

2985 Uppsatser om Field inventory - Sida 18 av 199

Att försvara sitt ursprung - en musikalisk resa i Transsylvanien

Title: Defending one's origin ? a musical journey to Transylvania.A journey to the Transylvanian part of Romania was pursued with the intent to investigate the cultural aspects of the historically and politically rooted set of relations between the Hungarian peaking minority and the majority of the population, the Romanian speaking group. Music pedagogical ambitions within the two cultures were used as reflections of these phenomena. In trying to shed light on my questions and extract the relations between the dominating and the dominated in this specific cultural and social context I have used the central themes of Bourdieu ? capital, habitus and field.

Idrottspolitik i Västerbotten : En kvalitativ studie av politikers och tjänstemäns syn på idrottspolitik

This study was made in collaboration between Umeå University and Västerbotten sportsfederation. The study was aimed to find out how the municipalities are working with variousissues in the sports field. A subject of interest for this study was to see if the municipalitieswere implementing strategies in the sports field on determined goals by using policydocuments. Our study focused mostly on kids and youth that participate in organized sports inVästerbotten. Other aspects of interest in the study were economics in sports, how youthsports should be organized, and segregation in sports due to financial factors.

Varför oroar vi oss och vad oroar vi oss över? Skillnader mellan högoroare och lågoroare.

Oro är ett allmänmänskligt fenomen som kan vara både till nytta och skada för oss. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad mellan högoroare respektive lågoroare vad gäller vilken funktion oron fyller (Worry Automatic Thought Questionnaire) och orosinnehåll (Student Worry Scale), undersöka eventuella könsskillnader samt jämföra ett mått på frekvens och intensitet i den allmänna oron (Penn State Worry Questionnaire) med ett allmänt ångestmått (Beck Anxiety Inventory). Undersökningsdeltagarna utgjordes av 40 psykologistudenter och 70 polisstudenter och könsfördelningen var jämn. Signifikant samband mellan totalpoäng på PSWQ och totalpoäng på BAI erhölls. Högoroare oroade sig signifikant mer av vidskepliga skäl, för att undvika eller förhindra något ont från att hända, i förberedande syfte, för att få motivation samt som distraktion från mer emotionella saker, jämfört med lågoroare.

Gränssnitt, användbarhet och sökmotorer: ett experiment

This aim of this thesis is to measure the effect of the user interface in real searches on the Internet through a small experiment. Theories on web and search usability and psychological factors concerning usability were first explored. Then three interfaces were constructed, one "good" that followed usability guidelines and had multiple search functions, one "bad" that completely disobeyed those guidelines and had only a simple and small search field, and one "intermediate" interface that was a mix of the two. The search field was set to different sizes, with the shortest in the "bad" interface, a medium field in the "intermediate" interface and several long fields in the "good" interface. All three interfaces were then attached to the same web search engine, Altavista.

Arkitekturhistorisk terminologi. Antikvariskt behov av kunskapsstöd

This study you are about to read have two investigated areas concerning the need ofsources in terms of architectural historys terminology. The investigation is based on aquestionnaire study.The first aim of this study is to describe the intergrated conservations professionalqualifications in the subject. In what condition are the knowledge of them who recentlypassed the examination, what needs do the professionals have, what kind of sources duthey use in fields and are they satisfied with the amount of sources?The second aim of the study is to find out if there are any place for developing a newsource at the market? If it is, how can a new source include the informed needs?The study came up with several needs pointed out by the professionals in the field.These needs are the groundwork of a new source that the study introduce, aarchitectural glossary of terms, made of illustrations! The point is that the new idea ofglossary will meet the needs of today, rationalise the work and improve the knowledge inthe subject..

Utveckling av Vobbla Racing Produkters försäljning på internet

Vobbla Racing is a racing team who has an online sales department that is in need of an upgrade to be more efficient and easier to use. Before this study their present homepage was anything but structured. The products were sorted in an illogical order which made it difficult for the customer to find a wanted product. The customer had to summarize the products, transport sums and other costs. The order had to be e-mailed or phoned in to Vobbla Racing Produkter.

Stadsdelsparken Skälby i Kalmar : historia, nuläge och framtida utveckling

Skälby park is situated approximately 2,5 km northwest of the central parts of Kalmar and is one of fi ve town part parks. Originally Skälby consisted of a village of four farms. In 1965 the municipality in Kalmar bought Skälby and the agriculture ceased to appear. The land was parcelled out into plots and new roads. Only the area surrounding the old buildings remained, turned to a park.

En del av spelet : En studie av fotbollsdomarnas tillvaro i Gästrikland

There is a clear difference between the way football players and leaders regard the role of the referee, compared to the way the refereeing body looks at it. The refereeing body regard themselves as fundamental for the existence of the sport, while the other mentioned parties merely see them as functional justice makers. This view places the referees outside the field of football. This establishes a football culture, which is conflicted when it comes to the role of the referees on the field. The conflict comes to its edge in youth football, where the referees are under severe pressure.

Stopover duration and field site selection by whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) at Lake Tysslingen, Sweden

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge about whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) ecology to enhance the ability to predict and also to prevent the crop damage they cause. The largest proportion of damage in Sweden has been reported at stopover sites during spring migration in February, March and April. Therefore, this study focused on an important stopover site, Lake Tysslingen, situated in south-central Sweden. Specifically, the relation between the duration and period migrating swans stage at the stopover site and mean temperature (measured at three different weather stations) for the years 2001-2010 was studied. Furthermore, the swans´ selection for certain fields in relation to field type, distance to roosting site, a supplemental feeding site and forest edge within agricultural land surrounding the lake was analyzed.

En Studie i Rött : Hur beskrivs, uppfattas och kopplas färg samman med innehåll i Mark Rothkos abstrakta målningar?

Undersökning av färgen i förhållande till innehåll i Mark Rothkos abstrakta verk. Studien innefattar en undersökning i hur man skriver om färg i anslutning till Rothkos abstrakta målningars innehåll och huruvida färg kan avgöra betydelser..

Identifiering av gallringsbehov med hjälp av flygburen laserskanning :

Thinning is one of the most important silvicultural activities in middle aged forests, partly to minimize damages and partly because it leads to earlier harvesting revenues and increases the value of the remaining trees. There are many different indices used to describe stand density and thereby the need of thinning in forests today. Studies have shown that forest variables can be estimated with high accuracy using airborne laser scanning and it is likely that the method could also be used to estimate forest density indices. In this study, the possibility of using the forest density index ?H² to determine and map priorities for thinning operations for a forest area was examined.

Droppbevattningens inverkan på kvalitet och kvantitet hos Solanum tuberosum L i jämförelse med konventionell spridarebevattning :

A literature study and a field trial have been carried out in order to investigate the physiological response of potato plants to different soil moisture levels. Higher yield, quality and number of tubers can according to the literature be obtained if constant high soil moisture is kept during major parts of the growing season. A field trial was set up where drip irrigation was used as an alternative to conventional irrigation techniques to maintain high and constant soil moisture. The application of water in the drip irrigated area was monitored and adjusted on a daily basis so that the soil moisture stayed as close as possible to the recommended level. The sprinkle irrigated area was irrigated according to traditional practices with approximately 35 mm every 7th to 10th day depending on the whether.

En kristisk studie av metoder för skattningar av CO2 från vägtrafik med diesel som drivmedel.

Det finns nu ingen tvekan om att det är vi människor, och vårt användande av fossila bränslen, som bidrar till den förstärkta växthuseffekten. Rättvisande metoder till att mäta växthusgasutsläpp är nödvändiga för att kunna fatta framtida beslut. Vägtrafiken är en av de största källorna till utsläpp av växthusgaser och den ökar hela tiden i omfattning. Den här studien fokuserar på olika metoder som används för att uppskatta koldioxidemissioner från vägtrafiken genom att först uppskatta mängderna diesel, från ett kritiskt perspektiv. Som hjälp till detta har en alternativ metod, för att uppskatta dieselkonsumtionen från vägtrafiken i Sverige, skapats.

Inventering av flodpärlmussla i Fylleån norr om Gyltigesjön

Freshwater environments are threatened worldwide, of which many of the species associatedwith freshwater. In 2014, 243 freshwater mussels were on the international Red List. One ofthem is the freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, which because of itscomplex life cycle can be counted as an indicator of whether a stream is worth protecting. It's since the early 1900's in decline throughout their range. Sweden is counted as a core area which is why we have not only a national but an international responsibility to conserve the species.

"goda influenser utifrån" : En textanalys av hur fo?resta?llningar om feminism och nationalitet konstrueras i ett kommentarfa?lt pa? Newsmill

 In ?goda influenser utifra?n? (positive effects from abroad) the purpose is to explore how ideas about feminism and nationality is created within the commentarys on Newsmill (swedish websight for debate). The questions which is directed on the basis of my purpose is drafted to enable my enquiry. On intersectional premisses, and with the help of a textanalysis, i will dress the data which i collected from one field of commentarys. The analysis is divided into themes in which and everyone i tend to immerse on that particular theme..

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