

11329 Uppsatser om Film in Swedish teaching - Sida 2 av 756

Undervisning i ämnet teknik : En textanalys av styrdokument mellan Uganda och Sverige

The aim of this study is to examine how the way of teaching in technical subjects are in Uganda and to link those results to Swedish circumstances. A comparison is being done both of the teaching and what methods are used. Since I was living with my family in Uganda I could easily examine the system of school here. During four days I was at a school named Aga Khan School here in Kampala. I could there participate in teaching, talk to teachers, observe and participate during lessons.

En studie om vilkenundervisningsmetod som ger störst inlärningseffekt hos barn : En jämförelse av kunskapstest före respektive efter undervisning

The aim of this thesis is to study the teaching methods that provide the greatest learning effect for children in grades 6 in the subject of physics. One class was divided into three equal groups, each group was educated in a specific way. The three teaching methods that have been investigated are: film with reflection, laboratory work and traditional lecture- teaching. The research question of the study is: "Which method of three selected, causes the greatest understanding of the properties of air??.

Den naturliga amningen : En etnologisk uppsats om amningens normer och värderingar

This essay investigates how teacher sees and uses mainstream movies as a teaching method. The main question approached is: How does teachers use feature films as a teaching method? Which movies are used and how does their working methods surrounding the movies look like? The purpose of the essay is to make the reader reflect over what influence mainstream media has over the historic knowledge of the students and how teachers use that for educational purposes. The business around historical film has grown over the years and is now a million dollar industry. The conclusion is that teachers mostly use feature films to provoke emotional reactions from the students.

Öppen tävling Filmfestivalens strategiska fördelar i en digitaliserad filmbransch

This paper investigates strategic opportunities for film festivals in a digital film business, with emphasis on Göteborg international film festival and the Swedish film industry. Using a theoretical framework of strategy analysis, the film value chain is examined with special regards to disruptive technology, and the film festival's unique resources are linked to industry structure. It is shown that relationships between actors and across sectors are crucial features of the film industry, and hence a network perspective is added to the theoretical framework. Barriers to entry are shown to be relatively low in all sectors except the cinema market, and it is proposed that film festival's could expand into digital distribution, taking advantage of brand strength, customer loyalty and knowledge of industry. The study adds to the mounting research on film festival practice and its significance for marketing and distribution in the film industry, and highlights the emergence of strategic openings in destabilized networks..

Cinelitteracitet i svenskämnet : En granskning av filmmediets position i skolan

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum.The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum.The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish.The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. .

Historia är bäst på bio : Lärares syn på spelfilm som pedagogiskt redskap

This essay investigates how teacher sees and uses mainstream movies as a teaching method. The main question approached is: How does teachers use feature films as a teaching method? Which movies are used and how does their working methods surrounding the movies look like? The purpose of the essay is to make the reader reflect over what influence mainstream media has over the historic knowledge of the students and how teachers use that for educational purposes. The business around historical film has grown over the years and is now a million dollar industry. The conclusion is that teachers mostly use feature films to provoke emotional reactions from the students.

Oskar Bergman : En översikt över hans mest produktiva år som landskapsmålare

Shakespeare- Dead or alive in school?The purpose with our degree project is to examine if Shakespeare still is alive in school and in what way he is being used. Our study is based on these following questions:Does Shakespeare exist in school today?How are the other classic books being used?Which teaching methods are used?How is Shakespeare received by the pupils?The methods used to be able to answer the questions are interviews with teachers and focus groups with the pupils. We carried out the interviews with six Swedish teachers and four focus groups in four different upper secondary schools.The main result of this study shows that teachers and pupils still think that Shakespeare is an important author.

Möjligheter med en skola för alla : En intervjustudie om idrottslärarnas syn på inkludering av elever med funktionsnedsättningar

English is an international and global language that students, regardless of mother tongue, encounter in their everyday lives. In Sweden, students are introduced to English teaching in year 1, 2 or 3, and in some cases, year 4. English teaching can sometimes be problematic when the language of instruction often consists of Swedish, which for second language students becomes a challenge to acquire new skills in a week language.The study aims to examine, with a qualitative study, how pedagogues plan and implements English teaching in first grade with students whose mother tongue are other than Swedish. Further, the aim was to examine how pedagogues say they relate to the fact that second language pupils participating in English lessons and if they think it affects their English teaching.The conclusions is that the pedagogues has probably not been problematized the phenomenon examined and say they do not adapt their teaching. In the interviews reveals information about the teaching method which, in my opinion, indicates that, unconsciously, adapting their teaching when they have second language students.

Datoranvädning i svenskundervisningen : Fem gymnasielärares uppfattningar om datorns möjligheter och hinder

The aim with this study was to investigate how a few teachers in Swedish, at upper secondary school, are using computers in their teaching, and what approach they have towards using computers in teaching. A qualitative study has been made to accive a result, on this matter, were five currently teaching teachers in Swedish, at different upper secondary schools, have been intervjued. The teachers answered questions concerning how and in what speciefic fields of study they use computers, the computer program and -tools they are using and what benefits and disadvantiges they see with computers in teaching. They also answered questions concerning the availability of computers at the schools which they are working. The study showed that the way teachers are using computers in their teaching, and the amount they are using them varied between the teachers; but all are using computers mainly with the purpose to write texts and to search for information. All teachers also had in common that they are using computers not as frequently and in a different way when grammar is concerned. It appered that the teachers were mainly positive to use computers in their teaching, even if some teachers acknowleadged more disadvantiges than the others.

Shakespeare : Levande eller död i skolan?

Shakespeare- Dead or alive in school?The purpose with our degree project is to examine if Shakespeare still is alive in school and in what way he is being used. Our study is based on these following questions:Does Shakespeare exist in school today?How are the other classic books being used?Which teaching methods are used?How is Shakespeare received by the pupils?The methods used to be able to answer the questions are interviews with teachers and focus groups with the pupils. We carried out the interviews with six Swedish teachers and four focus groups in four different upper secondary schools.The main result of this study shows that teachers and pupils still think that Shakespeare is an important author.

The use of Swedish in teaching English in the multilingual classroom

The purpose of this dissertation has been to get a deeper understanding of how, when and why the English teachers of year 6-9 at a particular multilingual school use Swedish when they teach English in a multilingual classroom. Data were collected through notes taken during observations of two teachers during one lesson each. After observing the teachers I conducted one interview with them each. Swedish was used mostly when grammar was explained and when work was done with vocabulary. If Swedish dominated during a lesson or not, depended on what was being done during the lesson. The main reason given why the teachers used Swedish in teaching English was that they were not trained to teach English in a multilingual classroom where Swedish is not the first language of all the pupils. The teachers felt it was difficult to speak English during a whole lesson when they were teaching a group of pupils who had a low level of English..

Att förstärka med svenskan : En kvalitativ studie kring pedagogers syn på engelskundervisningen för elever med annat modersmål än svenska i årskurs 1

English is an international and global language that students, regardless of mother tongue, encounter in their everyday lives. In Sweden, students are introduced to English teaching in year 1, 2 or 3, and in some cases, year 4. English teaching can sometimes be problematic when the language of instruction often consists of Swedish, which for second language students becomes a challenge to acquire new skills in a week language.The study aims to examine, with a qualitative study, how pedagogues plan and implements English teaching in first grade with students whose mother tongue are other than Swedish. Further, the aim was to examine how pedagogues say they relate to the fact that second language pupils participating in English lessons and if they think it affects their English teaching.The conclusions is that the pedagogues has probably not been problematized the phenomenon examined and say they do not adapt their teaching. In the interviews reveals information about the teaching method which, in my opinion, indicates that, unconsciously, adapting their teaching when they have second language students.

Man ville vara modern : En analys av modernistiska strömningar i svenska stumfilmsaffischer

Purpose of this essay is to conduct a style analysis of Swedish silent film posters with visual storytelling and cultural memory as a theoretical basis. Concepts such as design, color and technique are studied to highlight the historical context of Swedish silent film posters..

Video på bibliotek : en granskning av spelfilmsverksamheten på svenska folkbibliotek

This is the first investigation of the activity with feature film (video) in Swedish publiclibraries.Due to the Swedish copyright legislation, the activity with feature film in Swedish publiclibraries was not possible until an agreement was set between Kommunförbundet and SverigesVideodistributörers Förening in 1989.My investigation is based upon a form that I made in cooperation with Statens kulturråd.The form was sent to the main public libraries in the 286 municipals in Sweden. 250 (87 percent) of the public libraries answered the questions. 130 (52 per cent) of the libraries whoanswered had an activity with feature film.The main reason the libraries bought feature film, was that they hoped that feature filmwould attract new visitors to the library. The investigation also showed that high costs forhiring feature films has a negative influence on the lending of feature films..

Film och historia Lärares bruk av film i den svenska grundskolans historieundervisning. Film and history The Use of Film in History Teaching in Swedish Compulsory School Ingrid Bornia

Sammanfattning I denna uppsats har jag har valt att fokusera på hur film används i den svenska grundskolans obligatoriska historieundervisning i årskurserna 7-9. Tanken är att belysa hur film används som redskap och komplement i undervisningen och på vilket sätt filmen följs upp. Undersökningen har visat att användandet av film kan fungera som komplement i undervisningen, då detta i mångt och mycket kan ge en djupare förståelse och inblick i människors livsvillkor och samhällets förändringar genom historien. Men det är själva uppföljningen och bearbetningen av filmen som är avgörande om historiefilmer ska fungera i undervisningssyfte. Undersökningen utfördes som en halvtstrukturerad kvalitativ intervju.

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