1389 Uppsatser om Filter materials - Sida 11 av 93
Religionslärares användning av tidningsartiklar : en kvalitativ undersökning om alternativa läromedel
This study discusses and examines the alternative teaching materials in religion class amongst seven teachers in Stockholm region. As religion is a complex subject to both learn and to teach it may be beneficial to use alternative texts to show the diversity of the subject. The aim of this study was to examine why teachers use news articles and other articles from daily magazines in their religion class. I also examined how the teachers motivated their choices of teaching materials. The study is qualitative and the empirical work was done by interviewing seven teachers in religion.
Allas bibliotek? En fallstudie om tillgänglighet utifrån exemplet Sundsvalls stadsbibliotek
The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the accessibility for persons with disabilities to service, materials, and the library building in one Swedish public library, and also to see what guides the development of accessibility at this library. In order to do this we have studied guidelines and political documents to se how this library responds to them. To our case study, data have also been collected by qualitative interviews, and observation of what this library offers impaired persons at the library?s web site, in special materials, facilities, and the functionality of the library building.
Råvaruinflöde inom träindustrin : En fallstudie på ett norrländskt pappersbruk
Today's global market means that raw materials are sought and bought from all over the world. This creates an higher demand for a well-functioning supply chain. In our thesis we have studied a large paper mill in northen Sweden which experiences issues with flow of raw material. Our aim has hence been to examine which aspects affect the flow of raw materials to the mill, and how these can be adressed using an IT-system. The question we sought to answer was; What factors are important to consider and how do these affect the ability of an IT-system which will support the flow of raw material at the paper mill? We have found that the problems are strongly connected to the low amount of information sharing between the mill and the suppliers.
Flödesanalys av plåtsammansättning : Strävan mot Just-In-Time och minskat slöseri
The Volvo Trucks plant in Umeå is a highy complex manufacturing facility where the same production line handles a variety of different models. This require flexible and agile processes with high quality standards. This thesis studies the flow of material through a production line and how Volvo can use their existing manufacturing monitoring system to optimize the flow of materials.The goal with the thesis is to identify eventual problems with the flow of materials and to deliver a few proposals on how the production line can improve its productivity. The theory of LEAN, Just-In-Time and Supply Chain Management serves as the scientific reference to this project. By analyzing the flow of material, performing interviews and observing the processes a few problems are identified.
Provning av ythärdade material tänkta för
This technical report describes the master thesis in material engineering called ?Testing of surfaced hardened materials conceivable for gears and shafts?. The work extents 20 academic points. Land systems Hägglunds manufactures and sells different kinds of combat vehicles and terrain vehicles. Since the demands for bigger and stronger vehicles increases all the time, so are the demands on shafts, gears and other transmission details.
Design som könsstruktur : samtal om genus, makt och mobiltelefoner
The main purpose with this study is to describe teachers? use of textbooks and other teaching materials in upper secondary school (gymnasiet) in Sweden, and to discuss the use according to school subject and teacher style. Data was collected in two different ways. At first twenty classroom observations were made during lectures concerning the subjects Swedish (mothertounge), English (foreign language) and religion. Then four open interviews were carried out with the teaching teachers.
Det energisnåla isoleringsmaterialet
This bachelor essay is divided into two parts, the first being a construction of a single-familyhouse and the second an in-depth study of five different isolation materials, analysed from anenergy perspective.The first part, the construction of the single-family house, has been created from knowledgeacquired during three years of studying at KTH Royal institute of Technology in Stockholm, inthe program Architecture and the Built Environment. The constructed house is a one-floorhouse of 137m2with façade plaster, situated in Borlänge, Sweden. The house has a wooden framewhich is built on a on sight cast concrete foundation, on the ground. The house?s roof is a gableroof, which has an angle of 24 degrees.
Lean Sex Sigma hos Sandvik Materials Technology
Bakgrunden till examensarbetet är att det existerar ett behov inom Sandvik Materials Technology att komma tillrätta med problemen avseende dålig leveransprecision och antalet reklamationer genom ett förbättringsprogram som kan angripa alla bekymren inom företaget. Företaget har i dagsläget inlett ett internt förbättringsprogram kallat Lyftet Ledtid, med övergripande syfte att sänka ledtiderna i processerna för att minska kapitalbindningen samt uppnå bättre kvalitet. Andra företag har implementerat förbättringsprogrammet Sex Sigma och en undersökning av dess lämplighet för Sandvik Materials Technology bör ske. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka förbättringsprogrammet Sex Sigmas utrymme inom det interna förbättringsprogrammet Lyftet Ledtid. Det bör även ange hur en eventuell implementering kan ske.
Miljöinformation i förvaltningsberättelsen :
The first of May 2005 changes were made in the Annual Accounts Act. The 2006 Annual Report of companies with more than ten employees or assets over 24 million SEK must include environmental information in the directors' report if it affects the company's development, result or position. A survey made by KPMG 2007 investigating the environmental information of companies listed on Large Cap Segment of the OMX Stockholm exchange showed that only a third of the companies, included in the survey, complied with the new law requirements.
I have examined how the environmental information in the directors' report is formulated and why the information is formulated in that fashion. I have examined seven companies listed on the Large Cap Segment of the OMX Stockholm exchange. Four companies from the materials sector and three banks from the financials sector were included in the survey.
Nyhetsbrev för e-handeln : Vad man bör veta när man designar nyhetsbrev för modebranschen
This thesis gives the reader an understanding for newsletters within e-commerce, and how to work with them as a channel for marketing. Furthermore it explains the technical and graphical demands, and how to ensure that the newsletter reaches the intended receivers.A successful newsletter can entice people to shop, but can also help to strengthen a brand and the relationship between the customer and the company. During the writing of the thesis, it has emerged that the most important part of a newsletter (which also determine whether or not the receiver reads the letter) are the subject heading, sender, layout, headlines,images and the deregistration link.A part from working with the different parts of the letter, the sender should also be aware of the technical and graphical demands. Since the E-mail clients are looking out forimages, fonts that are not embedded in the computer, and for questionable words there?s a big risk for ending up in a spam filter when not considering the demands.
Utvärdering av anaerob behandling av hushållsspillvatten och tekniker för efterbehandling
The continuous process of urbanization results in demands on research and development for ecological and sustainable city development. Because of this, the current systems for wastewater treatment may have to be improved. In order to evaluate new technologies for municipal wastewater treatment, a development project has been initiated for the new district Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm. The project is lead by the company Stockholm Water. High environmental standards have been put up for the district, as it must be twice as good as an ordinary new district.
Att Organisera Processer : semesterrekrytering på Sandvik Materials Technology
Bakgrunden till studien är de förändringar i form av minskade produktionsstopp som Sandvik Materials Technology (SMT) infört från och med sommaren 2005. Detta har inneburit att vissa produktionsområden stänger ner sin tillverkning från fyra veckor till inga produktionsstopp under sommaren. Syftet med undersökningen har varit att undersöka hur arbetsfördelning, kommunikation och samordning har skett mellan nyckelaktörer på SMT inför rekryteringen av semesterersättare år 2007. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod där vi genomfört åtta stycken halvstrukturerade intervjuer och granskat dokument, såsom processbeskrivning och rekryteringspolicy för semesterprocessen. Resultatet har visat på svårigheter i kommunikation och samverkan som vi främst tror har grundat sig i otydliga roller i arbetsfördelning inom processen, då kontaktmannen både har agerat som personalman och kontaktman till de berörda första linjens chefer vi har intervjuat..
Därför väljer vi : om några lärare val av
.The Whole language program is in Sweden generally referred to as ?Kiwimetoden? - ?the Kiwi program? (author?s direct translation) partly due to the fact that the Whole language program originates from New Zealand. Whole language is basically a literacy program and approaches literacy from a holistic point of view. Children learning to read and write should do so in the same natural way children learn to speak their native language which is in the context of authentic language as a whole. In Sweden the program is generally practiced together with a commercial and pre-organised material called ?kiwi? or ?Stjärnsvenska?.
A ride in stereovision
Vårt magisterarbete är en 3D-animation som ska simulera en bergochdalbana. Vår uppgift har varit att ta reda på hur man genom illusioner kan lura människans hjärna att se djup även då bilden är helt platt. Vårt främsta verktyg vi använt oss av är glasögon med röd- och cyanfärgade filter. Till vår produktion har vi anlitat andra studenter för att komponera musik och mixa 5.1-ljud. Allt för att öka upplevelsen ännu mer..
Medier på andra språk än svenska: En studie om det mångkulturella biblioteket
The purpose of this master?s thesis is to investigate how librarians approach to the multicultural collection development and which methods they use in providing library materials in minority languages. The questions to be answered are: which methods the libraries use when purchasing library materials in minority languages, how the respondents experience that the minority user groups needs are met in the library and how the multicultural competence of the staff is used in the libraries. For this purpose the qualitative interviews with 6 librarians in Gothenburg are conducted, mainly from the libraries in the immigrant-dense parts of the city, while the study being concentrated on 6 language groups of library users. The study?s theoretical framework is based on theories of multiculturalism, culture, identity and bilingualism.