

2985 Uppsatser om Field inventory - Sida 20 av 199

Projektverksamhetens"early-warner"- en jämförande studie om projektcontrollerns funktion

Background: The project controller is a function witch evolved due to the strong gaining ground of project operation. Why the area of the project controller is interesting to study is explained by the fact that increasing knowledge of this function is important in order to make project operation work well. The fact that opinions in this field disagree, further increases the interest of the field. In order to study the function of the project controller three companies have been singled out. They are IFS, Intentia and Saab Bofors Dynamics.

En jämförelse av stickprovsmetoder vid mätning av radioaktivetet på en yta

This study compares the sample variance of the mean in a simple random sample (SRS) and a systematic sample from a surface. The study also compares the prediction error variance in a SRS and systematic sample from a random field. Recommendations are presented on which method to use in the clearance and exemption process in the nuclear industry. The results indicate that quadratic systematic sampling outperformed SRS in most instances and proved to be especially efficient in the presence of a long-ranged covariance function and high sampling intensity (i.e. short distances between observations).

Implementation av prototyp för inomhuspositionering

Utveckling av teknik skapar ständigt nya möjligheter men innebär också stora förändringar för företag och organisationer. Mobiltelefoner, surfplattor, bärbara datorer, mobilkommunikation och molnteknik gör det möjligt idag att inte längre vara bunden av tid, plats eller en enhet för att kunna arbeta. Förändringen innebär att en ny typ av flexibla och yteffektiva kontor med inga fasta arbetsplatser blir allt vanligare. Problemet med de så kallade flexkontoren är att veta var eller när en kollega befinner sig på kontoret är inte lika självklart, framförallt om det är stort kontor med flera våningsplan.Målsättningen med detta arbete är att ta fram och implementera en inomhuspositioneringstjänst eller en så kallad Location-Based Service, till företaget Connecta AB. Tjänsten ska göra det möjligt för användare att med hjälp av sin mobiltelefon dela med sig av sin nuvarande arbetsplats i en kontorsmiljö.Resultatet av arbetet är en Location Based Service som gör det möjligt för en användare att med hjälp av en Androidtelefon med stöd för kortdistanskommunikationstekniken Near Field Communcication att dela med sig av sin nuvarande arbetsplats.

"Det är som en glaskupa runt hela prostitutionsstråket - vistas man där är allt tillåtet". En narrativ analys av två socialarbetares berättelser.

This essay focuses on two social workers talking about their working field in the prostitution area in a Swedish city. The study aims to investigate how the social workers talk about their field and clients that are in it through the use of narrative analysis. Furthermore we discuss the complications with qualitative interviews, narrative analysis from a feminist theoretical and methodological point of view. The study is based on an interview with the two social workers. The result reveals only tendencies rather than a general "truth".

?Barnbibliotekarier är rätt kaxiga!?: några svenska barnbibliotekariers arbetssituation idag analyserade utifrån Pierre Bourdieus begrepp.

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how some children's librarians view their working situation. There is one main question and three subquestions at issue: How is the working situation of the children's librarians today described by agents on the library field? - Are children's librarians ascribed any value and has this changed during the last three decades'? - What is the apprehension of children's librarians and what qualities should they possess? - What is considered to be most important about work of children's librarians'? The thesis is based on qualitative interviews with children's librarians, library managers and library consultants. The interviews are analysed by the help of Pierre Bourdieu theoretical concepts; capital, habitus, field, doxa and distinction. Today, children's librarians are ascribed capital by their librarian colleagues because of their specialist qualifications.

Attityd till och användande av ny teknik : Med Near Field Communication som exempel

Utgångspunkten för denna uppsats är en förstudie om den trådlösa tekniken Near Field Communication (NFC), som vi författare genomförde via en enkät. Några av svaren på enkäten som berörde ämnet riskbeteende fick oss att undra varför respondenter svarade som de gjorde på vissa frågor, då detta kunde innebära att de tog en risk med personlig information. Detta ledde till att vi ville ta reda på varför och till vilken gräns personer är villiga att ta risker med ny teknik, men även vilka variabler som spelar in i deras beslut att använda eller inte använda ny teknik. Vårt tillvägagångssätt är en litteraturstudie för att förstå vad som menas med användbarhet, riskbeteende och pålitlighet samt hur dessa hänger ihop. Efter att vi bildat oss en uppfattning om dessa och fördjupat oss lite mer inom ämnena, så genomförde vi intervjuer för att se hur den information vi forskat fram förhöll sig till våra respondenter.

Utfasning av farliga kemikalier - Vid Banverket och Vägverket

Large quantities of chemicals are used in all areas of society. The chemicals can be toxic and dangerous for the environment if used incorrectly. To protect people and the environment from dangerous chemicals, a good control of them and an active work to phase out hazardous substances in all areas where chemicals are present, are needed. Banverket and Vägverket handle in production a wide range of chemical products. Many of the products are dangerous to the environment, for those who work with them and to others who may come into contact with them.

Hur förselektion av hästar till bedömning och tävling kan hanteras i avelsvärderingen

The Swedish Warmblood riding horse is a popular horse for sport in Sweden, and the breeding goal is to produce competitive horses in both show jumping and dressage. The breed has its origin in native Swedish cavalry horses but has been highly influenced by foreign stallions throughout the years. Breeding values are estimated based on the results from young horse field test, which are held for 3- or 4-year old horses, and competition data. The young horse field tests are highly correlated with later performances in competition. The total proportion of horses with own observations to include in the genetic evaluation are slightly under 50 %, and in most cases their pedigrees are known.

Ifrågavarande kronopark skall benämnas Skatan : en skogshistorisk analys av Ekoparken Skatan

People have utilised and influenced the boreal forest for many centuries. Prior to the industrial revolution during the 19th century, however, human use primarily only had a low impact on the forest. When the timberfrontier swept over the country, the Swedish forests came to change for ever. The study site for this thesis is situated in the northern part of the county of Västerbotten, Sweden, and has previously been a National forest. Today the area is an ecopark and the land is owned by the forest company Sveaskog.

Större och mindre växtätares samexistens : Möjlig interaktion och effekt på lokal biodiversitet

The purpose of this report was to investigate to which extent local presence of large herbivore mammals (Alces alces, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Dama dama and Sus scrofa) covaries with small rodents (Myodes glaerolus, Apodemus flavicollis and Apodemus sylvaticus? The hypothesis was that high abundance of wild ungulates would inhibit the density of small forest rodents. The data was collected during field work within FoMA (Environmental Monitoring Assessment)/SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Science). The Ungulate dropping inventory and rodent trappings, which is the base in this report, where performed 2012 ? 2014 in Gnesta/Nyköping municipalities (G/N) with a relatively high density of wild ungulates and Vetlanda/Växjö municipalities (V/V) with relatively lower wild ungulate density.

En ny teoris framväxt : en studie om teoriutvecklingen inom barndomssociologin

This essay aims to examine how theories within childhood sociology have evolved. The main questions are: Who are the central scientists within the field, what are their objects of study and who are the intended recipients of their work? How can the origin of the theories be described? Which elements are central in the theories and have they changed over time? How can the theories be evaluated based on criteria of valid theories?The study was based on a qualitative literature review. Six scientists' publications were examined, ranging from the time of the theories establishment to present time. In the analysis hermeneutics and theories of scientific development were used to seek explanations.The main results show that the central elements in the theories describe childhood as a social phenomenon and a structural category.

Biblioteket IRL och URL. Om bibliotekswebbars relation till omvärlden och det fysiska biblioteket

The aim of this thesis is to explore the relationship between the surrounding world and the library with respect to the library?s need to provide a Library 2.0 web site. We also explore the relationship between the physical and the virtual library. Our research objects are the public libraries of Stockholm and the Umeå region, that maintain the web sites Biblioteket.se and minabibliotek.se respectively. By applying Dorte Skot-Hansen's theory of rationales we found that the Stockholm public library is acting in accordance with the experience rationale, whereas the libraries of Umeå are influenced by the instrumental rationale.

Energiinventering av Soldathemmet

This examination paper is an energy-inventory of Soldathemmet at the regement in Halmstad, in colaboration with Fortifikationsverket in Halmstad. The building is first an foremost for the soldiers, where they can go for a cup of coffee or watch TV. There is also a museum and a drivers school in the building. Calculations have been done with two computerprograms; VIP+ and ISOVER Energy. The results were well matched with the statistics that were provided by Fortifikationsverket.

Utveckling och psychometrisk testning av "Pain Impact Inventory" - en jämförelse mellan två olika ansatser

The aim of this study was to develop and psychometrically evaluate an instrument for measuring the impact from chronic pain on daily life. Traditionally psychometric evaluation is done with parametric methods even if the items are ordinal data. In this study the instrument to be developed is solely based on ordinal data, and the psychometrically evaluation is done with both traditional methods (i.e. parametric statistics) as well as with non-parametric methods. These two different ways of psychometrically evaluation are then compared with each other.

ICT-behov och -verktyg inom byggproduktion : En undersökning av användbarheten, användarvänligheten och implementeringsförutsättningar av ett ICT-program

Byggproduktionen är, på grund av sina invecklade arbetsmoment och dynamiska arbetsplatser, drabbad av svåra informations- och kommunikationsproblem. Veidekke Sverige AB använder sig av virtuellt byggandet (VDC) för att lösa dessa hinder i utförandet av sina projekt. VDC tillämpar flera olika informations- och kommunikationstekniker (ICT) och har visat sig vara lönsamt vid projektering. Under projektering med VDC samlas alla beslutsbehöriga parter i ett interaktivt rum där information förmedlas snabbt och effektiv med hjälp av olika visualiseringstekniker. Då VDC saknar liknande arbetsmetoder som kan tillämpas i produktionen, används fortfarande traditionella informations- och kommunikationsprinciper.Genom ett samarbete med Veidekke implementerades ett ICT-program i ett bostadsprojekt för att undersöka hur dess funktioner påverkade de rådande informations- och kommunikations-problem.

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