

1359 Uppsatser om Financial incentives - Sida 66 av 91

Utveckling av affärsmodeller på laddningsmarknaden : En studie av elbilsladdning i Sverige

This paper covers a study of the Swedish charging market for electric vehicles from both the perspective of stakeholders and car owners. By interviewing representatives of four key stakeholders on the market; commercial parkings, malls, service stations and working places, data regarding their business models of today is examined. At present electricity is provided for free, but all stakeholder point out that this business model is not sustainable in the long run. The result of the interviews shows that electricity won?t be offered for free in the future ? the question is which factors affect how long it will take for the different stakeholders to find a suitable business model.

African swine fever in Uganda : description of a recent outbreak and possible differential diagnoses

This study had two different aims. The main aim was to investigate the dynamics and impact of African swine fever (ASF) on a farm in Uganda during a recent outbreak through a case study. The second aim was to estimate the presence of two important differential diagnoses of ASF: Classical swine fever (CSF) and Porcine Reproduction and Respiratory syndrome (PRRS).The field and laboratory based case study of the farm level dynamics of ASF virus during a recent outbreak (October-December 2010) on a farm in the district of Mityana, Uganda, was conducted, using interviews, ELISA and RT-PCR. The financial impact on the farm was also estimated. The impact of the outbreak was profound.

Relativvärdering som investeringsstrategi : En kvantitativ studie om relativvärdering inom finansbranschen i Sverige

Bakgrund: Det finns ma?nga aktier att va?lja mellan pa? aktiemarknaden. Fo?r en person som aldrig tidigare har handlat med aktier kan det vara sva?rt att veta vilken investering som efter en tid kan generera ett ho?gre va?rde a?n det satsade kapitalet. Relativva?rdering a?r en investeringsstrategi som kan tilla?mpas fo?r att identifiera dessa aktier.Syfte: Syftet med studien a?r att underso?ka om va?rdemultiplarna P/E-talet, P/BV-talet och direktavkastning kan generera o?veravkastning genom investeringar i underva?rderade aktier i finansbranschen.

Revisionsbyråernas syn på jävsregeln i Aktiebolagslagen

AbstractTitle: Accounting firms´ view on the (new law) in joint-stock companiesCourse: Business Administration, Financial Accounting in Corporations and Groups, Ad-vanced Course, 15 ECTSAuthors: Mikaela Uveby, Shadi Nourbehesht, Almira DizdarevicAdvisor: Kent TrosanderProblem: During the last few years, more importance and emphasis has been put on auditors and accounting in general due to a number of company and business scandals on both national and international levels. The United States as well as the EU consid-ered it a necessity to make regulations stricter when it comes to auditing and ac-counts in order to increase the public trust to accounting. At January 1st, 2007, Sweden also changed its law concerning accounting firm challenges. The new law states that as soon as someone of the auditor?s co-workers assists a client with some part of the basic bookkeeping, the main bookkeeping or the drawing-up of the an-nual account, the challenge situation becomes a fact.Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to examine and inquire into how the renewed law con-cerning accounting firm challenges, that was established and put to action at Janu-ary 1st, 2007, has affected accounting firms.Method: The writers have chosen to complete qualitative interviews in order to get a deeper insight to and an understanding of the topic.Conclusion: One year after the renewal of the law, the writers have reached the conclusion of that the new law has not had a great impact on the accounting firms.

Det individuella anställningsavtalet : Gränser för anställningsformens innehåll

The foundations of the Swedish labour market have shifted due to a number of new circumstances affecting its framework. Employment is no longer a right taken for granted but rather something one should work hard to achieve. Given the new conditions, employers are not only trying to ensure their own businesses survival but also uphold the structures of our society. Competition between enterprises forces management to forge new boundaries to maintain profitability.Concerns have arisen whether or not these so called management strategies are within the limitations of the law. As a result and as a response to the design of the labour laws creativity is peaking to overrun the statutory regulations.

Samhällets syn på fattigdom : En jämförelse av begreppen "nödtorftig vård" och "skälig levnadsnivå"

The purpose of this bachelor's thesis in social work has been to examine whether society's perception of poverty and poor people has changed over the more than 160 years have passed since the first national Poor regulation was enacted in Sweden. With a social constructionist approach and inspired by the critical discourse analysis we have conducted two studies to find answers to what differences and similarities between the concepts of scanty care (1847) and standards of living (2002). A study based on previous research was conducted to examine how society's perception of poverty has changed and designed in a historical perspective. We also conducted a textual analysis of relevant legal texts and legislative history to show how these texts reflect the society's official view of poverty based interventions targeted to poor people.The two sub-studies show that the concepts at different times in history has been crucial for the community support poor people were entitled to. Our overall conclusion is that despite today's advanced social policy there are many obvious similarities between the concepts of scanty care and standards of living.

Att utveckla en förskolegård : exemplet Kungstäppan

Studies in the recent years have showed that the preschool playground is important for both the physical and emotional development of children. The Botkyrka local government has decided to improve their preschool playgrounds in order to take advantage of these studies. The administration of childcare and education in Botkyrka is arranging a network between the different preschools where they work together to improve their outdoor environments. The network is arranging workshops and seminars where people from the different preschools can come and gain inspiration for improvements of their own preschools. The administration of properties has created a document where they describe the changes that are supposed to be made to the different outdoor environments. Through the administration of properties and the person who is responsible for the outdoor environments I was introduced to their work with the preschool playgrounds.

Styrning i fotbollsorganisationer - byråkrati, klan eller marknad?

Nowadays the world of football has become more commercial than before. As a result of this the clubs' financial status is getting more and more important. Therefore the UEFA has given the national federations a specific task to make sure that the clubs from each country follow certain standards of maintaining the football credibility. The Swedish federation has decided that the Swedish clubs must follow the so-called ?elitlicensen?.

Avsättningars värderelevans

Introduction: This thesis is about how the accounting entry provisions are linked to corporate market value. By statistically examining accounting and share data for 56 companies listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, the question of whether accounting information regarding provisions are value relevant for investors is studied. Listed companies shall follow the rules of IAS 37 ? Provisions, Contingent liabilities and Contingent assets, when preparing financial statements.Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship between reported information about provisions and investors assessment of listed companies that comply with IFRS-regulations, by statistically testing the value relevance of the accounting entry.Method: The study is based on a quantitative, deductive methodological approach. The value relevance of provisions is examined by statistically testing the collected empirical data based on the two models that is described in the reference frame.Results: The conclusion to be drawn from the study is that reported provisions have no statistically significant association with return on shares and thus is not value relevant.

Utsikt för olja : Hur värderas oljeaktier

Background: Oil is the most dominating source of energy of today, it constitutes for more than 40 per cent of the worlds total energy consumption. This together with the fact that stock in oil companies has soared on the stock exchanges around the world makes oil a very interesting topic to write within. In order to gain knowledge in how to value oil companies, the authors will collect information from theory and through a questionnaire. By applying the information gathered to three companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange the authors will reach an objective picture of valuation of oil companies.Purpose: To investigate how shares of stock are valuated in the oil exploring and producing industry, and what specific measures and metrics that are used in the valuation of stocks in Exploring and Producing (E&P) companies.Method: By using a qualitative approach for this thesis, the authors will investigate how the valuation of oil companies works and what measures that should be applied. The authors will use a part descriptive and part explorative study.

Evaluation of an automated multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay for rapid detection of Influenza A and B viruses

Influenza is a viral infection that affects global health and economy with its endemic and sometimes pandemic spread. Rapid detection of Influenza viruses enables antiviral use and can bring financial savings. It is also essential for the global surveillance of prevalent Influenza strains. RT-PCR is considered the most specific and sensitive method for detection of Influenza, but Influenza mutates at a high rate and it is therefore crucial that RT-PCR methods are updated regularly.In 2014, Cepheid released their Xpert Flu/RSV XC assay, which can detect Influenza A and B and RSV by multiplex RT-PCR in approximately one hour. The aim of this study was to evaluate this assay at Laboratoriemedicin Västernorrland by using the laboratory?s previous PCR assay for detection of Influenza viruses as reference method.Real-time RT-PCR was used to compare Xpert Flu/RSV XC to the reference method.

Hållbarhetsredovisning i svenska statliga och icke-statliga företag

This study deals with sustainability reporting in three governmental and three non-governmental Swedish companies in different industries. With increasing demands from the society regarding company?s CSR - Corporate social responsibility, the perspective of accounting gets broader and covers even non-financial information to meet not only the owners? demands but also others stakeholders' requirements. Sustainability has become an important tool for creating company?s business value and a positive sustainable external image.

Sociala interaktionsvärden för ökat köpflöde

AbstractSpotify is currently the largest and fastest growing online music service. They started in 2006 and has since established itself in several European countries. Their financial revenue comes from advertising spots on the client and registered paid subscribers. Together with Spotify, we have come to a certain focus area where Spotify themselves feel that there is potential for improvement. This area of focus concerns the conversion from using Spotify's free "Open" to the payment options Unlimited and Premium.Objective: We will use an innovation process to achieve an innovation grant that will create more attraction to the payment services.

Definitionen av ett Investment Entity - En studie av de underliggande kriterierna i ED/2011/4 Investment Entities utifrån princip- och regelbaserad redovisningsteori

Recently, the IASB and the FASB initiated a joint project to determine which companies that could be defined as investment entities and thus subject to an exception from IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements. The first draft, ED/2011/4 Investment Entities, was published in 2011 and included six criteria that a company must meet in order to be classified as an investment entity. Based on academic theory, the fact that the IASB and the FASB published a joint proposal is interesting for several reasons. Traditional accounting theory tends to distinguish between two different approaches in standard setting: principles- and rules-based. The IASB is considered to have a principles-based approach, while the FASB is considered to have a rules-based approach.

Diskonteringsräntan påverkar graden av miljöpolitiska styrmedel : En studie om koldioxidskattens påverkan på koldioxidutsläppen

This qualitative study involves the implementation of Lean and Kaizen methods in a Swedish service industry. Lean philosophy is based on a method to achieve more with less. In practical terms this means that the use of an organization's resources is improved. The origin of Lean is the Toyota Production System. Now, Kaizen methods give managers and employees a better more efficient system to reach their goals within the organization or company.

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