

826 Uppsatser om Fire equipment - Sida 29 av 56

En järnrings förbannelse : en studie i religionshistoria om en ring från Gästriklands vikingatid

Mitt syfte med denna studie av Häckelsängsringen är att ta reda på om den verkligen är från vikingatiden samt om den har haft en eds-, rit- eller kultfunktion? Finns det någon vikingatida kult i området som kan komma ifråga när det gäller denna ?mystiska ring?? Till min hjälp har jag tagit litteratur som talar om ringar och eder till exempel de Isländska eddorna. För att se om det finns en vikingatida kult i området har jag besökt Hamrånge socken, både själv och tillsammans med arkeologer. Jag har studerat länsmuseets faktarum och fornminnesregistret. I fornminnesregistret har jag hittat platser såsom en reliklund med mycket gamla lindar, en tänkbar offerkälla, en stenlagd cirkel som kan vara en tingsring samt att i närheten finns ett område som på gamla kartor kallas Lundåker, en tydlig odling av hassel.

Import av entreprenad- & lantbruksmaskiner :

I made this examination essay to investigate the possibilities and problems with machinery import. The rules intend to loaders and agriculture machines are still pretty flexible. It is today rather simple to make a registration or inspect those machines. There are still some practical problems to be aware of. It is very important to have the right contacts abroad, it is not always that you have time or moment to inspect the machines before purchase. In that case you have to trust your contact or partner about condition, equipment or working hours of the machine. Another important thing is payment before delivery: There is a huge risk that you do not get the machines that you paid for. If problems come up, you need to know the laws, your rights and your duties. A Swedish company does not pay any value-added taxes when it buys from another member of the European union. On the other hand must the machine be sold included value-added tax, if the buyer is a Swedish company.

Webbplatser för alla : Om tillgängligheten på folkbibliotekens webbplatser

The aim of this master thesis is to study if the websites of the Swedish public libraries are accessible to all people. According to the library law all people must have access to the public libraries and their information services. Today, when the Internet is one of the largest sources of information, it is important that all people, including those with different kind of disabilities, children, elderly, immigrants and people with old technical equipment, have access to the public libraries websites.We have in this study considered the graphic user interface, the language, the structure and the navigation possibilities at ten public library websites. We have from a checklist of our own, based upon the opinion of different experts such as Jacob Nielsen and Tommy Sundström, investigated the websites.The main finding of our study is that the websites are generally accessible even thou we found a lack of accessible for immigrants. Most of the websites had some pages in English, but none hade all pages in this language.

Vertikalarmering i tegelbalkar ur arbetsmiljöperspektiv

Statistics of occupational injuries show that bricklayers are among the most exposed, with heavy lifting by far the most common cause of long-term sick leave. Prefabricated brick beams create yet another risk of injuries that can be prevented by auxiliary equipment or alternative solutions. From articles, interviews with masons and from a survey carried out in conjunction with this report, it appears that there are frequently difficulties in the use of available means for lifting and handling. Previous studies on the subject of transverse reinforcement in masonry beams indicate a viable method for bridging large openings in masonry walls. This bachelor thesis delves into whether the idea could be realized in today's brick construction with a view to improving occupational health and safety.

Analys och framtagning av algoritm för rodermätning

Arbetet är ett utredningsarbete som går ut på att försöka lokalisera felkällor och göra förbättringar på en testutrustning som mäter rodervinklar på akterdelen på en robot. Rapporten innehåller en översiktlig bild över den tidigare metoden och dess felkällor som hittas vid test av den tidigare metoden. Utredningen utmanar också många utav antagandena som är gjorda för beräkningarna av den tidigare metoden. Detta utförs för att kunna bekräfta eller dementera antagandena. Detta görs i form av matematiska modeller som testar olika delar av metoden.

Transportörens hantering av slaktsvin och slaktsvinens beteende vid avlastning på slakteri :

The study concerns the unloading of pigs at the slaughter house, both from the pigs view and from the transporters view. The study has been carried out at the slaughter house (SLP) in Helsingborg, Sweden. It includes a questionnaire to all transporters (65 % response) and a direct observation of the unloading. The transporters handling of the pigs, their use of different equipment and the response of the pigs has been studied. The pigs behaviour at unloading and their reactions to environmental factors has also been studied.

Granskning av kvalitetssäkringsarbetet vid en ICC-profilbaserad trycksaksproduktion

To make your company change from a conventional workflow to an ICC-based workflow you need tomake investments in time and money. On the other hand you get your reward in terms of a stable andquality safe production. To choose this way of adjusting your company to new routines requires accuracyas well as a great deal of commitment. It is not only about having the right equipment. There area lot of factors that affect the quality of production.Our ambition with this report is to bring out the importance of general thinking when it comes toICC-profiling and to discuss on which basis printing profiles should be created.

Tillståndsskattning i robotmodell med accelerometrar

The purpose of this report is to evaluate different methods for identifying states in robot models. Both linear and non-linear filters exist among these methods and are compared to each other. Advantages, disadvantages and problems that can occur during tuning and running are presented. Additional measurements from accelerometers are added and their use with above mentioned methods for state estimation is evaluated. The evaluation of methods in this report is mainly based on simulations in Matlab, even though some experiments have been performed on laboratory equipment.The conclusion indicates that simple non-linear models with few states can be more accurately estimated with a Kalman filter than with an extended Kalman filter, as long as only linear measurements are used.

Mätning av mobila datanät i Arvidsjaur

This report presents the results of the tests of data rate and signal strength that I have conducted. The tests have been performed in the municipality of Arvidsjaur, Sweden. The report also contains the conclusions I have drawn from the results as well as an introduction to radio and the technology used in the nets that have been testedThe equipment used is:LG G2 cellphone used to test Telias 3GHuawei b593s-22 3G/4G router used to test Tele2s 3G/4GMobile Broadband Gateway R-90 used to test Net1s CDMAThe data rate has been tested with bredbandskollen (www.bredbandskollen.se). The signal strength(RSSI) has been read in the configuration menu of the broadband routers as well as in the cellphone.The conclussions drawn:Net1s net appears to be more used compared to its capacity than the other netsTele2s net has a high and even data rate where it?s signal strength is sufficient.

Framtidens D250S Dual batteriladdare

This thesis aims to develop proposals and models for a modular electronics construction to a future D250S Dual battery charger. The aim also includes investigation of possibilities to use some of Texas Instruments C2000 microprocessors. The reason for this is that CTEK SWEDEN AB wants to renew the present D250S Dual battery charger and lower the manufacturing costs. The thesis work has involved gathering theoretical facts for the development of a design on the modular electronic construction, the choice on which microprocessor to use, the choice of electronic components and facts about peripheral equipment to the D250S Dual. With the theoretical there has been developed different solutions to the proposed hardware and software solutions with comparisons in aspects of positive and negative.

Finansiella garantier - en möjlighet att säkerställa ett miljömässigt omhändertagande av uttjänta produkter

Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP) is a form of product take-back regulation that requires the producers to manage their products at the end of life. By internalising the products? entire life cycle costs into the market price the ultimate objective of such regulations is to reduce the environmental burden from the products. This Master´s thesis seeks to examine if the total life cycle cost of a product actually is borne by the producer, and if not, predict who will then take this cost. This is done by analysing the market for take-back activities in three different categories of products; electrical and electronic equipment, cars and wind power stations.

Hur har införandet av automatiska mjölkningssystem påverkat juverhälsan hos mjölkkor och vilka riskfaktorer finns?

Today, there are more than 12 000-14 000 farms worldwide using an automatic milking system (AMS). Studies have shown that transition to AMS affects the udder health of cows adversely, recognized primarily as elevated somatic cell counts. There are several reasons for this, for example the greater variation in milking frequency seen in AMS. On one hand, short milking intervals may lead to bad teat condition of the cows due to the stress the milking procedure exposes the teats to. Too long milking intervals, on the other hand, seem to predispose for milk leakage, which is, in turn, a risk factor for the development of mastitis.

Klassificering av processutrustning - en grund för riskbaserat underhåll

In this report a systematic working procedure for risk classification of processing equipment from a maintenance point of view is described. How this system has been worked out is also an important part of the report. The classification system is adapted for use in complex processing plants. Preemraff Göteborg has been subject for the underlying study and application of the system.The system aims to give a good overview of the maintenance related risks at the plant. Furthermore, the analysis result is a good motivation for the suggested maintenance activities and as motivation for extended or decreased maintenance resources in total.

Utformning & placering av vädringskanaler i ett passivhus, drivet av naturliga krafter

A passive house in Norra Djurgårdsstaden drawn by Tengbom Arkitekter is going to be built. A shaft for airing is needed for a few apartments in the house.The airing shaft is designed for a few two room apartments in the house, which are not able to achieve satisfactory airing, as their outer walls are facing a single direction. The other apartments on the same floor are corner apartments. These apartments do not have the same difficulty with airing since they have their outer walls in different directions, with different pressures at the facades. The airflow in the airing shaft is supposed to be driven only by natural forces, by the sun. The purpose of natural driven forces is to achieve low energy consumption for the house.In this thesis, a design of the shaft for airing has been developed.Initially an open shaft for all apartments was analyzed.

E-livsmedel 2.0 : En kvalitativ studie av livsmedelsbutikers e-handelssatsningar

In this day and age we carry out our purchases through different channels. We can shop our clothes and computers in a store or online. Nowadays we can even purchase our groceries through the Internet. The biggest retailer chains within groceries in Sweden have established virtual stores online and are distributing the goods in cities throughout the country. This thesis is dedicated to investigating crucial success factors when going about selling groceries online.

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