

1743 Uppsatser om Female managers - Sida 27 av 117

Pedagogers användning av tecken som stöd i förskolan : En studie av fem pedagogers användning av tecken som stöd i verksamheten på förskolan

 Performance appraisals- a study of the performance appraisals significance as a tool for development in the public sector.Anders Larsson and Åsalill OlssonPerformance appraisals have been given a central role in leading businesses in the public sector and are seen as a tool to create development opportunities and achieve better results. This has resulted that performance appraisal in many organizations takes up capacity and time. This was the starting point of our interest to study whether the time spent on performance appraisals effectively pays for itself in the organization, in other words whether the effects expected actually are achieved. The paper examines first line managers` views on staff appraisal purposes and effects of a function within the Landstinget. The survey design, methodology and transaction are of qualitative and quantitative method with three different sources: literature review of previous research, interviews with first line managers in Landstinget Västmanland and the results from an employee satisfaction survey conducted on behalf of Landstinget Västmanland.

En fallstudie om Sikhula Sonke; en kvinnlig fackförenings kamp för ett respektfullt och jämställt samhälle i Sydafrika.

AbstractSouth Africa is a country where apartheid has created a segregated population and the countrys cultural traditions affects the human situations in a unique way. Equalities between gender, class and ethnicity is a main focus for female activists in their work to give the exposed population tools and knowledges to stand up for themselves to cope with the unbalanced structure. This examination paper is done in a qualitative case study in South Africa. The content consists of thourough descriptions of how the society is percieved by four different people, explained by feministic theories and former research that is connected to the papers purpose and question formulations. The purpose of this paper is to examine how Sikhula Sonke, a women´s movement in South Africa looks at the female?s situation in the society and how they are going about their work to improve social equality.

Sex kvinnliga pensionärers användning av och syn på folkbiblioteket och dess olika roller Med utgångspunkt från deras individuella livsstilar

The aim of this essay has been to study six female seniors use and view of the library and its roles. The two Danish scientists Jochumsen and Rasmussen talk about the library in terms of a social center, cultural center, knowledge center and information center. Depending on what lifestyle the seniors belong to in the social room, they use the library differently. The social room consists of four lifestyles, north-west, north-east, south-west and south-east. The things that are important to consider in order to be able to place each senior within the different lifestyles are education level, economic standard, interests and so forth.

"Det är alldeles för mycket sport inom idrotten" : En studie av svenska sportchefer

Authors: Lars Johansson & Johan PetterssonTitle: ?There is way to much sports in the athletics? ? A study of Swedish sportsFootball has gone from being a hobby and a popular pastime into a billion-dollar industry, and clubs around Europe are therefore operated more and more like regular companies. Sweden's position in the UEFA rankings is a modest 23 rd place, behind nations such as Austria, Switzerland and Belarus. The economic climate in Sweden is often highlighted as a strong factor. When we started our study we agreed that this could be a major contributing factor to this relatively modest rank, but believed that there were also other factors that played a big role.

Identitet och identitetsstilar : Sambandet mellan kön, utbildning och identitetsbildning på gymnasiet

Abstract Title: Coaching Leadership - A win-win situation? Level: Final assignment for Master Degree in Business Administration Author: Helena Gustafsson Supervisor: Pär Vilhelmson Date: 2012 ? mars Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how companies use the coaching leadership and how the employees perceive to have a manager who uses this way to lead. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study in which interviews was an important feature. The information I gathered is the basis for analysis and final discussion. The material has been collected through personal interviews with two managers and then I send questions to the employees by e-mail that they responded. This is to get such an interesting empirical data as possible.

Medkämpe i arbetarklassens stora befrielsekamp : Föreställningar om klass, kön och skötsamhet i tidningen Arbetets Kvinnor 1927-1931

This is a study of the trade union journal for female blue collar women in Sweden, Arbetets Kvinnor, between 1927 and 1931. The purpose is to examine how a female trade union activist's constructs collective identity by those notions of social class, sex, and moral values that are articulated in the journal. The main theoretical basis is Alberto Melucci's analysis where he argues that a collective identity in social movements is made in an interaction between individuals, where the action possibilities and limits are defined. Another purpose is how the female blue collar worker's resistance and/or adaption to the male hegemonic trade union and the bourgeoisie hegemonic society are presented. The essay shows how the collective identity is made of both historical and contemporary images of the working class women as workers and trade union activists.

Internal Communication Approach : En empirisk undersökning av de interna kommunikationskanalerna på ICA Butiksadministration

Title: Internal Communication Approach ? A study of the internal communication-channels of the ICA Administration. Background: The ICA Administration is in the process of generating an organizational change with the purpose of improving their external communication. The internal communication, on the other hand, has been put aside and is missing guidelines at the present.  Since the ICA Administration does not know how the staff uses the internal communication-channels they cannot optimize nor develop them. As the literature shows, it is important to choose the channel that is most appropriate for the type of information that it is meant to communicate. Choosing the wrong channel, or using it wrongly, can bring problems consisting of the staff experiencing to receive less information than needed in their daily work. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore and describe the internal communication between the employees of the ICA Administration from the existing communication-channels and their usage. Method: Through the initial interviews with the staff, the internal communication-channels of the ICA Administration were determined.

DISTAT MOTSTÅND : Motståndsartikulationer i all-trans/female-punkbands låttexter

Syfte och frågeställningar: Uppsatsens syfte är att lyfta fram motståndsartikulationer i låttexter skrivna av aktiva all-trans/female-punkband. Frågeställningarna behandlar låttexternas teman, deras referenspunkter, bandens val av mottståndsstrategi och vart detta motstånd riktas.Teori: Huvudsakligen har motståndsforskarna Mona Lilja och Stellan Vinthagens bok Motstånd (2009) använts för att beskriva hur motstånd verkar i förhållande till makt. Judith Butlers Genustrubbel (2007) har använts för att exemplifiera makt- och motståndsverkan kopplat till kön.Metod: Låttexterna har analyserats kvalitativt och tolkats i relation till det omgivande samhällets maktstrukturer. På så sätt har tema och referenspunkter utlästs. Hur motståndet artikuleras i låttexterna har sedan beskrivits med hjälp av uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter.Resultat: Det har funnits ett stort omfång av motståndsartikulationer i alla nio låttexter.

Medarbetarsamtal : -en studie om medarbetarsamtalets betydelse som verktyg för utveckling inom offentligsektor

 Performance appraisals- a study of the performance appraisals significance as a tool for development in the public sector.Anders Larsson and Åsalill OlssonPerformance appraisals have been given a central role in leading businesses in the public sector and are seen as a tool to create development opportunities and achieve better results. This has resulted that performance appraisal in many organizations takes up capacity and time. This was the starting point of our interest to study whether the time spent on performance appraisals effectively pays for itself in the organization, in other words whether the effects expected actually are achieved. The paper examines first line managers` views on staff appraisal purposes and effects of a function within the Landstinget. The survey design, methodology and transaction are of qualitative and quantitative method with three different sources: literature review of previous research, interviews with first line managers in Landstinget Västmanland and the results from an employee satisfaction survey conducted on behalf of Landstinget Västmanland.

Kommunikation om kommunikation - medarbetares upplevelser av vad som påverkar kommunikationen mellan dem och deras chef

Our study aimed at gaining insight of co-workers experiences of different factors that affects the verbal communication and leads to dialogue and misunderstanding between co-workers and their managers. The empirical material was gained from semi-structured interviews with co-workers at various departments within the same organization. We used a hermeneutic interpretive approach and our data was analyzed concerning different factors affecting communication. The result has been interpreted using the theories of deliberative conversations and dialogue competence. We have also used Illeris theory of learning. The result shows a number of factors that affects communication between co-workers and managers.

Kvinnor som objekt, män som subjekt : En genusanalys av hur manliga respektive kvinnliga författare beskrivs i läroböcker avsedda för litteraturundervisning i ämnet svenska.

ABSTRACTIn this study I have analyzed, throughout a gender perspective, two textbooks Den levandelitteraturen and Upplev litteraturen which are purposed to be used as teaching materials inSwedish schools in the subject of Swedish when teaching the history of literature. The intentof this study was to provide a gender analysis of two textbooks and the focus was on thepresentations of female and male writers, because they have not been studied earlier. In thisstudy, a qualitative text analytic method was used to achieve the best results as possible.Theories used in this study were Yvonne Hirdman?s and Raewyn Connell?s theories. Hirdmanclaims that there are differences between men and women at different levels in the societywhile Connell believes that this is a myth because, according to her, men and women arepsychologically alike.

Fantasygenrens kvinnoskildringar : Fördomar och möjligheter i den fantastiska litteraturen

In this essay a conclusion about the way female characters are portrayed in fantasy novels will be attempted through an analysis of one selected female character from each selected novel. The works that have been chosen are; J.R.R. Tolkien?s The Lord of the Rings, Robert Jordan?s The Eye of the World and A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin.The analysis will be done with the help of examples and theories from both feministic criticism and gender studies.

Kvinnliga nätverk - ett sätt att göra skillnad? : En fallstudie på nätverket Q80 och dess mentor program

Sweden is known to be one of the world?s most equal countries. Nevertheless, out  of  Sweden?s 262 listed companies, only seven  of  them  has  a  female  president, which  is  equal  to  3,4  percent. To  counteract  these  numbers  there  are  several  possibilities.  One  arrangement  that  is  highly  controversial     is  affirmative  actions.  But  there  are  other  options,  for  instance  more  and  more female  networks  are  starting  to  rise  and  many  of  them  also  offers  a  mentoring  program  where  the  mentee  gets  the  opportunity  to  learn  from  someone  with  more  experience.The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  examine  what  difference  the  female  network  Q80,  with  focus  on  its  mentoring  program,  is  doing  for  the  mentee.  As  an  underlying  purpose  the  study  is  also  examining  what  visions  and  attitudes  the  management  and  the  mentors  is  communicating  within  Q80.  The  focus  is  mainly  on  the  visions  of  Q80,  menas  mentors  and  business  exceeding mentorship.  A  survey  has  been  carried  out  among  mentees  from  three  different  seats of mentoring  programs  where  they  have  answered  19  different  questions  regarding  their  time  as  a  mentee.  Furthermore  interviews  have  taken  place  with the management  of Q80  and  two  mentors.  The  results  are  analyzed  based  on  theories  about  gender,  women  in   management,  leadership,  mentoring  program  and  organizational structure.  The  result  shows  that  Q80i  as  a  source  of  inspiration  and  a  support  for  the  category  of  "career  women"  with  its  core  mission  to  strengthen  the  participation of  individuals  on  a  personal  level  more than  to  work  to  even  out  the  gap  in  the  Swedish  labor market.

Sångrösten - skillnader och likheter mellan manlig och kvinnlig sångröst i ett pedagogiskt perspektiv

The singing-voice ? Differences and similarities between male and female singing-voices in a pedagogical perspectiveThe primary purpose of the present study is to create a basis for a deeper understanding of the male singing-voice. Within the above purpose the present study also aims at comparing differences and similarities between the male and the female singing-voice, and examining possible pedagogical differences in teaching male and female singing students.The study is partly a literature study where existing studies in the field of the singing-voice are examined, in which the male singing-voice is described in relation to the female one. The study also comprises an interview study where four professional singing-teachers, two male and two female, are being interviewed according to an interview guide (see appendix A) focusing on pedagogical aspects of the male and the female singing-voice.The results of the study show that the anatomical functions of the singing-voice are the same whether you are male or female. This also holds true for the basic singing-technique which is the same for both sexes.

Den ledande kvinnan : En studie av ledarskapsbeteenden i fyra olika branscher

The debate about women and equality is a very burning issue in the Swedish society today. There are a lot of articles, TV-programs, books and web sites treating the position of female leaders today. There are also a lot of myths strongly attached to our minds hindering the equalization process between men and women.The main purpose of our study was to look at women as leaders and identify potential tendencies in businesses sectors dominated by mainly men or women. We also wanted to find out whether leadership behavior is more or less oriented towards relations- or task in any of the chosen sectors. It was even in our interest to see if our chosen respondents supported the myths in our society about male and female qualities.We interviewed 20 women in four different sectors, two dominated by men (Computer/It, Transport) and two dominated by women (School, Healthcare).

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