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Brandskydd av stålkonstruktioner : Lathund för brandskyddsdimensionering av stålprofiler
This bachelor thesis covers fire protection methods of structural steel and the aim is to develop an information tool designed for inexperienced structural engineers. The information tool covers basic fire protection methods and the general way to produce a fire resistance for structural steel. The layout of this information tool is a simple folder that contains information about the most important steps when producing fire protection for a steel structure.The thesis starts with a general overview of the fire protection needed in buildings to fulfill national legislative and regulatory requirements. To get an understanding of how steel components behave during the influence of fire, a brief overview is presented of the material properties of steel. This chapter also contains a review of previous research in the area.
"Här lever vi, och här ska vi satsa på vår och våra barns framtid" : -En "framgångsrik" berättelse om romska kvinnors liv i Sverige idag
The purpose of this paper is to find out how a few different women with a Roma heritage sees their to succeed possibilities in Sweden.To illustrate these issues has an hermeneutical approach been used. Materials were collected through interviews with Romani women in a municipality in western Sweden. The material created during the interview sessions is based on the five interviewees' interpretations of how they look at their life and the recognition of Roma people.The interview results show that Roma women have gone through various changes linked to school, language, family, work. Young women and their parents have become more aware that education is an important capital to invest in, in order to later obtain a good job and future. When it comes to school the results show that Roma children have become better at reading but there is still some Roma children who do not attend school, even though there is their native language, Romani, in many schools.
Vägprojekt: nya E4:an, delsträckan mellan Uppsala och Läby : Så gick besluts- och samrådsprocessen till
A Road project?s frame is built up of a decision- and consultation process, where the results of the preparatory studies are being discussed. The aim with a consultation process is that all theopinions and knowledge from the operators' will be taken into count in the basis of information, that is needed in order to the different involved operators' to take a decision.The aim of the essay was to investigate how the decision- and consultation process for a road project, the E4 section between Uppsala Läby, turned out. The aim is also to bring up how theprocess could have been done more correctly. The study was carried out through a qualitative method with an analysis of materials from the National Road Administration's archives, the associated Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and through interviews of the different operators.My theoretical basis has been a Stakeholder Analysis and its principles, and theory about different executions of social planning.The result showed that the decision- and consultation process has been bursting in democracy and consideration taking of the different operators' opinions, has been poor from the developer?s, in this case the National Road Administration's, side.
Hyllie vattenpark : ett gestaltningsförslag
This project is focusing on a future park that will surround Hyllie water
tower in the outskirts of Malmö. The water tower will be located in the
central part of the new building area Hyllievång. The park will function
as a town park with a special focus on water. The water council of the
municipality, Va-verket, has for the last 7 years built up and been in
charge for a pedagogical programme in the water tower, were schoolchildren
come to learn about the cycle of water and how we use water
in our daily life. In the park they want to build a new part that gives
experience of water, as a compliment to the information in the tower.
What will that park look like, and what shall it be constructed of?
How do you bring water to the surface in a park? How can landscape
architecture work to enhance the presence of water and make people
more interested in water issues? In the search to find the answers to all
my questions I have meet with people, read books and visited different
Adaptiv stämning : En bedömning av acceptabilitet och tonkvalitetsuppfattning
This thesis presents an adaptive tuning system that can be described as a dynamic Just Intonation tuning system, being compatible with equally tempered instruments. The tuning system is called Hermode Tuning (HMT) and the tuning used as comparison for evaluation is the standardized western tuning, the equal tempered tuning. This study investigates preferences for these two musical tuning systems, depending on whether the tunings are presented on a piano or with woodwind instruments. A listening test was done with students at the Falun Conservatory of Music, including both a vertical listening (intervalls) and a horizontal listening (cadenses and musical compositions) of Hermode tuned musical material. Overall the results showed no significant preferences for either tuning system irrespectively of what instrument it was presented with.
Den viktiga barnlitteraturen : Om förskollärares uppfattningar kring normkritisk barnlitteratur
The purpose of this study is to find out what preschool teachers think about antisocial children's literature. Based on five qualitative interviews with teachers at a preschool that works with a standard critical approach. In order to fulfill my purpose with this study, I focused on how these teachers felt that it was important to use the standard critical children's literature in preschool. I wanted to find out what the teachers' thoughts were on the concept of standard critical children's literature and how and whether they use it in their daily activities. When I analyzed the results of my interviews I used the queer theories that include standard critical pedagogy and literature in preschool.
När strategi blir design : Företags drivkrafter bakom grafiska profilbyten
Graphic profiles are a part of companies? brand expressions. The graphical values reflect the brand values the business wants to convey. They consist of different graphic elements such as logo, company sign, colour schemes, templates, rules, fonts, pictograms, formats and references to how different graphic elements should look, for example, business cards, signs and materials for websites. This thesis aims to examine why firms choose to replace their graphic profiles by studying their underlying motivations.
Bedömningsunderlag för användning av restprodukter i
vägbyggnad: med fördjupning inom aspekten ekologi
Traditionellt sett har vägsektorn främst använt jungfruliga resurser som konstruktionsmaterial. Intresset för alternativa material ökar dock och detta leder till att det blir allt vanligare att restprodukter används som konstruktionsmaterial.´ I dag saknas det enhetliga modeller, med allmän acceptans, för att bedöma en restprodukts lämplighet som konstruktionsmaterial i vägbyggnad. Detta innebär att det i varje enskilt fall tas fram ett bedömningsunderlag som anses vara lämpligt. För att bedöma ett materials lämplighet bör ett faktaunderlag inom en rad olika aspekter samlas in. De aspekter som kan vara aktuella kan delas in i Användning och Omgivning.
Elektrisk matarpump för bränslesystem: En förstudie
För att transportera bränsle från tanken till motorn används på tunga fordon idag vanligen en mekanisk pump, driven av och placerad på motorn. Anledningen till att ha en direktdriven pump är främst att det anses som den mest robusta lösningen för den relativt enkla uppgiften som bränsletransport och liten tryckökning anses vara. För att klara av motorstart och driftsfall med höga bränsleflöden är dagens pump överdimensionerad för det behov som finns större delen av tiden.Önskvärt vore att kunna reglera bränslemängden kontinuerligt, för att minska pumparbetet i de punkter matarpumpen idag har överkapacitet. En elektrisk pump kan regleras att endast pumpa bränsle efter behov och erbjuder även andra fördelar, som t.ex. fri placering, möjlighet att använda en mindre pump och tilläggsfunktioner genom mjukvara, exempelvis priming och automatisk avluftning.Projektet har genomförts i form av en förstudie med konceptgenerering för placering av komponenter och provning av dagens system för kravspecifikation.
Kvinnligt+flicka/manligt+pojke=traditionella könsmönster : en semiotisk bildanalys av grundskolans tidigare års matematikböcker
This essay focuses on the pictures in mathematics books for elementary school. The purpose was to see if images in mathematics books for elementary school show traditional gender roles.The aim of the essay has been broken down into following research questions:Vilka färger förknippar de olika matematikböckerna till pojkar/män respektive flickor/kvinnor?How many times were girls/women and boys/men illustrated in the mathematics books?What behavior is associated with masculinity and femininity?Which colours are associated with boys/men and girls/women in the mathematics books?I used a semiotic image analysis method to study the pictures presented in the mathematics books. The theories in this essay were used to see how society makes girls become girls and boys become boys and in what ways the genders are portrayed in relation to each other. In addition, the theories include the question of whether a specific colour is given to a specific gender? The analysis evidently confirmed that the images in the mathematics books demonstrated traditional gender roles.
Comparative analysis of Thermal Barrier Coatings produced using Suspension and Solution Precursor Feedstock
The research work performed in this thesis has been carried out at the Production Tech-nology Centre where the Thermal Spray research group of University West has its work-shop and labs.This research work has been performed in collaboration with the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad, India.First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my supervisors Dr. Nicolaie Markocsan and Dr. Nicholas Curry for their guidance, great support and valuable suggestions without which this work could not have been possible. I would also like to thanks Prof. Per Nylén for keeping faith in me and providing me an opportunity to work at PTC, which is a great place to perform research.
"Barn är viktigare nu på något vis" : En kvalitativ studie om hur fem pedagoger resonerar och praktiskt arbetar med barns inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan
The aim of this study is to investigate into the use of discussions in the classroom to help the pupils develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and operations. The empirical data contain interviews with two teachers and observations from their lessons. The purpose of the interviews was to find out what importance the teachers ascribed to the ability of their pupils to talk about mathematics, and how they organised their classes to encourage mathematical discussions. With the observations, I was able to see the interaction in the classroom and hear discussions between the teacher and the pupils, as well as between the pupils themselves.The interviewed teachers proved to share my own belief in the results of researchers like Malmer (1999) and Löwing (2006) about the importance of verbal discussion, argumentation and reflection during mathematics classes. But convictions derived from the research of others are one thing, the practical application of the wisdom in the classroom another.
Modersmålsundervisning, läs- och skrivutveckling i Sameskolan : Lärares erfarenheter och arbetsformer
The overall aim of the study was to take part of teachers' experiences and work force mother-tongue education and literacy development in the Sámi School. The study was conducted through interviews with twelve teachers who teach at two Sámi schools. The focus has been on looking how to work with native speakers teaching at the Sámi School, what factors promote / hinder students' development of their first or second language, and the importance of collaboration between the schools` various professions work with multilingual students reading and writing skills. Through interviews of various categories of teachers, I have tried to visibility problems of the education of minority language children and their reading and writing skills. I discuss the teaching, the importance and the lack / availability of communication and consensus between different categories of teachers.
Kommersiell etisk konsumentkultur - en case studie av fenomenet (PRODUCT) RED
Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva och analysera framväxten av nya kommersiella etiska konsumtionsfenomen och dess påverkan på konsumentkulturen. Metod: Magisteruppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ litteraturstudie som kompletterats med en empirisk case-studie av fenomenet (PRODUCT) RED. Allt emiriskt material är inhämtat från Internet under olika tidpunkter från och med mars månad till mitten av maj 2008. Empirin grundar sig bland annat i diskussioner vilka bedrivits på sociala nätverk på Internet och där främst inom grupper på Facebook. Materialet sträcker sig tillbaka till (PRODUCT) RED etableringen i mars 2006, vilket innebär att urval av inlägg och bloggar från olika diskussionsforum inhämtats under hela denna tidsperiod.
Sund inomhusmiljö Studie av betonggolv och dess ytskikt
Detta examensarbete behandlar ämnet sunda hus. Vi har studerat betongplattan med dess ytskikt för att se dess påverkan på inomhusmiljön. Anledningen till att denna rapport har skrivits är att NCC, i samarbete med Stångåstaden AB, är intresserade av att få reda på materials påverkan på inomhusmiljön. Studien har utförts i Linköping på Kv. Irrblosset vilket uppförs som ett sunt studentboende.