

1743 Uppsatser om Female managers - Sida 2 av 117

Gärningskvinnan : en kvalitativ studie om frivårdsinspektörers syn på den kvinnliga brottslingen

How do probation inspectors describe their female clients and female offenders? Are there any discrepancies in treatment between male and female clients? In what way is the social interaction between female clients and inspectors constructed and described?  These are the issues we have explored in this study. Qualitative semi-structured interviews with a total of nine probation inspectors; six women and three men, were used in order to examine the probation inspectors? constructions of clients and the construction of interaction between them. By applying Foucault?s theory of power relations, Hirdman?s gender theory and Olsson?s theory of preconceptions when analyzing the results five themes were identified; descriptions of the work of the female client, descriptions of the interaction with the female client, descriptions of the female offender, descriptions of backgrounds why women commit crimes and descriptions of society's view on the female offender.

Försvarsmaktens arbete mot en jämnare könsfördelning bland officerare

The number of female officers employed in the Armed Forces is low. Of the total proportion officers, female stand for 4.8 %. The Armed Forces are currently working actively to level out the distribution. This paper is intended to create a better understanding of the slow increase in female officers in the Swedish Armed Forces. The study is qualitative and the results from the data collection have been based partly on a text analysis, partly on a theme-based group interview in which three themes have been discussed.

Kvinnorna vid makten : En fallstudie om skillnader och likheter mellan svenska och amerikanska kvinnliga ledare.

 The purpose of this case study was to view if there were any differences and similarities between Swedish and American female leaders, with focus on the Swedish female leaders. We also wanted to find out if the American female leaders had problem whit the classcelling.Our case study is a quality method, because we wanted to reach the dep't that quality methods can reach. We interviewed four Swedish female leaders and tried to get in touch whit American female leaders but whit out any success. So instead we analyzed already existing research about the American female leadership. Our result showed that there were some differences between the two countries; in the same time we also found similarities. The classcelling tends to exist more in Sweden than in the US.   .

Mjuk, omsorgsfull och sexualförbrytare : - En studie om kvinnor dömda för sexualbrott

AbstractThere is a general perception that women are victims and men are the perpetrators of sexual offense. Female perpetrators of sexual crimes have been neglected in the research literature, because female sex offenders do not live up to preconceptions of female as motherly and caring. Females tend to be responsible for a very small portion of all crimes and are estimated to account for 1-2% of all sexual offenses. Theories use to discuss female sex offending include neutralization of behavior, mental health and feminist theory. The aim of the present study was to describe female sex offenders and examine the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim by analyzing court judgments.

Chefers identitet och identitetsskapande: en studie av chefer i offentlig verksamhet

The aim of this study was to gain a comprehension of managers experience of their identity and their construction of identity in the work sphere. 14 semi-structured interviews were performed with managers in the public sector. The interviews were analyzed from a hermeneutic approach. The results showed that the managers´ experience of their identity and their construction of identity were full of nuances and was characterized by a being and a becoming. The managers had several social identities at their disposal, which were brought to the fore due to the situation.

Påverkas ledarskap i en kvinnodominerad organisation av könsrollsstereotyper - En studie av skillnader i ledarskap mellan män och kvinnor i en kvinnodominerad organisation.

Research within gender and leadership has often focused on leaders in male dominated work areas, but quite recently interest has arise for examine leadership in female dominated work areas. This thesis analyzes possible differences connected to theories about gender stereotypes that may exist among male and female leaders within a female dominated organization. Further, possible underlying reasons to why or why not differences between genders might be found are investigated. The research question is addressed through a single embedded case study design at the Swedish public organization Försäkringskassan. The primary focus is middle managers, and twenty qualitative interviews were conducted with leaders and co-workers at two local offices and at the organizations headquarter.

Kausalitet i fiktiva miljöer : En narratologisk analys av tre cyberpunk-romaner

The purpose of this study is to gain increased understanding of managers´ attitudes and knowledge about its role in the internal organizational communication. We want to understand how managers define dialogue and further understand the role that dialogue plays for managers. We want to see whether the different managers highlight some common foundations or differences in the dialogue. With the help of the following two questions we wish to understand managers´ relationship to the dialogue within the internal organizational communication: -What meaning does the dialogue have for managers in the private sector?-What role does the dialogue play in the internal organizational communication according to these managers? We use qualitative interviews as the data collection method of our material. Using material from the interviews and mainly in accordance with William Isaacs? theory of dialogue, wecan answer our questions. The result shows that managers' views on the dialogue in many cases are similar to Isaacs? vision but differs in part. The managers believe that employees are there to contribute to the company.

Dialogen som skapar förändring

The purpose of this study is to gain increased understanding of managers´ attitudes and knowledge about its role in the internal organizational communication. We want to understand how managers define dialogue and further understand the role that dialogue plays for managers. We want to see whether the different managers highlight some common foundations or differences in the dialogue. With the help of the following two questions we wish to understand managers´ relationship to the dialogue within the internal organizational communication: -What meaning does the dialogue have for managers in the private sector?-What role does the dialogue play in the internal organizational communication according to these managers? We use qualitative interviews as the data collection method of our material. Using material from the interviews and mainly in accordance with William Isaacs? theory of dialogue, wecan answer our questions. The result shows that managers' views on the dialogue in many cases are similar to Isaacs? vision but differs in part. The managers believe that employees are there to contribute to the company.

?Varför är jag här? Varför sitter jag med de här gubbarna?? : En kvalitativ studie om att vara kvinna i den mansdominerade byggbranschen

This study aims to look at female executives? view of their leadership in the male-dominated construction industry. The study is  qualitative and focuses on the respondents' subjective perceptions. We have conducted six interviews with women in different companies whose positions within each company varied. Using theories of subjectivity, emotions, impression management and organizational structures, to support the analysis conducted, this study shows that there are obstacles for women in the industry, but it also shows that it  seems to be facing a brighter future.

Kvinnliga studenters alkoholvanor : På Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar

As the title reveals this is a study of female college students alcohol habits in Kalmar,Sweden. During the spring of 2012 a total of 118 female students at Linnaeus universityanswered a survey about their alcohol habits. The survey reveled that as many as 67%percent of the answering female students (according to Audit) have risky drinking habits.The drinking habits are explained using Albert Banduras social learning theory in contextto the Scandinavian drinking pattern. The study concludes that female alcohol habits needeven further research. Furthermore the study shows that student initiation have an impacton the female drinking habits and that expectations of that students drink are to some extentimportant to the development of hazardous drinking habits..

En bra Chef går hem : - en undersökning av Landstinget i Värmlands chefsbrev

Internal communication is very important for the success of an organization. The county council Landstinget i Värmland is a large organization with many managers on different positions. Every one of these managers gets an email every week, with the message that a new manager letter, called Chef, is published on the intranet. With my paper I am examining what the managers think of this letter, how they use it and if managers on different positions differ from each other in opinions about and use of the letter. I want to find out if there is a need of Chef as a part of the internal communication of Landstinget i Värmland.To answer these questions, I have chosen a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire which is send to all the receivers of the manager letter.

The Consumer as Barrier vs. The Consumer as Partner

First objective: To bring forward managers? perceptions of the underserved consumers in emerging markets. Second objective: To reveal what implications managers? perceptions of underserved consumers in emerging markets provide for branding in these markets. Our study indicates that managers? perceptions are still lacking consumer insights within five elements (value, loyalty, purchasing power, consumers and consumption).

Alexander: det tar hundra år... : Kvinnligt ledarskap i den ryska medievärlden

The more leadership you get, the more power you will receive. Unfortunately, not everyone is given the same opportunities. This can be seen and proved on the basis of studies in media companies. Our purpose concerns attitudes towards female leadership in Moscow, Russia. This thesis was based on two study methods, qualitative interviews and observations.

Kvinnlig representation och dess substantiella effekter En studie om svenska kommuners flyktingmottagande utifrån ett könsperspektiv

Municipalities with a higher amount of female representatives has been shown to be more gender equal. Earlier reasearch has also shown that female politicians are more likely than male politicans to represent immigrants and refugees interests. However, the effect of female representation has not been tested on other subordinated groups than women. Swedish municipalities have full autonomy regarding refugee reception and local politicians are responsible for the decision on the amount of refugees that the municipality accept. The variations of female and male politicians in the local assemblies are expected to have different outcomes on the refugee reception, according to females social backgrounds and experiences.

?Transformell, transaktionell och laissez-faire ledarskapsstil : en kvantitativ studie gällande manliga och kvinnliga chefer

The aim of this study was to see if there existed any differences between male and female superiors. The theoretical framework was based on transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leaderships styles. The sample was employees in three companys (n=24). Three hypothesis were formulated: (1) female superiors are more transformational than male, (2) male superiors are more transactional than female and (3) male superiors are more laissez-faire than felmale. The method of measurement was a modified version of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.

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