

1359 Uppsatser om Financial incentives - Sida 22 av 91

Dold samäganderätt : Är det nuvarande systemet konsekvent?

The meaning of the covert co-ownership is that the parties must have intended that the property should be their common. A party must, to be able to claim ownership, have con-tributed to the acquisition financing through the financial contribution. Further shall the fact that the property should be their common be agreed or have been assumed by the par-ties. There are the circumstances for the purchase that should be considered in determining if covert co-ownership is presumed. Covert co-ownership has been established although one party only contributed a small part to the acquisition.

"Vi är ju inget museum!" En undersökning av Uppsala studentnationers kulturarvshantering

The thesis investigates how Uppsala University student nations steward their cultural heritage. The survey targets how student nations manage their cultural heritage, what financial priority they give it, their attitude towards it, and their awareness of it.A qualitative study of semi-structured interviews with representatives from 11 out of 13 student nations in Uppsala was implemented. The theoretical framework is based on the theory of David Lowenthal on the importance of cultural heritage, Susan Pearce?s theory on collecting, and Pierre Bourdieu?s theory on cultural capital. To investigate the importance of cultural objects theories by Ivo Maroevi?, Annette Weiner, and Igor Kopytoff was applied.The survey shows that stewardship of cultural heritage at Uppsala student nations is poor and in need of reform.

Nyckeltal i ideella föreningar : ? en studie kring ishockeyföreningar

The purpose of this paper was, on the basis of the association?s annual reports, to describe appropriate key performance indicators for non-profit associations. The purpose was furthermore to study how the associations show their goal-attainment. The research was delimited to contain the second category of non profit associations, which include sports associations. The authors choose three non profit associations, which according to the law, shall draw up annual reports. The three ice hockey associations HV71, MODO Hockey and Frölunda Hockey Club, were thereafter chosen on the basis of those delimits.

Hur revisorn skapar trygghet och säkerställer oberoendet

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to seek understanding, describe and analyse how auditors practically reassure and maintain their independence towards clients.Methodology: The study is conducted with a qualitative method with a deductive approach. The study is based on interviews with both experienced and recently graduated auditors.Conclusion: Our empirical results show that there are economical incentives that contradict the requirements to fulfil the auditor?s independence. The conclusion is that the media view is narrow and biased. Furthermore the auditors agree that an acceptable level of comfort is achieved by offering a high value, being a part of a large network of professionals and the ability to set materiality and evaluate risks. .

Förväntningsgapet : Vad revisionsinsatsen i HQ Bank innebär för förväntningsgapet

Problem: That the stakeholder?s expectations don´t answer to what auditors can and may do have been a problem for several years. This problem was defined for the first time by Liggio at 1974. Since 1974 there have been several researches about the expectation gap for auditors.Purpose: The purpose of our study is to research what the audit effort in HQ Bank means for the expectation gap.Theory: The theories in our study discuss the audit profession, the definition of the expectation gap, how trust develops between individuals, the regulations that the authorities discuss and a review of earlier researches in this subject.Method: We have done a qualitative study in which we interviewed approved auditors at PwC and Convensia in addition we interviewed the chief lawyer at the Swedish financial supervisory authority to answer our purpose.Conclusions: The conclusion of our study is that the expectation gap exists between the auditors and the stakeholders. Another conclusion is that the incidents in HQ Bank have influenced the expectation gap in a negative direction, to reduce the expectation gap we suggest that adjustments of the regulations must be done and that the auditors themselves must inform their stakeholders what auditors can and may do..

Värdering av lager i lantbruk : Går det att värdera ett växande lager?

Background: The valuation of growing crops is problematic partly due to weather conditions. 2011 showed that of all cultivated crops 42% were autumn sown which makes up a significant proportion of the total arable land in Sweden. This presented an opportunity to investigate more closely the methods and options used in the inventory valuation of biological assets. Problem: What options are there in the valuation of own-produced inventory specifically in the form of growing crops? Objective: This study's aim is to create an increased understanding of an agricultural company's options for inventory valuation of biological assets. In the survey of the options this study has found two main categories: rule-and principle-based accounting. Methods: A qualitative study with an abductive approach.

Estimering av kapitalkostnad för onoterade företag

The cost of capital for traded companies is basically assessed on information from thefinancial market. Small and non-traded companies are lack of this necessary financialmarket information in order to determine an appropriate equity risk premium and tocompute the cost of capital.In the absence of financial information necessary for an external investor, it is difficult toevaluate a non-traded company with the Capital Asset Pricing model (CAPM), which isbased on the financial market information. It measures only the systematic risk, which isthe contribution of one share to the market risk of a portfolio. It is therefore important tofind models that reflect the small and non-traded companies? real business value and theirunique characteristics.

Värderarens val av metod : Påverkansfaktorer vid företagsvärdering

Title: The appraiser?s choice of valuation method ? factors that influences the choice of company valuation methodsSeminar date: 04/06/07Course: Master thesis in Business Administration, 10 Swedish credits.Authors: Anne Benedicks and Veronica ÖbergAdvisor: Eron OxingProfession of category: Financial analysts, auditors and company lawyers.Key words: Company valuation, valuation methods, cash flow analysis, comparative valuation, the net asset value method.The Main Issue: What is of decisive importance when choosing a special company valuation method?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify, analyse and evaluate the most common methods of valuation for financial analysts, auditors and company lawyers and those factors that influences the choice of method.Method: A multiple survey has been implemented for the actual profession categories. Primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire survey.Theoretical: The theoretical frame of reference is based upon the paper?s dependent variable, i.e. the role of the appraiser.

Ger en kvinnlig CFO högre redovisningskvalitet?

The executives of a firm possess considerable influence over a company's financial reports. The numbers can be adjusted in a favorable direction by engaging in Earnings Management, which harms the reliability of the financial reporting. Previous research suggests that Earnings Management can differ between genders. In recent years the debate about a woman's role in the business world has received generous attention in media. Moreover, the presence of women in leading positions has become a relevant issue for firms.

Skillnader i vatten- och avloppshantering inom EU : En jämförelse mellan Slovakien och Sverige

The management of water resources and waste water varies between the countries of the EU. For many years, a large part of the water in Europe has been contaminated by, among other things, insufficiently treated waste water and emissions from agriculture. The EU Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC and the Urban Waste Water Directive 91/271/EEC are intended to harmonize fresh-water management and waste water management within the whole EU, aiming at safeguarding drinking water of good quality and a high quality of all water within the EU today and in the future. There are however some problems concerning the waste-water directive. One problem is the huge investment needed in Slovakia to fulfil the demands of the waste-water directive for waste-water management in larger communities (with more than 2000 inhabitants).

Digitala kvitton och dess framtida tillämpningar

Consumers today leave a fragment of information when they pay with their debit and credit cards. The aim of our work is to investigate ways to design a concept of a system in which digitally stored information that today is fragmented among several different holders, can be assembled into a system and made available to consumers. In our study of how a system for financial flow of information should be designed, we intend to study the present situation and the attempts made to alter it into a more informative reality. We intend to investigate the flow of information when a consumer pays by card, and the possible solutions regarding the design and transportation of digital receipts. A majority of the information of our digital consumption is today handled digitally.

"Periodare" hos socialtjänsten? : En undersökning om unga vuxnas behov av försörjningsstöd

The purpose of this study is to find out how social workers in one medium and one smallmunicipality in central Sweden perceive the need of financial support for young adults formore than one year and what the causes might be. To answer our research questions aqualitative research method was used and four social workers were interviewed. The resulthas been analyzed based of social exclusion, stigma, as well as on structural and individuallevel and linked to previous research. Our results show that although young adults are anexception for long duration for financial support, there are those who lack other means ofsupport for a long time. The results also show that young adults often are recurring in thesocial services, and they are long-lasting.

Crowdfunding - En svensk kontext : En studie av inre och yttre motivationsfaktorers inverkan på svenska individers vilja att finansiellt stödja svenska tillväxtföretag genom crowdfunding

Bakgrunden till studien bygger på nuvarande finansieringssvårigheter svenska tillväxtföretag möter i tidiga skeden, något som påverkar Sverige negativt eftersom dessa företag kan vara en länk till svensk tillväxt och fler arbetstillfällen. Därför studeras i studien det nyligen framvuxna finansieringsalternativet ?Crowdfunding? som en eventuell lösning på problemet. Vidare existerar ett akademiskt gap inom förståelsen av vad som motiverar en individ att engagera sig i crowdfunding vilket är intressant att studera givet kontexten..

Revisorn och revisionens roll i ideella föreningar - en studie på idrottsföreningar

Background: Non-profit organizations have a large and significant role in Swedish society and Thunberg (2006) choose to express it like Sweden stops without nonprofit effort. But in several non-profit organizations, and then perhaps especially in sports, there exist problems with the economy. Tate (in Vermeer, Raghunandan & Dana, 2009) explains that the audit of non-profit organizations differs from the audit of for-profit companies as they often have differences in culture, organizational structure, financial requirements, accounting standards, financial reporting, financial statements and the auditor's risk environment. While the audit is different, it should also be noted that in the vast majority of non-profit organizations, there are no statutory requirements for audit, but despite this, 99% of all non-profit organizations have some form of audit regulated by their statute (Lunde?n & Lindblad, 2011).

Det ryska barnbibliotekets roll och överlevnad i dagens Ryssland : En fältundersökning på barnbiblioteket i Pskov

In an international perspective the Russian children s library is a unique institution, being solely committed to children up to 14 years of age. In Russia of today it is, however, being exposed to hard pressure as the economical and social conditions have changed dramatically since the collapse of the USSR. My interest lies in examining this change of living conditions for the children s libraries and how this in turn affect their work and role in the present state. In order to view this change in a longer perspective, I compare the situation for children s libraries during the time of communist regime with that of today using documents about and from children s libraries. I have studied its legal position and conditions, financial and political state, and how the modern society affects children and youth, especially their daily cultural life.

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