

2241 Uppsatser om Film distribution - Sida 1 av 150

Tillbaka till framtiden - om svensk filmdistribution i den digitala eran

Why is the e-revolution of the Swedish Film distribution lingering? In attempting to answer that question, this qualitative study depicts the distribution market of Swedish film and its actors. Thirteen interviews with representatives of the industry have been conducted in search of an understanding of the current situation. Two important conclusions are made. One is that the strong interdependency between the actors of Film distribution is inhibiting the acting space of those who seek change.

Öppen tävling Filmfestivalens strategiska fördelar i en digitaliserad filmbransch

This paper investigates strategic opportunities for film festivals in a digital film business, with emphasis on Göteborg international film festival and the Swedish film industry. Using a theoretical framework of strategy analysis, the film value chain is examined with special regards to disruptive technology, and the film festival's unique resources are linked to industry structure. It is shown that relationships between actors and across sectors are crucial features of the film industry, and hence a network perspective is added to the theoretical framework. Barriers to entry are shown to be relatively low in all sectors except the cinema market, and it is proposed that film festival's could expand into digital distribution, taking advantage of brand strength, customer loyalty and knowledge of industry. The study adds to the mounting research on film festival practice and its significance for marketing and distribution in the film industry, and highlights the emergence of strategic openings in destabilized networks..

En anda av oberoende - Hollywoods independentindustri

An investigation into the industrial and economic conditions concerning the production, distribution and showing of what the contemporary hegemonic entertainment industry labels independent film..

Svensk film genom fönster : Åsikter om villkoren för filmdistribution i Sverige från aktörer i branschen.

Svenska filmbranschen styrs av ett filmavtal mellan staten och olika aktörer i branschen. Detta avtal skall förnyas under år 2013. Staten har i en avsiktsförklaring för det nya avtalet uttryckt en vilja till en förändring kring villkoren för att få statligt stöd för filmproduktion i Sverige. En så kallad teknikneutralitet skall införas som innebär att filmproduktioner inte längre på förhand behöver ha säkrat en biografdistribution för att få statligt ekonomiskt stöd. Detta skulle kunna innebära en förändring för den svenska filmens distribution i Sverige som i nuläget består av tämligen fast ordning på visningsfönster, där just biografdistributionen har en särställning.Vår forskning behandlar svenska filmproducenters, distributörers och biografägares tankar och åsikter kring distribution av svensk långfilm i Sverige.

Det avgörande steget för kvalitetsfilmen : En studie av kvalitetsfilmsbegreppet och marknadsföring av film i Sverige

Denna uppsats har som mål att undersöka begreppet kvalitetsfilm och dess användning med utgångspunkt i marknadsföringskanalerna public relations, marketing management och filmfestivaler i Sverige. Uppsatsen definierar marknadsföring och beskriver hur den kan praktiseras i filmindustrin. Begreppsanalysen av kvalitetsfilm refererar till Pierre Bourdieus sociologiska texter och har en kort historisk genomgång av hur begreppet kvalitetsfilm myntades i Sverige. Sedan följer en genomgång av kvalitetsfilm i förhållande till europeisk konstfilm samt hur begreppet influerat den svenska filmbranschen idag. Uppsatsen innehåller analyser utifrån tre kvalitativa intervjuer med anställda som i någon form arbetar med kvalitetsfilm, samt litteratur kring marknadsföring av film och kvalitetsbedömning..

Sydafrikansk film som national cinema : En jämförande analys av ett forskningsfält

The purpose of this essay is to study the film culture in South Africa in a national cinema-context, focusing on the relationship between anti-apartheid film from 1974-1994 and the film in South Africa today. By pitching the South Africa-specific works of Lucia Saks and Jacqueline Maingard against the over-arching debate on national cinema as formulated by, amongst others, Stephen Crofts and Andrew Higson, this study aims to find whether or not a specific South African national cinema have existed, and exists today, or not. The study finds that an underground culture of documentaries and short films made by and for the black population has been in place since the apartheid, and the distribution method on video and television is still being used to reach the black population today. By re-examining the concepts of both the national, and of national cinema to also include film on video and television, the study shows that South Africa has indeed a film culture that can be called a national cinema..

En studie om hur Montessoripedagoger motverkar stress hos barn i Montessoriförskolan

The purpose of this essay is to study the film culture in South Africa in a national cinema-context, focusing on the relationship between anti-apartheid film from 1974-1994 and the film in South Africa today. By pitching the South Africa-specific works of Lucia Saks and Jacqueline Maingard against the over-arching debate on national cinema as formulated by, amongst others, Stephen Crofts and Andrew Higson, this study aims to find whether or not a specific South African national cinema have existed, and exists today, or not. The study finds that an underground culture of documentaries and short films made by and for the black population has been in place since the apartheid, and the distribution method on video and television is still being used to reach the black population today. By re-examining the concepts of both the national, and of national cinema to also include film on video and television, the study shows that South Africa has indeed a film culture that can be called a national cinema..

Ljudet av William

Ett Film som projekt, en film om ljud, en film om ljudet i film. En film inspelad professionellt med professionella medarbetare. Kandidatarbetet gick ut på både skapa en film inriktad på ljud och skapa ett fungerande filmteam. Arbetet tar upp både det tekniska inom filmljud men även processen i ett filmteam. I arbetet följer vi processen från dess början till dess slut.

Streamingtjänster av film och dess framtida utveckling som substitut för illegal nedladdning : Konsumenternas syn på digitala tjänster och de förbättringar som krävs för ett hållbart paradigmskifte

In this paper we aim to delve deeper into the film industry and how their approach to streaming services such as Netflix might be the solution to the problems with piracy (people downloading illegally instead of paying for the products) - but before they can change the mindset of people, they have to overcome some issues that might make it hard for the film industry to adapt a fully functionable streaming sollution in the veins of Spotify. To come up with some conclusions regarding this matter, we focused our study on the consumers rather than the industry in order to get a better understanding about what the consumers think about the streaming services of film that are offered today. We used both surveys and interviews in order to gather information regarding the consumers thoughts on how the landscape of Film distribution has evolved to a point where Video-on-Demand offers the opportunity to watch movies and TV-series whereever and whenever they want. Our research shows that the majority of consumers are willing to pay for streaming services of film and hold the new technology in high regard. However, the concensus among the consumers that were involved in our study shows that the streaming services offered today have to evolve even further in the future before it can fully work as a substitute for illegal downloading.

Moving pictures - En bransch i rörelse : En undersökning om svenska konsumenters betalningsvilja för nedladdning av film

Problem area and purposeNowadays, 2006, the downloading of music and movies is an increasingly more burning issue. But while the music industry has made great progress in using the Internet as a distribution channel the film industry has been at a standstill for several years. Recently however there has been progress in the form of a few film companies beginning to offer their customers legal ways to acquire films over the Internet. But with this progress one central question arises, which this report will try to answer; what are the important factors for selling films as the Internet moves from primarily being a information channel to also functioning as a distribution channel? The purpose is to examine what the consumers find important when purchasing film, and to establish to what degree there is a substitution effect between DVDs and downloadable films.MethodThe report is first and foremost based on an Internet survey with a total of 383 participants.

Ljudet av William

Ett Film som projekt, en film om ljud, en film om ljudet i film. En film inspelad professionellt med professionella medarbetare. Kandidatarbetet gick ut på både skapa en film inriktad på ljud och skapa ett fungerande filmteam. Arbetet tar upp både det tekniska inom filmljud men även processen i ett filmteam. I arbetet följer vi processen från dess början till dess slut.

Bara fantasin sätter gränser : - en studie om några elevers och pedagogers syn på film i förskoleklassen

Denna studie grundar sig på ett sociokulturellt perspektiv och syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur förskoleklasselever respektive pedagoger uppfattar tecknad film samt hur film kan användas som pedagogiskt verktyg. Jag har använt mig av en dramaturgisk analysmodel för att analysera den film som visats och därefter valt att genomföra intervjuer med elever och pedagoger för att fördjupa den kvalitativa ansatsen som denna studie har. Studien visar bland annat att elever och pedagoger fäster sig vid olika saker när de ser på film men också att de delar tankar kring att man kan lära sig något av att se på film. Studien visar dock att eleverna fortfarande saknar inblick i vad det innebär att se mer än bara det konkreta i en film, de djupare budskapen går dem förbi..

Western på ett nytt sätt : NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN som western?

This addresses the problems when a film doesn?t easily fit in to one specific genre. Using No Country for Old Men as an example the study analyses the film from a Western perspective. Is it possible to say that it is a western? To determine that, I compare a number of acknowledged westerns, on the basis to list a number of generic conventions.

Den fula ankungen - en studie kring film i förskolan

The purpose of this thesis is to see how film can be used to invigorate children?s language development. There is not much research regarding this, which is why we have chosen to study this particular topic. The study consists of questionnaires, an interview and a pilot study. We have chosen to proceed from a socio-cultural perspective, language perspective and learning perspective, thus we are interested in the teacher?s views and thoughts about film as a learning tool complemented by what children can gain through film.

Identitet, identifikation och kulturella skillnader i animerad film

This essay examines an excerpt of the wide range of animated films that our children has access to in Sweden today.It takes up questions about what kind of messages the films are delivering, if there are certain patterns that are being followed, differences between the films relating to the cultures where they?re from, but above all, what the hero is about and what kind of shape he or she assumes. The film analyses that are being made are anchored in two theoretical investigations; one about how children are influenced by-, and how they use, the stories that are being told in films to develop their own identity. The other one treats classical and traditional patterns and genres in stories..

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