

447 Uppsatser om Fashion and clothes - Sida 15 av 30

Lärare om bedömning och betygssättning : Hur ser bedömningen och betygssättningen ut på olika skolor och hur likvärdig är den?

This essay examines how high school teachers in physical education and health thinks about assessment and grading. The essay show how teachers assess pupils during lessons and how teachers grade their students. The survey was based on interviews, in which six different teachers answered questions on the topic of assessment and grading. The issues surrounding assessment was linked to the theoretical concepts of formative and summative assessment, to see if the assessment methods teachers use. The issues surrounding grading was related to the theoretical concepts of validity and reliability in order to see how similar the grading is.The essay provides a picture of how the assessment and rate again looks different teachers.

En doft av framgång

The main drivers of luxury consumption is to obtain prestige and status, therefore the possibility of visible consumption of products is a key dimension of the product. Typical examples of luxury goods include cars, handbags and watches. These are consumed in the public arena where the possibility to show off the product and the brand is the greatest. When examining luxury products and what drives men and women to pay premium prices for a brand and for a logo, a fascinating finding is that there are products that fundamentally lacks these attributes, but which are considered to be classic luxury products. An example of this is perfume.

Budgetens roll innan och efter finanskrisen

Immersion is a construct that measures how deeply engrossed a user is with any mediated situation. In the field of game design, immersion is a significant aspect of what makes a game enticing, and as such it is of pivotal importance to create and maintain it to keep the player's mind off the real world while inside the confines of a game framework. According to the GameFlow theory, it is one of seven key tenets of evaluating and implementing a successful game design. Yet, certain multiplayer online games are designed in a fashion that in some cases seem to break immersion, where the player is frequently put out of action, sometimes for minutes on end. In this study, using online questionnaires, we discover that players, despite claims otherwise, seem to be in several ways affected negatively by this breaking of immersion.

Upprustning av miljonprogram : En undersökning om kommunala bostadsbolag

Immersion is a construct that measures how deeply engrossed a user is with any mediated situation. In the field of game design, immersion is a significant aspect of what makes a game enticing, and as such it is of pivotal importance to create and maintain it to keep the player's mind off the real world while inside the confines of a game framework. According to the GameFlow theory, it is one of seven key tenets of evaluating and implementing a successful game design. Yet, certain multiplayer online games are designed in a fashion that in some cases seem to break immersion, where the player is frequently put out of action, sometimes for minutes on end. In this study, using online questionnaires, we discover that players, despite claims otherwise, seem to be in several ways affected negatively by this breaking of immersion.

Seniorer och internet : En studie om hur PROs medlemmar använder sig av internet

Since the Internet was introduced, it has taken over faster than anyone was ever expected it to do. It has taken over how we, humans, today live our life and is expected to accomplish our errands, such as paying our bills, ordering clothes and looking up information about travelling.With that said it is important to remember and have in thought that not everyone has the knowledge and skills to use the Internet, this because of the extreme development that the Internet brings.As mentioned above there is one group of people that has been called the ?forgotten group? when it comes to the expansion of Internet, and those are the seniors. Most of the seniors today have difficulties using the Internet due to either lack of knowledge or due to the size of the text on the websites, as well as the different color combinations. Since the seniors today have special needs on how to easily use a website, they are forgotten since most websites aren?t developed for seniors.However, sometimes appearances are deceiving and that is what this study has shown us.By questionnaire and interview study, the result of this study has showed us that the majority of the informants do use Internet, but they have special needs when it comes to the design on a website, and that includes color combinations, sizes of the text as well as on how to navigate from one page to another..

Heel Me

High heels ? a fashion that has not gone out of style after hundreds of years. Despite their esthetic advantages, high heels become uncomfortable and harmful after repetitive and long term use. With this as a starting point, Huyen Nguyen ? a student at the Innovation Engineering Program at the University of Halmstad ? decided to make a final thesis project. The project goal has been to combine the esthetic advantages of high heels and bring a comfortable solution to the equation.

Slagfälten : slagfältsarkeologins möjligheter och begränsningar

This paper explores the theoretical and practical uses and limitations of battle-field archaeology. The author aims to paint a big picture of the subject of exca-vating, understanding and theorising about historical battlefields done every day by archaeologists. Its approach places much weight on a quantity of examples rather than exploring specific excavations in every detail, in an effort to give the reader an understanding about how battlefield archaeology works. It stresses the need for battlefield archaeology as a way of obtaining and securing impor-tant archaeological and historical information before it is lost to science. The author tries to evaluate the subject in a critical and pragmatic fashion in order to establish a clear understanding about the facts of battlefield archaeology..

V.I.N.T.A.G.E. - Om kläder, kvinnor och kulturarv

SummaryThis master thesis in ethnology examines the practices around the phenomena of vintage andsecond-hand clothing in the early twenty-first century. The resurgence of vintage and retro confirmsa craze for the style periods of the past and are linked to a more widespread interest in yesterday'sfashion and objects. Television and other media outlets showcasing vintage display that it issomething that interests many in society today. More vintage dealers are pushing to change theoutlook and perspective on an old, worn in object or piece of clothing. The idea is that this objector piece of clothing holds the magic of the past and therefore becomes valuable or sought after.

En känsla för mode : att skapa gemensamt värde genom sinnesmarknadsföring i modebutik

Bakgrund: Målstyrning är ett ofta tillämpat verktyg i offentlig verksamhet där övergripande mål uppstår på politisk nivå och sedan bryts ner genom en målhierarki för att fungera på respektive nivå. Målstyrning innebär att mål sätts för en verksamhets delar eller helhet och målens syfte är att berörda aktörer ska arbeta i samma riktning. Målstyrning kräver att mål kontrolleras och därför behöver målen vara mätbara så att en jämförelse av planerade och uträttade mål blir möjlig. Målen kan ha olika betydelse och det bör framgå om de avser resurser, prestationer eller resultat.Problemformulering: Hur förhåller sig chefer på olika nivåer i en offentlig verksamhet till mål inom målstyrning?Syfte: Studien avser att bidra till fördjupad förståelse och kunskap om mål inom målstyrning där avgränsningen är att urskilja hur chefer på olika nivåer förhåller sig till detta styrsystem.Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie inom socialförvaltningen i en kommun i Skaraborg.Teori: Litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar om målstyrning och institutionell teori ligger till grund för vår teoretiska referensram.

Varumärkesidentitet och image ? En studie om Lindex och Prada

Competition is keen in the fashion industry of today. Homogenous products and prices aredriving competition and most firms are struggling hard to attract customers. Brands havebecome one of the most important assets for success and are often critical for the choices of theconsumers. A strong brand is often considered as a substantial value in the eyes of the consumerand gives the individual firm a competitive advantage in the marketplace. To build a strongbrand it takes that the brand identity not is in conflict with the brand image of a firm or a product.Sometimes one of these conflicts exit and sometimes the firms are not even aware of it.In this thesis we study how two firms, Lindex and Prada, perceive their own image and then wecompare how the images of the firms are perceived by the customers.

Genus i bilderboken : En analys av hur karaktärerna framställs i tre bilderböcker

The picture book is the children's first contact with the world of literature. The aim of our study is to look at how children and adults are portrayed in the picture book, from a gender perspective. Our aim is to critically examine how girls and boys, men and women are presented when it comes to both characteristics and appearance. Our research also focuses on how the text and images complete each other and we conduct a qualitative text and image analysis. We use Nikolajevas (2000) analytical model for picture books and previous research that already exists within the subject.In our paper we have clarified the concepts related to gender: gender, gender roles, gender equality and the picture book.

Kändisar, reklam och mottagare : hur skapar mottagare mening kring kändisar i reklam?

Purpose/ Aim: The purpose is to study how receivers create meaning from celebrities in commercials. The purpose is also to find out if individuals identify with celebrities and if this is depending on a person?s age.Material/ Method: Qualitative research method based upon focus group interviews with three different age groups and on litterature.Main results: The study shows that recievers create meaning from and identify themselves with celebrities in different ways depending upon wich age group they are a part of. Individuals who are between the ages of 15 to 18 are inclined to be inspired in clothing and food choices. 25 to 30-yearolds are sometimes inspired by celebrities? clothes but when it comes to the forming of their identity they look to their peers.

Vägen till den virtuella butiken - en studie om Gina Tricots möjligheter att marknadsföra sig online

Internet når idag över 8 miljoner människor i Sverige och är en naturlig del av vardagen för många. För företag betyder detta en viktig marknadsföringskanal som inte bör underskattas. Genom att kommunicera med målgruppen via plattformer såsom sociala nätverk, bloggar och mikrobloggar kan företag erbjuda mervärde och bygga relationer online. Genom att utnyttja rätt marknadsföringskanal kan onlinemarknadsföring undvika att uppfattas som påträngande för konsumenten och istället inspirera på ett hjälpfullt sätt.Syftet med studien är att med en kartläggning av fast-fashionkonsumenters nätbeteende och attityder fastställa hur modeföretaget Gina Tricot som har flera försäljningskanaler kan öka besöksfrekvensen till den virtuella butiken genom marknadsföring online. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats med en fallstudiedesign.

Ett modeföretags inköp från Kina ? En fallstudie av Lindex produktionskontor och dess ansvarsområden

Kräsnare kunder, snabbare modeväxlingar och billigt mode. I modeindustris globala klimatstår modeföretagen inför större konkurrens och tvingas agera snabbt för att kunna gekunderna det bästa erbjudandet. Inköpsstrategier har blivit allt viktigare för att kunnakonkurrera om pris, kvalitet och tillgänglighet vilket har resulterat i inköp mot internationellamarknader. I samband med produktion i billigare länder har konsumenternas krav på socialtansvarstagade ökat vilket gjort att det för företagen blivit allt viktigare att styra sina inköp moträtt marknad och rätt leverantörer. Många svenska modeföretag gör inköp från Kina ochdärför är syftet med denna studie att med Lindex som fallföretag skapa en förståelse för hurett svenskt modeföretag använder sig av ett produktionskontor och vad det har föransvarsområden i inköpsprocessen vid inköp från Kina.

Spelimmersion & död : En undersökning av hur spelupplevelse och immersion påverkas av döden i nätbaserade multiplayerspel

Immersion is a construct that measures how deeply engrossed a user is with any mediated situation. In the field of game design, immersion is a significant aspect of what makes a game enticing, and as such it is of pivotal importance to create and maintain it to keep the player's mind off the real world while inside the confines of a game framework. According to the GameFlow theory, it is one of seven key tenets of evaluating and implementing a successful game design. Yet, certain multiplayer online games are designed in a fashion that in some cases seem to break immersion, where the player is frequently put out of action, sometimes for minutes on end. In this study, using online questionnaires, we discover that players, despite claims otherwise, seem to be in several ways affected negatively by this breaking of immersion.

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