

1074 Uppsatser om Female entrepreneurship - Sida 61 av 72

Klövspaltsinflammation : bakteriologi, terapival och möjliga anledningar till terapisvikt

Research concerning movement patterns of wild animals has been advancing since GPS technology arrived. But studying the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is still difficult because of the harsh territory it inhabits in Central Asia. This study took place in south Gobi, Mongolia, and aimed to estimate the time spent at kills and the maximum distance away from kills between visits. Snow leopards were monitored with GPS collars that took a location every five or seven hours. Potential kill sites were established by identifying clusters of GPS-locations in ArcGIS and visited in the field for confirmation.

Mellan klass och kön : En analys av det socialdemokratiska kvinnofo?rbundets aktionsprogram 1972 - 1993

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the conceptualisation of the social relations of class and gender within the Social Democratic Women?s Association during the period 1972 ? 1993, on the basis of their programmes for action. The analysis of the concepts is based on an ideology critical study focusing on the manifest ideology.The study is based upon the theoretical concepts of class and gender,  The class analysis is based upon the broadened concepts of class by Erik Olin Wright and Ira Katznelson. The gender analysis is mainly based upon a Marxist understanding and a critical point of view of Marxism and feminism in the context of patriarchy and capitalism.The period of the study is where the social democracy is challenged, both by radical socialism and feminist ideology and the economic crisis during the 1980?s, as well as the possible threat of an organised women?s party in Sweden.

Irländska kvinnor vid the Old Bailey : Synen på irländska kvinnliga förbrytare i London 1674-1900

The Irish immigrants have been an important part of London throughout the centuries. Their presence can be found from the 17th century and onwards. Initially occupied as seasonal workers in agrarian fields the Irish later found alternative ways of supporting themselves as the Industrial Revolution transformed the whole of England. Despite their vital importance to the construction of what was to be known as "the modern Babylon" the Irish have been victims of both social prejudice and maltreatment. Some historians have imposed a comparison between the Irish in England and the African slaves in the United States.

Kvinnan som den nödvändiga tomheten i mannens levnadskonst : en psykoanalytisk läsning av Bretons Nadja och Rodenbachs Det döda Brügge

The starting point of this essay was the frustration I felt after having read the novel Nadja (1928) written by the French surrealist André Breton. The title promises the story of someone called Nadja but the promise stays unfulfilled. Recognition of this phenomenon, where a man writes a book about a woman, but the woman hardly is seen, made me want to examine it further.Using the theories of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan I analyze the relation between the male narrator and his female object. I also compare Nadja to a precursor: the novel Bruges-la-morte (1892) of the Belgian symbolist writer Georges Rodenbach. Their stories are, to a large degree, similar.

Innovationsprogrammets betydelse för dess studenter : Värdefulla kriterier för en innovationsutbildning utifrån ett näringslivsperspektiv

Titel: Innovationsprogrammets betydelse för dess studenter - Värdefulla kriterier för en innovationsutbildning utifrån ett näringslivsperspektivFörfattare: Kristina Gern och Jesper ModighHandledare: Peter Selegård, Mälardalens HögskolaÄmne: InnovationsteknikNyckelord: Innovation, utbildning, entreprenörskap, kreativitetProblem:Innovationsprogrammet har ett problem med att många studenter är osäkra på om deras program är en bra grund för att söka jobb inom det aktuella segmentet i framtiden. Detta grundar sig i samtal med innovationsstudenter och författarnas egna erfarenheter.Syfte:Syftet med denna uppsats är att klargöra innovationsprogrammets värde för dess studenter när de ska ut på arbetsmarknaden. Lärare och programansvariga skall även få ett lättare sätt att förklara innovationsprogrammet och dess mål och de framtidsutsikter som finns för innovationsstudenterna. Genom detta hoppas författarna att innovationsstudenternas oro för framtiden minskar. Metod:De metoder som används i denna uppsats är dels en kvalitativ intervju men även kvantitativa enkätundersökningar bland studenter och från arbetsmarknaden.Slutsats:Innovationsprogrammets studenters osäkerhet ligger i att det inte finns en tydlig bild av vad de kan tänkas jobba med i framtiden.

Hälsorelaterad psykosocial situation bland kvinnor från olika kulturer efter bröstcancer

The most common form of female cancer in Sweden is breast cancer and the primary choice of treatment is surgery. Removing a woman's breasts is not just removing a body part but is also strongly linked to the emotional life. This has psychosocial consequences and the reactions will be different depending on how people perceive health and illness. Factors that matter are both personal experiences and cultural factors such as religion, family, and the own standards and values. It is important that a nurse is aware of cultural factors that may influence the perception of care.

Bröstcancer och kvinnlig sexualitet : En litteraturstudie om hur kvinnor upplever att bröstcancer förändrar deras sexualitet och sexuella relation.

Anledningen till att författarna gjorde denna studie var att bröstcancer är en av de vanligaste cancertyperna som drabbar kvinnor. Diagnosen innebär för de flesta kvinnor att hela eller delar av bröstet opereras bort. För många kvinnor representerar bröstet sexualitet och kvinnlighet. Syftet var att beskriva hur kvinnors sexualitet och sexuella relation förändras efter genomgången kirurgisk bröstcanceroperation och efterföljande behandling. Metoden var en kvalitativ litteraturstudie.

Artificiell Insemination (AI) hos hund : en sammanställning över användandet av seminering inom hundaveln i Sverige under åren 1995-2004

The use of artificial insemination (A.I.) as an alternative to normal mating in dog breeding in Sweden are controlled by regulations from the Swedish Board of Agriculture and by ethical rules assigned by the Swedish Kennel Club. Only veterinarians, who have a specific certificate and are specially trained and educated, are allowed to perform inseminations in dogs. Each artificial insemination must be documented and reported to the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) which, on the behalf of the Swedish Board of Agriculture, yearly presents statistics concerning the use of A.I. in Sweden. The objective of this study was to illustrate the use of artificial insemination in dog breeding in Sweden for the last decade, using the yearly reports from the Kennel Club during the period of 1995 to 2004.

"A huge, tenacious lie" : framställningen av makt i Helen Zahavis författarskap

This study concerns the complete oeuvre by the British author Helen Zahavi: Dirty Weekend (1991), True Romance (1994), and Donna and the Fatman (1998). Her novels are here read as a trilogy dealing with the dialectics of gender and violence in 20th century discourse, drawing on theories of how the construction of subjects is produced by power, of the relation between power and sexuality.The heroines of Zahavi?s novels try their best to move about in a world where their freedom of movement is limited to their female identity. In Dirty Weekend the protagonist tries to shoot her way out, claiming revenge on every man that is forcing himself upon her. She gains some freedom of movement by refusing subordination, but does not really change the order of power.

Kvinnors sexualitet efter hysterektomi : En litteraturöversikt

Hysterektomi är ett av de vanligaste kirurgiska ingreppen kvinnor genomgår och det är vanligt att kvinnans sexualitet påverkas. Sexualiteten är svårdefinierad och inrymmer mer än bara sexuella handlingar, det är en del av att vara mänsklig. Hur kvinnor uttrycker sin sexualitet beror på många olika faktorer så som ålder, samhällsklass och/eller kulturella aspekter.Vårt syfte är att beskriva kvinnors sexualitet efter hysterektomi.En litteraturöversikt baserad på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar där resultaten behandlade hur en hysterektomi påverkade kvinnors sexualitet. Artiklarna var publicerade i olika världsdelar och alla kvinnor i studierna var i vuxen ålder och de hade genomgått ingreppet på grund av benigna anledningar. Den teoretiska referensram som har använts är Joyce Travelbee?s teori om mellanmänskliga relationer.Psykosexuella faktorer som påverkades var bland annat lubrikation, orgasm, sexuell åtrå samt smärta.


Bakgrund: Yrket sjuksköterska har bland personalen präglats av kvinnodominans och själva yrkestiteln i sig har en feminin ändelse. När män i större utsträckning väljer att utbilda sig till sjuksköterskor så uppstår nya situationer som inte förekommit tidigare när det bara funnits kvinnlig personal att förhålla sig till. Syfte: Att undersöka och beskriva manliga sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att vårda och bemöta kvinnliga patienter i nära vårdsituationer inom den somatiska vården, samt kvinnliga patienters emotionella erfarenhet av att ha blivit vårdade av manliga sjuksköterskor. Metod: Studien bedrevs som en litteraturstudie med sökningar i databaser för omvårdnadsforskning. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa granskningsmallar användes vid kvalitetsgranskning.

Modiga pojkar och hjälpsamma flickor : En diskursanalys hur manligt och kvinnligt framställs i läseböcker från 1950-talet, 1970-talet och 2000-talet

Societies are surrounded by unaware attitudes and views about what is masculine and what is feminine and this can contribute to people being raced differently. Boys and girls are shaped to think and act in different ways from an early age because of their gender. According to the curriculum in the Swedish school system, the school has an important task to prevent such perceptions young people have about sex and gender. Reading books are still a central source where students gather information in the Swedish school. Therefore, I find it interesting to examine how gender is produced in three Swedish reading books from three different periods (1950s, 1970s and 2000s) to see what similarities and differences there are between the texts and the study has been based on three questions:How are men/boys and women/girls described in the reading books based on their characteristics, interests and pursuits?How much space in the texts are represented by men/boys and by women/girls?What masculinities and femininities can be found in the texts and which ones are the most desirable?I have used a text analysis in my research to analyse the three reading books and based my theory on that gender is a social construction.

Genusvetenskapens utveckling inom B&I : en bibliometrisk studie av studentuppsatser med genusperspektiv

The main purpose of this two year master´s thesis is to study patterns, structures and relations within gender studies when combined with Library and Information Science(LIS). Further aims are to determine the character of student work considering, occurrence, gender and main theme, to study the progress of the intellectual base of gender studies within LIS and to evaluate the use of bibliometrics as a tool for researching the development of a discipline. To achieve these aims, a bibliometric study using both publication analysis and citation analysis, is carried out. The studied material contains student work, specifically focused on gender, from the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) from 1985?2012.

Styrelsesammansättningens påverkan på revisorsarvodet

Introduction:By insight in the company and by monitoring the management, the board has an important function in creating trust in governance of the company. Furthermore, the board reduces the asymmetry of information between the owners and the management, which also is the function of the auditor, by auditing how the board governs the company and the accounting. In case the board does not effectively monitor the management, the auditor has to extend its monitoring, which increases the owners agency costs through the audit fee. The board composition can affect how effectively the board practices the monitoringProblem: How is the audit fee affected by the board composition?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain how the board composition affects the audit fee.Method: The study uses a quantitative method, where the data was collected from the annual reports of 112 limited companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX Large and Mid Cap lists on January 2, 2012.

Syndens Scheherazade. En studie av subjekt och sexualitet i Birgitta Stenbergs "Kärlek i Europa"

Birgitta Stenberg?s autobiographical novel Kärlek i Europa was published in 1981. It takes placein the fifties and is written in a genre popular in Sweden during the seventies, the feministconfession novel. The genre had a strong political purpose, by way of sharing experiences ofliving as a woman in a patriarchal society the aim was to raise consciousness of oppression andmake way for liberation and sisterhood. But there was not room for everyone in the feministstruggle.

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