

447 Uppsatser om Fashion and clothes - Sida 18 av 30

Acne Jeans och Öresund: Hur förändras verksamhetsstyrningen i ett kreativt modeföretag när det inleder samarbete med ett riskkapitalbolag?

We have performed a case study on Acne Jeans, a creative Swedish fashion company, which initiated a cooperation with the Swedish venture capital firm Öresund. The aim of our paper was to examine what motivates a venture capital firm to transform the management control system of a creative company, into a more formal system of control. Main results: Öresund did not have an excessive impact on the management control system of Acne Jeans, due to three main reasons. First of all, Acne Jeans had a satisfactory management control system prior to the cooperation. Furthermore, the relationship between the two parties was characterized by mutual trust.

E-handel : Vilka faktorer styr vid valet att handla kla?der via Internet?

Internet har blivit na?stintill oumba?rligt i dagens va?rld. Fra?n online-spel till e-handel och fra?n kommunikationskanaler till ett informativt na?t, a?r Internet fo?rmodligen en av de mest framtra?ngande och vitt spridda uppfinningarna av va?r tid. Medan sa?kerheten kring anva?ndandet av Internet har diskuterats vilt sa? har anva?ndbarheten av Internet i olika omra?den inte utforskats till samma grad.

Sanering av oljeförorenad jord - en fallstudie

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med venösa bensår utifrån ett fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt perspektiv - En litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe patients? experiences when living with a venous leg ulcer in physical, psychological and social perspectives. The articles used to describe this condition were found in the databases: PubMed and Cinahl. Ten articles were included in the result: five with a qualitative approach, two with a quantitative approach and three with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results were presented through three headings: physical, psychological and social.

Ekologiska VA-system i Hestra Parkstad, Borås.

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

En jämförande studie av olika källsorteringssystem i Sverige

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Strömningssimulering i en dagvattendamm - Verifierad FE-analys i FIDAP.

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Silver i luktfria kläder - en stinkande lösning

Genom ökad användning på träningskläder har antibakteriella behandlingar blivit allt vanligare för den allmänna konsumenten. Dessa plagg marknadsförs ofta som antibakte-riella eller luktfria, men det som inte framgår är vilka ämnen som används för att uppnå den luktfria effekten. Vanligt förekommande är de behandlingar som är baserade på oorganiska silversalter. Medan leverantörerna av dessa produkter argumenterar för, argumenterar många miljövetare och forskare på bakterier emot antibakteriella produk-ter då dessa kan ha en skadlig inverkan på vår miljö och hälsa. Rapporten syftar till att ge större kunskap kring miljö- och hälsopåverkan vid användandet av textiler behandlade med silversalter samt till att analysera konsumenters inställning till antibakteriella kläder samt deras användar- och tvättvanor för träningskläder.


In autumn in 2010 the project group came in contact with the travel company Golf Joy in Halmstad. They had been briefed on the problems of their customers had when they travel with their golf bags and contacted Halmstad University for help in solving this problem. When we heard about this idea, we became curious and contacted the company. After a successful meeting, we took the problem with us to the school and began to brainstorm to see how we could solve the problem. The goal was to produce a stylish and functional travel golf bag with the cart and bag in one and launch it in the golf season in 2012.

Avskiljning av dagvattenföroreningar - Driftuppföljning av Bäckaslövs avsättningsdamm och våtmark

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Simulering av tillrinning till reglerade sjömagasin med NAM-modellen.

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Att välja perspektiv : "Arkitektur i Sverige - Funktion, konstruktion och estetik genom tiderna".

This essay tries to show how The Swedish Museum of Architecture, Stockholm, with the exibition Architecture in Sweden - Function, Design and Aesthetic through the Ages, presents and represents architecture. It is stated that this is done in a multi-perspectival, multimedial fashion, with the aid of, for example, photography, models and mixed material surrounding the wide concept of ?architecture?. One chapter discusses the relationships between the exhibition on site, the exhibition catalog and the museum´s website. Another chapter argues that there can be no essential or perfect representation of architecture, although this utopian wish most certainly exists even today.


Bakgrunden till detta arbete ligger i att Sportlife kommit ut med en egen kollektion med träningskläder. Problematiken är att den inte nått ut i den omfattningen som ledningen önskat. Metoden som beskrivs i denna rapport är intervjuer samt enkätundersökningar. Genom att intervjua ledning, personal och medlemmar har information samlats för att kunna hitta vart det brister i marknadsföringen. Syftet med arbetet är att öka försäljningen för ett företag med hjälp utav befintliga marknadsföringsstrategier.

Man har ju i alla fall tak över huvudet : En kvalitativ studie om natthärbärgets effekter på hemlösas självupplevda psykosociala hälsa

This is a qualitative study, whose purpose is to examine if night shelters effects homeless peoples self-perceived psychosocial health. In Sweden alone there are almost 18000 homeless people, and 12% of them uses a night shelter. The homeless can?t be seen as a heterogeneous group but instead homelessness counts as a state of being in. The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare have done mapping over the homelessness since 1993 and the problem is an important part of what the welfare system has to fight against.

Analys av instyrning och rolldynamik

When driving hard and cornering on a circuit good control of a car?s roll is desired, so the car reaches steady state quickly but yet in a controlled fashion. This control is mainly given by the combination of the cars springs, shock absorbers and anti-roll bars.The aim of this report is to investigate, analyze and measure a Porsche Boxster?s turn in behaviour and roll dynamics as well as with the aid of simulation results give suggestions for improvement of the previous mentioned combination.Two different simulations were made, one based on a simpler model that was based on an evolved version of the bicycle model in Matlab and one was more advanced model in the simulation software rFactor. Measurements of the real car was made using a GPS-based measurement system.

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