

2985 Uppsatser om Field inventory - Sida 56 av 199

Putinismer. Retoriska särdrag i uttalanden av Rysslands president Vladimir Putin.

The aim of this essay is to analyse certain succinct statements of Russian leader Vladimir Putin. His rhetorical style in general, and these statements in particular, are distinguishing Putin from other Russian political figures. The statements have survived the test of time and lived on in the media, on the internet and in the vernacular. They have come to be called Putinisms.The essay is descriptive and treats these special statements, describes where and how they came into being and analyses them on a micro level, word by word. The analysis is also qualitative as it covers selected statements, which represent only a small portion of all the statements made by Putin within the time frame chosen for this study.

Vem blir programledare i Sverige? En studie med syftet att hitta den föredragna svenska programledartypen

Authors: Nanna Isaksson and Fredrik ÖstbergTitle: Who is the typical TV-host on Swedish television?Level: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 57TV-hosts have a pivotal role in television. They are the link between the content of the show and its viewers. We didn?t find any relevant studies about TV-hosts inSweden and decided to carry out a study that would tell us more about them as a group.

Utvärdering av lockmedel för marklevande predatorer under midvintermånader i Norrbottens inland

Many invasive species propose a big threat against the native fauna in the area that they colonise. Today the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is speeding from Finland over the border in to northern Sweden. A project to stop the spread and eliminate the individuals that already have established was initiated in the autumn of 2008. To investigate areas that might be interesting for raccoon dogs and to confirm sightings, cameras with auto triggering mechanisms are used. To get the raccoon dog in front of the camera some kind of lure is used. In this study three kinds of different lures was tested against each other?s.

Ambulanssjuksköterskan och höftfrakturpatienten : smärtlindring och trycksårsprevention : en forskningsöversikt

Introduction: Anxiety and depression are common among patients enrolled in psychiatric outpatient care. Ear Acupuncture is an alternative form of treatment that has been shown to relieve anxiety and depression in previous studies.Aim: To evaluate ear acupuncture as a group treatment for depression and anxietyMethod: A psychiatric outpatient clinic has been offering group treatments with ear acupuncture for anxiety and depression for 5 weeks. Participants of the study have answered self-rating scales Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Sheehan Disability scale before and after the treatment period. Material was collected in the period 2008-2012 and has been analyzed in SPSS.Results: Data from 31 patients were included in the study. The results from the study showed a significant difference, between the measurements before and after treatment, with a reduction of the average values in the three different scales.Summary: From this study, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about the effect of ear acupuncture.

Vägen till framgång : En semiotisk analys av Tv3s representation av myten om det goda livet.

In the research field of the cultivation theory focus has shifted from TV in general to studying specific genres instead. It is proposed that there are similarities in otherwise different shows and that these shows give it´s voyeurs a solution to their problems.  The purpose however of this study is to investigate how the myth about the good life is posed in Tv3´s supply.  The theories used in this study are closely linked by their meaning. Narrative talks about the fact that texts, video in this case, contain stories. Ideology is the set of visions and beliefs one person has on the world and myth makes social, historic and cultural decided power orders in to facts.

Etableringsfriheten för bolag i den europeiska gemenskapen

This thesis analyses the scope of the treaty articles 43 and 48 concerning the freedom of establishment of companies. The interpretations of these articles made by the Commission and the European Court of Justice are analysed to see whether they are consistent. The analysis encompasses the provisions and directives in the field of EC Company Law as well as the essential case law from the ECJ regarding these issues. The conclusion that must be drawn from this thesis is that the Court of Justice adds the momentum in these issues whilst the Commission is held up by political considerations..

Skapar könsskillnader olika copingstrategier? : En kvantitativ studie bland studenter

Psykisk ohälsa påverkar inte bara individen negativt utan även hela samhället med höga kostnader för vård och sociala system som följd. Stress är en av orsakerna till att den psykiska ohälsan ökar i Sverige idag. Detta sker främst bland ungdomar, unga vuxna och bland kvinnor. Hur stress påverkar individen beror på kapacitet att handskas med olika situationer som uppstår detta kallas copingstrategier. Denna studies syfte är att undersöka om könstillhörighet påverkar val av copingstrategi samt att se vilka copingstrategier som är mest förekommande hos studenter på en högskola i Mellansverige.Metoden som används är en kvantitativ studie med ett ändamålsenligt urval.

Wetland development in the context of ecotourism : a conceptual design proposal for a wetland site in Lake Victoria, Kenya

The travelling sector is expanding worldwide, which puts all destinations under pressure to have a functioning social system and good resources to manage the problems and take advantage of the opportunities that the tourism sector can offer a community. The area around Kisumu in Kenya, like much of Africa, tourism can simultaneously ensure a stable financial future while it removes, as a result of a growing population, more and more of the scenery that many tourists want to experience. Responsible travel to natural areas that promotes conservation of the environment and improves the welfare of local people is what defines ecotourism. A concept that implies a closed cycle, where visitor?s needs are met in balance with what can be given back, without risking creating imbalances in society. Along the coast of Lake Victoria, valuable papyrus wetlands provide Kisumu vital ecosystem services such as water purification, climate adaptation while it also serves as a reservoir for biodiversity.

LEDARSKAP OCH PERSONLIGHET INOM IDROTTEN : Prefererat ledarskap i relation tillpersonlighet hos lagidrottare på elitjuniornivå

Syftet med studien var att studera sambandet mellan elitjuniorers ledarskapspreferenser och deras personlighet. Urvalsgruppen bestod av 167 elitjuniorer, i åldrarna 16-20 år (M=17,29). Försökspersonerna var av både manligt (116 st) och kvinnligt (51 st) kön, vilka var aktiva inom interaktiva bollsporter. Deltagarna fick svara på tre olika frågeformulär (1) Demografisk fakta (2) Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS) (3) NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Efterföljande korrelationsanalyser visade signifikanta samband mellan Extraversion, Demokratiskt ledarbeteende och Positiv Feedback, samt mellan Neuroticism och Socialt stödjande ledarbeteende.

Europeiskt arvsintyg : En granskning av det internationella arvsintyget i EU:s arvsförordning

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the European certificate of succession, and how it affects Swedish inheritance law. The European certificate of succession is a European document that will be introduced in august 2015 in the EU regulation of succession. The certificate of succession is meant to simplify the current process of cross-border inheritance by legitimizing the concerned parties, which according to the regulation are: heirs, legatees, executors of wills and administrators of the estate. According to the regulation, the member state of which the deceased had habitual residence shall have jurisdiction to rule on the succession as a whole. Since the certificate is a European document, it will have legal effect in all member states.

Strategiska partnerskap mellan banker och byggföretag. ? En studie av Stockholms aktörer.

This study is an initial attempt to investigate the relationship between banks and developers in Stockholm and its regions. It gives a good impression about the field of construction and project developments in terms of the finance and the negotiations associated with these types of projects. Main actors of the Stockholm?s construction financing market were of major interest for this study. On this regard, the relationships and ramifications of this group were investigated by using a qualitative and quantitative research method.

Effekter av kalavverkning på mindre boreala sjöars vattenkvalitet

Forestry is an important industry in Sweden, with clear-cut as the most commonly used method for harvesting. Here the long-term impact of clear-cut on lake water quality (dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen, phosphorus and pH) has been investigated, based on 23 lakes sampled during autumn. Data for additional 15 lakes sampled for the Swedish monitoring program were also used. Lakes were classified as 5, 25, 40 and 60 year based on data of the forest age in the catchment, gathered from the Swedish national forest inventory. Clear-cut lakes were classified as 5 years (>20% of the catchment clear-cut during the last 10 years).

Re: Yarning

From a social perspective, I have been working on how to change current consumption patterns through a change in people's behavior and attitude towards their possessions. The concept is based on how we can value, care for, and preserve our belongings by using theories in the empathic design field. I have created a structure that allows people to become an active part of a creative process and create their own products. Through this commitment, an emotional relationship is built between the user and the product, and the product tends to gain a longer life. Based on a method to manufacture your own yarn by reusing old clothes, I want to provide the basic tools for an easy and playful way to build the knowledge needed to produce something useful..

Översättning samt reliabilitetstestning och validering av ett self-efficacy instrument för barn och ungdomar med smärta

Bakgrund: Det finns i nuläget inget svenskt self-efficacy instrument för barn och ungdomar med smärta. Den här undersökningen syftade till att översätta samt reliabilitets- och validitetstesta en engelskspråkig self-efficacy skala för barn och ungdomar med smärta.Metod: Urvalet bestod av 62 elever från tre olika klasser i Uppsala. Skalan översattes till svenska och ett frågeformulär utformades för att möjliggöra en utvärdering av test-retest reliabilitet samt kriterie- och ögonblicksvaliditet.Resultat: Värdena på viktad kappa för överensstämmelsen av två skattningar (S1 och S2) med self-efficacy instrumentet (SEIS) varierade mellan Kw= 0,37 -  Kw=0,75. Sambandet mellan Functional disability inventory (FDI) och SEIS beräknades med Spearmans rangkorrelation där rs = 0,364 (p<0,05). Ögonblicksvaliditeten för SEIS beskrevs som att den var lättförståelig, innehöll vardagliga aktiviteter men att vissa aktiviteter saknades.Konklusion: Slutsatsen av denna undersökning var att frågorna i SEIS bör omarbetas för att bli mer specifika och kunna användas.

Inköpssamarbeten mellan oberoende företag

The aim of this paper is to present a case study that increases the understanding of pooled purchasing between independent companies, but also acknowledges the importance of relationships. While previous research has established the advantages and disadvantages of pooled purchasing, our paper shows that successful relationships can render additional synergies and benefits. At the same time, one must consider the time and resources needed to create successful relationships as well as the resulting interdependencies. These implications are well established within the field of purchasing and network theories. However, the authors believe that these implications need to be more explored in regards to pooled purchasing..

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