

447 Uppsatser om Fashion and clothes - Sida 16 av 30

Kvinnor och män i reklam : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om kvinnor och mäns framställning i modemagasin ur ett genusperspektiv

This study is about gender stereotypes that occur in the magazines of ELLE and KING's advertisements in 2014. The purpose of this inquisition is by using a gender perspective to examine the interpretation of women and men, compare how they relate to the traditional gender stereotypes. To answer our purpose of this study, a selection of 400 advertisements were analyzed based on it's content and visual expression. Through a content analysis, we could measure the frequency of 18 variables and put them in relation to each other to grasp the differences that exist between the genders. The results are presented in bar charts based on the variables that proved most interesting outcome between the genders.

E-livsmedel 2.0 : En kvalitativ studie av livsmedelsbutikers e-handelssatsningar

In this day and age we carry out our purchases through different channels. We can shop our clothes and computers in a store or online. Nowadays we can even purchase our groceries through the Internet. The biggest retailer chains within groceries in Sweden have established virtual stores online and are distributing the goods in cities throughout the country. This thesis is dedicated to investigating crucial success factors when going about selling groceries online.

Skyddet av en camp vid internationella insatser mot komplexa hot

The thesis demonstrates protection solutions that can be suitable for a camp during internationalmissions in order to resist complex threats. The threats could consist of small arms, machineguns,RPG 7, anti armour missiles, mortar, artillery, HPM-weapons, car bombs, biological and chemicalweapons as well as sabotage and theft. It?s not the technology itself that makes the threat scenariocomplex it?s the way the opponent acts during the operations. The opponent acts usually incivilian clothes and therefore he is difficult to distinguish from other civilians.

?I don?t give a shit about fashion. I?m a man? : En kvalitativ undersökning om maskuliniteter och mansideal i Magazin Café

The aim of this study was to identify what kind of masculinity is shown in 54 articles of the Swedish lifestyle magazine Magazine Café of 1993 and 2008, and in which way this masculinity may be different from eachother.The study included four magazine issues of each year with analysis focus on main articles and abolishment of reviews and press items.  The method was semiotic analysis with focus on manly characteristics and stereotypes. The result showed that the normative man pictured in Magazine Café in 1993 was a man?s-man interested in manly characteristic business as sports, outdoor adventures and women. Fifteen years later not much has changed. The manly characteristics are the same but they have been complemented with a man-by-man accepted and homosexually inspired vain..

The Sound of Fashion : en studie av tre svenska modevarumärken

Spanska sjukan var en världsomfattande epidemi, en pandemi, som drog över världen i flera influensavågor mellan 1918-1920. Syftet har varit att ta reda på hur Säters hospital drabbades av och hanterade influensautbrottet 1918. Med hjälp av överläkarens årsberättelse för 1918 har jag lyckats få fram att 40,7 % av alla patienter blev smittade av spanska sjukan varav 15,3 % av dem avled till följd av sjukdomen. 529 personer smittades av spanska sjukan på Säters sjukhusområde varav 57 personer avled, vilket motsvarar 10,8 %. Av de 529 smittade männen och kvinnorna avled 12,6 % kvinnor (34 stycken) och 8,9 % män (23 stycken) till följd av in-fluensan.

Det slutna rummet : En studie av högstadieelevers upplevelser, erfarenheter och känslor i idrottens omklädningsrum

This study concerns the experiences and feelings students in intermediate school gain from the changing room to sports class. It is a qualitative study with a socio-cultural approach, which has been analysed in a hermeneutic way. The students? voices have been heard through interviews and questionnaires, and furthermore, to get a broader perspective, adults working in school, have also been interviewed. The study shows that many children feel discomfort without clothes in the changing room, furthermore that the absence of adults in this room may add to exercise of power amongst the student, like abuse, direct- and indirect threats or to exclude someone from the group.

Genus i barnböcker

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare how womanliness and manliness reveal themselves in different children?s books, mainly focusing on the concept of gender, in both text and images aspects. The questions I have chosen to interrogate are the following:How is the male and female role represented in children's books from a gender perspective, in both images and texts? What gender is generally the main character in children's books? What clothes are the characters wearing in children's books? What kind of occupations do the characters practice in children's books? What kind of qualities or attributes do the characters possess in children's books?When it comes to the selection of the method, I have chosen the use a qualitative method, where I use both a text and image analysis. The essay is based on Hirdman's and Hardning's gender theories and alsow on Nikolajeva's theorie about male and female.

En plats - En identitet

We live in a society where we are not bound to one place. We are encouraged to be mobile and constantly moving between different locations. The life in a convent is a contrast to this; nuns live at a specific place they are bounded to by vows and can not leave. The sisters in the convent of St. Birgitta, Pax Mariae have promised to stay at the same place and live by the rules of the convent.

Strategisk Gender-Swapping: En kvantitativ studie av hur motståndarens kön påverkar beslutsfattande i Texas Holdem

Abstract: According to previous research, it is not unusual for online poker players to create profiles which indicate they are members of the opposite sex. This phenomenon, known as 'Gender Swapping', is partly being utilized in a strategic fashion. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether or not the gender of an opponent has an impact on decision-making in an online poker environment. An experiment was constructed where subjects made 15 poker-related decisions against seven randomly generated opponents, consisting of three male, three female and one genderless opponent. The results indicate no significant differences in decisions against male and female opponents.

Drömmen om The West : Bildanalys av företaget Swansons kataloger från 2002 och 2009

This study has been about the representation of the Swedish tourism company Swanson?s. They do trips in US and every year they do a brochure with many pictures. The objective of my study is to look how pictures help to constructs places. Its often problem with pictures because sometimes they are constructs.

Trend eller Etik - Vad styr? : En studie om ekologisk medvetenhet och vilka som besitter den

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida de informanter som intervjuades till studien anser att den ekologiska medvetenheten är en trend eller en bestående aspekt i klädbranschen. Vidare undersöks hur informanternas ekologiska tänkande yttrar sig i arbetslivet och i privatlivet. Intervjuerna berörde deras tankar kring miljömedvetenhet, etiska aspekter vid ekologisk produktion. Likaså analyseras om informanterna kan kategoriseras som en nyligen introducerad kulturell typ, BoBos.Den slutsats jag åstadkom var att informanterna besitter en ekologisk medvetenhet som yttrar sig i deras arbets- och privatliv. Deras åsikter och medvetenhet kan karakteriseras som boboitiska och anses vara tidsenliga för dagens samhälle..

Bloggbilder : unga tjejers syn på foto på nätet

Blogpics ? young girls views on photography online Young people create new forms of social interaction on the internet, and in Sweden, especially young girls, have become very active bloggers. Girls write, publish pictures and build networks with, mostly, other girls.  This new phenonomen has been described in Swedish media partly as a problem, where adults are worried that the information the young girls publish about themselves is too personal, and can be used for the wrong purposes. It has also been suggested that the content of young girls blogs has little value, beeing mostly narcissitic, superficial and obsessed with fashion and shopping. The purpose of this paper has been to investigate how young girls reflect upon their photographic communication on the internet.  The idea has been to ask the girls themselves about their own experiences, to get a more complete picture of them as internet users, to investigate their communication strategies and solutions when it comes to net integrity  and to talk about how they create gender and identity online..

Pojkar och stress: en kvalitativ studie om hur pojkar och fritidsledare diskuterar och tänker om stress hos pojkar

The aim of this paper is to examine how boys in grade nine experience and handle stress, to find reasons why stress occur and what help the boys can get to handle stress in a good way. Our supervisor was Gunilla Lindén. In our study we used qualitative interviews to answer these questions. We interviewed four fifteen- to sixteen-year-old boys and two recreation in-structors. We also conducted a group interview with the boys.

Mindre modemärkens öden - i branschens händer?

Den svenska modebranschen är en hårt konkurrensutsatt bransch och för mindre modeföretagi tillväxtfas är ett starkt varumärke och image en viktig del i att särskilja sig och sinaprodukter från mängden. I ett mindre modeföretag kan varumärkesfrågor lätt komma attbortprioriteras med främsta motivet att budgeten inte ger utrymme för den typen av satsningarsamt att kompetensen inom företaget ofta brister på just dessa punkter. Som alternativ har denexterna varumärkesprocessen presenterats som ett mer realistiskt alternativ för det mindremodeföretaget då det går ut på att låta sitt kringliggande externa nätverk i större utsträckningstyra och påverka varumärket. Detta branschnätverk kan bestå av allt från media, regering ochintresseorganisationer till mer närliggande aktörer som återförsäljare, PR-byrå ochleverantörer.Syftet med uppsatsen är att, utifrån ett varumärkesperspektiv, beskriva vilket inflytandeexterna branschaktörer har på ett mindre modeföretags tillväxt. För att exemplifiera problemethar en enkel fallstudie på det svenska modeföretaget Stylein genomförts, som med sinpositionering i det svenska medelprissegmentet och tillväxtfas befinner sig inom ramen förden problematik som beskrivs.

Kläder i målningar och verklighet : en studie av dräktframställningen i Pehr Hilleströms genremålningar

The artist Pehr Hilleström has been credited as the founder of the Swedish genre painting. In the second half of the 18th century he began painting everyday subjects of the different social stratums. Today his paintings are noted for their way of showing us the culture of the time since the photograph still had still not been introduced.   Hilleström was a court painter for King Gustav III who wanted him to depict the Swedish people and their different costumes. The king thought the costumes were of great significance for their psychological impact on people and therefore used them as a way to unite the nation psychologically, both by the genre paintings and also by making a national costume. The costumes were used as a symbol of an unbroken tradition and national heritage.

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