

2021 Uppsatser om Fast fashion - Sida 2 av 135

Du är vad du köper - En studie av unga kvinnors konsumtion av mode

Konsumtion av mode har gått från att tillfredsställa våra grundläggande behov till att vara ett sätt att uttrycka identitet, status och grupptillhörighet. Behoven möts genom mode, det går dock att ifrågasätta huruvida behoven är möjliga att tillfredsställa. Vår empiriska studie visar att unga kvinnors konsumtion av mode främst handlar om att uttrycka identitet, att belöna sig själv och att känna ett stärkt självförtroende. Mode är ett sätt att uttrycka sin personlighet. I uppsatsen diskuteras huruvida unga kvinnors konsumtion av mode går hand i hand med Fast fashion konceptet.

En jämförelse mellan H&M & Zara´s förmåga att leverera ett snabbt mode - Gentemot kundens uppfattning

During the last year there has been a globalization of trade. Because of the development ofmore sophisticated information's - and communication technology the boundaries and thephysical distance have been smeared out between company as well as countries. Furthermoreit generates that many companies have restructured to global value chains. Because of theincreased access the marketplace has become harder and more competitive than ever.Since the customers nowadays have more access to product information the consume patternsand behaviour has been changed. Through the increased knowledge the consumers requiresmore of the products.

Att lägga märke till ett varumärke

The project aims to explore how strong brands are built and what they consist of. I will focus on the subject fashion magazine, ambassadors and the different parts that a magazine consists of. Based on the information from research and literature I?m re-designing the Swedish fashion magazine Solo..

Mode en gråzon? : En studie av modebranschens position mellan konst och kommers

The purpose of our essay is to develop an understanding and an insight for the fashion industry. We want to examine what the creative industries can learn from the unique position that fashion hold in a field between commercialization and art. We used a theoretical ground to enlarge our understanding for the distinctive place that fashion holds. To gain further insight in the fashion industry we complete the theory with empirical facts. The empirical facts were collected through a qualitative method with deep-going interviews.

Mode i Kenya ? En studie om Kenya som marknad för inhemska modevarumärken

The fashion industry in Kenya is slowly growing. The middleclass is getting bigger and theinterest for fashion among these consumers is increasing. One major problem for the growthof the industry is the extensive second hand trade, which has given several problematicaffects. The textile production has almost disappeared, the western influences are evident andthe consumer?s price sensitivity is prominent.The aim of this thesis is, by conducting a field study; to qualitative examine how to develop astrong domestic fashion brand on the Kenyan market and to give a foundation for a brandingstrategy for people involved within fashion in Kenya.

CSR-kommunikation ur ett konsumentperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om kommunikation av CSR inom fast fashion - industrin, når kommunikationen fram till konsumenterna?

Skolan befinner sig i en kontext där diskussioner om inkludering, exkludering, normalitet och avvikelse ständigt aktualiseras. Frågor som på ett eller annat sätt försätter eleverna ofrivilligt i ett inom eller utanförskap. Uppsatsen syftar därför till att undersöka hur normalitet och avvikelse skapas och förstås av olika skolaktörer på en skola, och då genom empiriska undersökningar av olika skolaktörers förståelse av fenomenet inlärningssvårigheter hos elev. Undersökningens metod är kvalitativ och bygger på det material som framställts genom intervjuer av fyra olika skolaktörer inom samma skola. Materialet har sedan analyserats tematiskt och utifrån teoretiska perspektiv som normkritik och makt skapat en vidare förståelse för fenomenet inlärningssvårigheter hos elev.Resultatet visar att förståelsen av skolans idag strävan att inkludera kan genom uttrycket ?en skola för alla? tolkas som en prioriterad målsättning men i realiteten något som kanske inte fungerar.

By the Secret Fashion Concil. Project No 1 - jewellery collection

The Secret Fashion Council blends spirituality with fashion, art and design. This jewellery collection shows the connections between parapsychology and quantum physics, based on the study of matter and energy, that everything in the universe is built of vibrations. Many believe psychics have the ability to sense this. By using the skills of a psychic, the Secret Fashion Council invites the wearer to have the jewellery ?read? and evaluated in a most special way, tracing the wearer?s spiritual past, present and future.

Sticka ut är silver, passa in är guld: - och fyra andra medaljer i det svenska moderacet

The fashion market is highly dynamic, and characterized complexity, abstract phenomena and creativity. Further, differences between factors such as gender, countries and social classes pose increasing challenges to fashion companies and researchers active within this area. In light of these facts, the value of creating tools that help companies and professionals active within this industry becomes evident. Much research has been focused on creating a more thorough understanding of its underlying logics and its main drivers from a business perspective, whereas knowledge regarding fashion consumers and what drives their behavior are more limited. Through this study, insights about the Swedish fashion market and its consumers are generated.

Förgängligt mode eller varaktig konst? : Mode, konst och förgänglighet i kollektionen Haute Papier av Bea Szenfeld

Ephemerality is one of the most essential characteristics of fashion, since fashion by definition is existing in the present, in the fleeing moment. Also, fashion is closely related to art and there is currently no clear theoretical distinction made regarding the boundary between these two domains. In this essay I have explored the concept of transiency and the relationship between fashion and art in relation to fashion in general and to the collection Haute Papier, made by the fashion designer Bea Szenfeld, in specific. The Haute Papier collection is constructed almost entirely out of simple white paper sheets and of this reason it can be regarded as ephemeral. The material also positions the garments in a void between fashion and art, simultaneously existing in both domains and in none of them.

Lånad Identitet - En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters inställning till tillgångsbaserad klädkonsumtion

Previous studies have shown that there exists a gap between purchase intention and behavior in consumption situations. This gap is especially prevalent for sustainable or green products and even more so in terms of sustainable apparel consumption. Therefore, the adoption of sustainable fashion remains low as Fast fashion dominates the industry. A counter-movement for mass consumption - access-based consumption - has reached the apparel industry and in Sweden we see it in the form of clothing libraries. This qualitative thesis uses in-depth interviews to uncover the feelings of seven consumers towards the idea of accessing rather than owning their clothing as a more sustainable consumption form, factoring in the strong identity connection that we have to our clothes and how this affects their perceptions.

Mode som narrativ : En analys av modets roll i The Picture of Dorian Gray

My aim with this study has been to examine how the fashion is a leading component in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray.I have studied the role fashion plays in the novel and in which way it can be seen as a way of letting the reader know the important role of fashion in 19tcentury England and the morals of Oscar Wilde.To prove my thesis I have used literature that shows how Oscar Wilde uses influences from his own life in his writing of The Picture of Dorian Gray. I have also used Judith Butler's theory of performativity in analyzing the characters in ordet to display their way of staging themselves and their lifestyles and their dependence of that performativity in their interactions. Even though the theory of performativity often is used to hold the importance of the sexes, I have concluded that it has an important role in the novel when Dorian Gray interacts with the character Sibyl Vane who is an actress. My results have shown that fashion in the novel is often a way of letting the reader know important elements of a character in the way that certain fabrics and items are mentioned when Wilde writes about his characters. I have also found that fashion is an important factor when the characters judge each when they speak about the way they dress.

Modebloggare och dess läsare : En studie om hur unga kvinnor i Sundsvall och modebloggare uppfattar modebloggars verksamhet

The Internet has become a communication system that includes a direct and personal communication as well as traditional mass communication. For example, the Internet has become a channel for self-publishing. It provides opportunities for discussion and blogs can be woven together into a dialogue between network users. The conversation is both personalised and addressed to the wider community. Our study is based on how fashion bloggers perceive their role as a fashion blogger, and how young women, 18 to 30 years old, in Sundsvall, perceive fashion blogs.We chose to conduct qualitative research and held qualitative interviews and focus groups. Since fashion blogs are a relatively new phenomenon, we chose to do interviews with the active fashion bloggers, Nina Johansson and Karolina Skande, to use them as informants.

Vikten av att målgruppsanpassa butiksatmosfären: en studie om atmosfärens påverkan på konsumenter i modebranschen

Research in the FMCG sector shows that in-store atmosphere has a great impact on customer attitude and behavior. Despite this, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how the atmosphere influences the customer in a fashion store setting. The purpose with this paper is to investigate if and how visible in-store atmospherics influence customer attitude and behavior in a fashion store setting. We also investigate if behavior and attitude is affected by the customer's expertise and the purpose of the visit. The study takes place in two different fashion stores within the same fashion chain.

Vän eller fiende ? hur konsumenten uppfattar modeannonser

In advertising, the target has traditionally been aimed towards the product?s advantages.Today the trend is that the advertisers want to create a restless and unsatisfied consumer. Theconsumer on her part is not trying to achieve a goal with her consumption, but experiences theconsumption itself as a goal. Because of this the consumer demands a fast and variedselection.In order to sell their products the companies must create a non-existent need amongst theconsumers. Therefore it is very common in advertising today to use emotions instead ofinformation to attract the customers.

Hinder och möjligheter med att nå en bred målgrupp ? hos Fast Fashion-företag

Detaljhandeln är idag präglad av hög konkurrens och många aktörer som slåss om sammasegment. Fast fashion med sina snabba produktlivscykler och låga prissegment trots en högmodegrad, har lett till att konsumtionsmönstret förändrat konsumenternas beteende genomderas krav på ständiga uppdateringar av sortimentet. Dagens kunder kräver mer än enbart ettlågt pris för att attraheras, vilket kräver att även Fast fashion-företagen adderar ytterligarevärden. Imagen och känslan för varumärket spelar därför en stor roll även för Fast fashionföretagoch inte enbart för märken som agerar inom en högre prisklass. För att kunnatillfredställa det kunden efterfrågar krävs av företaget att de tydligt identifierat sin målgruppför att kunna anpassa erbjudandet efter just dem.

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