

1389 Uppsatser om Filter materials - Sida 16 av 93

GNSS-Styrning : Information för platschefer

An investigation of the heat impact of laser cutting on the material properties when producing tensile and impact test specimens of different steel types of varying thickness has been performed. The purpose of the thesis project was to provide recommendations regarding how much material that needs to be milled from the laser cut edge before tensile and impact tests. The study has been performed partly by investigating the test specimens by heat camera when the specimens were cut in the laser cutting line and partly by performing hardness tests, investigation by microscopy, and tolerance and roughness measurements and tensile tests of the laser cut material and material produced in the traditional multi operation machine. The results show that the heat affected zone in the thicker materials is greater than previously thought of, and that the currently used recommendation has to be adjusted. The study clearly shows that the thicker the material, the greater the heat affected zone, independently of the steel type, since the thicker material takes longer time to cut.

Säker identitetshantering på internet : Att minimera bedrägerier och öka konsumentens säkerhet och inflytande vid e-handel

Risken att en obehörig part kan komma över och använda en enskild konsuments identitets-handlingar är stor, samtidigt som individens möjlighet att kontrollera hur och när dess iden-titet används är liten. Problemformuleringen som skulle besvaras var hur identitetsstölder och bedrägerier på internet kunde minimeras samtidigt som konsumenten får ett ökat infly-tande över hanteringen av sin identitet.Målsättningen var att centralisera och skapa ett gemensamt förhållningssätt för identitets-hantering på internet till förmån för konsumenterna, och på så vis minimera spridning av egna lösningar för identitetshantering hos enskilda aktörer.Lösningen resulterade i en systemmodell med förutsättningar för att autentisera konsumen-ten, hantera filter för hur enskilda identitetshandlingar får användas på internet, samt för att möjliggöra kommunikation med konsumenten genom att skicka notifikationer om händelser som uppstått kopplat till en specifik identitet. Genom en användarportal skulle konsumen-ten kunna administrera sina filter för olika e-tjänster och webbutiker samt få en överblick över specifika händelser som inträffat.En prototyp togs fram för att demonstrera systemmodellens grundläggande funktionalitet i praktiken. Denna kom att innefatta funktionalitet för att autentisera konsumenten, skicka notifikationer om händelser och kontrollera existerande filter för en specifik identitet. Pro-totypen kom att bestå av ett förenklat system enligt den modell som tagits fram, med ett tillhörande API samt två modeller motsvarande en webbutik och en betalningsväxel som skulle nyttja funktionaliteten genom att anropa systemets API.Lösningen utvärderades baserat på det uppnådda resultatet från intervjuer med experter inom problemområdet och genomförd funktionskontroll av den framtagna prototypen.

Avfallshantering på byggarbetsplatser : Potential för en miljöeffektiv avfallshantering

This thesis concerns waste management on construction sites and was conducted on behalf of ICA Fastigheter.Areas of concern:How can an environmentally-efficient waste management system on construction sites be defined? What potential exists for exploiting the waste resources that are generated?How can the waste management be optimised by reducing the quantity of waste and by optimal sorting?How can the client of a project influence the waste management?The purpose of the work was to investigate sustainable waste management in the building and construction sector and to highlight waste as a resource from an environmental and economic perspective.The aim of the work was to define an environmentally-efficient waste management system, to analyse the potential that exists in waste management and to draw up guidelines for optimal waste management.The method consisted of a literature study, two visits to construction sites and four interviews.An environmentally-efficient waste management system means that the waste is managed in the following order of priority:Prevention     Reuse  Recycling     Energy recoveryLandfill     The prevention of waste is an important area that has not been adequately explored by the building and construction industry. The quantities of waste could decrease with the implementation of measures such as ordering materials in the dimensions required, prefabricated components, logistics centres with Just-In-Time deliveries, less and improved packaging and less wrapping. The reuse of waste materials and temporary apparatus as well as the use of a return pallet system are examples of reuse that reduces the quantities of waste.In most cases the source sorting work is a matter of course and the proportion going to landfill is down at a low level. The source sorting can be optimised by sorting all materials that can be reused and recycled to use them as a resource.

Implementering av radarextraktor med DSP

Den här rapporten beskriver hur en radarextraktor kan implementeras med hjälp av en signalprocessor (DSP). En radarextraktor extraherar viktig information ur en radarvideosignal och skapar plottar. En plott anger bäring och avstånd till ett mål, t.ex. ett fartyg eller ett flygplan. Plottarna levereras vanligtvis till en målföljare.

A?teranva?ndning av textilt restmaterial

Detta arbete handlar om vad ett va?letablerat fo?retag skulle kunna go?ra med sitt restmaterial. Vi vet att det idag finns en ma?ngd fo?retag som jobbar fo?r att minska sitt restmaterial och ha?r presenteras fo?rslag pa? vad man kan go?ra med det som a?nda? uppkommer. I arbetet presenterar vi fo?rst hur vi ga?tt till va?ga fo?r att samla in va?r information, alltsa? hur va?r forskning gjorts.

Arkiverad men inte tillgängliggjord : En studie av upphovsrättslagen, kollektiva avtalslicenser och tillgängliggörande av digitaliserat arkivmaterial

This study focuses on the Nordic model of Extended Collective Licenses (ECL) and how this model can be used in the process of digitalising and publishing archival material such as photos, letters, maps or films. The question that this study aims to deal with is what advantages, and disadvantages, there are for archives and copyright holders when an ECL is being used. To help answering this question the ?theory of the knowledge commons? has been applied. The research question has been answered through a text analysis based on legal texts including Swedish law.

Eurocodes : Beräkningsjämförelser mellan eurocodes och BKR

In the year 2010 a transition will take place here in Sweden from the present rules how to dimension buildings in to the common rules with have been developed in Europe, the Eurocodes. Eurocode is the term for a collection standard that contains calculation rules in how to dimension constructions and buildings. They are developed by the European standardize committee.The purpose with this examination work is to get an insight of what changes this will contribute to, and how it will affect the dimensioning. Are there going to be any differences in the dimension you finally chose?To investigate these possible differences two constructions will be calculated first in the present Swedish rules, and then in the coming eurocodes.One of these two constructions will be build completely in steel, while the other will be build completely in concrete.

De, nationen och kulturen : Skillnadsskapande i svenska geografiläroböcker 1947?2011

Education systems face a number of challenges regarding social justice, diversity, difference, and inclusion and membership for all students in the groups that schools create. This invokes questions of how well these challenges are met in curricula and teaching materials. Through discourse analysis of eight Swedish geographical textbooks, this essay aims to seek out the perspectives surrounding difference within the subject of geography. It concludes that the idea of fixed homogenous cultures as meaningfull in differentiating among people dominates throughout the latter half of the 20th century and during the last decade. In addition, it concludes that the discourse surrounding diversity in Swedish geographical teaching materials mainly has a binary liberal view of plurality focused around tolerance.

Syntes av hydroxyapatit/ nanocellulosa kompositer

Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are great candidates for composite materials. The reasons why CNCs are such attractive materials for them are due to their great mechanical properties, high aspect ratio and low density. On the other hand, hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a kind of calcium phosphate and a main component of bones and teeth. The purpose of the present study is to make oriented nano-sized composites with CNC and HAp. Although some researchers carried out to make CNC composites with HAp for biomedical materials, nano-sized and oriented ones haven?t been achieved yet.

Undersökning av en industrifastighets material och resurshantering enligt miljöcertifieringssystemet LEED

Miljöcertifieringssystemet för byggnader, LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) lanserades 1998 i USA av USGBC (United States Green Building Council). USGBC är en icke vinstdrivande organisation, vars mål är att bidra till utökat hållbart byggande. Skanskas första byggnad som certifierades enligt LEED färdigställdes 2001 i den amerikanska delstaten North Carolina. I slutet av februari 2009 offentliggjordes det att Skanska skall införa systemet i sin Nordiska organisation. Undersökningen som genomförts handlar om ett av LEED New Constructions sex delområden, Materials & Resources. Materialhanteringen för ett byggprojekt som Skanska uppfört har analyserats för att avgöra huruvida det skulle kunna erhålla poäng vid en certifiering enligt LEED.

Radomoptimering för luftburna störsändarkapslar

These studies are done in behalf of Saab AB AVITRONICS in Järfälla in the form of a thesis atthe Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.The task was to examine the parameters that plays a role in the construction of modern radomesoperating in broadband applications.This was interesting for Saab to get an indication of which way they should go at the newdevelopment of radomes for the next generation of equipment for electronic warfare.After a thorough analysis of the influencing parameters, a optimization application was made toget a automated way to get a radome design by specifying data on the radome size, airloads,materials, etc.This is to minimise the time of the laborious work that radome development.inply.This was solved by letting ANSYS calculate the strength of the radome structure and MATLABcalculate electromagnetic data and cost models of different sizes and materials.All these parameters woven together with the optimization tool modeFrontier picks data from therespective program and perform an optimization algorithm and then iterate a step and sends thisdata to calculation programs for the new input data. In the end, we have received a convergedpoint with our optimal solution.For the presumptions and limitations for which applied for this thesis, the result was prettyintuitive. That is to say that the smaller radome - the less materal is needed and lowermanufacturing costs results in the cheapest solution possible. The reality is not so simple. Whereyou have to take more of the electrical details such as the effect on the transmitter as a majorfactor..

Likviditetsförbättring i Skanska Direkt. En fallstudie i en byggserviceverksamhet.

SUMMARYInventory of raw materials holds an important role in companies within the manufacturingsector. The inventory works as a buffer that secure the supply of materials to the productionunit. The aim of the inventory is to ensure that the company is able to meet the customers?demands despite fluctuations and variations in the material flow. The size of the warehouseand the layout are physical limitations for the quantity of articles that can be stored.

Motivation för lärande : En intervjustudie om vad lärare gör för att skapa motivation vid matematikundervisningen i årskurs tre.

Inom nuklearmedicinsk diagnostik används radioaktiva läkemedel för att utvärdera olika organs metabolism och fysiologiska beteende. Genom att använda en scintillationskamera kan strålningen som erhålls när det administrerade läkemedlet sönderfaller i kroppen detekteras och en funktionell bild över aktivitetsfördelningen erhålls. En tredimensionell bildvolym kan erhållas om gammakameran får rotera runt patienten vilket kallas SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography). Bildernas kvalitet är av stor betydelse för att kunna göra en noggrann bedömning av olika patologiska tillstånd. Kvaliteten begränsas av en mängd faktorer och en av dem är Comptonspridda fotoner.I denna studie optimerades bildkvaliteten för SPECT-undersökningar med 111In-Octreoscan för ett Infinia Hawkeye 4 (GE Healthcare, Wisconsin, USA) SPECT-system vid Norrlands universitetssjukhus (NUS).

Ringtrycks påverkan på vägslitage Tunga fordons ringtryck och dess påverkan på vägens underhållsbehov

SUMMARYInventory of raw materials holds an important role in companies within the manufacturingsector. The inventory works as a buffer that secure the supply of materials to the productionunit. The aim of the inventory is to ensure that the company is able to meet the customers?demands despite fluctuations and variations in the material flow. The size of the warehouseand the layout are physical limitations for the quantity of articles that can be stored.

Analys och beräkning av emissionsfaktorer för växthusgaser

An increased awareness about the global warming has created a demand for more information on how the climate is affected by different activities.This master thesis was initiated by Tricorona, a Swedish company that offers its customers analysis and calculation of their climate impact. Tricorona also supplies climate neutralisation with CERs, in accordance with the Kyoto protocol and controlled by the UN. This work demands updated emission factors for greenhouse gases. An emission factor gives information about the greenhouse gasintensity of a service or a product [kg CO2-eq./ functional unit].The purpose of this thesis is to examine how electricity, district heating, hotels, taxis, food and materials affect the climate and how emission factors for these areas can be calculated.This was done by reviewing and comparing different studies and by interviewing experts. The information was evaluated and recommendations on calculations and emission factors were made.The consumption of energy is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions for district heating, electricity, hotels, taxis and materials.

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