

2041 Uppsatser om Firm Strategies - Sida 65 av 137

Hotellbranschen : Fördelaktig marknadsföring i dagens samhälle

Marknadsföring är ett viktigt verktyg att använda sig av för att locka konsumenter till att köpa hotellens produkter. Det finns ett antal olika sätt att åstadkomma detta.Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka olika marknadsföringssätt som kan vara gynnsamma inom dagens hotellverksamheter.Senare diskuterades det kring bakgrunden och resultatet. Här belystes det att segmentering av marknad är viktigt för att kunna möta olika kundgrupper på bästa sätt. Här framkom även att marknadsföringsmixens olika delar går att koppla till varandra. Ytterligare diskuterades det kring word-of-mouth och att det beror på flera faktorer om gästen ska bli nöjd med hotellet.Gynnsamma marknadsföringssätt som ett hotell kan nyttja är marknadssegmentering, marknadsföring baserad på den förlängda marknadsföringsmixen samt spridning av positiv word-of-mouth, där kundnöjdhet är ett centralt tema..

Bang! Let's smash the patriarchy Hur svenska serietecknare konstruerar och förhandlar feministiska diskurser

This essay analyzes three Swedish cartoon artists: Elias Ericson, Lisa Ewald and AmandaCasanellas. The aim is to examine how they construct feminist strategies through their workand how they convey this visually. The issue of whether these Swedish cartoons can be seenas a part of a bigger political platform is central. Through semiotics and post-colonial andqueer feminist theory, some answers to these questions are searched for.The result shows that all three of the artists can be seen in a bigger activist context, even ifthey work in and through different platforms. Casanellas questions the racism in Swedenand how we should prevent it.

Transportfo?rpackningar och marknadsfo?ring av frukt och gro?nt inom dagligvaruhandeln : en pilotstudie i Sverige och Tyskland

The logistic business Svenska Retursystem AB was founded by the Swedish retail sector in the year 2000, and their introduction of a grey plastic crate to the supply chain for perishable goods changed the situation for the swedish horticultural sector. The new system revealed several challenges to be tackled by all actors, from the small family firm to the bigger organisations. Whereas the initiative comes from the customer himself, from the horticultural sector ?s point of view, a refusal of the new packing is a hard decision to take. It is however interesting that a comparison between the two systems, shows in favour of the corrugated board boxes, not only concerning environmental aspects but also for economical and ergonomical reasons.

Varför tycker du inte som mig!? : Livsåskådningars struktur, funktion och immanenta konflikt

This report is an attempt to clarify how religious and non-religious views-of-life [livsåskådningar] are created through the collaboration and opposition of religious and scientific elements/ideas. This with the hope of reaching a fruitful result related to the solution of world-view related conflicts, such as the ones existing between science and religion, on an individual and societal level.This is accomplished with the help of two assertions: (1) Mankind has a need to explain its existence and surroundings. (2) Religion and science has their origins in the same seed and aim to serve the same purpose, or function. Together these two assertions lay the theoretical foundations of this report which implies that all humans have an innate need of sustaining a stable world-view.The result of this report is that a final solution to world-view related conflicts are beyond reach as our mental and physical nature limits us. However there are strategies for minimizing world-view related conflicts effect on society..

Private Equity-bolags styrning av portföljbolag; En fallstudie av värderingsmodellens översättning till olika organisationsnivåer.

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how a valuation model of a Private Equity firm is interpreted into a management control system within the company's different organizational levels. A case study was developed based on the infra-net company Eltel. The management control systems developed by Malmi and Brown (2008)(1) was used to characterize the control systems at each organizational level. The building blocks of this system are planning, cybernetic, reward/compensation, administrative and culture. Miller and O'Learys (2007)(2) theory of mediating instruments and technology roadmaps was applied to analyze the mediating process of the valuation model.

Resurssnåla materialflöden - En fallstudie på Volvo Powertrain

From the customer?s perspective the only reason for a firm to exist is the value it creates. However, a problem within manufacturing companies is that of the total lead time, only a small part can be considered as value adding. It has further been discovered that when working with improvements businesses often sub-optimizes single processes instead of considering what benefits the entire company. Thus, when improving processes and activities it is important to have knowledge about and understand which factors that affect how the flow can be designed.Several studies have been performed with a wide perspective on process flows in order to obtain a more resource-efficient and value added flow.

Från Monopol Till Konkurrens : Telias hantering av den ökande konkurrensen genom förändrade marknadsföringsstrategier

The Swedish telecommunication market was prior to the official deregulation 1975 characterized by Telia?s former monopoly position. This thesis studies how the deregulation of the market, and the thereby increasing competition, has affected Telia and how it has influenced Telia?s marketing strategies.The theoretical framework, from which the conclusions will be made, is a combination of the theory about strategic learning behaviours by Slater et al, and Grönroos? theory about a marketing continuum. The empirical work material is the result from two interviews with former key figures at Telia, and a briefing of Telia?s annual report between the years 1993 and 2006.Research findings indicate that Telia has gone from being product oriented with a strong technical focus, to becoming gradually more market oriented with competition orientation but foremost customer orientation as their most distinguished learning behaviours.

Relation möter rationalitet: Om professionalisering av inköp av managementkonsulttjänster

The purchasing of management consulting services has traditionally been characterized by informal and relation based interaction. However, case studies have shown that there is a movement towards more formalized and structured purchasing procedures among buyers of management consulting services. The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence and the implications of this professionalization. To investigate to what extent certain mechanisms of professionalization have been implemented on the Swedish market, a survey directed to Sweden?s 500 largest companies was conducted.

Statlig eller privat vattenförsörjning? : En debattanalys

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the debate of water politics and privatisation of water distribution. My method is debate analysis and qualitative idea analysis and for my essay I used three books that try to persuade the reader that his or her idea is the best for this water crisis. My main question is to illustrate the debate concerning water privatisations. I will also look at the arguments for or against privatisations and finally determine how the authors think the state should act towards this subject. The first book I used was Vandana Shivas ?Water Wars? that when published started an international discussion about the water privatisations.

Min stol, din stol : -Stolar som passar fler

This account deals with my degree in furniture design. The project was done in collaboration with the architect firm Byggnadskonst AB in a quest for the cafe chain "Vivels"Byggnadskonst AB?s mission was to make the interior of the cafe that Vivels is building in Larsberg Center on Lidingö. My assignment was to design chairs for the café. In the beginning I had even thought about designing a table, but as time past I focussed more and more on the chairs.

Informationshantering och -spridning på Axis Communications AB

In a complex and turbulent world, several companies begin to realize the value of information as a strategic resource and try to find strategies to manage this. This master thesis aims to describe the information management at Axis Communications AB. Axis is a fast growing company and due to this they have not been able to manage the flow of information whitin the company. To find out how the information was managed at this time we made a survey and employee interviews at three Axis business units. By analyzing the surveys and interviews we found several problems.

Om New Economy Firms strukturella utveckling längs med livscykeln och dess implikationer på organisationernas entreprenörskap - En fallstudie av tre svenska New Economy Firms

New Economy Firms (NEFs) are considered being important drivers of economic development and growth in Sweden. Also, entrepreneurship is a widely discussed topic that is considered being essential for firms that are making business in a fast moving landscape. Usually, the growth of companies is put in context of the life cycle. The life cycle further implies that as a company moves from the startup-stage along the curve, the organizational structure increases. Further, increased structure is claimed to impede the entrepreneurial culture within the firm.

Hur kamratstöd hjälper ambulanspersonal att gå vidare efter starka upplevelser

Arbetet som ambulanspersonal är påfrestande, såväl fysiskt som psykiskt.Att vara fysiskt vältränad är säkerligen en fördel, men kan man varavältränad även på det psykiska planet? Många studier har gjorts omambulanspersonalens copingstrategier, men få har gjorts i Sverige. Studiergjorda utomlands har visat att några av de vanligaste copingstrategierna hosambulanspersonal är socialt stöd, emotionell- och kognitivcoping. Dennastudie har gjorts för att belysa relationen mellan socialt stöd och copingangående arbetsmiljöstressorer hos ambulanspersonal i Mellansverige.Författaren genomförde studien genom intervjuer av fyra kamratstödjareinom ambulansen. Resultatet visade att socialt stöd har en stor betydelse förambulanspersonalen för att lägga upp copingstrategier i hanteringen avarbetsmiljöstressorer.

Det smarta kapitalet : En studie av nyetablerade IT-företags syn på relationen till sitt riskkapitalbolag

Background: The growth of the venture capital industry has given birth to new relations between investors and entrepreneurial firms. Venture capital firms are by definition investors serving as an active partner which implies a deeper relation between investors and entrepreneurs than has been the case previously. This new situation leads to a number of questions. Do venture capitalists really act as active partners with a long term interest in the venture? Do they add any value besides capital? How important is their influence in the portfolio company's decision making process? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to give a deeper understanding of the relation between venture capital firms and IT companies in the start-up phase.

Övergången till molntjänster : Vad man bör ha i åtanke

This study focus on organizations transfer to cloud computing. Today many companies are shifting their attention towards cloud computing and the possibilities that it offers, with more flexibility and lower costs. Different kinds of cloud services, both for use by the individual and the large enterprise, are getting more popular. More and more organizations therefore decide to do the move to the cloud. There are several different strategies and many pieces of advice for these organizations to follow, but there?s not much research that have been conducted on this subject.

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