

2041 Uppsatser om Firm Strategies - Sida 54 av 137

Strategies for social customer relationship management : the case of social media in the Swedish food industry

Consumption of meat and poultry has increased during the last ten years while the production in Sweden has decreased. Cheap imports are competing with Swedish products and consumers, restaurant and retail let the price decided what to purchase. Swedish food producers can become better at communicating the added values that meat and poultry produced in Sweden has. Social media gives companies a possible tool for communication in order to communicate and create a relationship with consumers. The rise of social media does not only affect consumer decisions making, but also corporate communication. The objective of this project is to investigate how social media can connect the farmer to the consumer.

Påverkan av ett strategiskt miljöbeslut : en konfliktstudie av Shell och Greenpeace

Companies around the globe all have one thing in common; they are surrounded by individuals or groups of individuals that can influence the company in one way or another. These individuals and groups of individuals are called stakeholders. This study in concerned with the importance of a company?s awereness of and relationship with which stakeholders surround them. The fact that more companies show awareness of responsible conduct, in particular of the environment and social aspects of management may be a way to build a strong corporate image.

Revisionspliktens avskaffande : En obefogad oro?

Since 1987 until November 2010, the entrepreneurs who choose to conduct its? company in the Swedish corporate form aktiebolag had no opportunity to evade or deselect the mandatory audit. The only choice that really was there to make was to which audit firm they would turn to and the Swedish auditor?s position was rather unchallenged. Today the circumstances are different and the small businesses have been given a chance to take charge of their own situation now being able to remove the auditor.

Akutbehandling av hyperkalcemi hos hund

In this thesis we propose a conceptual plan for thedevelopment of an Agroforestry Training Centre (ATC)in Musoma, Tanzania. The aim is to make a proposalto support peasant education in agroforestry. How canan ATC in Musoma be developed into a stimulatingand educational park suitable for teaching agroforestrymethods to peasant farmers and other potential users?To answer that a field study was conducted to investigatehow our client Vi Agroforestry Programme (Vi) and thetarget groups of the client can benefit from the site.The thesis begins with a short explanation of thecontext, in which the ATC plays a part followed by amethodology chapter. Next are three chapters presentedwhich introduce the reader to the research conductedbefore starting the proposal, these include: results ofliterature studies, study of precedents, and results of fieldstudy.

Private equity företagens styrning av sina portföljbolag.: Två fallstudier av relationen mellan private equity företag och portföljbolag.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze the characteristics of the management control system private equity firms use to manage their portfolio companies. The thesis takes a share holder value perspective, and it is assumed that the goal of the management control system is to increase the shareholder value in the portfolio company. In a qualitative study two private equity firms and two portfolio companies, one for each private equity firm, were studied in detail. In total, nine in debt interviews were completed. The results from this study suggest that the characteristics of the control system are dependent on the surrounding context; the focus on shareholder value and the specific characteristics of the private equity industry shape the characteristics of the management control system.

A Green Belt of synergies : a study on the implementation of a contemporary Green Belt

The prevailing urban migration is a worldwide process. This results in growing cities and a diminishing proportion of people living in the countryside. As the urbanization continues a large amount of the world?s population is expected to live in urban settlements of informal character by 2050. Green Belt has for many years been used to control urban growth and to secure the sustention of larger green areas around towns and cities.

Fastighetsmäklare : en unik tjänst

The purpose with this thesis is to clarify how estate agents working with their marketing and marketing strategies. Our study has occured in Kalmar and we have used five different estate agents for our collection of empiric?s data. We have worked with a qualitative methodology to achieve deeper knowledge about these five company?s which have been chosen for the study.We have selected theories that suit our subject and together with the empiric data these two parts will be compared which concludes in an analysis.

Organisationen, ledaren, individen: vem ansvarar för hälsan? En kvalitativ studie om det hälsofrämjande och ohälsoförebyggande personalarbetet i Malmö stads stadsdelar.

The purpose of this study was to examine health promotion and ill-health prevention in the workplaces of the City District Committees in the City of Malmö. More specifically, we wanted to find what types of health problems there were and what kinds of strategies were applied to prevent them. Furthermore, the aim was to examine whether the leaders of the City of Malmö saw any effects of the strategies in use and if so, which. Finally, the intention was to compare our empirical results to previous research in the field of health promotion and ill-health prevention in workplaces. We conducted a qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews with five leaders in different levels, two personnel secretaries, two employees assigned to improve the health of the personnel in the City Districts, and one safety representative.

Lantbruksföretagets utveckling av ny verksamhet : en studie av fem lantbruksföretag

The structural rationalization of rural firms in Sweden has led to many new creative ways of developing companies. The agriculture sector is characterized by the need of capital in form of buildings, labor and inventory. The rationalization process has led to free capacity in rural firms when new technology make buildings and inventory not longer necessary for the production process. To get a better cost coverage this free capacity can be used to start-up new business areas that help the rural firm to growth.The study aims to identify factors that motives entrepreneurs in rural firms to develop new business areas. The purpose is also to analyze driving forces that lies behind development of rural firms and the forces that support or not support development in rural firms.The study is built upon five cases that all can be categorized as firms with different size and orientation.

Oäkta Goodwill: Den oäkta goodwilldelens effekt på nedskrivningar av koncerngoodwill

Since January 2005 new rules have been introduced from the International Financial Reporting Standards for accounting of Business Combinations. Goodwill, which is the difference between the purchase price and the value of the net assets in an acquired firm, should no longer be amortized but should instead be treated as an object for yearly impairment tests. Nevertheless, there are many companies making the tests but not impairing goodwill. The theoretical frame of reference looks at goodwill from its two parts; true goodwill and false goodwill. False goodwill is defined as a measurement bias and constitutes a certain percentage of the operating net assets.

För ung för att dö : En litteraturöversikt baserad på yngre patienters tankar om hur de hanterar att leva med cancer

Background: Approximately one in three Swedish people will receive a cancer diagnosis. Cancer primarily affects the elderly but also young people suffer. Young people are in a period of life that could put a strain of the ordinary when they are faced with choices and new challenges. The basic sense of security in everyday life is not so obvious and many suffer from, for example, stress and the feeling of being inadequate in relation to the requirements. It is relevant that the nurses can put themselves into what it is like to be young and afflicted with cancer, with the pressures of life itself and what the disease represents.

Rösta på mig! : En studie om marknadsföring inom svensk politik

The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the marketing in Swedish politics. To clarify and compare the Swedish politics to traditional and commercial marketing strategies is not always simple but at the same time we must understand that the practical work political institutes practice, fuse with many theories and marketing is one such theory. To understand this, I chose to investigate which marketing areas and how within service management, brands, segmentation, positioning/image and marketing channels, affect the politics in Sweden? This study is based on qualitative method in which I had five interviews with politicians. The conclusions can be found in the chapter five..

Metodval i projekteringsfasen : Bostadshus Ljusbojen 1

This major project in Building Engineering has its focus on inquiring into what methods has been used in the planning process of the residential buildingLjusbojen 1. This project has been conducted in cooperation with Kadesjös Ingenjörsbyrå AB, an engineering contractor firm which also acts as the property developer. Initially several different general methods for planning residential buildings have been presented. After the methods from the process of building Ljusbojen 1 has been analyzed compared to the general methods presented in part 1. This shows what the determining factors are during the planning process; factors such as cost, quality, time management, know-how and environmental issues.

Mamma, pappa, barn : En studie om flickor och pojkars lek i docvkrån på fritidshemmet

In this essay, I interview six users from the website darkside.se, which is an internet community for BDSM practitioners. I?m using Judith Butlers theorys about performativity and heteronormativity, Gayle Rubins model the charmed circle; of which sexualities is regarded as approved and which is not, and Fanny Ambjörnssons explenation of queer theory. With the interviews as my material, I investigate how sex and gender is produced and used in BDSM and at Darkside. I discuss trans, heteronormativity, sexism and hierarchies of power related to sex and gender, in BDSM and at Darkside.

Konstruktion av Industriellt Vibrationsmätningssystem med signalbehandling baserad på Digitala Vågfilter av Lattice-struktur

In this bachelor thesis a complete prototype of an industrial vibration measurement platform has been developed. By measuring a number of variables such as acceleration, temperature and speed conclusions can be drawn on machinery health. The aim is to evaluate hardware and software solutions for a possible future product. Based on a requirement specification a proper hardware design has be developed. The hardware consists of a four-layer PCB with an ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller and about 250 other components. The PCB was designed, assembled, tested and finally housed in a box.

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