find out how teachers interact with youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues when it comes to their vocational competence. My questions are:How do a group of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their professional assignments?How does a group of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their power in their workplace in comparison with other occupational groups?How do a limited number of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their status in relation to teachers, other occupational-groups and parents? Which role have my respondents been assigned by their team and why do they think they have gotten that role?To answer these questions I have used a qualitative method which includes four in depth interviews. The overall theoretical perspectives are symbolic interactionism and social constructivism.
Könsdiskriminering mot män inom vårdnadstvister? : existerar könsdiskriminering inom vårdnadstvister och upplever fäderna ett könsdiskriminerande bemötande från socialtjänsten?
SAMMANFATTNINGStudiens syfte var att undersöka om det förekommer könsdiskriminering mot fäder i vårdnadstvister. Frågeställningar och syften som användes var: (1) Att undersöka om könsdiskriminering mot pappor i vårdnadstvister existerar. (2) Om och hur pappor upplever ett könsdiskriminerande bemötande på familjerättsenheter. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes en mixad design bestående av en kvantitativ vinjettstudie och en kvalitativ analys av texter. Vinjettstudien riktades mot familjerättssekreterare inom socialtjänsten som i sitt yrke arbetar med frågor som hanterar vårdnad, boende och umgänge i vårdnadstvister mellan två vårdnadshavare.
Till framtida utvecklare
The report is about efficiency of a current production group where there is no clear production flow and there are some buffers between the operations. The efficiency is done with the help of a tool that is calledWork process of flow production which is used by Atlas Copco CTO. The most obviously results are that the lead time drops from 25 hours to 425 minutes and that the balancing loss decreases from 85 % to 8 %. The report focus on decreasing transports, decreasing buffers, more reliability in lead time and quality. And a more stimulating labour content for the workers is another result..
Kulturpolitik som instrument: en idéanalys av propositionen Tid för kultur
This Master?s thesis has governmental cultural policy in focus and concludes a textual idea analysis of the governmental bill Time for culture. (Tid för kultur.) The aim of the study is to examine how the government is seeking legitimacy concerning the cultural policy. One of the starting points is that the society has changed over time in terms of for example increased globalization and multicultural and even the market adjustment is more evident. Also the economical basis in the society is different nowadays.
Utvärdering av Transportstyrelsens flygtrafiksmodeller
The Swedish Transport Agency has for a long time collected data on a monthly basis for different variables that are used to make predictions, short projections as well as longer projections. They have used SAS for producing statistical models in air transport. The model with the largest value of coefficient of determination is the method that has been used for a long time. The Swedish Transport Agency felt it was time for an evaluation of their models and methods of how projections is estimated, they would also explore the possibilities to use different, completely new models for forecasting air travel. This Bachelor thesis examines how the Holt-Winters method does compare with SARIMA, error terms such as RMSE, MAPE, R2, AIC and BIC will be compared between the methods. The results which have been produced showing that there may be a risk that the Holt-Winters models adepts a bit too well in a few variables in which Holt-Winters method has been adapted.
Ersättningsmodeller för ballasttransporter : vid anläggning och underhåll av skogsbilvägar
Construction and maintenance of forest truck roads are a necessary element of industrial forestry. Payment for contracting services in this context can be done according to a number of payment models. This study will focus on the methods and consequences associated with a change of Holmen Skog?s payment model from per hour to per metric ton for ballast hauling.
The aim of this study is to improve the economic efficiency of Holmen Skog?s ballast hauling in construction and maintenance of forest truck roads. This is done by formulating and evaluating a proposal for a payment model based on crowns per ton.
Another time. Ett inspelningsprojekt
Denna uppsats har för avsikt att utreda begreppet Just-In-Time (JIT) och dess komponenter för att sedan försöka finna dessa i den svenska lastbilstillverkaren Scanias produktionssystem. Litteratur har bidragit med en definition av JIT som sedan har jämförts med hur Scania arbetar inom produktionen. Empiri har erhållits genom intervjuer med berörd personal samt observationer på plats i Oskarshamn och i Södertälje.För japanerna är inte Just-In-Time-tänket en ny företeelse utan det är något de har arbetat efter en längre tid. Denna uppsats har valt att utgå från Jeffrey K. Likers (2004) definition i The Toyota Way.
En utvecklingsprocess
This is a study in my preparations for my final concert at the Academy of Music and Drama- ?????????? University. My aim is to create a plan and a schedule for my practising methods and other preparations so I will be able to perform at the top of my ability.I have studied and chosen a collection of methods that will help me prepare for my concert and at the same time develop my oboe playing. As a result, I have found an effective way for me to prepare technically on my instrument. I have also learnt and developed methods in how to focus and mentally prepare for a performance..
En granskning av Utbildningsradions program ur ett mångfaldsperspektiv : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 50 program för årskurser 0-3
Utbildningsradion (Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company) is a public service broadcaster with a mandate to produce and distribute educational programmes. 80% of Swedish teachers use its products either during lessons or for professional development. Utbildningsradion?s guidelines, set by the Swedish parliament and government, state that the company?s programmes should meet the interests of the country?s whole population, regardless of their background.The purpose of this study is to examine how Utbildningsradion?s products that are intended to be used in a classroom setting for ages 6 to 9 represent the variety of children that live in Sweden and thus reflect the aforementioned guidelines. The main focus of this research project was further defined to only include the company?s television programmes produced in Sweden between 2006 and 2011 that do not have social issues as the main subject.50 programmes were analyzed using quantitative content analysis and the following results were further interpreted using mainly Kydd?s and Snead?s models for discussing representation.