

349 Uppsatser om False Belief - Sida 6 av 24

Mediernas trojanska häst : en positionsanalys av den mediekritiska genren

The communication and mediation of information and news has, under the latest decades, increased into an incalculable amount. In the newsflow that has come up it has become more and more urgent to sort and select the relevant and correct news. Simultaneously as the information has become one of the most important goods for the western world, the criticism against media has become more loudvoiced and especially the criticism aims at the fact that publicness has become less public and the public conversation is nowadays filtrated through media. The American Joey Skaggs can be reckoned among with the group of media critics, but his course of action and methods to reach out with his critical view, stand out strikingly from the traditional media critics. Instead of, as most, aiming the criticism against media, from an outside perspective, Skaggs chooses to attack the media from the inside.

Ansvarsskyldighet för aktieägare : Personligt ansvar och skadestånd

Shareholder, who decides to continue with the company, can cause that they become per-sonally liable for its upcoming obligations. Creditors must lodge an appeal against the shareholder to get compensation for the harm they have suffered. The damage rules in Swedish company law are designed to utilize the company?s interest, that is, shareholders and other corporate members shall promote the interests of the company and not cause damage.The rules about compensation that shareholder obligates itself to are difficult to apply and are adapt to the specific cases. For a shareholder to be personally responsible in a real situation a company has to establish a subsidiary company, which is being driven undercapitalized, intended to benefit the shareholder.

Institutionella omgivningen i förändring

The purpose of this thesis was to examine relevance of the proposition made by new insitutionalists about institutional and technical environment. This proposition originaly made by Meyer & Rowan (1977) has two core assumptions: The first is that all organizations are controlled by combinations of types of demands; technical demands for efficient production and institutional demands to adept to cultural and normative expectations. The second assumption is that there exists a few organizations dominated almost entirely by one typy of demand. Organizations dominated by institutional demands are said to live in an institutional environment, while technical organizations is said operate in a technical environment. This thesis has examined if these assumptions are still applicable in describing organizational interaction with the environment.

Om socialdemokratins problem och möjligheter i ett individualiserat samhälle

We live in a society that has changed rapidly in recent years. The Swedish welfare state identity consisted of structures that had been formed from an emancipatory project. Today, these structures seem to have been erased and replaced by a different form of society. When a society is changing it affects the political, social and economic levels.In this social change Social Democracy seems to have lost its hegemonic position in society and describes itself as standing in a crisis. An effort to modernize the party has therefore begun.

Utveckling av 300 kg HD Lightlift för belysning och liknande laster

The company LightLift Esystems AB manufactures patented motorized lift systems for the illumination of halls with high ceilings. The company wants a new design for singular heavy lights in order to be more competitive.This project consists of the development of the new design under the requirements and specifications imposed by the company. The new design must support lights up to 300kg and keep the overall dimensions as low as possible without modifying the driving unit.This document contains all the designing steps followed to reach the final solution as well as the material selection, manufacturing process and assembly of all the parts that form it.The solution obtained shows to be very competitive with other alternative products, since this new design triples their maximum load capacity while the dimensions are very similar.In this context, the optical appearance was also very important to the company and so it was another main objective of this project. From an aesthetical point of view, the final solution proves to be very compact and versatile since it can either be hidden behind a false ceiling or covered by a plastic case that gives the design a very nice look.Finally, the solution achieved fulfils all the requirements and specification previously imposed. It is reliable, compact, cheap to manufacture, easy to assembly and it has a good optical appearance. .

Från Balkan till Sverige : Ungdomars indentitet och historia

The purpose of this essay is to shed some light upon the children who grew up in Sweden after their parents fled the war in former Yugoslavia. Did the parents spread their own opinions about the other ethnicities which they fought against in the war to the children, even though they live in a new country? And if so, was it an act of patriotism for the country they once lived in and who was to blame for the war? Did the children who grew up in Sweden share the same attitudes as their parents? To find out about this we used interviews with four people, all with heritage from former Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Croatia. What we found out was that the thoughts from the parents partially were passed down to their children, even though the children thought that they had formed their own opinions. In this case the thoughts didn?t relate to any kind of patriotism or who to blame for the war, they rather believed that they shouldn?t blame the other ethnic groups for the war.

Krubbitning hos häst på olika strömaterial :

By limiting our horse?s freedom of movement, we restrict their opportunity to forage, which is one of their most important needs. If their need of forage is not fulfilled it can lead to frustration, which might manifest itself in abnormal behaviour, like the oral stereotypies for example crib-biting. It is a held belief that the horse swallows air while crib-biting, which they don?t, and that swallowed air causes colic, and the belief that other horses can copy the behaviour, leads to the use of many methods to prevent the behaviour.

Diskursens konstruktioner i Hasselapedagogiken om beteendet hos ungdomar i LVU-vård

Hasselapedagogy mission in society, as a collective activity, is to help young people in LVU-care. Young people who are in need of help have shown abnormal behavior and thus become analyzed and sentenced for custodial care. The analysis and the establishment of the young people go after the rules for how a healthy life should look like. This means that there is an understanding in society about how we should live in order to fit into society. There is knowledge of normal and abnormal behavior in linguistic structures.

Kvalitetskontroll av utskrifter från Kodak Approval XP4

When using the digital halftone proofing systems, a closer print match can be achieved compared to what earlier couldbe done with the analogue proofing systems. These proofing systems possibilities to produce accurate print match canas well lead to producing bad print matches as several print related parameters can be adjusted manually in the systemby the user. Therefore, more advanced knowledge in graphic arts technology is required by the user of the system.The prepress company Colorcraft AB wishes to control that their color proofs always have the right quality. This projectwas started with the purpose to find a quality control metod for Colorcraft´s digital halftone proofing system(Kodak Approval XP4).Using a software who supports spectral measuring combined with a spectrophotometer and a control bar, a qualitycontrol system was assembled. This system detects variations that lies out of the proofing system´s natural deviation.The prerequisite for this quality control system is that the tolerances are defined with consideration taken to the proofingsystems natural deviations.

Slutförvar av förbrukat kärnbränsle - studie av opinionen i Malå- och Östhammars kommun

The aim of this study is to describe and understand the reasons to why people choose to become foster parents. By using the theory of action we wanted to investigate their intentions rather than their motives. The questions we wanted to answer where: How do the foster parents describe their reasons for becoming a foster home? What reasons do they give fore keeping on being foster parents? How do they comprehend their task and the fulfilling of it? The study was performed by utilizing qualitative interviews with five foster parents, four women and one man. In the analysis we used the theory of action as a theoretical perspective.

Utformning av värderingsstyrning i ett kunskapsintensivt företag under uppstarten

Studien syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur ett kunskapsintensivt företag utformar sin värderingsstyrning i uppstarten. Studien syftar vidare till att undersöka på vilket sätt företagets värderingar påverkas av företagets medarbetare och kunder. Studien genomfördes som en fallstudie med deltagande observationer och intervjuer på plats hos ett kunskapsintensivt företaget i uppstarten. Studiens resultat visar att en gemensamt utformad värderingsstyrning ökar förståelsen för företagets värderingar hos de anställda inom ett kunskapsintensivt företag. De framtagna värderingarna påverkas i viss mån utifrån medarbetarnas föreställningar om vad kunderna anser viktigt i uppstarten i ett kunskapsintensivt företag.

Pragmatisk mjukvarutestning : Hur kan agila metoder implementeras i ett pågående utvecklingsprojekt?

There are several ways of conducting software testing where some may include users and others may include personnel whose work task is to execute test on systems. Although most developers and project managers understand the point of testing the system, it is not always being done and the most common reason is that there is no time for it. However, this is a false assumption as it may instead cause some bugs in the system that would not have been there in the first place if tests had been there to prevent bugs in the code.My purpose for this thesis was to find suggestions for changes in the development process in an ongoing project used by Acino and Svenska Försäkringsfabriken in order to increase the quality of the system used. In this thesis, I have approached the purpose by pursuing a case study of the two companies through observation and interviews. By doing this I acquired the relevant information to make suggestions for change.

Hur skiljer sig Sverige från England i planeringen av dagligvaruhandeln? : En studie av konsumenters tillgänglighet

The aim of this study is to describe and understand the reasons to why people choose to become foster parents. By using the theory of action we wanted to investigate their intentions rather than their motives. The questions we wanted to answer where: How do the foster parents describe their reasons for becoming a foster home? What reasons do they give fore keeping on being foster parents? How do they comprehend their task and the fulfilling of it? The study was performed by utilizing qualitative interviews with five foster parents, four women and one man. In the analysis we used the theory of action as a theoretical perspective.

Gemensamma värderingar i ett individualistiskt samhälle : Om implementering av skolans värdegrund

In this survey the author discusses teachers interpretation of documents formulated bythe government. The text in focus is the beginning of the curriculum where the basicvalues for the Swedish school system are to be found. Since there are great difficultiesknowing what the politicians mean, this survey tries to discuss different words likesecularism, confessional, non-confessional, and what they mean. This might seemobvious at first but it is relevant when you discuss religion and it´s roll in liberaldemocracies. This survey also tries to show how different interpretation of the textwould lead to different practice because of the lack of an actual consensus.

Jakten på talang : En studie i hur employer branding kommuniceras effektivt till studenter

Purpose/Aim: To identify which channels of communication are most effective in conveying consumer brands to students. The main areas of research are social media, brochures , employees, and face-to-face interaction as with job fairs, study visits and lectures.Material/Method: Group interviews, literature, electronic sources, Internet sources.Main results: The results of the study show that employees are seen as the most trustworthy source since they are thought of as the most honest. Social media are seen as the communication channel with the broadest range of information but with the possibility of appearing unproffesional. Brochures were considered to be the least effective communication channel as these are rarely read and when they are, often seem contrived and give an overly rigid impression of the company. Face-to-face communication was considered to be the most effective way to gain a professional connection but was as viewed upon with certain skepsis due to the companies tendencies to at times present a false projection of themselves at events such as job fairs.

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