

26 Uppsatser om Fears - Sida 2 av 2

ETT MED NATUREN. En ekokritisk studie av naturmotivet hos tre svenska skräckförfattare

Since time immemorial, nature has been conceived of as a female entity. This ancient concept is also a recurring element in contemporary Swedish horror fiction. The purpose of this thesis is to compare the feature of nature in the selected works of Anders Fager, Andreas Marklund and Frida Arwen Rosesund and in what ways these respective depictions rely on a tradition where nature is gendered female. The theoretical starting-point for this comparative study is ecocriticism and its subcategory ecofeminism, which are modes of literary criticism where the role of nature in general, and its female connotations in particular, are appreciated as significant literary features. For executing an analysis that goes beyond what is explicit, the exploration of these three writers? texts also adopts a psychoanalytical perspective.

Analys av temperament hos långhårig collie

The majority of all collie owners in Sweden are satisfied with their dog and choice of breed and may well consider having another one. This was found in a survey that collie owners who owned a collie between the years 1999-2009 had the opportunity to fill in from May to December 2010. In the questionnaire there were three questions included where the owners could answer whether they were satisfied or not with their dog. These questions were: * Do you think the temperament of your dog is well suited for your way of life and the goal you have with your dog? * Would you be willing to get another dog in the future? * If you were to get another dog, would you consider a rough collie? When the answer to these three questions were compared with the dogs behavior, as described in the other questions in the survey, it seemed that it was mainly the fearfulness of the dog that differed between owners who were satisfied with their dogs and those who were not.

Om dödens betydelse eller icke-betydelse : ? En läsning av epikurismens förhållande till döden, utifrån Lucretius Om tingens natur

Uppsatsen tar upp frågan om döden inom den epikureiska filosofin. Det visar sig att frågan kan delas upp i flera frågor. Dessa delfrågor kring döden är kopplade till olika rädslor. Uppsatsen tar även upp hur frågan kring döden blir bron mellan metafysiken och etiken inom den epikureiska filosofin. Uppsatsens huvudpunkt är utredningen av Lucretius, De rerum natura.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med cancerrelaterad smärta : En litteraturstudie

Background: Cancer-related pain is a major problem worldwide. Studies indicate that patients do not get an adequate pain relief. This creates a large suffering and results in major problems for the patient and their families. In order to minimize this kind of suffering caregivers need to understand how cancer-related pain is experienced by these patients, what it does to them and how it impacts their daily life.  Aim: The aim of this study was to describe patients´ experience of living with cancer-related pain.

Drömjournalen : En studie av vårdmedarbetares upplevelser av samtida och framtida vårdkommunikation

The effectiveness of communication in the Swedish healthcare system context has long been the subject of debate. Issues stemming from usability, accessability and interpretation affect the lives of patients, and yet the vocal groups in the healthcare communication debate are patients and administrators, not healthcare professionals. With the advent of eHealth services and new demands being put forth on the ability of healthcare professionals' to handle increasingly numerous and innovative systems, it is of more importance than ever to understand the healthcare professionals' work context. This article is based on interviews with five healthcare professionals concerning their views on electronic health records (EHR), eHealth services, trends in healthcare services development in Sweden, as well as their views on the future of eHealth solutions and health information technology (HIT). Analysis of collected information shows an apprehension among healthcare professionals towards electronic communication, as well as a dissatisfaction with the usability of modern healthcare systems.

Skräckens många ansikten : Människans rädslor & skräckfilmen som filmgenre

Skräckgenren ses ofta som den mest extrema filmgenren. Det är genren som sticker många i ögonen, då man där hittar allt det en annan genre väljer bort, eller snarare undviker. Man tänjer på gränserna. Varför tittar man på skräckfilm, vad kan man tänkas få ut av det? Är skräcken enbart till för att skrämma oss eller kan det faktiskt komma något gott ur den? I detta arbete har vi forskat kring hur filmindustrin jobbar med skräck.

Skräckens många ansikten - Människans rädslor & skräckfilmen som filmgenre

Skräckgenren ses ofta som den mest extrema filmgenren. Det är genren som sticker många i ögonen, då man där hittar allt det en annan genre väljer bort, eller snarare undviker. Man tänjer på gränserna. Varför tittar man på skräckfilm, vad kan man tänkas få ut av det? Är skräcken enbart till för att skrämma oss eller kan det faktiskt komma något gott ur den? I detta arbete har vi forskat kring hur filmindustrin jobbar med skräck. Hur den från dess start gått från harmlös till de idag ofta extrema filmerna som finns i hyllan, som kan röra runt i både vårt samvete och på en moralisk nivå. Vi har dessutom fokuserat på skräcken utifrån ett psykologiskt perspektiv för att utforska människans rädslor och få reda på hur filmindustrin arbetar med skräckgenren för att trycka på våra ömma knappar.

?I ain?t goin? in there!? : HIV-infekterade patienters upplevelse av vården

Background: HIV is a worldwide spread disease with many deaths. People with the disease have previously been met with attitudes, stigma and discrimination in various contexts. A caring relationship should be built on empathy, respect and communication, where the patient is not seen as their illness, but as a person. Today, there are laws that are there to protect the patient, however, there is a lack of knowledge about what is current. Health care workers knowledge in the 2000s has improved, but there is still a lack of knowledge.Aim: To illustrate how patients with HIV experience health care.Method: The literature review was conducted with twelve scientific articles of which two articles were quantitative and the other qualitative.Results: The results revealed three main themes; Different expressions of fear, Perceived negative attitudes and stigmatization, as well as The wish to be lovingly treated in health care.

Förberedelser och distraktionsmetoder som sjuksköterskor använde sig av i samband med smärtsamma omvårdnadsprocedurer på barn i åldern 4-6 år : en intervjustudie

Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva förberedelser och distraktionsmetoder som sjuksköterskor använder sig av i samband med smärtsamma omvårdnadsprocedurer för att hjälpa barn i åldern 4-6 år samt vilka fördelar detta hade.Metod: En deskriptiv design användes till den kvalitativa studien. Materialet inhämtades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio sjuksköterskor som arbetade på barnkliniker. Det insamlade materialet analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Huvudresultat: Resultatet av berättelserna kunde kategoriseras i ?Sociala och praktiska förberedelser?, ?Ickefarmakologiska distraktionsmetoder?, ?Farmakologiska distraktionsmetoder? samt ?Distraktionen kan hjälpa barnet att främja dess självkänsla?.

Ungdom. Seriehjälten prins Valiants tidiga äventyr 1937-1938

This study deals with the Adventure Comic Prince Valiant, written and designed by the Canadian artist Harold R. Foster. Focus is on the first two years of publication 1937-1938, where the hero is pictured in his Adolescence. This gives the title of the study: Youth. Earlier writings in the USA on this topic, have concentrated on the artist and less on analyses of the comic itself.

Valpens utveckling : ur ett fysiologiskt och etologiskt perspektiv

The first two weeks in a pup's life is called the neonatal period. This period is dominated by growth and development of organs and senses. The puppy is born blind and deaf and the physiological disability makes it unable to move properly. The neonatal period is characterized by a lot of sleeping. The pup receives the important milk and warmth from the bitch.

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