

2985 Uppsatser om Field inventory - Sida 10 av 199

Hindens rev i tid och rum - att använda sig av museala samlingar i landskapsvård

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Landskapsvårdens hantverk, 15 hp, 2014.

Kompetensutvecklingens förutsättningar : En studie av hur en intern kompetensmodell uppfattas och används på Gruvöns Bruk

AbstractThis report is made in cooperation with the municipality of Vasteras and technical committeestaff. The report addresses several topics that affect fuel stations in Vasteras. The reportcontains two parts, first is a inventory that review all stations in the area to be addressed. Theinventory is made with consideration to various things that geographic situation, whatcompanies are represented and what level of service stations have. And the second part of thereport, is done with the analysis of how it looks in daily situations review.

Privata markägares attityder och inställningar till föryngringsfrågor :

Even though Sweden is a small country which has a low rate of inhabitants is it one of the worlds leading nations of exporting products from the forest industries. The Importance of a sustainable use of the Swedish forests has been known for many years. In 1903 the first law of forestry were establish. Today the National Board of Forestry carry out inventories of regeneration result. The result of the latest inventory showed that especially the non-industrial private forest owners did not full fill the regeneration work after a clear cut.

Begreppskoherens i mekanik och attityd till fysik

I detta arbete undersöktes och jämfördes begreppskoherens och attityd till fysik bland elever på fysik- respektive naturvetenskapsprogrammet vid gymnasieskolan Polhemskolan i Lund. Begreppskoherensen undersöktes med Force Concept Inventory som är ett omdiskuterat flervalstest från USA som ska mäta studenters begreppskoherens för kraftbegreppet inom den klassiska mekaniken. Eftersom många undersökningar visar att intresset för fysik minskar undersöktes också elevernas attityd till fysik med ett svenskt test av Likertmodell. Undersökningarna gjordes på elever som precis börjat åk 1 och på äldre elever som läst kursen Fysik A inom båda programmen. Resultatet av undersökningarna är att eleverna på fysikprogrammet har större begreppskoherens för kraftbegreppet än eleverna på naturvetenskapsprogrammet och att begreppskoherensen höjs efter Fysik A. Attityden till fysik är dessutom mer positiv på fysikprogrammet men eleverna på naturvetenskapsprogrammet har större spridning i attityd.

Kyrkan som immateriellt kulturarv En studie i kulturvårdens förhållningssätt till liturgiska värden

This master thesis aims to examine the methods of the conservation field and their visionabout maintenance and change, in terms of liturgical values. This is to be able todetermine if there is a need to develop the methods that the field of conservation has tosafeguard the intangible cultural heritage of the churches.This is mainly a literature review, focusing on different tutorials from the Swedish nationalheritage board, and different texts on liturgy aswell as Unesco's Convention for theSafeguarding of intagible Heritage (2003), ratified in Sweden in January 2011. A casestudy of the practical work has been carried out on three churches that have undergonechange. The application process and the results were important for this study.The conclusion is that the conservation field have ambitions to preserve the liturgicalvalues, but they do not have sufficiently developed methods to do so. Nevertheless, itappears that most cases of change in churches, increases the liturgical values..

Fallstudie av mellanrummen i stadsdelen Ålidhems offentliga utemiljöer :

This diploma-work assess the public outdoor space. It has its starting point in, Ålidhem, a town district of Umeå. I have been studying public spaces in the outdoor environment. In this essay this refers to the spaces between the houses. What they are, what they contain, how they function and how they can improved.

Diet och identitet : Analyser av kol- kväve- och svavelisotoper på indivier från det kristna senvikingatida gravfältet i Björned, Torsåkers socken, Ångermanland

This paper deals with the late Viking age/early medieval grave field in Björned, Torsåker parish, Ångermanland County in northern Sweden. The grave field in Björned is rare because it has all the signs of being Christianized before the surroundings. This awakes questions such as if the people of Björned came from another place and brought the religion with them or if someone else did that for them. To find these answers I have analysed the stable isotope ratios [delta]13C, [delta]15N and [delta]34S in human bone collagen. Through these stable isotopes we can not only see what the people consumed but also where their food had its origin.

Standardiserat utförande och förbättring av avropsprocessen : En fallstudie på Balco AB

Course: Degree project in logistics, 4FE05E, spring 2013Author: Maria WennbergSupervisor: Petra AnderssonExaminer: Helena ForslundTitle: Standardization and improvement of the outbound process execution Background: Transportation represents a critical part of companies? logistics. Special management and control is needed when using a third party logistics. Balco uses a third party logistics for their deliveries of balcony parts and before it takes place the outbound process is executed. Currently, Balco experience difficulties with the process? many ways to be performed by the project managers and logistics department.

LAURA: Kognitiv beteendeterapi för kvinnor med psykisk ohälsa till följd av en traumatisk förlossning : En randomiserad kontrollerad studie av internetadministrerad vägledd självhjälpsbehandling

The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the effect of internet- administered guided self-help for women suffering from psychological problems following traumatic childbirth. The eight-week treatment program consisted of written chapters based on cognitive behavioral therapy. 56 participants were randomly assigned to a treatment group (n = 28) or a waiting list group (n = 28).The results showed that post-traumatic symptoms decreased as a result of the treatment, with large within-group effects measured by both the Traumatic Event Scale (TES) (d = 1.33) and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) (d = 1.3). The difference between the groups was only significant when measured by the IES-R in which case the between-group effect was large (d = 0.97). The proportion of the participants who showed clinically significant improvement was considerably greater in the treatment group than in the waiting list group.

Fördomar och urvalsprocessen till polisutbildningen

Över 6000 personer söker till de 900 lediga studieplatserna vid polishögskolan vid varje ansökningstillfälle. Urvalet för att tillsätta dessa platser är således stort. Kritik har dock riktats mot polisens urvalsprocess som har utpekats för inte tillräckligt kunna identifiera och gallra ut olämpliga individer med låg och bristfällig respekt och inställning till andra människor och olikheter. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka skillnader i fördomar mellan två grupper; sökande till, och studerande vid polishögskolan (N=84) och jämföra dessa med en ickepolisiär kontrollgrupp. Fördomarna mättes med tre moderna fördomsfullhetsskalor; rasism, sexism och fördomar mot homosexuella.

Avvägning mellan ordersärkostnad och lagerhållningskostnad i processindustrin

Lean Production is used by many manufacturing companies. Companies in process industries do not use Lean Production to the same extent today. This is part of the report's issue to explore how Lean Production can be applied to a company in the process industries.The investigated company is a processing company that manufactures various types of foil. The company wishes to streamline its production and has therefore asked the authors to examine if Lean Production can offer the company improvements in their production. Lean Production value stream mapping tool has been selected to identify and analyze the current state of two of its products in production.

"Det är bara för oss att gilla läget" : livsmedelskagstiftning och livsmedelskontroll ur verksamhetsutövarens perspektiv : en kvalitativ studie genomförd i kommunala skolkök

This BSc thesis is a part of an initial step of a collaboration between Skansen and Kenyan Wildlife Service (KWS) and constitutes of an inventory of the Nairobi Animal Orphanage run by KWS. Animal Orphanage takes care of orphaned and injured animals arriving from throughout Kenya. The project started out as a refuge and as a temporary place for animals in need of care and help. With time it has evolved to an establishment that resembles and functions more like an animal zoo. The aim of this inventory is to focus on how the biological needs of Congo grey parrots ( Psittacus erithacus erithacus) and cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) are met, in terms of management and housing.

Potatisens specifika vikt och kokegenskaper med hänsyn till odlingsplats och sort :

The boiling properties are an important quality issue of the potato. In order to obtain adequate boiling properties the growth of the potato needs to be controlled and interrupted at the right time. However, it is difficult to determine when to stop the growth. Specific gravity can easily be measured and can sometimes be used as a tool for estimating the boiling properties. This report discusses different aspects of the specific gravity of the potato and how it can be used as a tool to determine the appropriate time for vine killing.

Potatisens specifika vikt och kokegenskaper med hänsyn till odlingsplats och sort :

The boiling properties are an important quality issue of the potato. In order to obtain adequate boiling properties the growth of the potato needs to be controlled and interrupted at the right time. However, it is difficult to determine when to stop the growth. Specific gravity can easily be measured and can sometimes be used as a tool for estimating the boiling properties. This report discusses different aspects of the specific gravity of the potato and how it can be used as a tool to determine the appropriate time for vine killing.

Betydelsen av copingresurser och självkänsla för attityd till krisstöd inom polisen

Krisstöd som syftar till att lindra stress för poliser i yttre tjänst är en förutsättning för att uppnå en god arbetsmiljö. Enligt tidigare forskning bör personers behov och inställning tas i beaktande vid planeringen av krisstöd. Vad personer har för inställning till krisstöd kan studeras i form av attityder. Personers självkänsla är besläktat med känslighet för stress vilket kan påverka behov av krisstöd. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om copingresurser och självkänsla hade någon betydelse för attityd till krisstöd.

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