

1074 Uppsatser om Female entrepreneurship - Sida 63 av 72

Upplevda oönskade beteenden hos katt : förekomst och orsaker till dessa

The objective was to examine the frequency of unwanted behaviors in the Swedish feline population and what factors in the environment, inheritance and past life that have an influence on the frequency. SLU?s web poll generator was used to create a web poll which insinuated that it was a poll with objective to make an inventory of the Swedish feline population. I wanted to avoid that only owners to cats with unwanted behaviors answered the poll. The web link to the poll was sent to SLUs students and posted on Internet forums for people interested in cats.

Humor i Religionsundervisning

The contents of the school subject religion in Sweden, has gone through a radical change during the past century. With an origin of only treating Christianity and being a major cultural and social actor, it has developed into more of a multicultural and philosophical subject. The fact that the subject no longer has cultural recognition makes it more abstract and harder for students to relate to. Additionally, religion is experienced as a rather dull subject in school. My essay is therefore written to provide teachers encouragement of interest for religious education, by using humor. The well-known psychologist Jean Piaget claims play to be a prime state of learning.

Kvinnligt och Manligt ledarskap : en studie om kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap i kommunal sektor

I denna studie undersöks det ledarskap som idag bedrivs inom Skånes kommunala verksamheter, utifrån nio ledarskapsstilar som är kompatibla med organisatorisk framgång världen över. Frågeställningen ?Finns det några skillnader mellan manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap i Skånes samtliga kommuner, studerat utifrån McKinseys nio ledarskapsstilar?? har syftet att undersöka eventuella könsskillnader i ledarskap.Fördelningen i studiens population har syftet att kartlägga samt studera de skillnader det manliga och kvinnliga ledarskapet kan ge exempel på. Urvalsgruppen har således fått svara på en enkät behandlande de områden de eventuellt kommit i kontakt med under sin chefskarriär och därmed fått bedöma sitt agerande.Enkäten skickades ut till totalt 101 chefer, fördelat på 54 män och 47 kvinnor, inom Skånes samtliga 33 kommuner. 65 svar erhölls, fördelat på 31 kvinnor och 34 män.

Lucia eller tomte? : om våra stereotypa tankar och handlingar kring genus

The purpose of my study is to highlight how children at preschool are affected by adult?s awareness of norms and interpretations of masculinity and femininity. The essay shows examples of boys? and girls´ expectations of each other and the preconceived notions of what boys and girls should or can do, and how we pedagogues relate to this matter. One example is about an encounter with a mother, where we have different opinions about her son´s wishes to be Lucia instead of Santa Claus.

Skönlitteraturens kraft : En analys av framställningen av psykisk ohälsa i två romaner ur ett interkulturellt perspektiv och ur ett genusperspektiv

This paper is written in the field of Educational Science, and it focuses on literature that pupils read. Literature has the power to shape readers beliefs, that is why this paper aims to examine, and compare two novels that are used in Swedish schools in class settings. Both novels deal with the issue of psychiatric disorder from a woman´s perspective. Research done in the field of psychiatric disorder shows that it is an important subject that should be addressed in schools. Research done from the perspective of gender studies points out the need of representation of female perspective in literature that pupils are working with.

Finansbubblor & babybooms : - en studie av sambandet mellan ekonomiska faktorer och fertilitet i Sverige 1960-2008

Variations in fertility have caused a problematic situation in Sweden among other European countries. According to the Council of Europe we are facing an economic and demographic challenge, when the baby boomers of the 1940?s are retiring. Economists have for a long time studied the connection between economic factors and fertility, and several studies have found a correlation between business cycles and birth rates. This connection is again of current interest 2008, when a financial bubble bursts at the same time as a baby boom occurs.

Musik och genus - Hur genus konstrueras i musikundervisning

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur genus - vårt socialt skapade kön skapas i en musikpedagogisk verksamhet. Finns det någon skillnad mellan pojkar och flickors intresse i ämnet musik, val av instrument eller agerande i undervisningen? Hur bemöter eleverna varandra, hur bemöter läraren eleverna och tvärtom ur ett genusperspektiv? Studien utfördes på en grundskola i klasserna sju och nio med hjälp av observationsmetoden och videokamera. Resultaten visade på skillnad mellan könen genom att pojkarna generellt dominerade musiklektionen genom att prata, bråka och ta mer uppmärksamhet än flickorna. Undervisningens innehåll och lektionstid blev kraftigt negativt påverkad då lärarens uppmärksamhet riktades åt pojkarnas bråk.

Kvinnors upplevelser efter hjärtinfarkt

Background: Myocardial infarction is the most frequent cause of death in Sweden. Previous research has indicated large gender differences as regards the type of care received by the patient. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe women?s experiences after myocardial infarction. Methods: A literature review based on eleven qualitative articles was performed.

Besökares påverkan på Nordens Arks vargflock :

Zoo animals can be more or less disturbed by the presence of care takers as well as visitors. This may lead to stress and/or abnormal behaviour. The purpose with this study was to give a time budget of the behaviour of the captive wolves? (Canis lupus) and occurrence of behavioural disturbances and how this is affected of human visitors. For this purpose the wolves at Nordens Ark have been studied during off season as well as on season. The zoo Nordens Ark is an idealistic foundation which was founded in 1988 and is located at Åby säteri, 130 km north of Gothenburg.

I MITTEN AV CIRKELN - en etnologisk studie om nyhedniska identitetskonstruktioner

The aim of this study is to analyse how female neopagan practitioners form their identitiesindividually as well as collectively. Using Ernesto Laclau?s and Chantal Mouffe?s discourse theory and Anthony Giddens? descriptions of late modernity and self-identity, I intend toinvestigate my informants? construction and upholding of a meaningful identity and sense ofself. I will also look at how the neopagan movement can be viewed as a phenomenon closely interwoven with the overriding tendencies in our contemporary society. Neopaganism is an umbrella term that is used to describe a number of modern nature religions that take their inspiration from pre-Christian traditions.

Sveriges mest ojämställda ämne? : en kritisk diskussion om jämställdhet och mäns förhållande till de genusvetenskapliga disciplinerna

The purpose of this study is to interogate the tension-laden relationsship between men (of the dominant classes and ethnicities) and feminism. Closely linked to this lies the question of how valid and relevant official Swedish goals of gender equality can be to the Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research in Sweden.The essay is mainly an in-depth qualitative study concerned about questions such as; how does feminist researcher in Sweden perceive the question of men in/doing feminism and what are the implications of these perceptions for the Swedish goals of gender equality? Thus, in this study I´ve interviewed six feminist researchers, five women and one male, about their view of men doing/in/and feminism and about the adequacy of equality goals to the Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research in Sweden.The main questions I posed in this essay was prompted by the Swedish political scientist Bo Rothstein accusation of two feminist Swedish researchers, Yvonne Hirdman and Maud Eduards, of deliberately harassing men interested in feminist theory and striving to create women-only spaces at the different Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research around Sweden. This would according to Rothstein violate the Swedish goals of gender equality where equal representation is essential.However, the empirical material shows a benign attitude towards men doing feminism and the interviewed all stressed the importance of diversity among feminist scholars and students.As for the Swedish goals of gender equality, the interviewed expressed diverse and contradicatatory answers concerning how valid those goals should be to the Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research in Sweden.Contrasting the empirical material, my own argument in this essay circles around a critique of the validity of the Swedish goals of gender equality to the Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research in Sweden. Seeing men as a group with groupbased experiences, perspectives and interest puts the female dominance at the Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research in Sweden in another light, making the absence of men not a question of harassment but a question of male privilege to stay ignorant and indifferent of gender relations..

?e du me på webbsex?? : En studie av kön/genus och sexualitet på ett Internet-community riktat till tjejer.

The thesis examines how sex/gender and sexuality are represented through text and images within the Internet community Sylvia whose primary target group is girls. Through an examination of the aesthetics, the member rules and the choices that constitute the framework for the site, the study observes Sylvia as a cultural context. In relation to this setting, the ten most visited member profiles at the time for the study are more closely examined. These profiles are studied from a constructivist view of sex/gender and are analysed from the perspective of feminist and quee r theory as well as in the light of feministic debates concerning sexuality and erotica. The thesis shows how Internet as a forum and the non-heterosexual context Sylvia open up for a constructivist understanding of sex/gender and also leads to a questioning of "masculinity" and "femininity".

Den transvestitiska förklädnaden : en tolkning av androgynitet i Virginia Woolfs roman Orlando.

AbstractThis paper is an analysis of Virginia Woolf's novel Orlando. My rendering of the novel is inspired by queer-theory and in particular the theories of Judith Butler. In my interpretation I have put my focus mainly on androgyny and transvestite disguise. The purpose of my analysis is to create an understanding of the theme of androgyny in Orlando and see how it relates to the writer's feminist approach. I?ve also used concepts like transvestite disguise and cross-dressing to interpret the main character, Orlando's constant changes of clothes, between female and male clothing.

Social preference and diet learning in goat kids at pasture

AbstractHerbivores can be classified into either hiders or followers depending on their postpartum behaviour. The two behaviour types affect the spatial relationship between the mother and her infant. Goats are seen as hiders, although the environment plays a central role when it comes to the behaviour. Therefore, in the first part of this study the aim was to investigate how the goat kids? spatial relationship changed in the transition from indoor housing to pasture.

Vilt växande Fula Flickor. Om kvinnoblivande hos Mare Kandre - an analys av "Bübins unge" och "Aliide, Aliide"

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine from a psychoanalytic point of view how Mare Kandre narrate the complex process when girl becomes woman. Earlier theoretical work concerning Mare Kandre is sparse and limited to narrow cut-outs of her authorship. There are two dissertations, but none with Kandre and her unique fictional works alone in focus. Most frequently she is presented as part of different groups of authors.

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