

5733 Uppsatser om Film in school - Sida 17 av 383

En insyn i faktorer som påverkar gymnasievalet : Att marknadsföra en gymnasieskola

A quantitative survey of students in grades one in high school, where the aim is to find out what factors affected their upper secondary school. The survey is based on marketing, and looks to how to market a high school..

Skolan: en arena där normalitet och avvikande görs

This essay will analyse how Asperger?s syndrome and autism spectrum disorder is made in two municipal high schools. I have interviewed school personnel and analysed the schools? policy documents and diagnostic manuals. In this essay AS and ASD are being deconstructed as political and ideological object and I analyse techniques in school, that makes these objects to subjects.The school?s mission is to foster and educate pupils to become desirable citizens and at the same time its aim is to provide an equivalent school.

Samverkan för barnens bästa : Ett organisatoriskt och sociokulturellt perspektiv på övergången mellan förskola och förskolaklass

Each municipality in Sweden have to offer all children a place in a pre-school class starting the autumn term of the year the child turns six until it starts compulsory school. Despite the fact that it is a non-compulsory education, 95 % of all six-year-olds attend pre-school class.The purpose of this study has been to explore how pre-school and compulsory schools organize the pre-school children?s transition to pre-school. It also aims at examining how teachers? co-operate in order to fulfill the commission of the national curriculum and how they make a smooth transition to the new school for the children.Research questions: In what way do teachers in pre-school and compulsory school co-operate in in order to make the children?s transition easy? What part of the process and which operators are most important for the children in the transition? To what extent does the school organization fulfill the commission of the national curriculum regarding co-operation between pre-school and compulsory school?To answer these questions I have used a qualitative method where I have made seven interviews as well as a text analysis of annual reports from the studied schools.

Skolledares syn på biblioteket ? intervjuer med två rektorer och två gymnasiechefer

The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis was to explore how principals and school administrators work to develop their school libraries. To narrow our area of study we chose to only include gymnasiums run by the municipality and conducted four semi-structured interviews with two principals and two heads of upper secondary school. We formulated two questions: (1) what perceptions of the school library and its functions can be found among our four respondents? And, (2) how do they work with developing the school library? As a theoretical framework we used Loertscher?s taxonomy of the school leader.

Land of the dead : Mer än bara zombies

Vår uppsats kommer beröra Zombies på film och fokusera på filmen Land of the Dead. Många människor upplever zombies som inget mer än monster, en fara för karaktärerna att klara sig undan. Vi vill uppmärksamma att all populärkultur i varierande utsträckning gestaltar verklighet, och analysera hur Zombies används för att gestalta aspekter av vårt samhälle..

Att starta skolbibliotek : En studie av två fristående skolor

The purpose of this master's thesis is to examine and compare the process of starting a school library at schools which haven't had a school library before, and to examine and compare the experience of this process according to the principals and the persons responsible for the school library.I have examined two Swedish independent primary schools (age 6-15 years). I have made qualitative interviews with the principals and the persons responsible for the new school library. In all, I have made seven interviews. As requested by the new Swedish Educational Act, both schools had recently started creating school libraries. One of the schools had recruited a half-time teacher-librarian and the other had no staffing at all.In the interviews, I have examined the attitudes of the informants towards school libraries, if this attitude has changed during the process of starting the school library, the informants' experiences during this process and the informants' views on the school library as an agent for student achievement.

Lite engagemang, tack! : en studie om ideella engagemangets betydelse för demokratin

The aim of this study is to investigate how non-profit engagement influence voting in school election, but also how the school has influenced the pupils to vote and if there are any differences between a big and a small town.The methods which have been used for this study are quantitative and qualitative, both questionnaires and interviews. To be able to see differences between a big and a small town the study was carried out in one school from each category of town.By examine the empirical material and analyse it with theories which are used for this study we have come to the conclusion that there are no obvious differences between pupils in the big town and the small town. Pupils in both schools were pretty engaged in associations, though had the pupils from the small town some higher level of engagement. Moreover, both schools had a high participation for the election. The result of the study showed that there were no noticeable tendencies on if the pupils choose to vote depending on engagement in associations.Furthermore, both schools were very engaged in the school election indeed.

Skolhälsovårdens roll i elevhälsan vid några av John Bauergymnasierna

Background: School health services of today focus on prevention and health promotion within the school. A collaboration between the school health services and the student care team from the guidelines with focus on the student, is expected. Purpose: The purpose was to illustrate School nurses  vocational experiences and what the role of school health services in the student care team at upper secondary schools of John Bauer in relationship to the vision of the school. Method: Qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was used (Lundman &Hällgren-Graneheim, 2008). Data was collected by interviewing  school nurses at  School of John Bauer.

"Jag är ju som ganska mycket på min vakt hela tiden..." : En kvalitativ studie som belyser unga kvinnors resonemang kring sexuellt våld

The aim of this essay was to gain a deeper understanding about how school employees interpret and practice school law regarding cyber-bullying that occurs between pupils on the internet. To examine this we used a qualitative method. We completed eight interviews with five teachers, one headmaster, one school welfare officer and one special educationist. These eight school employees were from four different high schools. In our interviews we found that the school employees thought it was difficult to define different concepts within the school law such as in association with the occupation and offensive behaviour which prohibits them from interpreting the school law in the same way.

En likvärdig skola för alla?

In this essay we discuss how the decentralisation of the Swedish school system affects the concept of ?equal opportunity school?. We investigate the development from both a historical and contemporary perspective, in order to identify changes over time. The central question of the essay is how the decentralisation of the school system affects the teacher?s perspective and experiences of the government?s framework about ?equal opportunity school?? The analysis is based on four qualitative, semi structured, direct interviews with respondents both active in municipal schools situated in the Malmö council and with more than thirty years of experience in their profession. Our analysis of the interviews show that both respondents experience the overall situation in the schools has deteriorated from an equal opportunity aspect since the decentralisation of the school system.

En litterär kanon : En studie om lärares och elevers förhållningssätt till arbetet med äldre texter

This study is a research on how dystopian features are expressed within different genres. The purpose is to discuss films that contain dystopian features in relation to genre and to examine if there are shared conventions in the films that can make dystopia a film genre on its own. The theoretical base includes genre theory and Rick Altman?s semantic/syntactic approach to film genre. Five films from different genres, all produced within the time period of 2000-2010, are analyzed with a semantic/syntactic approach to genre and then discussed in relation to dystopia and prior research.

Teknik i förskolan : Planerad och oplanerad verksamhet

Summary The purpose of this research is to find out if technology is being used in pre-school activity, to what extent, in which way and what part the pre-school teachers believe they should have in the process. To gather information for the research, questionnaires were sent out to all pre-schools in a municipality in central Sweden. Based on that information two were chosen for observations and interviews. The work with technology in pre-schools may vary. Some pre-school teachers believe they do not adopt any technology at all when asked and all this because of their own lack of interest or knowledge, while others believe it is contained in all of their educational activities.

"Det finns ju en idé om att en lat svensklärare kan dra på en film och gå ut och dricka kaffe..." : En kvalitativ studie om lärares tankar om integrering av film och litteratur i undervisningen

Syftet med detta arbete har varit att få större insikt i hur en hälsosam arbetssituation kan skapas i förskolan genom att studera förskolepedagogers tankar kring och hanterande av arbetsbelastning och eventuell arbetsrelaterad stress utifrån studiens huvudsakliga frågeställning: hur hanterar de intervjuade pedagogerna arbetsbelastning och eventuell arbetsrelaterad stress? Jag har närmat mig undersökningsområdet med en kvalitativ ansats baserad på intervjuer med två förskollärare från olika förskolor. Som teoretiska redskap för tolkning av studiens resultat har jag använt mig av Sjödins (2012) forskning kring stress i förskolan, Lidholts (1999) hanteringsstrategier samt copingteori. Studien visar att de intervjuade pedagogerna arbetar förebyggande för att skapa en lugnare arbetsmiljö samt reflekterar kring hur situationer med hög arbetsbelastning kan lösas. Vidare förekommer i studien anpassningsstrategier, motstånds- eller kampstrategier samt problem- och känslofokuserad coping som redskap för att hantera arbetets belastning och arbetsrelaterad stress..

Rektorn och skolbiblioteket : uppfattningar om skolbiblioteket

The purpose of this thesis is to describe how principals apprehend the school library. In order to respond to this I formulated three questions: How was the improvement of the school libraries carried out in one municipality? Is the school library experienced as a part of the schools organization? How is the use of the school´s library experienced? To be able to answer these questions, for the purpose of this thesis, I have studied relevant literature on school libraries, the school organization and literature on qualitative methods. I have made six qualitative interviews. The objects of the interviews were three librarians and three principals.

Film i svenskundervisningen : Vilka potentiella användningsområden har filmmediet för svenskundervisningen i den svenska grund- och gymnasieskolan?

Svenskämnets kursplaner betonar att eleverna ska ges möjlighet att möta flertalet olika texttyper under sin utbildning. Film är ett medium som de allra flesta möter frekvent under sin fritid, att använda sig av ett sådant i undervisningssyfte bör ha stora motivationsrelaterade fördelar.Denna uppsats strävar efter att finna undervisningsmetoder som använder sig av film i utbildningssyfte, och att försöka peka på arbetsområden inom svenskämnet där dessa metoder kan vara möjliga att nyttja.Uppsatsen är av konsumtionsart, alltså har forskning konsumerats och sammanställts till ett arbete. Jag har sökt och läst forskning inom en mängd områden som alla kan relateras till film inom skolvärlden. Uppsatsen har inte avgränsats till att beröra något särskilt stadie av den svenska skolan, men en koppling till ämnet Svenska finns.Ungdomarna som idag befolkar skolorna bär med sig mängder av kulturella erfarenheter när de kommer, det är en svår, men viktig uppgift för skolan att ta tillvara på dessa erfarenheter. Film är ett visuellt medium som talar till sina konsumenter på många sätt, att ge elever förutsättningar att möta alla dessa meddelanden ligger även det inom skolan uppgift.Jag har försökt peka ut fem stycken områden inom svenskämnet där film passar sig som ett undervisningsmedium: Filmkunskap, som ger eleverna rätt verktyg för att tala om och resonera kring de filmer som de ser.

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